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上海福山外国语小学2011学年第一学期五年级英语期末考查卷(浦东八佰伴联合中心 蒋雪荣 提供)Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (45%). Copy the following sentences (正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号) 5%children can you tell me about fire safety we mustnt play near fires_ _. Judge the phonetic symbols. (辨别划线部分发音, T表示正确, F 表示错误)3%( ) 1. both with ( ) 2.food foot ( ) 3. purple burn ( ) 4.must brother ( ) 5. row craw ( ) 6.smoke nod. Write the proper prepositions. (填入合适的介词)4%1. Look _ the sign. Dont play _ matches here!2. Spring Festival is _ the twenty-third _ January this year.3. Little Monkeys wind-bell is made _ wood.4. _ my way home, I see many cars driving by.5. Will geese live _ the south in winter. They fly back in spring.6. Please pour the hot water _ the teapot. Read and write. (读句子,填空,注意单复数)4%1. This person fights the fire bravely. He must be a _.2. I have a toothache. I must go to see the _.3. Sam likes keeping his hands warm. So he buts the jacket with _.4. There is fire in the forest, _ are fighting the fire bravely. Read and fill in the blanks. (用所给中文提示内容填空)14%1. It is cold outside. Listen, the wind _(猛烈地吹着)2. Its _(晴朗的一天). We can go out and play.3. Fire can start in forest, in schools and at home. People _(必须小心)4. I can see _(许多漂亮的连衣裙) in the clothes shop.5. Excuse me, how do I get to Shanghai Museum? _(在第一个十字路口右转).6. _(那条裤子) do you like?7. Linda and I are good friends. We _(都喜欢帮助人).Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)10%( ) 1. My new flat is on the _ floor. There are _ rooms in it.A. ninth. nine B. nine. nine C. ninth. nine( ) 2. Please give this cup of coffee _ that lady over there.A. for B. of C. to( ) 3. My sister doesnt like _ music. Its _ noisy.A. loud/ two B. loud/too C. quiet/ to( ) 4. Would you like _ orange juice? Yes, please.A. some B. any C. many( ) 5. Danny and Ben are in the same _, but they are in different _.A. schools, classes B. school, classesC. school, class( ) 6. We wait _ the bus stop at half past three. A. at B. for C. to( ) 7. Dont _ campfires! Its very _.A. stop/danger B. start/ safe C. start/ dangerous( ) 8. My living room _ south. Theres _ sunshine.A. faces/ a lot of B. face/many C. faces/much( ) 9. Sue can _ salad. She _ salad with her parents now. A. make, makes B. make, is making C. making, makes( ) 10. Fire can give us _ and _. A. heat/ light B. heat/ kite C. meat/ salt. Rewrite the sentences. (按要求改写句子)7%1. Dont smoke here. (换种方式,但意思不变) _2. Johns brother usually has breakfast at home. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_3. You should drink a lot of water. (改为否定句)_4. Danny likes helping people. Jerry likes helping people too. (用both 合成一句)_5. I like the brown coat. (对划线部分提问)_6. The students visit Shanghai Museum once a year. (对划线部分提问)_7. For fire safety, what mustnt we do? (回答)_Part 3 Reading and Writing 20%. Read and fill in the blanks. (阅读文章并在空格中填入合适的答案) 5%Sam wakes up suddenly. He hears someone in the next room. Maybe grandma is getting a cup of water, he _(1)_. He looks at his watch3:00am! Its too early for grandma to get up. He gets out of bed and opens the door very_(2)_.The window is open. There is a man, looking for things in the desk drawers(抽屉). That must be a thief! And Grandma keeps all her money in it!What can he do now? He thinks quickly. Yes!_(3)_! He turns it on and a mans voice comes out from it. The thief and drops Grandmas money. He jumps out of _(4)_ and runs away. When the_(5)_come, they are very pleased. “Well done, Sam,” says the police officer.( ) 1. A. thinks B. cries C. writes( ) 2. A. quietly B. loudly C. happily( ) 3. A. The light B. The fan C. The radio( ) 4. A. the door B. the floor C. the window( ) 5. A. family B. police C. headmaster. Read and answer. (阅读短文,完整回答下列问题)5%Paul works in a factory, and he usually comes home at half past six every evening, he comes home early, but he looks very angry. He closes the door very hard and goes into the room and sits down.His wife is in the kitchen. She goes to her husband and looks at him. Then she says to him, “Why are you so angry, Paul?”“Bus tickets were three yuan last week, but now they are only two yuan!” He says to his wife angrily.“But that isnt bad, Paul!” His wife says, “Its good. Its cheaper for people to take a bus.”“Yes, it is. Its really good for people who take a bus to work.” Paul says, “But I always walk to work in the mornings, and I walk home in the afternoons. Last week I saved(节省) six yuan every day, but now I only save four yuan every day!”1. What time does Paul usually come home? _.2. How does he always go to walk and go home? _.3. How does Paul feel this evening? _.4. The tickets are cheaper now. Is it good or bad for people who take a bus to work? _. 5. What does Paul think of it? _. Read and judge. (阅读短文,选择合适词填空)5%Fire safety tips for families _(1)_for every family. You can stick them on your refrigerator. They wouldhelp to remind you every day.1. Have a home fire-escape plan(火灾逃生图) with two ways out of each room.2. Choose an outside meeting place. So everyone knows where to go safely.3. Have smoke alarms inside each bedroom, and outside each sleeping area.4. Test your smoke alarms at least (2)_a month.5. Have a family fire drill(演习) twice a year.6. Keep _(3)_ away from the children.7. If theres smoke, you should know you must (4)_low.8. If your clothes are on fire, first stop, then drop, and roll9. Dont forget to _(5)_1-1-9 on the phone.( ) 1. A. important B. bad C. dirty( ) 2. A. one B. once C. two( ) 3. A. matches B. books C. money( ) 4. A. dance B. sleep C. crawl( ) 5.A. call B. write D. read. Writing. (写一写你对火的认识、你知道的防火安全常识,要求内容准确,表述连贯,至少三种句型、字数30个)5% Fire

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