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深圳中学2011-2012学度第一学期八年级英语期中考试试卷第一卷 客观题(60%)1. 选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15分,每小题0.5分)A. 在A,B,C,D各选项中找出与划线部分意思相近的词。21. Daisy stopped moving when she heard the voice of a water drop. A. freeze B. froze C. frozen D. felt cold22. Water was flowing into the sink when she was brushing her teeth. A. boiling B. wasting C. pouring D. disappearing23. Joyce gave advice to us that we should elect a secretary. A. suggested B. decided C. asked for D. suggestions24. They agreed to think about the name of the newspaper a bit longer. A. conclude B. consider C. discuss D. talk about25. Are you very afraid of that terrible monster? A. frighten B. frightening C. frightened D. frightens26. In the case of the missing vase, Ken finally found the person who did something wrong. A. Innocent B. guilty C. suspect D. case 27. The detective decided to put the man in prison. A. hoped B. made a plan C. made up his mind D. make a decision28. To make yourself understood, youd better state your ideas in brief. A. brief B. briefly C. in a word D. in many words29. We depend on computers more than we notice. A. realize B. allow C. decide D. knew30. My father taught me how to make the machine work. A. stop B. operate C. grow D. driveB. 综合选择题31. You bought _ rice. In fact, we just need _. -Sorry, I dont know. A. much too; a little B. too much; a little C. much too; a few D. too much; a few32. Would you like _ grades to eat? -Yes, please. But just _. A. any; little B. some; a little C. some; a few D. any; few33. -_ students were there in the school building during the earthquake? -There were nine hundred, and _ of them didnt run out. A. How many; three quarters B. What; three quarters C. What; three quarter D. How many; three quarter34. - Who was _ in the end? - Mr. Li himself was, but Jill was free. A. in the prison B. in jail C. go to jail D. go to the prison35. What did the teacher say just now? -He told us _ your homework at home. A. dont forget B. not to forget C. not to leave D. dont leave36. -How much did this book _ you, Tom? - I got it for 5 dollars. A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost37. -Tom, _ do you play football with your friends? -Once a week. A. how long B. how soon C. how soon D. how much38. -_ it is today! Lets go for a walk, shall we? -Great. A. What fine weather B. How fine weather C. How a fine weather D. What a day39. -How long did you stay in the factory? -I didnt leave there _ all the workers finished their job. A. after B. until C. when D. while40. Sometimes walking is even _ than driving during the busy traffic time. A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower41. -Who will _ the school meeting? -Arthur. But he has gone away. A. take charge B. be in charge C. be in charge of D. be in the charge of42. Do you like to have _ dog? -Yes, I prefer _ dog that is black and white. A. two-year-old, a B. one-year-old, the C. a one-year-old, the D. two years old, the43. Does he speak English _ his father? A. as good as B. as well as C. as nice as D. as wonderful as44. She bought the necklace _ 10,000 yuan. But its too expensive _ me to but one. A. at, for B. at, of C. for, of D. for, for45. -Its really nice _ you _ me. -Its my pleasure. A. for, help B. of, to help C. for, helping D. of, help46. -Whats wrong with you? -My head hurts badly. I think I _ go and see the doctor. A. can B. wont C. ought to D. ought47. He admitted _ these watches, but he didnt steal them. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to seeing48. You cant be _ on your parents all the time. -I see. Ill do things alone. A. angry B. frightened C. independent D. dependent49. What happened last night? - A thief _ into the company, but he _ into the guard and was caught finally. A. bumped; broke B. broke; bumped C. bumped; bumped D. broke; broke50. My classmates _ me _ the monitor. - _! A. voted, of, Congratulate B. elected, to be, Congratulations C. chose, as, Thats terrible D. took, of, You deserved it第二卷 主观题(35%)1. 从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其正确的形式填空。(共10分,每题1分)clean up, take charge of, ask for, talk over, break into, be unaware of, hardly ever, instead of, in one weeks time, in the first place, no longer1. When your head teacher is not at school, who _ your class?2. I am _ a child, dont make a fool of me.3. I think I can finish the work _.4. If you have any question, you can _ help.5. After he finished _ the classroom, he went home quickly.6. She came into the room secretly, so he _ her.7. He wanted _ the problem with his father.8. _ he didnt like English, but he liked it very much when he found it is not difficult to learn it.9. I would like to stay at home _ going shopping.10. We often hear about aliens, but we _ see them.2. 根据要求改变句子(共10分,每小题1分)1. Your schoolbag is as big as mine. (同义句) Your schoolbag is the _ as mine. 1. Ought students to obey their school rules? (肯定回答)Yes, they _.2. We saw an interesting film last month. (感叹句)_ interesting film we saw last month!3. We came to Chapter4 after we finished Chapter3. (同义句)They _ come to Chapter4 _ they finished Chapter3.4. I often use computers to collect information. (就划线部分提问)_ do you often use computers to _?5. Mary hopes that she can work in Shenzhen some day. (改为简单句)Mary hopes _ in Shenzhen some day.6. Sam looked so worried because he lost his key. (就划线部分提问)_ Sam look so worried?7. The old people live alone. (改为单数否定句)The old man _s_ _ alone.8. It seems that she has a lot of money. (同义句)She seems _ a lot of money.9. How much money did you pay for the book? (同义句)_ of the book?3. 补全对话(共5分,每小题0.5分)A. 选择下列词汇或短语完成下面对话。A. works B. with C. built D. famous E. as well asDavid: Where did you go last week, Jenny?Jenny: Disneyland.David: Oh, wonderful! Its popular with children _ adults.Jenny: Disneyland is _ for its theme parks.David: Who did you go there _?Jenny: My dad.David: By the way, whats your father?Jenny: He is a manager. And he _ for Disneyland.David: Is there some more news about Disneyland?Jenny: Yes. Asia will have the third Disneyland.David: Where will it be _?Jenny: In Shanghai, China.B. 选择下列句子完成下面对话。A. Pork is polluted with a drug called “Lean meat powder(瘦肉精)“B. Itll make people faint(昏倒)C. How is it going now?D. I hear there is something wrong with pork.E. It can burn the pigs fat and let it grow thinner.Brian: Hi, Jenny! Whats your favorite food?Jenny: Pork(猪肉)Brian: Pork? _Jenny: Really?Brian: _ about 158 pigs from nine farms in Chinas Henan Province have been contaminated(污染)Jenny: Whats the “lean meat powder”?Brian: _Jenny: What does the polluted pork make people feel?Brian: _Jenny: _Brian: About 2,000 tons of pork and pork products were stopped to sell.Jenny: Great!4. 书面表达(10分)A. 请根据下面的调查结果统计表完成信息。(共5小题,每小题1分)Report of the questionnaire on computers To find out how students use computers, we did the survey among 600 primary and middle school students. 50 students arent interested in computers. 300 students surf the Internet for information. 150 students mainly play computer games and chat online with friends. 100 students have something more useful than looking for information. They learn English and read novels online. In all, all students think a computer is useful.1. primary and middle school students _ took part in the survey.2. Half of the students surf the Internet for _3. _ students play computer games as well as chatting online.4. One sixth students have something more useful than _ information online.5. All students think a computer is _.B电脑在年轻人中很受欢迎。请用英语写一篇有关电脑的短文。包括使用电脑的好处和坏处两方面。每方面至少有两点内容。(共1题,5分)要求:1)条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,逻辑清晰; 2)80词左右。参考词汇:be popular with; make us relaxed; disagree with; be bad at reading and writing; are harmful to health; encourage some bad behaviors(行为)_

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