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2017高一英语上学期必修1语法总结直接英语和间接英语一、句型的变化(一)如果直接引语是陈述句,间接引语一般是用that来引导。口语中that常可以省略。 “I like to listen to rock music,” said Peter. Peter said that he liked to listen to rock music.【注意】如果直接引语中出现两个或两个以上的陈述句并列时,第一个that可以省略,后面一个不能省略,以免引起歧义。如: The teacher said, “The text is very important. You should learn it by heart.” The teacher said (that) the text is important and that we should learn it by heart.(二) 如果直接引语是一般疑问句或选择疑问句时 ,间接引语常变为由whether/if引导,而且要用陈述句语序。如: The boy asked his mother, “Can I go to play football with my friends on Saturday?” The boy asked his mother whether/if he could go to play football with his friends on Saturday.(三) 如果直接引语是特殊问句,间接引语用特殊疑问词引导,而且用陈述句语序。如:? “How much time do you spend on the homework?” he asked me.? He asked me how much time I spent on the homework.(四)如果间接引语是表示请求、提议、建议、劝告等意义的问句,要借助其他句型结构来表达。如:? “Why dont you come and play football with me?” He asked.? He advised me to play football with him.【注意】表示请求、劝告时,通常用“ask/advise/want等 + 宾语 + 动词不定式”结构。(五) 如果直接引语是祈使句,间接引语要用不定式的复合结构改,即改为:tell (ask, order, warn, advise等) sb. (not) to do sth. 如:? “Listen to me carefully, please.” the teacher said to us.? The teacher told us to listen to him carefully.【注意】如果祈使句中出现了please, 在间接引语中必须省略。(六) 如果直接引语是感叹句,变间接引语时,用what, how或that来引述。如:? “What a beautiful house it is!” he said to me.? He told me what a beautiful house it was.? He told me that it was a beautiful house.二、时态的变化(一)如果主句的时态是一般现在时或将来时,则间接引语中的时态不变。如;? He says, “Im too tired.”? He says (that) he is too tired.(二)如果主句的时态是一般过去时,则间接引语中的时态相应地变为与过去相关的时态。具体变化如下:一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时现在完成时 过去完成时 一般过去时 过去完成时过去完成时 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时1) The old man said, “Great changes have taken place in China.” The old man said that great changes had taken place in China.2) “Wang Lin is waiting for you outside of the school gate.” Li Fang said to me. Li Fang told me that Wang Lin was waiting for me outside of the school gate.【注意1】 当转述的是客观事实、科学真理、格言或谚语;重复出现或现在习惯性的动作时,间接引语的时态不变化。如:.? “Failure is the mother of success.” The teacher said to us.? The teacher told us that failure is the mother of success.【注意2】 当直接引语中的谓语动词含有情态动词must , need, ought to, had better等,变间接引语时,间接引语中谓语动词的形式不变。如:? He said, “You had better ask for help when you are in trouble.”? He said that I had better ask for help when I was in trouble.三、人称代词的变化直接引语变为间接引语时,间接引语中作主语的人称代词或其他物主代词要作相应的变化。一般情况下要遵循以下几条原则:(一)直接引语的主语是第一人称,变为间接引语时,要和主句的主语保持一致。如:? “Can I use your bike for a moment?” the boy said to me.? The boy asked me whether he could use my bike for moment.(二) 直接引语的主语是第二人称,变为间接引语时,要和主句的宾语保持一致。如:? The teacher asked Joan, “Why are you late again?” ? The teacher asked Joan why he was late again.(三)直接引语的主语是第三人称,变为间接引语时,间接引语中的主语人称不变。如:? He asked me, “How long has Teddy stayed in China?”? He asked me how long Teddy has stayed in China.四、主句谓语动词的变化(一) 直接引语是陈述句,谓语动词是say(said)的不变,是said to sb.常变为told sb.如:? He said to his friend, “I am glad to see you.”? He told his friend that he was glad to see him.(二) 直接引语是特殊疑问句、一般疑问句或选择疑问句,said 变为asked; said to sb. 变为 asked sb.如:? “How can you do that?” Mary said to Betty.? Mary asked Betty how she could do that.(三) 直接引语是祈使句,变间接引语时,谓语动词可根据语气强弱选则beg, advise, ask, tell, order, warn等。如果祈使句是否定句,还需在不定式符号to前加not.如:? I said to her, “Please pass me a glass of water.”? I asked her to pass me a glass of water.(四) 直接引语是感叹句,变间接引语时,引述动词常用tell, exclaim或say等。如:? “How well he looks!” Lucy said.? Lucy exclaimed how well he looked.? Lucy said that he looked well.五、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和方向性动词的变化(一)指示代词的变化this that these those(二)时间状语的变化now then ago before / earliertoday that day yesterday the day beforethis morning/afternoon, etc. that morning/afternoon, etc.tomorrow the following/next daythe day after tomorrow in two days timethe day before yesterday two days before / earliernext week/month, etc. the next week/month, etc.last week/month the week /month before【注意】 如果在当天转述,时间状语也可不变。如:? Mr. Black said, “I visited the Great Wall last year.”? Mr. Black said that he had visited the Great Wall last year.(三)地点和方向性动词的变化here there come go【注意】 如果在当地转述,地点状语也可不变。如:He said, “I will come here this evening.”He said that he would come here this evening. (同时同地引述)巩固练习:将下列句子变为间接引语或直接引语1. He said to me, “I wrote a letter to my parents last week.” He _ me that _ _ _ a letter to _ parents_ _ _.2. “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west,” mother said to her daughter. Mother _ her daughter that the sun_ up the east and _ in the west.3. “Dont be late again, Jim,” said the teacher. The teacher_ _ _ _ be late again.4. “Have you seen the film Harry Potter?” he asked. He asked me _ _ _ _ the film Harry Potter. 5. Mr Wang asked the students how they could improve their spoken English. “_ _ _ improve _ spoken English?” Mr Wang said to the students.1. told he had written his the week before 2. told rises sets3. told Jim not to 4. if I had seen 5. How can you your定语从句一定语从句的定义1. 定语从句在从句中起定语作用,修饰句中的某一名词或代词,被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句一般紧跟在先行词后面.(定语从句有时候还可以修饰一个句子,通常指代一件事情)2. 引导从句的关联词叫关系词, 关系词分为关系代词和关系副词, 他们的作用:(1)引导作用 (2)替代(先行词)作用(3)在定语从句中担当某个成分的作用关系代词:who, whom, whose, that, which, as等(在句中作主、表、宾、定等成分)关系副词:where, when, why在从句中作状语e.g. The boy who broke the window is called Tom.who引导定语从句并代替先行词the boy在定语从句中充当broke的主语.关系代词(who, whom, which, that, whose)的指代关系及其选择定语从句关系词的选择取决于先行词(被修饰词)在定语从句中的位置、成分。指人指物在定语从句中的作用Who主语宾语Whom宾语Which主语宾语that主语宾语whose定语(whose和它所修饰的名词在从句中可以充当主语或宾语)关系副词(1) why 先行词是表示原因的名词(reason),关系词在从句中做原因状语表示原因(2) where 先行词是表示地点的名词,关系词在从句中做地点状语表示地点 (3) when 先行词是表示时间的名词,关系词在从句中做时间状语表示时间 e.g. That is the reason why he was late. This is the school where I have studied for three years.I will always remember the day when I saw you.3.定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种。限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确,它对主句起到限制作用。非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它对主句起进行补充说明,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开。如果先行词是专有名词或独一无二的事物,我们一般要用非限制定语从句。e.g. This is the house which we bought last month.(限制性)The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.(非限制性)二注意事项:1.只能用which不能用that的情况: 引导非限制性定语从句 先行词在从句中作介词的宾语且介词前置, 即当关系词紧跟在介词后面时,e.g. This is the house in which Lu Xun lived.=This is the house which/that Lu Xun lived in.2.只能用whom不能用who的情况: 先行词在从句中作介词的宾语且介词前置,如e.g. Tom is the boy with whom I have talked with.=Tom is the boy who/whom I have talked with.3.关系代词必须用that的情形:当先行词被形容词的最高级所修饰e.g. This is the best film that I have ever seen.当先行词被序数词修饰e.g. The first car that arrived at the destination was driven by John.当先行词被the only, the very等修饰e.g. This is the only ticket that I got yesterday.This is the very book that Im looking for.先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little(少量,一些), much等修饰时:e.g. Ive read all the books (that) you gave me.当先行词为all, much, little(少量,一些), few, none, something, anything, everything, nothing等不定代词时,或者是在there be句型中. e.g. Is there anything that I can do for you?All that you have to do is to press the button.There is no time that we can waste.当先行词既指人又指物时e.g. He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.当关系代词在从句中作表语时:e.g. Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be.4.定语从句中如果先行词是the way, 关系词常用 in which, that或省略5.关系代词和关系副词及其容易混用的情况1. This is the factory _ I once worked. where2. This is the factory _ Ive visited. that/which3. The day _ I always remember is Oct.1. that/which4. The day _ Nanjing was liberated is Sep.11. when5. The reason _ he hasnt come is that he has been ill. why6. Dont believe the reason _ he give you. that【注意】当表示时间,地点, 原因的名词, day, time, place, factory , reason等作先行词,在定语从句中作状语时,用when, where ,why;在从句中作主语或宾语时,就用that或which.三. 介词 + 关系代词的情况当我们在用带有介词的定语从句时,我们有两种选择,介词放在关系代词前或者是放在定语从句中。如:1)The woman who/whom Spielberg is married to is an actress.The woman to whom Spielberg is married is an actress.2)The painting at which I looked was painted by Vincent van Gogh. The painting which I looked at was painted by Vincent van Gogh.那么如何选择介词呢:1).介词与定语从句的先行词是一种习惯性的搭配.e.g. The farm _I once worked has taken on a new look. on which2).介词与从句中的动词是一种习惯性的搭配e.g. Who is the man _our teacher is shaking hands? with whom3).介词与从句中的形容词一起构成一种习惯性的搭配e.g. Ours is a beautiful country, _we are greatly proud. of which4).表示“所有格”或“整体中的部分” 时,用介词ofe.g. There are over one thousand workers in the factory, 80 percent _ are women. of whom练习1:关系副词或者是介词+关系代词填空1)In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help. 2)When you read the book, youd better make a mark _you have anyquestions. 3)Barcelona is the city _ the 25th Summer Olympic were held.1. to whom(turn to sb. for help 向某人求助) 2. where 3. where/in which练习2: 用介词+关系代词填空 1. Do you like the book she spent $10? 2. Do you like the book _she paid $10?3. Do you like the book she learned a lot? 4. Do you like the book she often talks?5. He built a telescope(望远镜) he could study the skies.6. There is a tall tree outside, _ stands our teacher.7. China has a lot of rivers, the second longest _ is the Yellow River.8. The tower _ people can have a good view is on the hill.9. The man _ I spoke on the phone last night is very good at wrestling.10. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.1on which 2for which 3from which 4about which 5through which 6.under which 7. of which 8. from which 9. to whom 10. of which四as 引导的非限制性定语从句比较并发现:The earth is round._ is known to all. ItThe earth is round,_ is known to all. which/ as_ is known to all, the earth is round。 As_ is known to all that the earth is round. It【注意】 as 具有正如之意,与之搭配的动词一般是固定的,如:as you know/ as you see/as we planned/as we expected比较并发现:This is the same pen as I lost. 这本书和我丢的那本一模一样。This is the same pen that I lost. 这本书就是我丢的那本。【注意】the same as表示相似事物,the same that表示同一事物比较并发现:This is such an interesting book _ we all like. asThis is so interesting a book _ we all like. as这是大家都喜欢的如此有趣的一本书。(定语从句)This is such an interesting book _we all like it. thatThis is so interesting a book _we all like it. that这本书如此有趣,大家都喜欢。(结果状语从句)【注意】such (so)as引导定语从句,such(so)that引导结果状语从句被动语态与主动语态一语态概述英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。e.g. He opened the door. 他开了门。(主动句)The door was opened. 门被开了。(被动句)二被动语态的构成被动语态由“助动词be及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。1. 一般将来时的被动语态 will/ shall/ be to/ be going to +be done2. 现在完成时的被动语态 has/have been done3. 现在进行时的被动语态 be +being done歌诀是:被动语态be字变,过去分词跟后面。三、被动语态的用法(1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。e.g. Some new computers were stolen last night. (2)强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。 e.g. The window was broken by Mike.窗户是迈克打破的。四、主动语态变被动语态的方法(1) 把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。(2) 把谓语变成被动结构(be过去分词) (根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数,以及原来主动语态句子中动词的时态来决定be的形式)。(3) 把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。e.g. I have finished the homework.The homework has been finished by me.歌诀是:宾变主,主变宾,by短语后面跟。一单项选择:1. ( ) If the work _, you can go and play games.A. finished B. has finished C. will be finished D. is finished2. ( ) It was raining heavily outside, the children were made _in the classroom.A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed3. ( ) Kate _ the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.A. has written B. was written C. had written D. is writing4. ( ) To make our city more beautiful, rubbish _ into the river.A. neednt be thrown B. mustnt be thrown C. cant throw D. may not throw5. ( ) I like my bike. It _ very well.A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden6. ( ) I wont come to the party unless Tom _, too. You mean if Tom comes ,youll come.A. will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited7. ( ) Everyone who heard Mr. Greens story _ it.A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laughed D. was laughed at8. ( ) The children must _.A. look after B. be taken good care C. look the same D. be taken good care of9. ( ) The woman still doesnt know what _ in her hometownwhile she was away.A. happens B. happened C. will happen D. was happened10. ( ) I saw you were on foot this morning.Yes. My bike _.A. is mending B. is being mended C. is mended D. is being mending1-5 DBCBA 6-10 DADBB二用正确的形式填空:1. All the students _(ask) to bring a kite with them last Sunday.2. Are many ways _(try) to stop people from cutting down so many trees?3. What are on show in the museum? Some photos _(take) by American children.4. This coat _(wash) well.5. Must the old people _(speak) to politely?6. Im often _(警告)not to copy others homework.7. He couldnt explain why dinosaurs _ (消失).8. Ill have my bike _(修理) tomorrow.9. Have you found your necklace _(偷) last week?10. The PRC was _(成立) on October 1, 1949.1were asked 2tried 3taken 4washes 5be spoken 6warned 7disappeared 8mendedrepaired 9stolen 10founded


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