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原教案: Unit 6 A Charity Walk Comic Strips and welcome to the unit (1) 任华玲教学案例 教学目标: 了解不同种类的残疾和需求。 讨论如何帮助那些需要帮助的人。 教学内容: 四会 词汇:blind, deaf 句型:Its meaningful to support charities. 教学步骤: Step1 通过Free Talk, 1.Look at the following pictures, which is your favourite sport? 2. How often do you do exercise? 3. Why do you do exercise? 导入新课。 Step2 让学生看图片,回答问题: Look at the comic strips, what is Hobo doing? Why? Step3 播放录音,让学生回答问题: 1. What does Eddie think of charities? 2. What does Hobo need Eddie to do? 3. Eddie thought that Hobo couldnt finish his walk, do you think so? Step4 让学生分角色朗读和表演漫画,教师进行点评。 Step5 教师讲解漫画中的语言现象。 1. train for sth. 为而训练 All the players are training for the 2008 Olympic Games. 2. It s meaningful to do sth. 做某事有意义 It s meaningful for us to help people in need. Step6 Homework 背诵漫画内容 识记重要短语 Comic Strips and welcome to the unit (2) 教学目标: 了解不同种类的残疾和需求。 讨论如何帮助那些需要帮助的人。 教学内容: 四会 词汇:blind, deaf 句型:Its meaningful to support charities. 教学步骤: Step1 检查学生对漫画内容的掌握情况: 默写重要短语 抽背漫画内容 Step2 通过学生讨论熟悉的两个有关残疾人(活动)的图片,导入新课。 Can you tell me something about the following pictures? Step3 投影出各种残疾人士的图片,让学生进行识别。教师带读生词。 Step4 Exercises 让学生完成P93 A 部分的练习 完成补充练习,通过此练习加强对生词的理解。 1)When we see the _, we can help them cross the road. 2) If we see the _, we can help them go upstairs. 3) We can give _ some food and clothes. We can also teach them how to make themselves rich. 4) When we meet the _ on the bus, we should give seats to them. 5) When we see some _ people, we must not laugh at them. We can talk with them with pens. 6) We can help _ people go back to their hometowns. Step5 对话表演,让学生讨论如何帮助别人。 A: Have you seen blind people? B: Yes, I have. A: How can you help them? B: We can help them cross the road. A: What about homeless people? B: We can donate some things and money to them. A: How about elderly people? B: We can Step6 Homework 记忆相关短语 完成补充作业。修改后:Unit 6 A Charity Walk Comic Strips and welcome to the unit 任华玲教学案例 教学目标: 了解不同种类的残疾和需求。 讨论如何帮助那些需要帮助的人。 教学内容: 四会 词汇:blind, deaf 句型:Its meaningful to support charities. 教学步骤: Step1 通过Free Talk, What groups of people need our help? (how to help them) Step2 1.让学生看图片,Teach students “blind/ deaf /disabled /elderly/ homeless /poor”: 2. Then look at these pictures together again. Then read them. 3. Do exercise Part A on book. Then ask students how to help blind people,how to help disabled people For examples: 1) When we see the _, we can help them cross the road. 2) If we see the _, we can help them go upstairs. 3) We can give _ some food and clothes. We can also teach them how to make themselves rich. 4) When we meet the _ on the bus, we should give seats to them. 5) When we see some _ people, we must not laugh at them. We can talk with them with pens. 6) We can help _ people go back to their hometowns. 4. Make a dialogue as a model on book Part B. For example: A: How can you help them? B: We can help them cross the road. A: What about homeless people? B: We can donate some things and money to them. A: How about elderly people? B: We can Ask students: How do you usually feel after you help others? ( happy /grateful/satisfied/sad) 5. Do a comprehension reading about helping othersStep3让学生看图片,回答问题: Look at the comic strips, what is Hobo doing? Why? 播放录音,让学生回答问题: 1. What does Eddie think of charities? 2. What does Hobo need Eddie to do? 3. Eddie thought that Hobo couldnt finish his walk, do you think so? Step4 让学生分角色朗读和表演漫画,教师进行点评。 Step5 教师讲解漫画中的语言现象。 1. train for sth. 为而训练 All the players are training for the 2008 Olympic Games. 2. Its meaningful to do sth. 做某事有意义 Its meaningful for us to help people in need. Step6 Homework 背诵漫画内容 识记重要短语 思路:对于这次课时的教案修改出于以下几点原因:第一, 刚开始这一课时设计为两课时,后来,实践后,发现上两课时课堂内容不够充实,课堂效率过低,且影响了教学进度 。第二, 在这课时的修改中,我意识到不能仅仅局限于教会学生blind /homeless等几个词,更应该引发他们思考如何帮助这些人。这是对孩子们的一些思想教育,我觉得这很重要。教会孩子爱别人,不自私自利,现在的孩子大多数是独生子这方面很欠缺,我们作为老师有责任教育他们懂得关爱别人。第三, 我还设计了How do you feel after you help others? 这会引起孩子们的思考,我相信大部分的孩子,甚至所有的孩子都会体会到帮助别人后所得到的快乐。这样会引发他们在以后的生活中更愿意更积极地去乐于助人。第四, 我在这课时中还添加了一个帮助别人的阅读理解,一方面,是对这一课时知识的延伸;另一方面,是培养学生的阅读能力。


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