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改错考点总结一. 动词的时态与语态使用错误1.动词的时态以及形式错误当全文时态为过去时态时,动词时态误用为一般现在时(应特别注意这个错误)如:(2010浙)after shopping,Mother and I went a restaurant for.I notice mother looking at a nearby table occupied by an elderly woman and a young couple.解析:从全文看是叙事性短文,时态为过去时,谓语动词应使用一般过去时,应把notice改为noticed.(2010 全国2)At that time,we often spend time together.解析:句中at that time,可知时态为过去时态,应把spend改为spent.时态应为过去式时,动词时态形式误用为过去分词如:(2010.辽)Her hair was black and purple,and she worn sports shoes and a black sweater.解析:此处动词wear作谓语,叙述的是过去的事情,且and在此连接两个句子,其应和上句was使用相同的时态,故应用wearde过去式wore.时态为过去完成时,助动词的时态误用为现在完成时如:(2010 全国1)All I had to do was to write a stroy and present it.My teachers have been telling me how great my writing was.解析:语境叙述过去的事情,而本句谈论的是过去动作之前的情况,因此要用过去完成进行时(have改成had)时态为一般过去时,动词时态误用为过去完成时.如:(2010课标全国) On the box was a card saying :“25 centS each.”“You will never sell these for that much,”he told Nick Convinced,Nich has brought the price up to cents a piece.解析:去掉has,本文为讲述发生在过去的一个故事,应用一般过去时.时态为一般现在时,且主语为不可数名词时,动词时态形式为误用为原型如:(2009 重庆)For example,Shanghai food,a little bit sweet,differ from Sichuan food that is rather hot.解析:主语是food,为不可数名词,所以应用单三动词形式.故把 differ 改为 differs.时态为现在完成时,动词时态形式误用为原型如:(07 宁夏、海南)Since then we havent see much,but weve kept writing to each other.解析:此处是完成时形式,应是have+过去分词(see改成seen)PS:时态错误主要是第种类型,考到的几率非常大,应侧重于.其它五种知道就行.而且时态错误每年每省必考1-2个.所以首先要明确文章时态,这很关键,然后才可轻易拿下1分.2.动词的语态错误被动语态缺be如:(08 天津)I ()invited to talk about Tianjin.解析:句子中的主语I和动词invite之间是被动关系,应用被动语态.被动语态误用主动时态If I have the honor to be choose to work for the 29th Olypic Games.解析:I与choose的关系是动宾关系,故须用choose的过去分词chosen.PS:主要看人与谓语动词是主动还是被动关系二.冠词误用1.冠词的缺失单数可数名词第一次出现没加定冠词如:(2010课标全国)My friend Nick told me ()story about his experience back in the US.解析:单数可数名词story第一次出现,需加不定冠词a.泛指名词前少不定冠词如:(2010浙)I noticed mother looking at a nearby table occupied by an elderly woman and ()young couple.解析:名词短语young couple 是可数名词单数,表泛指,应加a.序数名词前少定冠词the如:(09.宁夏、海南)I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they found me a comfortable one on()second floor.解析:序数词second前应加定冠词the修饰特指.固定词组前缺少冠词如:(2010 全国2)We would be separated for ()long time.解析:for a long time 为固定词组,故应加a.特定名词前少定冠词如(2008 全国2)I will learn more about ()history of the olympic as well as the 2008 Olympic Games.解析:history后带of短语,此处为特指,故应加定冠词thePS:应在特指名词和文章中第二次出现的名词前加the.2.冠词的误加.在名词前又限定词more、his、her多加the如:(2007全国1)Because there are more the honors and joys in my life.解析:因为名词honors and joys 之前已有more 修饰,不可加the3.在首字母为元音的名词前误用a.如:(2007浙)I had a intersting dream last night太简单了不解释.PS:冠词的错误就这3种.不过冠词缺失考到的几率最大.冠词错误几乎每年必考!三.形容词与副词的使用错误以ed形式结尾的形容词被误用来修饰物.如:(2010课标全国)My friend Nick told me a story about his experience back in the US which was very intersted.解析:which指代名词story(物).故用intersting修饰.以ing形式结尾的形容词误用来修饰人.如:(2010 陕西)I had to try hard not to laugh at her shocked face!解析:修饰人用ing形式.误用副词作表语.如:(2010辽宁)She was ,in fact ,rather attractively.解析:常出现的错误,feel/taste/smell/seem/be后误加副词.应用形容词作表语.应attractively改成attractive.动词误用形容词修饰.如:(2009重庆)The food in one area can be easy told from that in another.解析:动词应该用副词修饰.把easy改成easily名词误用副词修饰如:(2008辽)It was indeed not easy to get in touch with everybody and set a well time for all of us.解析:well改成good比较级中形容词误用,应用比较级.(2011浙)Since his family was rich than mine.总结:以ed形式结尾的形容词修饰人,以ing形式结尾的形容词修饰物.动词用副词修饰.名词用形容词修饰.形容词作表语.还要特别注意hard即是形容词又是副词,还有一些固定搭配.四.介词的使用错误介词的添加(2009 全国2)Im sorry that I wasnt able to return to your bike on time yesterday. 解析:return为及物动词,后不加介词介词的缺失(2010 全国2)Weve kept () touch with each other through e-mails.解析:keep in touch with sb 为固定词组.介词之间的误用(2010浙)As we left,Mother stopped on their table.解析:表示停在桌旁.应为 by/at the table.总结:介词错误主要考察动词词组固定形式,应注意平时动词词组的积累:改错中常考的动词词组基本就是这些了:want sb to do sth.seem to do sth.turn out be.keep in touch with sb.in surpise to ones surpise.in particular.it is +adj+to do sth.ask sb for sth.had better do sth.be famous for(因某事而闻名)bo famous as(作为某某而闻名).look for.及物动词直接加名词,其后不用加介词,不及物动词后加介词后才能加名词.常考查的介词是of、in、on、with、to.其中of大多缺少.in 与on 之间常误用.with常误用和缺失.to常缺少.五.连词的使用错误.连词主要连接前后两个句子.一般改错文中也只出现几个.但基本每省每年都会考察.所以一旦出现连词,应注意连词前后连个句子语意是否一致.常见的有andbut,but-and,or-and,and-or,here-there.(2008 全国2)I should be able to tell wisitors about our history or culture and show them our great achievements.解析:我可以告诉游客我们的历史和文化而非或文化,应改为and(2010 全国1)All I had to do was to write a story or present it.解析:写好小说并且呈递上去,而不是只写或只递,应改为and六.非谓语使用错误非谓语错误几乎每年每省必考.首先判断一个句子有几个动词,如有2个或2个以上,除谓语动词以外的词必为to do.ing.ed.to be done形式.再分析这个动词作什么成分,再改掉它的形式.1.介词之后动词形式的错误(主要在after、to、before等介词后面动词形式错误)(2010全国2)I look forward to see her again in the near future.解析:这个to为介词,see应用现在分词形式即v.ing形式2.现在分词与动词形式误用.(2010浙)“Eecuse me,”she said,put her arm around the unhappy old woman解析:很明显句子的谓语动词为said. put形式错误,在这里应为现在分词表伴随.3.过去分词与动词原形误用.(2010浙)I noticed mother looking at a nearby occupy by an elderly womam and a young couple.解析:本句谓语动词为notice.occupy形式错误,再根据by可判断它是过去分词做后置定语4.不定式与现在分词误用(2010全国1)He agree to reading my story and give me some advice on how to write a real writer.解析:agree to do sth.六、名词单复数形式看到一个名词首先要看它前面是否要加冠词,再看它的单复数形式错误.1.可数名词没有用复数形式常见的有one of.+名词复数,the rest of .+名词复数.名词复数+of+.(2010全国2)Christie was one of my best friend at high school.2.名词误用复数形式.(如.experience译为经验时.它不可数.译为经历时,它可数.)(2008全国2)I can help visitors find their ways in the city.解析:way“路、路线”常用单数形式.(2008天津)I had many wonderful experience.解析:此处的experience为经历的意思,应用复数七.代词使用错误1.代词的缺失(根据动词之后是否有名词再看其是否需要加代词来判断代词是否有缺漏)(2010陕)Then she bent down picked (it) up to look at the price on it .解析:pick是及物动词,此处缺少宾语.2.代词之间的误用.逻辑错误(主要是上下文人称不一致导致代词的误用)(2010)Before her leaving ,I prepared a gift to show my best wish to him.解析:由前文可知,人称为女生,故把him改成her人称代词与形容词性物主代词的误用(2006浙)but I believe you personal experience will be a lot better.解析:you改your.代词所有格误用(2006浙)we have been learning about its rich culture and long history解析:it的所有格为its.名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词误用(2009宁夏 海南)Im going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon.解析:mine改成my名词性物主代词与人称代词误用(07全国1)I was only about six when he held his hand out to me.解析:me改成mine.人称代词的主宾格误用.(2010浙)“Neither did me”,said Mother cheerfully.解析:me改I.7.不定代词间的误用(2009宁夏.海南)Im glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the down.解析:anything改成everything8.one与it间的误用(2009辽宁)I hoped I could also have it 解析:这里的one泛指9.名词与形容词性物主代词间的误用(2011浙)I was playing at my cousin home.解析;cousin改成sousins八.从句中的引导词状语从句中引导词误用(2010四川)But then a week after the trip,she suddenly announced that they wouldnt take the holiday.解析:分析可知还没有去法国,所以去旅行前,故用before. 定语从句中引导词误用(2010陕)It was turned out be her own cup ,that shed left on the shelf by mistake.解析:that改which,非限制性定语从句不能用that引导宾语从句中引导词误用(2010重)Here is my idea about how a friend is like.解析:观察主句和从句都缺少成分,前缺后缺要用what主语从句引导词误用(2008辽)It was a pity which some of us were not present as they gone abroad for future studies.解析:that引导主语从句.Its a pity that 很遗憾做某事.同位居从句引导词的误用(2007全国2)My school is organizing a basketball team and theres just a dance which I can join it.解析:that从句作dance的同位语2.从句中引导词的缺失(2010全国1)So if (what)they had said was true.总结:当看到一复合句,要分析主句跟从句是什么关系(如是修饰关系则是定语从句)易错点:the moment后不能加 that the moment 已经包括that 了 这个是个易错点,有可能出现,应注意! 九、主谓一致He will say some words that is nice and warm.解析:这里的先行词是words,为复数形式,故谓语动词应为are. 英语改错步骤:1.先分析文章的时态,理解文章大意,对文章有一定的了解2.一句一句看下来,快速地分析句子的主谓宾定补状.看主语与上文是否一致看谓语的时态是否错误动词单复数是否错误看谓语语态是否错误看宾语指代是否错误名词单复数是否正确冠词使用是否错误看定语形式是否有错误从句的引导词是否误用3.对动词要敏感对代词得敏感对连词得敏感对介词得敏感建议一篇用时5分钟!总之要学会分析句子,对阅读、单选会有很大帮助的.

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