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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你都有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段录音材料仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15. B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是 C。1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A letter. B.A village. C.A picture.2.What will the woman do after class?A.See a teacher.B.Go to the beach. C.Talk with the man.3.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Open the door carefully.B.Have John fix the lock.C.Fix the door in time.4.Where is the conversation most probably taking place?A.In the drugstore. B.In the post office. C.In the hotel.5.What does the man mean?A.There is probably a power failure.B.The woman is unable to work the printer.C.There is something wrong with the printer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段录音材料读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What time is it when the speakers are talking?A.10 oclock. B.About 10:10.C.10:30.7.Who is the man going with?A.Sally B.Alice and Sally. C.Alice.听第7段材料,回答第8、 9题。8.What is the man doing?A.Getting dressed. B.Having an interview. C.Celebrating a birthday.9.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Parent and child. B.Husband and wife.C.Customer and saleswoman.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.How much has the man paid for his driving lessons?A.140. B.400. C.40.11.Why did the man fail his last driving test?A.He hit something by accident.B.He didnt park his car properly.C.He went through the red lights.12.What do we know about the mans teacher?A.He is cheaper. B.He is young. C.He has a big car.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Whats the womans major now?A.Hotel management. B.French. C.Computer science.14.Why did the woman change her major?A.Because she received a four-year academic scholarship.B.Because she wanted to find a job more easily later.C.Because she wanted to major in French at first.15.How does the woman pay for college?A.With an academic scholarship.B.With the money from her parents.C.By doing a part-time job.16.What can be learnt about the mans part-time job?A.His fellow workers are friendly,but the pay is bad.B.He works three times a week at a campus.C.He works at a restaurant and is paid well.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Why are works of art displayed in New Yorks subway?A.To brighten riders tripB.To attract artists to the city.C.To keep them in good state.18.How many work s of art are there in the underground art museum?A.30. B.100. C.265.19.what can be seen on the ceiling of Grand Central Terminal?A.Native plants and flowers.B.The huge painting of the night sky.C.Small,rounded,and metal creatures.20.What can we learn from the talk?A.Artists are active in creating works of art.B.Visitors show little interest in the art collections.C.Riders think highly of the underground art museum.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAs the world becomes more connected,the number of people living outside their home country is on the rise.But what makes expats(移民)happy in their new hometown?MaltaWarm weather and proximity to Europe are the big draws for this Mediterranean nation.The climate leads to a slower pace of life,so prospective residents should get ready to relax instead of rush.The country has plenty of big cultural events to offer,such as the International Arts Festival and the Valletta Film Festival.EcuadorFriendly people,affordable healthcare and tasty,cheap food are main reasons as to why expats love living in Ecuador.Plus,the countrys diverse cities give expats a multitude of options.The people who come to retire in Ecuador often look for a lower cost of living,so the coastline,the southern part of Ecuador and Ambato will fit this type of expat.In the case of business-minded or outgoing expats, Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca are the cities to live in.MexicoMuch like Malta,Mexico draws many expats initially for its warm weather,but welcoming locals and a culture rich in traditions and food keeps residents happy over the long haul.New ZealandThe country s stunning natural beauty draws people from across the world,and with easy access to both cities and beaches,expats usually adopt the local relaxed lifestyle.The trade-off for the laidback lifestyle can be a relatively lower salary compared to the cost of goods (especially for housing in bigger cities like Auckland and for fresh produce).21.What kind of people mostly like to live in Ambato?A.Young people.B.Old people.C.Business people. D.Friendly people.22.Which countries are similar in the weather?A.Malta and Ecuador. B.Malta and Mexico.C.Mexico and New Zealand. D.Ecuador and New Zealand.23.People living New Zealand can .A.buy cheap fresh produce B.earn a high salaryC.enjoy beautiful natural scenery D.celebrate the Valletta Film FestivalBEach of us fails from time to time.If we are wise,we accept these failures as a necessary part of the learning process.But all too often we convey to our children either by words or by actions that failure is something to be ashamed of.Donnie was my youngest third-grader.His fear of failure kept him from classroom games that other children played excitedly.He seldom answered questions-he might be wrong.He seldom finished his work because he repeatedly checked with me to be sure he hadnt made a mistake.I tried my best to build his self-confidence.But nothing changed until midterm,when Mary Anne,a student teacher,was assigned to our classroom.She was young and pretty,and she loved children.My pupils,Donnie included, adored her.But even enthusiastic,loving Mary was baffled by this little boy.Then one morning we were working math problems.Donnie had copied the problems with painstaking neatness and filled in answers for the first row.Pleased with his progress,I left the children with Mary.But when I returned, Donnie was in tears.Hed missed the third problem.Mary looked at me in despair.Suddenly her face brightened.From the desk we shared, she got a canister(小筒)filled with pencils.“Look,Donnie,” she said,“Ive got something to show you.” She removed the pencils and placed them on his desk.“See these pencils,Donnie?” she continued.“They belong to Mrs.Lindstrom and me.See how the erasers are worn? Thats because we make mistakes too.Lots of them.But we erase the mistakes and try again.Thats what you must learn to do,too.”She kissed him and continued: “Ill leave one of these pencils on your desk so youll remember that everybody makes mistakes,even teachers.” Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and just a slight of a smile.The pencil became Donnies prized possession.That,together with Mary Annes frequent encouragement and praise for even Donnies small successes,gradually persuaded him that its all right to make mistakesas long as you erase them and try again.24.Why didnt Donnie play classroom games as other children?A.Because he was afraid to fail.B.Because he spent too much time on his work.C.Because he had made too many mistakes.D.Because he couldnt work together with his classmates.25.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “baffled” in Paragraph 3?A.Encouraged. B.Puzzled. C.Praised. D.Disliked.26.The reason why Donnie cherished the pencil left by Marry Anne may be that .A.it was the first present from Many AnneB.he could use it to erase the mistakes he had madeC.it was a reminder of the possibility that everyone makes mistakesD.it was the prize for his successes27.Which of the following statements can best describe the main theme of the passage?A.Failure is the mother of success. B.Practice makes perfect.C.Where there is a will,there is a way. D.No pain,no gain.CAt the beginning of the 20th century a wealtl1of writers combined creative writing with statements of national identity.Chinas Lu Xun is a familiar example,along with W.B.Yeats.Ireland s greatest poet and the founder of the patriotic(爱国的)“Celtic Twilight” cultural movement.A third great literary patriot is the Bengali and Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore (1861 -1941).Tagore renewed Bengali writing,introducing the common peoples language into poetry and writing about the common people too.By showing the value of Bengali literature,he showed the reasons for the independence of India as a nation.Its no surprise that he strongly supported his countrys independence from the British.Tagore wasnt just a poet,but also a novelist,a playwright,and an essayist.The range of his talents made him famous not only in India,but across the world.His fame led to invitations to travel; on his journeys a broad he met with other famous figures in the arts, politics and sciences.He was W.B,Yeats guest in Ireland and once met Einstein,as well as meeting many world lenders.The inspiration that came from such a varied life fed into his work,giving it an international character.Since it is so varied,its difficult to generalize about Tagores writing.But it s impossible not to notice a strong awareness of loss in it.Take these lines from his poem Golden Boat,included in a book that won him,in 1913,world literatures highest honor,the Nobel Prize.Tagore imagines life as a boat which floats on,leaving him,the dead man,on the shore: “All I had achieved was carried off on the golden boat-only I was left behind.”28.How are Lu Xun,Yeats and Tagore similar?A.They were all born at the beginning of the 20th century.B.They are all wealthy writers.C.They are all great literary patriots.D.They all won the Nobel Prize.29.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A.Tagores writing style.B.Tagores life in India.C.Tagores interest in Bengali literature.D.Tagores support for his countrys independence.30.What attached an international character to Tagores work?A.His fame.B.His journeys abroad.C.Other famous figures in the world.D.His varied life.31.By taking lines from the poem Golden Boat,the author means lo prove .A.Tagores love for his motherlandB.Tagores talents in varied fieldsC.Tagores awareness of loss in his worksD.Tagores great achievement in world literatureDHealth is wealth.And to protect their “wealth”,people always try to pin down potential threats before getting hurt.And now they have a new strong enemy to deal with-super-resistant bacteria.Up to 70 percent of the bacteria in the world are now super -resistant bacteria,untreatable because they are resistant to antibiotics,according to a new report released by the UK government in April.If a drug-resistant infection broke out in Britain,up to 200,000 people would fall victim,said the report.And the problem has spread far beyond the UK.In our bodies,there are some bacteria that are good for our health and others that cause diseases.Antibiotics are used to destroy or slow the growth of harmful bacteria.13ut overuse and misuse of them can encourage bacteria to evolve and develop new ways of overcoming antibiotics,which makes it increasingly difficult for humans to fight diseases.MRSA,one of the best-known bacteria that can resist antibiotics,is estimated to kill around 19,000 people every year in the US,according to Reuters.In China,the use of antibiotics is far higher than in Western countries.According to China Daily,antibiotics make up 70 percent of the countrys drug production,compared with 30 percent of the drug production of Western countries.Besides drugs,we ca n also take in antibiotic s from products produced on animal farm,where antibiotics are used to prevent animals from catching diseases.When human eat these animals,the antibiotics in them enter our bodies in turn.“To address the problem,we need to change how we produce and use antibiotics,” said Fukuda,the assistant director general for health security at the World Health Organization.Since 2012,doctors in China have been required to ask patients to carry out blood tests to make sure that their symptoms are caused by bacterial infections before prescribing antibiotics.Those who are found to be overprescribing antibiotics risk losing their licenses to prescribe drugs.32.What can we learn about super-resistant bacteria?A.They make up more than 70% of the bacteria around the world.B.They cannot be killed by antibiotics.C.They broke out in Britain in April.D.They kill about 19,000 people every year in the US.33.Why are antibiotics now being resisted by bacteria?A.Because some bacteria are good for health.B.Because bacteria cause diseases more difficult for people to fight.C.Because antibiotics slow only the growth of the harmful bacteria.D.Because antibiotics are not used properly.34.What can be inferred from the passage?A.MRSA is one of the most dangerous super-resistant bacteria.B.China produces more antibiotics than western countries.C.Antibiotics enter humans bodies only through drugs.D.People dont do anything to solve the problem.35.In China,what measures have been taken to avoid antibiotic resistance?A.Factories have reduced antibiotic production.B.Doctors have been required to prescribe fewer antibiotics.C.Patients with symptoms caused by bacterial infections are asked to carry out blood tests.D.Doctors who overprescribe antibiotics shall be punished.第二节(共3小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Most colleges,especially top colleges,get far more applications than they have openings.so they have to narrow down their choices somehow.Since anyone can look good on paper,many schools will schedule a11 in-person interview.Interviews are typically scheduled well in advance. 36 When practicing for interviews,students need to be cautious in that fine line between bragging(夸耀)about their accomplishments and offering significant information.The best way to do that is to be honest and try to make the interview a conversation,not a question-answer session. 37 Its a safe bet that youll be asked a very general question such as: “Tell me about yourself”.When asked,dont talk about being hardworking or motivated unless you ca n back up each adjective with a brief example.You need to ask yourself,“What makes me special and different from other applicants?” 38 . Do you have an interesting hobby? Do you think you make the best cookie around? Have you and your father visited 18 sports stadiums over the last several years? Do you help your local community? Why is it important? Its fine to begin your response with “Im one of .children and have lived here for the last years”.And then go into something interesting or special about you and your family. 39 If so,dont say youre fascinated by its excellent reputation or because you want to make lots of money.If your response doesnt demonstrate that youve done your homework on the college,it could ruin the interview.Actually this is where you can talk about specific majors,study abroad programs that appeal to you,courses and/or professors that attract you,and dubs in which you hope to be involved. 40 Besides,be sure to mention something discussed in the interview when sending a thank-you note to the interviewer.If you are still interested in attending,show your enthusiasm in the note.A.It will prepare you quite well.B.So,if you have one on the hooks,practice.C.The more details you can share,the better.D.Be careful about the language that you use.E.You can forecast so me questions and get ready.F.Have a few key items to talk about that are memorable.G.You can also count on being asked: “Why are you interested in our college?”第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处 的最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A few years ago,an elderly woman entered my video store,along with her daughter.The 41 was showing a serious case of impatience, 42 her watch every few seconds.If she had possessed a rope,her mother would have been 43 to it as a means of pulling her along to 44 the rush of other shoppers.The old woman began to pick DVDs herself.I walked over and asked 45 I could help her find something.The woman smiled up at me and showed me a 46 on a piece of paper. 47 rushing off to find the DVD for the woman,I asked her to 48 with me so I could show her where she could find it and I wanted to enjoy her 49 for a moment.Something about her movements reminded me of my own mother,whod passed away. As we walked along the back of the store,I 50 its floor plan: old television shows,action movies,cartoons, science fiction.The woman see med glad of the unrushed “trip and 51 conversation.I said to her daughter,“ 52 some advice?”“ Of course not,” saidthe daughter.“Cherish 53 ”I said.“When shes gone,its the little 54 thatll come back to you.Times like this.I know.” It was 55 .I still missed my mom and remembered the limes when Id used my impatience to make her 56 .Together they made their way toward the stores exit.They stood there for a moment,side by side, 57 the holiday crowds.Then the daughter glanced over and 58 her mother lovingly.And slowly,she placed her arm with 59 unaccustomed affection around her mother s shoulders and 60 guided her back into the crowd.41.A.mother B.daughter C.merchant D.waitress42.A.checking B.fixing C.adjusting D.removing43.A.accustomed B.fastened C.applied D.devoted44.A.get along with B.break away from C.keep step with D.make way for45.A.why B.when C.how D.if46.A.receipt B.ticket C.title D.tip47.A.rather than B.Regardless of C.Apart from D.As to48.A.jog B.trade C.walk D.communicate49.A.holiday B.time C.stay D.company50.A.corrected B.described C.appreciated D.blamed51.A.attractive B.convincing C.serious D.casual52.A.Offer B.Lack C.Mind D.Prepare53.A.me B.her C.yourself D.it54.A.chances B.feelings C.moments D.presents55.A.true B.appropriate C.reasonable D.possible56.A.puzzled B.astonished C.desperate D.upset57.A.observing B.expecting C.approaching D.evaluating58.A.regarded B.recognized C.picked up D.brought back59.A.basically B.apparently C.gradually D.abruptly60.A.smoothly B.accidentally C. randomly D.gently第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分 )阅读下面短文,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或所给单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。The two-day G20 Leaders Summit 61 (hold)on September 4 in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province.The city had been ready to host guests from around the globe with 62 (it)fantastic scenery and food.The colorful city is often associated with the West Lake,a well-known attraction with different charms in four seasons.“ Hangzhou s West Lake has inspired famous poets,scholars and artists since the 9th century,” according to UNESCOs 63 (describe)of the world heritage site.The Qiantang River located in the east of Hangzhou is famous for its magnificent tides. 64 the natural scenery,the food in Hangzhou is wonderful,too.Many U.S. 65 (tourist)lived less than 1 kilometer from the Wes


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