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13672145021module5 the great sports personalityfltarp book545cai5readinga life in sportstep i. presentationteachers use the pictures connected with sport to lead in. show some pictures of some famous people and think of these questions:1. who the people are?2. which sports they play? step ii. discuss1. can you give the names of sports?2. what kind of sports do you like best?3. what brand of sportswear are you wearing?step iii. before-readinglet students watch some pictures about li ning then surf the internet to find out some information about himat the same time they can have a group discussion, finally each group presents their own information about him.1. do you know the name of this gymnast?2. do you know the name of this type of gymnastics he is doing?3. how much do you know about him?:step iv. while-reading1. fast-readingread the passage quickly then answer the following questions:1) . had li ning achieved great success before he retired?2) . what did he do after he retired from the sport?3) . do li nings sports cloths sell well? why?4) . what has li ning discovered?2. careful-readingread the passage and check the true statements1) . li ning won six medals at the angeles olympics.2) . he was not happy with his results at the seoul olympics.3) . he got a new job working for nike sportswear.5). six li ning products are sold every minute.6). li ning clothes are worn by the national teams of france and italy.7). in 1991 he opened a school with pele and muhammad ali.ativity33. conclusionmake explanations about some new words and sentences according to the students, and then do activity 4 .work in pairs and discuss the questions:4) . why has he been successful?(some possible keys)activity 44. exercisefind words or phrases in the passage which mean:5) .having a strong wish to do something6) .to introduce (into the market)5).sports clothes7).a symbol which represents a particular brand10).a strong wish for the futurekeys:1.medal 2.determined 3.lanuh 4.brand 5.sportswear 6. global giant7. logo 8. rivals 9. step out 10. goalstep v. post-readingwork in groups of four to retell the text.student a: the success li ning achieved in his sportstudent c: the success li ning achieved in his businessstudent d: li nings dreamstep vi. homework1. finish activity 26.2. recite the new words and useful explanations1. 2. 3 travel journalfree talk412, 345,6 travel journal : unit 19 modern agriculture modern agriculture (reading) (senior english for china students book 1b): : : 13737652182. modern agriculture reading.teaching contents unit 19 modern agriculture (sefc book 1b)reading: modern agriculture()().design of teaching objectives 1. target language make the students master the following words,phrases and sentencepatterns.()(1)important words()protection,technique,irragation, import, production, garden, wisdom, pratical, system, condition, soil(2)important phrases()be harmful to, be friendly to, depend on, stand for,a variety of(3)important sentence patterns()a. it is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the wholepopulation of china.b. to make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops areplanted each year where possible.2.ability goalsimprove the students reading ability through reading activities.()3.learning ability goals enable the students to know the development of modern agriculture inchina.teaching important points()1. learn the words and phrases listed above.()2. enable the students to know the development of modern agriculturein china.teaching difficult points()1. understand the following sentences correctly.a. it is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the wholepopulation of china.b. to make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops areplanted each year where possible.2.how to help the students understand the passage better.().teaching methods()1. task-based method()2. skimming()3. careful reading ().teaching aids:()1. a blackboard.teaching procedures ()step i greeting and leading in (4 minutes)(4)t:how much do you know about agriculture? do you often help your parents to do some farming work?(let students think about these questions and show their ideas.)step ii pre-reading (5 minutes)(5)lets look at some pictures in the pre-reading part on page45 of your textbook.1. ask students to classify the pictures in the following way:traditional farming (1 3 5)agriculturemodern farming (2 4 6)hi-tech farming (7 8)123step iii. while-reading(17 minutes)(18)1. skimming (4 minutes) (4)ask the students to read the passage quickly. while reading, find outthe main ideas of each paragragh (on the screen).para.1 agriculture in general in chinapara.2 modernization in farming techniquespara.3 balance between food production and environmentpara.4 greenhouseC a solution for the shortage of arable landpara.5 gm used in agriculturepara.6 gm research on tamatoshow the possible answers on the screen)()skimmingfor the main idea2. scanning (10 minutes)(10)get the students to read the text carefully and finish theseexercises then ask some students to give the answer.1 in china only seven percent of the land is used for farming. this is _.a. because farmers dont need more land to produce food for the wholepopulationb. because china needs more and more land to build citiesc. because there are not enough farmers to work on the landd. because the other land cannot be used for agriculture2 fertilisation is a technique that is used to _.a. make poor soil betterb. make wet land drierc. make dry land betterd. grow vegetables with their rootsin water instead of earth3 modern agriculture means finding ways to _.a. increase irrigation and stop using fertilisersb. stop irrigation and using fertilisersc. increase production and be friendly to the environmentd. produce the same amount while taking better care of nature4 in the sentence ? they are protected from the wind, rain and insects, they means _.a. greenhouses b. rootsc. vegetables d. tomatoes5 in gm m stands for modified, which means changed. what changes is _.a. the way in which poor soil is made betterb. the way in which chinese farmers work on their landc. the way in which crops develop from seedd. the way in which farmers take care of the environment:step language study(5 minutes)( 5)there are some useful words and phrases the studeuts should learn tostep v group work (7 minutes)(7)ask the students to discuss the questions on page47 in groups to make further understanding of the text. decide which fruit, vegetables and farm animals you would change. explain how you would change them and why.:step conclusionand homwork1 minutes 1make a brief summary about the text and assign the homework.t: today, weve read the passage about modern chinese agriculture. we are sure well have healthier and mo delicious food in the near future with the new technology. after class, please read the text once agaim and find the sentences you appreciate most.reflection after teaching ()

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