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仁爱版八年级上册Unit 3导学案Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 1 What hobbies did you used to have?一、课前自我复习要求1.复习课本八上Unit 3,Topic1所有单词,默写。2.朗读课Unit 3,Topic1,重点掌握reading与grammar focus中的句型。二、课堂复习过程一.按要求写单词1.hobby复数 2.activity复数 3.interested名词 4.recite现在分词 5.swim名词 6.sing名词 7.paint名词 、 8.value形容词 9.teach过去形式 10.autumn同义词 11.day形容词 12.usually形容词 13.keep过去 、 14.lazy反义词 15.friendly反义词 16.beautiful反义词 17.change现在分词 18.clever反义词 二.词组及短语1.在某人空闲时间 2.对感兴趣 3.喜欢 4.等待 4.电影迷 6.电影院 7.户外运动 8.随着音乐跳舞 9.背诗 10.遛狗 11.集邮 12.种花 13.制作飞机模型 14.去徒步旅行 15.去爬山 16.非常有价值 17.摇滚乐 18.电影迷 19.电影院 20.流行音乐 21.在我家前面 22. 去滑旱冰 23.养宠物 _ 24.在池塘里 25.放风筝 26.网上聊天_ 27.洗澡 28.在暑假期间 29. 康复 30.一直 二.重知识点1.只能接动名词而不能接不定式作宾语的动词有enjoy, finish, avoid, be busy, mind, practice, go on, give up, miss, feel like等。1). He wanted to give up (study) English but he couldnt, because English is very important.2). He missed (watch) the soccer game. He feels sorry.3). They were busy (sweep)the floor when I left.4). After dinner, he went on (write) his novel.5). He doesnt feel like (eat) anything.6). When did you finish (read) the book?7). I often practice (speak) English with my classmates?8). The teacher kept me (stand) for a whole class.2.有的动词后即可以接动名词也可接不定式作宾语意思差别不大,如begin, start, like, prefer, love, hate, dislike, continue等;而有的动词后接动名词不定式作宾语时意思差别却很大,如forget, remember, want, need, try等。He forgot to bring his English book. He forgot lending me some money.I tried to climb the tree, but I couldnt. He tried making a model plane.Your shoes need washing. You need to wash your shoes.3.teach的用法:1) 教某人某科目 teach sb. sth. 要用宾格而不要像汉语用物主代词。“李先生教他们的汉语”这句话英文是“Mr. Li teaches Chinese.” ;2) teach oneself ; 3) teach sb. to do sth. 如,Mrs. Smith teaches her to play the piano.4. prefer 的用法1).preferto to 介词它们后接名词、代词和动名词。相当于likebetter than.I prefer strange stones to collecting coins.=I like collecting strange stones better than collecting coins.2) prefer to do sth rather than do sth.比起做某事来还是较喜欢做某事。 I prefer (walk) rather than take the tractor. He prefers (buy) some books rather than buy clothes.5. Some of them are of great value. of great value意为 , 相当于形容词 “Of +名词”表“有的”,相当于一个形容词。如:It is of importance. = It is . 6. I used to enjoy listening to rock music, but now I love collecting paintings.used to + 动词原形,表 (现在不了),否定形式为 或者 , 如:He drink beer.= He used not to drink beer. 其疑问句即可用助动词did, 也可以用 used,根据要求完成下列句型。1)He used to collect stamps.(否定句) _ _2) I used to go swimming during the summer vacation.(一般疑问句) 3)She used to be quiet, ?(完成反义疑问句)4).There used to be a city there, ? (完成反义疑问句)5). He used to play soccer.(对划线提问) 7. I am interested in playing basketball. be interested in I painting. 我对绘画越来越改兴趣了。8. I enjoy dancing to music. dance to music 9. I am fond of acting. be fond of 10. why not go out and do some outdoor activities ? do some outdoor activities 表建议的句型有:1). Why not = Why dont you,后接动词原形,如; Why not/ Why dont you go out ? 2). What about = How about 后接动词ing,如: What / How about going out ? 3). Shall we + 动词原形, 如:Shall we go out ? 11. Maybe I need a change. change 名词 a great change。 动词 He changed his mind.名词 Heres your change.12. water flowers 浇花 (water 在此为动词,意为 )13. 含time的短语:all the time at the same time at times in time on time at that time from time to time 14. Do you share my interests? share sth with sb. 意为 如: I want (share) my happiness you. 15. Did you used to go swimming during the summer vacation? vacation= 假期 16. I used to swim in the pond in front of my house. in front of 意为 ,反义词是 。而in the front of意为 反义词是 There is a blackboard the classroom. There are some trees my house. 17. How clever ! 感叹句:(1)How + 形容词/副词(+主语+谓语)! 感叹句中主语和谓语常省去。 如:(2)What + (a / an) + 形容词+ 名词(+主语+ 谓语)!当名词为可数名词单数时,用a/an, What a _ rain! How _it is raining! (用heavy适当形式填空). hot it is today! Will it be _ tomorrow than it is today? _ the children are dancing ! (happy)_ the weather was yesterday ! (cold)_ weather it is ! _ the weather is ! (bad)18. They keep pets, play sports, dance to music. keep pets 养宠物 (keep 有养,保存的意思) feed pets 喂宠物(feed 指 )19. such as 通常放句中,后接几个 ,而for example 可放句中,句首或句尾,后常接 或 并与它用逗号隔开I can speak many languages, English, French and Japanese. _, Australia was unknown many years ago.20. Hobbies help people relax after their daily work. daily = everyday 。如: in our daily life = in our everyday life21. well (1)副词,好地,用在动词后面 (2)形容词,身体好的,常常再联系动词后作表语He speaks English . Follow the doctors advice and you will get soon.22. The color of his skin is light pink. 注意light的词义作形容词用 (1)指颜色意为 ,反义词 。(2) 指重量意为 ,反义词为 还可以作名词意为 23. He doesnt mind whether they are good or not. whether 和 if 表是否时,常可以互换,但在以下情况只能用whether, 不能用 if .(1)whether 可以和 or (not) 合在一起使用,也可以分开使用,但 if 可以只能在口语中与 or not 分开使用。Let me know whether or not you can come.(2)whether后可接不定式,而if不能。如: Please tell us whether to go or stay here. 注意一下句子中的whetherWhether_ the 2000 Olympic Games will be in Beijing is not known yet. Success depends on whether we make enough effort. The question is whether it is not worth doing. We discussed whether we should close the shop.四 .小试身手1. I go swimming, but now I like playing soccer bettet. ( ) A. used to B. get used to C. was used for 2. she is sick or well, she is always happy. ( ) A. Weather B. Whether C. If D. When 3. Would you like to watch TV or listen to music? -I prefer ( ) A. listen to music B. listening music C. listening to music 4. This is an old stamp. It is great value. ( ) A. of B. with C. on D. in6.在你的生活中总有些挥之不去的记忆,除了学习你还还有特别喜欢的事吗?请以My Hobbies为题写一篇80词左右的短文第二课时 Topic 2 What sweet music!一、课前自我复习要求1.复习课本八上Unit 3,Topic2所有单词,尝试上默写。2.朗读课本八年级上册Unit 3,Topic2,重点掌握reading与grammar focus中的句型。二、课堂复习过程一.按要求写单词1.excite形容词 2.lend过去形式 3.music形容词 4.music名词 5.art 名词 6.dance名词 7.class形容词 8.set过去形式 9.sing名词 10.noise形容词 11.design名词 12.introduce名词 二.短语与词组 1.继续 2.以而闻名 3.民歌 4.最后 5.建立,创立 6.give a concert 7.take art lessons 8.play the drums 9.弹小提琴 10. play the erhu 11.musical instrument 12.classical music 13. country music 14.钢琴曲 15.violin music 16.流行音乐 17.受欢迎 18.in the fall of 1989 19.中学生 20.一个15岁的女孩 21.in the 1980s_22.全世界 23.personal profile _ 24.MTV director 25.take me home _ 26.go to a concert_ 27.in the ad 28.too serious _ 29.come and go_ 30.best of all 三、重点句型(英汉互译) 1.很难说 。 _ 2.我不在乎它。_3.流行音乐常常很快地流行起来,又很快过时。_4.它们在年轻人中非常流行。_5.It sounds beautiful. _ 6.I dont mind it. _ 7.在业余时间你通常做什么?_8. 我讨厌听古典音乐。_ 9. It is one of the most famous rock band in the world._ _ 10.他们组建了一个篮球队。_11.Whats your nationality?_ 12.Whats your occupation?_ 四、重点知识点1. I am going to a concert. 短语: go to a concert give/ hold a concert at a concert 2. I am gong to take English lessons. take a lesson = have a lesson give sb. a lesson 3. I can lend you some tapes of her songs. (1) 把某物借给某人 (2)borrow sth from sb (3)借某物多久用 4.It sounds beautiful. 句子中的sound是 词,后接 构成系表结构sound跟介词like引导的短语意为 sound还可以作名词,意为 That sounds a good idea. = Your idea a good one.You can listen to the birds singing and the of the running water in the mountains.5. If you want to have a guitar lesson, you will pay $ 150. 这是一个有连词If引导的 当主句是一般将过来时态,则时间状语和条件状语从句用一般现在时态表示将来动作。If it (rain) tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.We will go to the movies if we (have ) lessons tomorrow.Lucy is going to be a nurse when she (grow) up.As long as he (lose) heart, he will find a way.6. like best of all 最喜欢 ,如: Li Xiang likes jazz best.= Jazz is Li Xiangs favorite.7. Pop music often comes and goes quickly. come and go He enjoys sitting in the park seeing people .8 Song Zuying and Tenger are famous for their folk songs. be famous for意为 而be famous as 则意为 尝试填写下面的空格: China the Great Wall. Lu Xun a writer. 9. 常见音乐类型: 流行音乐 民族音乐 古典音乐 摇滚音乐 小提琴曲 乡村音乐 爵士乐 钢琴曲 10.In the fall of 1976, Larry Mullen looked for some musicians to form a band. form a band set up a band In the fall of 11. 注意下面句子中close和closed的意思 The four members are still close friends. close 作 词 His house is close to the factory. close 作 词 She closed the door softly. close 作 词 The shop is closed. close 作 词 13.They continue to make music. continue to do sth = continue doing sth. He continued reading/ to read when I spoke to him.14. The members of the band are all from England. member 意为 如:a member of the family = a family member 家庭的一员 15.When he was eight, his father asked a music teacher to teach him to play the piano. 1).本句包括两个动词不定式作宾语补足语的结构:ask sb. to do sth. ; ask sb. for sth. teach sb. to do sth. He asked the police for help 2).when he was eight在本句中可换成短语 翻译:他七岁时就会游泳 16.It is great fun for him. 本句中fun是名词,意为 ,不可数名词,不用冠词 Its to go swimming in summer.夏天游泳时间大乐事。 We had lots of at the picnic. = We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic.fun还可以做形容词,意为:有趣的、逗乐的、使人快乐的,funny是形容词,意为 There are a lot of fun things for young people to do there. Our English teacher enjoys telling funny jokes.五、重点语法-感叹句的句型结构1. what开头的感叹句有三种情况:What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 (+ 主谓部分)What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 (+ 主谓部分)What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 (+ 主谓部分)2. How开头的感叹句: How + 形容词/副词 (+ 主谓部分) A把下列的感叹句补充完整。1) interesting book! 2) exciting the news is!3) beautiful flowers they are! 4) nice day!5) hard they are working! 6) tall the tree is!7) What expensive cars ! 8) What bad weather !9)What an old tree ! 10) strange the man !B. 两种感叹句通常可以互相转换。请尝试对下列感叹句进行转换。1) What sweet music ! How the music !2) What an intresting book it is ! How the !3) What hard question they are ! How the !4) How lucky the boy is ! What !5) How cold the weather is ! What it is !6)How red the appls are ! What !六小试身手1.My father had piano and I learned to play piano at the age of four. ( ) A. a, an B. an, a C. a, the D. a, 不填2. wonderful movie! We like it very much. ( ) A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 3. dangerous it is ride fast on a busy road! ( ) A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 4. They some books from the library last week. ( ) A. lent B. borrowed C. kept bought5.What he sent me! A. beautiful flower B. beautiful flowers C. the beautiful flowers D. the beautiful flowerTopic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?一、课前自我复习要求1.复习课本八上Unit 3,Topic3所有单词,尝试上默写。2.朗读课本八年级上册Unit 3,Topic3,重点掌握reading与grammar focus中的句型。二、课堂复习过程一.按要求写单词1.piano复数 2.pleasant反义词 3.luck形容词副词 4.safe名词 5.help形容词 6.help形容词 7.easy副词 8.quiet副词 9.dish复数 10.practce现分 11.see过去形式 12.think过去形式 13.solve名词 14.begin名词 15.factory复数 16.feel过去形式 17.plan现分 18.fly过去形式 二.重点短语和词组1.昨天这时 2.淋浴 3.同意某人的看法 4.做鬼脸 5.在教堂 6.停止做某事 7.太而不能 8.嘲笑 9.洗衣服 10.打扫卫生 11.解决问题 12.接电话 13.洗碗筷 14.看电影 15.in the early 1800s 16.by 1995 17. on a spring morning 18.in the late 1900s 三.重点句型1.Hold the line . 2.Wasnt the scene beautiful ?3.I agree with you. 4.I dont think so.5.I think collecting stamps must be fun. 6.I think so.7.You are quite right. 8Its nothing serious.9.I made faces and made my classmates laugh when she was giving us a lesson.10.I thought he was just so-so. 11.I thought he was brave.12.In the early 1800s, Sunday was the holy day”. 13.At one oclock, everyone stopped working.14.What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?15.The telephone rings while Jane is practicing the violin.四.语言知识点1. Hold the line, please. Hold the line = = = 为打电话用语,意为“等一会”2.I called you but nobody answered the telephone. nobody = notanybody; no = notanyThere is nobody in the room. = There in the room. I have no friends. = I friends. 3. take a shower = have a shower 洗淋浴 take a bath= have a bath 洗澡4. watch a movie/ film = 看电影; go to the cinema/ movie theater 5.It is very pleasant.此处pleasant意为 ,反义词为 类似的: happy- , friendly- ,usual- healthy- 6.I agree with you. agree 的用法:(1) agree with 后常接人或what引导的从句,表同意某人的观点(2) agree to sth.,表“ ”,接表示建议、计划、条件、安排等的词。(3) agree to do sth 表“ ”,I agree the plan. I agree you.I agree what you said. I agree help you.7. He is handsome. handsome 英俊的(常指男士),beautiful 漂亮的(常指女士) 8. You look so sad. sad 悲伤的,难过的;sadly 副词;sadness 悲伤(名词) 9. Because I made faces and made my classmates laugh when she was giving us a lesson.make faces= make a face give sb. a lesson/ lessons 给某人上课10. In the early 1800s, Sunday was the “holy day”.“in + the +(年份s)”表“ ”如:In the 1800s 在19世纪;in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代;(注意:要用 the, 年份后加s,而表示具体的某一年不用the, 也不加s, 如:in 2009 )11.To solve the problem of “blue Monday”, in 1874 the English made Saturday afternoon a holiday. 动词不定式短语to solve the problem of “blue Monday”,在此句子中作目的状语, . , I got up at five this morning. 为了早点到校,我今早五点就起床了。 . , we didnt tell her that. 为了给他个惊喜,我们没有告诉他那件事。12.At one oclock, everybody stopped working. stop doing sth.意为 ,而stop to do sth.意为 。stop sb.意为 ,stop sb. from doing sth.意为 She stopped (watch) TV and began to do her homework.The flowers are so beautiful. lets stop (have ) a look.Someone me to ask the way on my way home.Trees and grass can help stop the water from (wash) the earth away.13.This was the beginning of the idea of the weekend in England. 句中beginning是动词begin的动名词,意思是 。the beginning of表示 。短语at the beginning of 表示 from beginning to end表示 星期日是一周的开始。 。这是我们园林之旅的开始 。 the movie, the man was really kind. 电影开始时,那个男的很善良I dont agree to this . 我从头到尾都不同意这件事。14.They felt too tired to work on Monday mornings.结构too+形容词/副词+to do表示 她太小, 以致于不能去上学 结构too+形容词/副词+to do可以与“so+形容词/副词+that从句转换:She is too young to go to school. = 结构too+形容词/副词+to do可以与not + 形容词/副词+enough+ to do 转换She is too young to go to school. = 15.My mother was doing the dishes and my father is reading the newspaper. dish在这里指的是餐具, dish也可以指一道菜,如:Boiled fish is his favorite dish. do the dishes意为 ,类似的短语还有:购物 打扫卫生 阅读 洗衣服 do some sightseeing 五.语法讲义过去进行时1.过去进行时结构: + ,过去进行时的否定句是在


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