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高中英语习惯用法汇总【要点点拨】1. Its the first time that.(从句中用现在完成时)It was for the first time that(强调句,对状语for the first time进行强调)Its (high) time that.(从句中用过去时或should do)2. Its the same with sb. / So it is with sb.表示某人也如此(用于前句中既有肯定又有否定或两个不同类的谓语动词)3.be about to do / be doingwhen.正要做/正在做就在那时.4 A is twice / three times as +原级+as BA is twice / three times the n. of B. A is twice / three times +比较级+than B5. Its a waste of time / money doing / to doIts no use / good doingIts possible / probable / (un) likely that.It makes great / no sense to do做某事很有/没意义6. Theres no use / good doing.Theres no sense / point (in) doingThere is no need for sth. / to do.There is (no) possibility that(同位语从句)7.The+比较级., the+比较级越., 越.注意:前半句为从句,用一般现在时代替将来时;8. It seems / appears ( to sb. ) that sb.在某人看来某人.= Sb. seems / appears to be / to do / to be doing / to have done.It seems / looks as if.好象/似乎.9.It (so) happened that sb. .某人碰巧.= Sb. happened to be / to do / to be doing / to have done.10.It is said / thought / believed / hoped / supposed .that sb=Sb. is said to be / to do / to be doing / to have done.(注意:这种句型里如带动词hope则不能变成简单句,因为无hope sb. to do结构)12 .such.that.如此.以致于(引导结果状语从句) .such.as像.的这种(as为关系代词,引导定语从句,在从句里充当主、宾、表)13. Do you mind if I do sth.? / Would you mind if I did sth.?14. The chance is that./ (The )Chances are that.很可能.15.Check / Make sure / See to it / See that.(从句中常用一般现在时) 确信/务必.16. depend on it that.取决于 see to it that.负责/设法做到.注意:除了except / but / in等介词可以直接接that从句,其它介词后必须用it做形式宾语;17 It is / was +介词短语/ 从句/ 名词/代词等+that How / When / Where / Why is / was it that.?注意:此句型为强调句,当被强调的为表示人的词时,还可用who连接;强调主语时,从句后的谓语动词应与前面的主语保持一致;注意与定语从句的区别)18 .How is it that.(这几个句型都表示“怎么会.?” “怎么发生的?”) How come+从句? How does / did sth. come about? ( How did it come about that.?)如:How come you are late again?19. There seems / appears / happens to be / must be / cant be / is (are, was, were) said to be / is (are, was, were) thought to be.表示 “.似乎有/碰巧有/一定有/不可能有/ 据说有/认为有.” 介词(如of )there being want / wish / expect there to be要/希望/期待有. adj. / adv. enough for there to be.足够.会有.注意:there being / there to be为there be的非谓语形式;It is said / thought that there is / are=There is / was / are / were said (thought) to be. 如:I have never dream of there being such a good chance for me.It wont be cold enough for there to be a frost tonight.20. 疑问词+插入语+陈述语序?Who do you think hell have attend the meeting?21. But for + n. / pron., sb. / sth. would (not) have done.要不是., 某人早就(表示虚拟语气)=If it had not been for.,./ If there had not been ., .22. It won(t) be long before +从句(从句中用一般现在时)不久/很久就要. It was (not) long before+从句(从句中用一般过去时)不久/很久才.23. Those who.(从句及主句中谓语动词用复数形式). Anyone who= Whoever.(从句及主句中谓语动词用单数形式)24.主句(一般现在时或过去时).when从句.(might / should do 或might / should have done) 表示”对比”,意思为 “本该(可)而却”,主句中为陈述语气,从句里为虚拟语气,如:Why are you here when you should be in school?你本该上学的怎么在这儿?He stopped trying when he might have succeeded .本该已成功了他却停止努力了.25. There is ./ Sb. have no doubt that(同位语从句,that不可省略)There is / Sb. have some doubt whether.(同位语从句不可用if) Sb. doubt if / whether. Sb. dont doubt that26 . immediately / directly / instantly / the moment +从句 on / upon + n. / doing No sooner had sb. done than .(过去时) Hardly had sb. done when.(过去时)注意:这几个结构都表示“一.就”;27. every time / each time / the last time / the first time / next time +从句(名词性短语引导一个时间状语句)anywhere / everywhere +从句(相当于wherever引导的地点状语从句)You can go anywhere you like.Next time you come, please bring your son along.28.If only / I wish +从句(用过去类时态) 表示虚拟语气, “要是.就好了” “但愿就好了!”29 .Considering + n. 或 pron. 或 that从句 / Seeing that.考虑到/鉴于.Given + n. / pron作状语,表示 “在有的情况下” “如果有” “假定”,有时也表示”考虑到”Seeing (that) he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should help him now.Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.Given their inexperience / that they are inexperienced, theyve done a good job.30.There was a time when.曾经有那么一度.31.other than与no, not, none等否定词连用,表示肯定意思,如:It was none other than Mr. Smith.这正是Smith先生.32. Not until.did / do/ does / will sb. doIt was / is not until that sb33.Its (un) like sb. to do / to have done做某事很像某人/ 做某事可不像某人34.It remains to be seen Wh-words .是否.还有待于看.(不用that, if作连接词)35.It only remains for sb. to do剩下的只是要某人做某事.Weve got everything ready. It only remains for you to come to dinner.36.One moment., and now刚才一会儿还在做而现在却.37.Not all / both / everyone表示部分否定38. Such is / are.这(些)就是.(谓语动词单复数由后面名词决定)39. Id rather (not) do / have done我宁愿. Id rather +从句(从句中用过去时或过去完成时)40. Its important / necessary / strange / surprising.+that(用陈述语气或should do)41. I like / hate / appreciate it that / when等从句 (it表示后面从句的这种情况)I appreciate it if you will give me a hand.42. By the time +从句(一般现在时/过去时),主句(将来完成时/过去完成时)43., as is often the case with sb. / as is usual with sb.(as引导非限制性定语从句)44 in case / lest / for fear that.(从句中用陈述语气或should do)45.While置于句首可表示As long as 或 AlthoughWhile there is life there is hope.While I admit his good points, I can see his bad ones.46. can not ( never) too +adj. (adv. ) / adj. (adv.) + enough “越越好”“非常” too + adj. ( anxious / eager / willing / ready / glad等)+to do.表示肯定意思I cant thank you enough.我非常感激你.He was too glad to see his father.=He was very glad to see his father.47. not / neve等表示否定的词与比较级连用表示最高级,如:-Do you agree with his suggestion? -I cant agree more.48. What if.要是.怎么办?What if he doesnt come tomorrow?49. more.than与其.不如.He is more nervous than frightened. 50. It is / has been +一段时间+since从句(从句中如为延续性动词,则实际表示的意思相反)It is two years since he drank.他不喝酒已两年了.【各个击破】1. Mr. Smith didnt understand _ made his son so upset this morning.A. what was it B. why it was this C. how that was D. what it was that2. -Did you have a good sleep last night?-Yes, never sleep _.A. badly B. better C. worse D. best3. We are only _ glad to do anything we can _ her.A. too; to help B. very; help C too; help D. very; helping4. -How come you are late for class again?-_.A. Because I missed the bus B. By bus and then on footC. Please excuse me D. Its quite wrong5. _more than 3,000 languages in the world.A. There are thought to be B. There is thought to beC. They are thought to be D. It is thought to be6. -George is a wise person.-But in my opinion, he is _ than wise.A. cleverer B. braver C. more brave D. less brave7. -So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself?-No problem. I like _ when people are open and direct.A. that B. this C. it D. them8. -_I move the picture over here?-I suppose itll look better.A. How if B. What about C. How about D. What if9. China has produced _ this year as it did in 2002.A. as twice much steel B. twice steel as muchC. twice as much steel D. as much steel twice10.-_was it _ you discovered the secret of his? -Totally by chance.A. How; when B. What; that C. What; when D. How; that11.-Who on earth could it be? -It was _ other than Clint Eastwood.A. none B. nothing C. not D. nobody12._his age, he did it quite well, so dont _ him any more.A Given; blame B. Considered; say C. To regard; scold D. Considering; speak13.No sooner _ themselves in their seats in the theatre _ the curtain went up.A. they have settled; before B. had they settled; thanC. have they settled; when D. they had settled; than14. -Did you meet with the famous space hero, Yang Liwei? -_I had come here earlier!A. If only B. If not C. But for D. For fear15.The students expected _ more reviewing classes before the final exams.A. it would be B. there being C. it to be D. there to be16.Students shouldnt be given so difficult a problem _ they can not work out.A. that B. which C. while D. as17. It was twelve oclock at midnight _ they arrived at a lonely village.A. that B. before C. since D. when18.-The exam wasnt difficult, was it? -No, but I dont think _could pass it.A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody19.-I always take care when doing papers on the computer. -You meant it! One can not be _careful working on it.A. too B. very C. so D. quite20.-Is Miss White working these days? -No. It is two months since she worked here. -Oh,_?A. where is she working now B. would you please show me the wayC. which is her office D. is she illDBAAA CCDCD AABAD DDCAA 高中英语习惯用法汇总 习惯用法答案:DBAAA CCDCD AABAD DDCAA第 4 页 共 4 页


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