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奥英词汇练习一姓名 班别一选择最佳的选项。1. The shoes are very nice . but I think the size is _small for you .A.a few B.a little C.a bit of D. a lot2. I knew _ John Lennon, but not _ famous one. A. /; a B. a; the C. /; the D. the; a 3. Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith? -Sorry, wrong number. There isnt _ Mr. Smith here. A. / B. a C. the D. one4.二、单词拼写:1. The boy cant swim _(越过) the river.3. We will have many _(活动) after school.4. Do you know Toms and Marys _(地址).5. Please tell me two _ (优点) of the _(广告).6. The teacher _ (建议)me to ask you for some _ (建议) on my study yesterday.7. We will play _(相对) them in the match this afternoon.8.Can you tell me their _(年龄)? Yes , they were 13 three years _ (以前).9. I dont know whether they are _ (活着) or _ (死了).10.The girl likes _ (蚂蚁) very much and she often waits for them to _ (出现).11. The soldier was wounded in his both _ (手臂).12. Finally, they _ (到达) safely on time.13. The two _ (亚洲人) have left. 14. The _ (澳洲人) talking with you are my friends.15. Luckily, the boys _(避免) the terrible _(事故).16. He was _ (醒着) early in the morning, but he didnt want to get up.17. Dont run _ (离开) when your friend is in trouble.三根据提示完成句子。1. 我在办护照时遭遇到了一点麻烦.I had _trouble getting my passport.2. 我在这项工作上花了不少时间I _ of my time on this work.3. 她收到了我的礼物,但并没有接受。She _ my present, but she didnt _ it.4. 在海的中央,你会看到一个活的珊瑚礁。In the center of the sea, youll see a living _.5. 真是怪事-他刚才还在这里,转眼就走了。 Thats funny he was here _ and now hes gone.6. 不一会儿她看见医生跑了出来,并告诉她,“对不起,我救不了你的孩子。” _ she sees the doctor running out saying , I am sorry I cant save your babies .7. 她是这城市里最棒的售货员之一。She is one of the best _ in this city.8. 我想今下午开个音乐会。I would like to_ this afternoon.9. 这是一种蔬菜。Its _ vegetable.10. 他总是在别人处于困难中时给予帮助。He always _ hand when others are in trouble.11. 我能看一眼你的新自行车吗?Can I _ new bike?12.她上星期感冒了。She _last week.

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