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闽教版2019-2020学年一年级上学期英语期中考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 看图配对。(5分) (共2题;共10分)1. (5分) (2019六下厦门) 读一读,匹配 A. B. C. D. E. (1) You can buy a lot of things there. For example, delicious food, pretty clothes, and funny toys._(2) You can see many animals there,but you cant feed the animals. Children love to go there at weekends._(3) There are a lot of books, CD, and computers in it. You can borrow books and CDs from it._(4) You can see many old things in it. Its a very good place to learn history and science. And you should keep quiet there._(5) You can see lots of tall trees and beautiful flowers. Families always have a picnic in this place and children love to fly kites there._2. (5分) 选择与句子或对话相对应的图片 A. B. C. D. E. (1) He loves hot dogs and milk. (2) My favourite vegetable is onions. (3) I love bananas very much, because theyre fresh. (4) My favourite food is chicken. Its delicious. (5) Whats your favourite fruit? Oranges. Theyre healthy.二、 根据图片选出正确的句子。(5分) (共5题;共5分)3. (1分) A . springB . summerC . winter4. (1分) A . run fast B . swim fast5. (1分) A . Whats missing? The ears.B . Whats missing? The head.C . Whats missing? The legs.6. (1分) (2019三下广州期末) A . The black ball is behind the box. B . The black ball is in the box.7. (1分) (2019五下广州期末) A . They are going to play basketball tomorrow. B . They are going to watch a basketball game on TV.第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 看图配对。(5分) (共2题;共10分)1、答案:略2、答案:略二、 根据图片选出正确的句子。(5分) (共5题;共5分)3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略

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