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新课标规定的阅读技能测试要点如下: 1理解主旨大意; 2寻读具体信息; 3理解细节; 4根据上下文提供语境推测生词词义,进而加深对文段的理解; 5简单的判断和推理; 6理解文段的基本逻辑结构; 7理解作者的意图和态度; 8理解文段的文化信息。 In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things come to represent, in fact, what I call _21_and love. I dont remember my father ever getting into a swimming tool. But he did _22_the water. Any kind of _23_ride seemed to give him pleasure. _24_he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along. But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being _25_the water, moving through it, _26_it all around me. I was not a strong _27_, or one who learned to swim early, for I had my _28_. But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my fathers office and _29_those summer days with my father, who _30_ come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the _31_person not in swimsuit. After swimming, I would go _32_ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me _33_anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk _34_ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldnt be playing with his _35_. But my father always _36_and said easily, “Oh, no, its _37_.” Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get _38_ an ice cream A poet once said, “We look at life once, in childhood,; the rest is _39_.” And I think it is not only what we “look at once, in childhood” that determines our memories, but _40_, in that childhood, look at us. 21A. desire B. joy C. anger D. worry 22A. avoid B. refuse C. praise D. love 23A. boat B. bus C. train D. bike 24A. But B. Then C. And D. Still 25A. on B. off C. by D. in 26A. having B. leaving C. making D. getting 27A. swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner 28A. hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fears 29A. spending B. saving C. wasting D. ruining 30A. should B. would C. had to D. ought to 31A. next B. only C. other D. last 32A. away from B. out of C. by D. inside 33A. put up B. break down C. play with D. work out 34A. the moment B. the first time C. while D. before 35A. fishing net B. office things C. wooden chair D. lab equipment 36A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out 37A. fine B. strange C. terrible D. funny 38A. the student B. the assistant C. myself D. himself 39A. memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice 40A. which B. who C. what D. whose 三 完形填空解题技巧 现以2008(浙江卷)完形填空为例,笔者愿与大家一起探讨从中发现的一些解题技巧。 (一)前后呼应法 做完形填空时,要始终抓住文章本身,联系“双语境”来判断,既大语境全文中心和基调,小语境空格前后句子所构成的语境;再根据前有伏笔后有呼应的思路来做题。如:第21题 B,根据后面作者所回忆的事情来判断,他的父亲带给他的应是爱与欢乐,所以选B:joy ,而其他选项都没有给出相应的事情来呼应。 第22题 D, 由这一段的最后一句“he loved to fish;”及第三段的第一句“But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did.”可知父亲喜欢水及一些水上活动。因此第23题也就能很快找到正确答案是A: boat。第30题 B,由后面两句可得知父亲会在休息时过来看“我”,特别后面提到“My father would stand there in his suit, ” 同样这儿用would更合理。 第32题 D,这一段是讲作者在游泳后到他父亲的办公室里玩耍。与后面的“sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk”相呼应。 第33题 C,与35题所在的句子“- perhaps I shouldnt be playing with his _35_.”相呼应,因此35题的答案也能从33题“- where he let me _33_anything I found in his top desk drawer.”中推断出是C。第38题 C,由文章大意可知道父亲应是十分爱“我”的,所以有时还会给“我”钱买冰淇淋吃。这是与文章的大语境相呼应的。 第39题 A,作者认为不仅是我们童年所看到的事物决定了我们的记忆,而且还包括那时关爱我们的人。所以诗人所说的“the rest”就应该是memory与下一句的“determines our memories”相呼应。 (二)But 转折法 在完形填空题中,but 一词前后通常会设题。文中一出现but,应该马上想到前后语意有转折,只要知道其中一方的语意,就可以推出另一方的意思,所以在做题时,遇到类似but的词,如:however, nevertheless, whereas, yet等,也可以同样处理,以便于从文中找到解题的依据。仍旧以NMET 2008(浙江卷)完形填空为例: 第25题 D,由这一段的第一句“But I never really liked being on the water, he way my father did”.及后面的“moving through it,”可知“I liked being in the water.” 第37题 A, 当父亲的学生或助手认为“我”不应该玩他办公室里的东西时,父亲却总是轻松地表示没有关系。所以第37题答案很明显是A : fine。 以下就笔者在2008年第一学期从事高一英语教学实践过程中遇到的完形填空为例,发现的其他一些解题技巧。 (三)绝对矛盾法 绝对矛盾法是从选项着手分析,若四个选项中有两个选项是绝对矛盾和对立,那么正确选项大多在这两个对立项之间产生。二者必居其一.至于究竟是两者中的哪一个,则需要进一步根据上下文的语境来判断。例如在浙江省湖州中学教学讲义高一英语模块一、二(2008,9)第120页,完形填空第二段: Most computers have a memory(存储器). They can work millions of times _3_ than man. That means information can be put in _4_ and be taken out any time when needed. 第3题的选项分别是A.slow B. slower C. fast D. faster 据观察应选用比较级,所以先排除A和C,在根据后面的一句及我们的常识可知,电脑的工作效率要比人快,所以在B,D这两个对立项中,自然就可以很轻松地把正确答案D选出来了。又如以下完形填空: The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the World Heritage in 1987. Just _1_ a dragon, it winds its way from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years. Some sections are now in ruins or even entirely_2_ . 第2题的选项分别是A.appeared B. missed C. went D. disappeared 显然A和D 是对立项,根据题意可知长城的一些部分已经破败不堪,甚至完全消失,故答案就是D. disappeared 。 Eg: Jazz is Americas contribution to _5_ music. Compared to classical music, which _6_ formal European traditions, jazz is a free form. 第5题的选项分别是A.classical B. scared C. popular D. light 其中A与C相对立,通过后一句“Compared to classical music,”可知正确选项为C。 (四)同义复现法 同义复现是英语中常见的一种现象。为强调某一意思,但又不想重复使用某个词或短语。在完形填空题中,同义词或同义短语的位置多半比较靠近,很容易找到,所以同义复现法是很好的解题技巧。无须过多的推理,只需确定是哪里使用了同义复现,然后从选项中找出与之相符合的一项即可。 如:That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his _45_ of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote his dream in great detail and _46_ drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch _47_ the locaion of everthing important there. 第45题的选项分别是A. mind B. chance C. goal D. design 正确答案C:goal与下一句中的dream同义,并且结合上下文得出他写了37页纸来描述他自己的目标,也就是他的梦想。 I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didnt even _19_ that the coffee was bad, _20_ Steven didnt notice there was a person next to him. 第19题的选项分别为A. pretend B. understand C. insist D. realize 第20题的选项分别为A. as if B. just as C. just after D. even though 第20题的正确选项为B. just as。由此可知第19题的正确选项应与由“just as”引导的从句中的谓语动词“notice”同义,故选D. realize。 四 解题指导 (一) 词汇分类 可以单元或模块为单位,把其中的近义词,反义词等归类,这样就能使学生在遇到有同义反复或绝对矛盾题型时,更快地找到正确的答案。 如在Book 1里就有这样一些近义词或词组:opinion, view; destroy, damage; as if, as though; be concerned about, care about; right away, at once 等。反义词或词组有:generous, mean; selfish, selfless; equal, unfair; be fond of, be tired of; think highly of, think little of等。 (二) 句子衔接 注意句子和句子之间的衔接,可应用不同的连接词连接相同的两个句子,观察其产生的意义有何不同。在平时的阅读中也可以指导学生善于发现句子和句子或段落和段落之间的连接词,并适时对连接词进行总结和归类。例如: 表示并列的有:and, too, whats more, in addition, as well as等; 表示因果的有:beacause, since, so that, therefore, as a result等; 表示转折或对比的有:while, however, on one handon the other hand等; 表示总结的有: all in all, in a word, in conclusion等。 (三) 讲究策略 1.首先,要以很快的速度浏览全文,掌握文章的主旨,抓住篇章的主要线索,为其后的解题创造良好的条件,建立篇章的整体概念。因此,第一遍浏览时,大家不要急于看选项。浏览全文时要重点了解文中所叙述的人物、时间、地点、事件,即who,when,where,what。完形填空命题的原则一般是第一句话不挖空,目的是使读者进入语境,因此一定要认真阅读这句话,大家可以透过首句的“窗口”看篇章的整个“世界”。例如:Why is a space left between the rails of a railway line where one piece joins the next这句话从铁轨之间的缝隙引出了问题。根据常识,文中内容应与热涨冷缩的物理现象有关。 2.根据故事情节的发展选词,确定所填的词与文中哪个词有关系以及动作是在什么场合发生的。切记要从整体来看问题,要“瞻前顾后”。 3.试填之后将所选定的词放到文章中复读检查。(“字面译、通逻辑、搞代入、全文译”) 一、从单句中选择答案。这是完形填空考查项目设计最简单的一种。它相当于一道单项选择题,它不需要通过上下文,而是读它本句即能判断出正确答案。例如: While my father was an officer of the British army in South Africa, we lived in a 41 house.四个选项分别为:A. two-storeyed B.two storeyed C.two-storeys D.two storeys 只要学过构词法,考生很容易就能选出正确答案是A。不过该考查项在完形填空的设计中所占的比例很小。 二、寻找信息词或信息选择答案。 在一篇完形填空文章中,就一句所言,很难确定正确的答案。若继续读下去,就能发现与问题有关的信息词或信息句子出现,这些词或句往往是直接或间接地提示出正确的答案。如 Washoe is a young chimpanzee(黑猩猩).She is no 41 chimpanzee, though. Scientists are doing a research 42 her. They want to see how civilized(驯化)she can 43 .Already she does many things a human being can do. 41.A.foolish B. ordinary C. special D. simple 42.A.for B. by C. to D. on 43.A.experience B. change C. develop D. become 三、根据词的固定搭配和固定句型来选择答案。 词的固定搭配,特别是动词的搭配和词语类型试题是完形填空测试的重点,多数题目涉及到动词的语法和各种搭配关系,这是由动词在句子中的重要性决定的。动词在搭配关系上与名词、介词、副词紧密相连,测试的范围较广。这就要求考生多读、多记,对所学短语动词能牢固掌握,并能灵活运用。 四、通过上下文来选择答案。 该项目的设计主要是考查考生的综合分析能力。测试内容包括篇章结构和推理判断能力,这些答案的选择,起关键作用的是上下文的关系,也就是说,对短文的理解是非常重要的,这种考查项目的设计所占的比例较大,且难度也大,若从单句或“局部”来分析,所给的四个答案在语法或结构上都是正确的,若放在全局,则不一定正确。考生必须通过部分上下文甚至全文才能选出正确的答案来。 如: The dog seemed to 47 his mushrooms and the officers then began to eat their meal, saying that the mushrooms had a very strange but quite pleasant taste.选择项: A. refuse B. hate C. want D. enjoy 此句的答案只有看了后文的信息词“began to eat”和“saying.”来判断,enjoy是最恰当的用词,符合当时的情景,而want显然程度不够,逻辑关系也不严密。 五、通过文章深层意义的理解选择答案。 通过文章深层意义来选择答案,是完形填空难度最大的一种形式。它要求考生不仅要有广博的知识、丰富的生活经历,还要求学生们能够驾驭全文,不仅理解文章的表层意义,而且要弄清文章的深层意义。如NMET94完形填空的第一句: It was an early morning in summer. In the street, sleeply-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their 41 A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices


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