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八年级英语上册Unit1练习一、根据首字母提示填空1. He is very strong because he e_ a lot.2. I like watching TV p_on Chinese cooking.3. She is a good student, she is h_ ever late for school.4. We wash our hair t_ a week.5. Junk food is not good for our h_ .6. My eating h_ are pretty good, so I am very h_ .7. Dont worry. M_(可能) he can help you.8. This picture is d_from that one,can you tell me the d_ between the two pictures?9. My grandfather is still healthy,a_ he is over 80 years old.10.I got good g_ with the help of my English teacher last term(学期)。11. Some students like s_ the Internet.12. Eating a lot of v_ and fruit help people keep in good health.二、按要求完成句子1.Most students exercise three times a week.(就划线部分提问)_ _do most students exercise?2.I sleep nine hours every night.(就划线部分提问)_ _hours do you sleep every night?3.My favorite program is Animal World.(就划线部分提问)_ _your favorite program?4.My sister often goes to a movie on weekends.(就划线部分提问)_ _your sister often on weekends?5.She sometimes does her homework at school.(就划线部分提问)_ _does she her homework at school?三、用括号内单词的适当形式完成句子1.My father plays basketball _ (two) a week.2.Jodie often _ (exercise) in the park.3.Maria is _ (act) at school.4.He _ (watch) TV every night.5.How often does your mother exercise?_ (one) a week.四、在横线上填上适当的词语1.妈妈想让我天天喝牛奶。My mother wants me _ _ _ every day.2.天天跑步对我们的健康有好处。Running every day is _ _ our health.3.我努力吃大量的蔬菜。I _ _ _ a lot of vegetables.4.我健康的生活方式帮着我取得好成绩。My healthy lifestyle helps me _ _ _.5.你多久吃一次垃圾食品?_ _ do you eat _ food? 八年级英语上册Unit2练习一、按要求写出单词或词组1.得(病),患(病) _ (单数第三人称) _2.脚,足_ (复数形式) _3.胃,肚子_ (复数形式) _4.牙齿_ (复数形式) _5.疾病_ (形容词) _6.发烧_ 7.牙痛_ 8.喉咙痛_9.躺下来休息_ 10.hot tea with honey_二、根据首字母提示填空1.Im s_ out,I shouldnt study tonight,I need to have a good rest.2. Im t_ , can you give me something to drink?3.ts i_ us to eat b_ diet.4. I dont b_ the story, its not true(真实的)。5.The patient(病人)is so w_ that he cant stand up.6.If you are too t_ , please lie down and rest.7.My teacher is very a_ with me because Im late again.8. If you have bad bread, you may have a s_.9.Whats the m_ with you, madam?10.Can you work out the math p_ ?11.Can you give me some a_ on how to study English well?12.Eating a b_ diet helps you keep healthy.13.We walk with our f_ and eat with our t_ .14.T_ Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang.15.She has a terrible c_,and she needs to see a doctor.16.Im not f_ well today,I cant go to school.三、按要求完成句子1.He has a fever. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ with him?2.Tom should eat something. (变成否定句)Tom _ eat _.3.My headache started two days ago.(同1)_ _ your headache _?4.I have a cold. (变成一般疑问句)_ you _ a cold?5.She has a toothache. (变成否定句)She _ _ a toothache.四、在横线上填上适当的词语1.我们需要一个阴阳平衡。 We need _ _ _ yin and yang.2.或许你体内的“阴”太多。 _ You have _ _ yin.3.吃党参和黄苓对这种情况有好处。 _ Dangshen and Huangqi is _ _ this.4.饮食平衡很重要。 _ _ to eat a balanced diet.5.我认为我的普通话没有提高。 I _ think my Putonghua _ _.6.听到你不舒服我很难过。 Im _ _ _ that youre not feeling well. 八年级英语上册Unit3练习一、按要求写出单词或词组1.babysit(现在分词) _ 2.go (过去式) _ 3.do(第三人称单数) _ 4.illness(形容词) _ 5.unhealthy(反义词) _ 6.tooth(复数) _ 7.take(现在分词) _ 8.boy(复数) _ 9.should not(缩写形式) _ 10.happy(反义词) _ 11.send(过去式) _ 12.去野外露营_ 13回来_ 14.在家里_ 15.远足_ 16.玩得开心_ 二、根据首字母提示填空1. Im going h_ in the mountains next Sunday.2. Whats your p_ for your summer holiday.3. How about s_ at home this morning because its raining outside.4. We plan t_ v_ Tibet next year.5. Ben wanted to visit Spain(西班牙), but finally d_ o_Canada.6. Im going o_ May1st and coming back i_June.7. Some people like to live in cities, but others like to live in the c_.8. I met many foreign t_in Jiuzhai valleys(九寨沟)。9. I like going bike r_. And you?10. They r_a room from Mrs White last week.11. Liu Dehua is f_ as an actor and he is also famous f_ singing.12. She is l_Shanghai for Beijing next month,and she will be away for a month.13. We should love n_and protect(保护) it.14. Classes begin at 7:40 in the morning and f_ at 5:00 in the afternoon.15. After I finished_ (write) a letter. I listened to music.16. We are t_ a long vacation this summer.17. I want to cook something d_ for my parents.18. All the students plans to have a very r_ vacation,they will be relaxed after the vacation.19. You can forget a_ your problems when you travel.八、按要求变换句型 1. The Blacks are staying in Beijing for two weeks.(就划线部分提问) _ _ are the Blacks staying in Beijing? 2. John will go to visit the Great Wall in three days.(就划线部分提问) _ _ will John go to visit the Great Wall? 3. The boy plays computer games twice a week.(就划线部分提问) _ _ does the boy play computer games? 4. We are going to Hainan for vacation next week.(就划线部分提问) _ _ you going to Hainan for vacation? 5. She went to Beijing on vacation with her parents last summer.(就划线部分提问) _ _ she go to Beijing on vacation with last summer. 6. They are going to Hong Kong for vacation this summer.(就划线部分提问) _ _ they going for vacation this summer? 八年级英语上册Unit4练习一、根据首字母提示填空1. Thirty m_is half an hour.2. Can you wait for me at the bus s_ ?3. He gets up e_, so he is never late for school.4. It usually t_ Sally twenty minutes to ride her bike to school.5. How f_is it from his home to school? About 5 minutes bus ride.6. My home is next to school. So I w_ to school.7. Children d_ on(依靠) their parents for food and clothing.8. I think bikes and buses are the most means of t_ in China.9. Beijing is in n_ of China, and Guangzhou is in s_ China.= Beijing is in n_ China,and Guangzhou is in s_ China.10. Jim isnt at school today because he is i_in hospital.11. Travelling by ship is a lot m_ fun than taking a bus.12. In South Korea,most students get to school b_subway.13. Lily r_her bike to school.= Lily gets to school o_her bike.=Lily gets to school b_bike.14. I have two cats. One is white, the o_ is black.15. The museum is very f_ from here, but you can take the subway to get there.16. We should plant a lot of trees to make our city beautiful. The m_ trees,the better.17. It takes me t_ m_ time to clean my room,I am m_ t_ tired.18. Dont w_ about me. I can look after myself.19. Hurry up, there is only a little time l_ .20. How long does it take? Oh,it d_ on where you are and the means of transportation.二、句型转换。 1. Mr. Green goes to America by plane every year.(同义句转换) Mr. Green _ _ America every year. 2. I usually go to school on foot.(就划线部分提问) _ _ _ usually _ to school? 3. Most students ride their bikes to school.(同义句转换) Most students _ _ school _ _. 4. We walk to school.(同义句转换) We _ _ school _ _. 5. You can take a bus there. (同义句转换) You can _ there _ bus. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The boy ran out of the room _ (quick). 2. It takes me 10 minutes _ (go) to school. 3. _ (do) my homework often costs me half an hour. 4. He _ (take) some books and came into the classroom. 5. Dont be _ (worry) about me. 6. He must _ (be) at home now. 7. A number of students _ (like) playing with yo-yo. 8. The number of the students _ (be) 512. 9. Most students _ (study) hard. 10.This book is very _ (interest).八年级英语上册Unit5练习一、根据首字母提示填空1. We are very busy today. We have to s_ for the math test.2. There is going to be a guitar c_ in our school next week.3. Maybe we can go to the movies a_ time.4. O_ the evening of May 1,they went to Toms party.5. She is ill, so she has to s_ in bed.6. Thanks for a_me to your party.7. Are the boys l_ to the radio?8. A: My mother is ill in hospital. B: Oh, Im sorry to h_ that.9. I would love t make friends with him.10. He is t_ her guitar lessons next week.11. What about p_soccer with us?12. Xiao Ming is watching a football m_ .13. Can you tell me the w_ story? I know nothing about it.14. He cant eat anything u_ he s_the doctor.15. Can you come o_ to my house this weekend?16. We often have c_ lessons in the laboratory(实验室)。17. If you want to play tennis well, you need more t_ .18. Thank you for your i_ to visit next week.19. Would you like something to drink? No, t_ .20. All of us must practice s_ English after class.二、句型转换。(10分)1. Do you want to come over to my house? (改为同义句) _ you _ to come over to my house? 2. They are going to have an English party next week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they going to have an English party?3. Mary has to look after her little sister at home. (改为一般疑问句) _ Mary _ to look after her little sister at home?4. I have lots of homework this evening. (改为同义句) I have _ _ homework this evening.5. Why dont you join our party? (改为同义句) _ _ join our party? 三、根据汉语完成英语句子。(15分)1. 这周末你去商业街吗? Can you _ _ _ _ this weekend?2. 感谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。 Thank you for _ me _ your party.3. 我得准备英语测试。 I have to _ _ an English _.4. 请安静!老师快来了。 Please _ _! The teacher is coming.5. 今天下午我打算参加文化俱乐部。 Im going to join the _ _ this afternoon.八年级英语上册Unit6练习一、根据首字母提示填空1. B_ of the twins are funny and they are b_ students. 2. Kathy exercises every day, she is very a_. 3. Tom is a little w_ than Jim, and Lucy is more s_ than Lily. 4. This book is as i_ as that one. 5. Jim is b_ than Tom at English. 6. T_ they are poor, they are happy. 7. Which is b_, the moon or the earth? 8. Our school is much larger than y_. 9. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you should eat l_ meat and take m_ exercise. 10. He came back o_ the evening of June 1st.11. China is l_ than any other country in Asia.= China is the l_ in Asia. 12. The more you speak English, the b_ you can speak it. 13. He is a funny man, he makes me l_ all the time.14. I like to have friends who are like me. Whats your o_? 15. Call the office at 553-6686 for more i_ (信息). 16. He often b_ me in tennis. 17. May I u_ your dictionary? Certainly, here you are. 18. There are many p_ in train, so its hard to find a seat. 19. A plane travel much f_ than a bus. 20. He heard the birds s_ in the tree. 二 、用单词的适当形式填空 1. Bob enjoys _ (tell) jokes. 2. 2. It is very necessary for us _ (read) English in the morning. 3. He can hardly make the baby _ (stop) crying. 4. The movie is very _ and I am _ in it. ( interest) 5. Both of _ (they) are outgoing. 6. He sings _ (well) than his sister. 7. Here are some _ (photo) for you3、 按要求改写下列句子。 1.Sam is thin. Jim is fat.(用比较级合并) _ 2.I like watching TV. He likes watching TV, too.(合并) _ 3.He has shorter hair than Sam.(一般疑问句) _ 4.I think this book is not as interesting as that one.(同义句) _ 5. This yellow coat is cheaper than that blue one. (同义句) _

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