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牛津初中英语7A Unit4 Food导学案单元学习目标:本单元要学习和复习各种各样的食物名称。了解不同的饮食习惯以及它与健康之间的关系。同学们在学习本单元内容的同时,对照自己,谈论如何拥有一些平衡的饮食结构以保持身体匀称,健康。通过语言技能的训练达到本单元的各学习目标:听:1、Guess the meaning of new words by looking at a questionnaire.(看调查问卷,猜测生词含义。)2、Develop effective listening skills to extract specific information.(培养有效的听力技能,获取具体信息。)说:1、Formulate questions about diets and respond appropriately.(练习说关于食物的问句并给以适当的回答。)2、Ask “wh”questions with the right intonation.(用恰当的语调练习wh问句)3、Read ones own article to a classmate and check for mistakes.(读一篇文章给一位同班同学听,以检查错误。)读:1、Guess general meanings of words from the context.(根据上下文猜词义。)2、Identify specific meanings.(找出词的特定含义。)3、Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)写:1、Express factual information about diets and lifestyles based on the model article.(以范文为例,表达有关食物和生活方式的实际信息。)2、Select appropriate vocabulary and sentence constructions to write about personal details.(选择适当的词汇和句式,提供个人的具体信息。)单元要点:1、Express likes and dislikes.(表达个人喜恶。) e.g. I like rice. I dislike hamburgers.2、Use adverbs of frequency.(使用频率副词。) e.g. I usually have fish and vegetables.3、Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns.(区分可数名词与不可数名词。)e.g. some rice, two apples.4、Understand and use the indefinite articles, “a” and “an”.(理解并使用不定冠词a和an。)e.g. I want to buy a book.I want to buy an e-dog.5、词组: a lot of be good/bad for MidAutumn Festival after class/school a top student play basketball play computer games a glass of milk chat with sb. walk to fast food try to do notany more stay healthy twice a day get fat need to do notat all want to do get tired more/less than go roller skating6、句型:LetsI always eat/have an apple for breakfast.Once/twice a day.How often do you exercise?Good luck with your new diet.It takes half an hour to cook.Its important for sb. to do sth.The first period-Comic strip and Welcome to the unit课前准备:1、同学们查询有关食物的词汇,越多越好。2、带食物的图片或实物。I. Teaching aims: 1. 学习有关食物的词汇。 2. 讨论喜欢与不喜欢的食物。 3学会如何表达个人喜好。II. Key points: Key words: hamburger, hungry, energy, never, bowl, vegetable, hate, carrot, healthy Key phrases: have a hamburger, many times a day, walk to key sentence patterns: What food do you like? What about fish? I like/dislike/hate/loveIII. Language focus:1. Its lunch time.=Its time for lunch. 到了该吃饭的时候。2. Lets have a hamburger. 我们来吃个汉堡吧。Lets其后跟动词原形,译为“让我们”,若用反义疑问句,句型为Lets +V(动词原形),shall we?(注):Let us + V(动词原形),其反意疑问句,句型为Let us +V(动词原形),will you?(拓展)let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事My mother lets me watch TV on Saturday evening.【练一练】:汉译英(A) 让我们去钓鱼吧。(B) 让我们做,好吗?(C) 让他和孩子们一起玩吧。 3. I need a lot of energy. 我需要很多的能量。 A. need既可以作情态动词,又可以作实义动词。本句中的need为实义动词,译为“需要,必要”,用法为:need +n. need to do sth. need doing = need to be doneB. need用作情态动词。“Need I finish the work today?” “我今天需要完成这项工作吗?”“Yes, you must./ No, you neednt.” “是,你必须完成/不,不需要。”【练一练】:同义句转换(A) They neednt go there today.They _ _ _ _there today.(B) My hair needs cutting.My hair needs _ _ _.4. Im (always) hungry and thirsty. 我(总是)觉得又饿又渴。5. I walk to my bowl many times a day.我每天好多次走去我的碗那儿。 walk(vi.) to 步行去 walk(vt.) 带散步/溜达 walk(n.) 散步/溜达 【练一练】:单项选择 “How do you go home every day?” “I _.” A. walk to home B. walk at home C. walk home D. walk for homemany times a day 一天选多次 可数名词,译为“次数,还可译为“倍数” time 也可作不可数名词,译为“时间”What time is it?We dont have much time to chat with each other at school.拓展:对次数的提问常常用How many times?e.g. How many times do you do eye exercises a day?你每天做几次眼保健操?【练一练】:对划线部分提问(A) I often get up at six in the morning? (B) He has come to see me three times.6. Millie joined an online club called the Get Fit Club.一个名叫“保健俱乐部”的网上俱乐部 join 参加,作的成员,指加入某个团体组织 e.g. Ill invite him to join our club.我将邀请他加入我们的俱乐部。 join in 指参加某个活动 e.g. He never joined in the usual sports of the boys.他从不参加孩子们的一般体育活动。7. Are you a healthy person? 你是一个健康的人吗?Do you have a healthy lifestyle?你有健康的方式吗?8. Whats your favourite food? = What food do you like best? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?9. I like bananas. like的反义词dislike、 hate like的用法:1) like +n.(pl.) 2)like to do sth. 3)like doing sth. 4)prep. 与像hate的用法:1)hate+n.(pl.) 2) hate to do sth. 3) hate doing sth.10. What about you?=How about you?你呢?表示征询别人的意见 What/How about其后1)若接人称代词应选用人称代词的宾格形式; 2)接动词名词形式; 3)接名词或名词性的短语. 课堂互动一 根据句意及首字母写单词。1. Eddie is very h_. He wants to have a hamburger.2. My cousin plays computer games three t_ a week.3. Amy h_ fish. She never eats it.4. An apple is a kind of fruit and a carrot is a kind of v_.5. Daniel exercises a lot to keep h_.二 将下列句子改为同义句,每空一词。1. Its lunchtime.Its time _ _.Its time _ _ _.2. I like rice. What food do you like?I like rice. _ _ you? 3. Millie goes to school on foot every day.Millie _ _ school every day.4. Amy hates carrots.Amy _ carrots.Amy _ _ carrots.三 短文填空,每空一词。 Its twelve oclock now and its l_. Eddie is very h_. He says he n_ energy, so he wants to have a h_. Hobo thinks Eddie n_ exercises, but Eddie says he walks to his bowl many t_ a day.Homework: Remember the words and phrases. Recite the conversation between Eddie and Hobo.The second period and the third period-Reading课前准备: 1、预习阅读资料,查出生词或新语言点。2、查阅相关资料,了解如何饮食和运动,保持身体匀称健康3、复习课文,根据Kitty和Daniel的饮食变化,复述课文。4、找出并尽量理解课文中新语言点。学习策略:1、The skills of skimming.(快速阅读技巧。)2、Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适当运动。)I. Teaching aims:1、To revise and expand vocabulary about food and lifestyles.(复习并扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇。)2、To learn about the relationship between diet and overall health.(学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系。)3、To practise the technique of skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for detail. (练习快速阅读了解总体大意,快速浏览查找细节的阅读技巧。)4、To practise intensive reading and retell the text.(练习精读,理解并复述课文。)5、To understand and master the new points in the text.(理解掌握课文中的新语言点。)II. Key points:Key words: before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person Key sentence patterns: 1、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.Now I always eat an apple for breakfast and I often drink some milk.2、I swim twice a week.3、I do not eat fast food any more.4、I want to be a dancer. 5、Its important for a dancer to be healthy.6、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.7、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.8、I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more.9、After class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet.III. Language focus:1. I want to be a dancer.want的用法:1) want sth.想要某物;2)want to do sth.想要做某事;3)want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事;4)want to be想成为 e.g. 1) Lily wants a new bike for her birthday. 2) I want to study English in England. 3) My father wants me to help him on the farm. 4) He wants to be a dancer.【练一练】根据所给汉语意思完成句子。 凯特长大后想成为一名医生。Kate wants _ _ a doctor when she _ _. 我不希望你整天玩电脑。I _ want you _ _ computer games all day long. 2.Every day, I dance for two hours.作状语,意为“每天”【拓展】:everyday(adj.),作定语,是“每天的”“日常的”“普通的” e.g. everyday life日常生活 everyday clothes便衣 3.Its very easy for me to get tired when I dance. 1)It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事是的 2)get tired变得疲劳, get是连系动词,tired是形容词,作连系动词get的表语 拓展: be tired of (doing) sth. 厌烦(做)某事 e.g. I am tired of eating vegetable.我讨厌吃蔬菜。3. I need to keep fit. keep此处为连系动词 keep fit=keep healthy 保持健康 keep还可以谓语动词,意为“保持,保存,留住,饲养”练一练:单项选择( ) 1. How long may I _ the book?For two weeks. A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. buy( )2.I heard you like small animals very much. Yes, I _ a dog and a cat as pets.课前热身Match the new words with the English meanings._1.energy a. do sports activities_2.change b. not very often_3.diet c. become different_4.seldom d. two times_5.snack e. talk, usually friendly_6.chat g. power to do things_7.lifestyle h. the food you usually get_8.exercise i. the way you live_9.twice j. small meals between main mealsTrue or false questions.1.Kitty changed her diet because she wants to be healthier. ( ) 2.Kitty and Daniel are both 12 years old. ( )3.Fast food is good for our health. ( )4.Daniel swims three times a week. ( )5.Daniel is not a good student at school. ( )6.Sweet snacks give us energy and they are healthy. ( ) 7.Its important for us to exercise often. ( )8.Kitty has healthy diet and lifestyle now, but Daniel doesnt. ( )巩固操练Answer the following questions.1. How long does Kitty dance every day?2. Did Kitty often eat vegetables before?3. Does Kitty always eat an apple for lunch?4. Does Kitty eat sweet snacks now?5. What does Daniel like doing?6. Could Daniel play basketball well? Why?7. How long does he exercise every day?8. Does Daniel eat fast food now?9. What does he eat for dinner now?10. Did Kitty and Daniel change their diets and lifestyles?课堂互动)Ask and answer questions in pairs.e.g. Student A: What does Kitty want to be?Student B: She wants to be a dancer.Student A: Did Daniel love hamburgers?Student B: Yes, he did.Student A: Student B: )Fill in the form and try to find out the differences between their old diets and their new ones.KittybeforenowDanielbeforenow)Discussion (task)Have a discussion in groups, design a diet list for your dining room.breakfastlunchsupperSum upEating healthy food and taking lots of exercise are both very important for us to keep healthy. If you want to live better and be healthier, please change your unhealthy diet and lifestyle from today.HomeworkA、译出下列短语。1、不再 2、a top student 3、对有好处 4、play computer games 5、和聊天 6、on the Internet 7、一天两次 8、fast food B、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1、我长大后想当一名歌唱家。I a singer when I .2、躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。 in bed is eyes.3、学好英语对我们来说是非常重要的。Its very important English well.4、李丽已不在这所学校学习了。Li Li study at this school .5、晚饭后他们常出去散步。They often go out for a walk .6、我喜欢和朋友一起在网上聊天。I like my friends the Internet.7、我做完作业后总是变得很疲劳。I always very after I finish my homework.8、李明早上常吃什么?What Li Ming often breakfast?答案:练一练:1. to be; grows up dont; to play3.C (2.)A 课前热身、课堂互动(略)【Homework】:A. 1.no more/notany more 2.一个优等生 3.be good for 4.玩电脑游戏 5.chat with 6.在网上7.twice a day 8.快餐 B1. to be; grow up 2.Reading; is bad for 3. for us to learn 4.didnt; any more 5.after supper 6.chatting with; on 7.get; tired 8.does; have for The fourth period and the fifth period-Grammar课前准备: 1、预习本单元的语法项目,查阅相关资料,提出问题。2、收集以往出现过的本单元的语法项目的具体例子。3、复习本单元所学的语法项目。4、复习上节课所学的词汇和句型。学习策略:Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)智能培养:The ability of synthetic use.(综合应用能力)I. Teaching aims:1、To recognize and use adverbs of frequency.(识别并使用频率副词。)2、To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.(识别并使用可数名词和不可数名词。)3、To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.(识别并使用不定冠词谈论可数名词。)3、To revise the grammar items in this Unit.5、To revise the new words and drills.6、To do some exercises to consolidate the grammar items and language points.II. Key points:Key words: ice cream, story, glass, tea, of course, favorite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, roller skating, noodle, wish, piano, shelf (shelves), knife(knives), carrot, potato, pot, pancakeKey sentence patterns:1、How often do they/you exercise? How often does he/she go shopping?2、Simon often/seldom/always/sometimes/usually/never plays football.3、What do we need to buy?4、We need some chickens and some potatoes.5、I want to buy an egg/a book.III. Language focus:语法项目:1、频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always2、可数名词和不可数名词。 名词分可数名词和不可数名词两大类。可数名词有单,复数之分,主要包括个体名词和集体名词等。如:a book 一本书 two books 两本书不可数名词指物质名词、抽象名词和专有名词等,通常没有复数形式。不能在其后加a an或数词,如:sand 沙,sugar 糖。但可加some,any,a lot of等修饰词。若表示不可数名词的数量时,则必须在其前加“计量名词of”短语,如:a piece of paper(一张纸),two bowls of rice(两碗饭)等;该类名词作主语时,谓语动词应看作单数,如:My ink is enough有些不可数名词也可用作可数名词,但词义发生了变化,如: work(工作)works(著作,作品),room(空间) rooms(房间),glass(玻璃)glasses(玻璃杯), fish(鱼肉)fishes(鱼类)等 有少数名词即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,但含义不同。 如:glass 玻璃glass 玻璃杯paper 纸 paper 报纸,文件可数名词:a table/an apple/two tables/two stories/two watches/photos/tomatoes/knives不可数名词:bread, water, hair, air, money, rain, tea, chicken, rice, fruit, cheese, milk, salt, sugar, soup, vinegar.名词的单数和复数英语可数名词有单数和复数两种形式, 表示一个人或事物用单数形式, 表示一个以上的人或事物用复数形式。 a book 一本书two books 两本书a bag 一个包three bags 三个包 名词的单数形式就是词典上所出现的形式,没有变化, 如: a pen, a bed, a room, an English book。 名词的复数形式,多数名词的复数形式在其单数形式后面加 -s 或 -es 构成,名词复数形式变化如下。 1) 一般情况下,在词尾加 -s. 例如: bagbags,mapmaps,penpens,workerworkers .2) 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词应加-es。如:boxboxes,busbuses,watchwatches,dishdishes. 3) 名词以 -f 或 -fe 结尾的,把 -f 或-fe 变成 -ves.例如:bookshelfbookshelves, wifewives, knifeknives .4) 名词以辅音+y 结尾的,变 y 为 i ,再加 es。 例如:citycities,babies, factoryfactories, 5) 以o结尾的名词,有的加-es,有的加-s,一般地说,末尾为“元音字母o”的词加s。如:radioradios,zoozoos;末尾为“辅音字母o”的词,多数加-es,少数加-s,如: tomatotomatoes,heroheroes,pianopianos,photophotos。.特殊变化情况有: 1单复数同形,如: sheep,fish(指鱼的条数),Chinese等; 2把a改为e。如:manmen,woman women; 3词尾加-ren。如:childchildren; 4将oo变为ee。如:footfeet,tooth teeth。5. 英语中有些名词总是以复数形式出现。 例如:scissors 剪刀 goods 货物 trousers 裤子 clothes 衣服 glasses 玻璃杯 另外要注意:1合成名词的复数形式多变后一个名词。如:pencil-boxpencil-boxes; 2当名词作定语修饰名词时,其数的变化分几种情况:名词直接作定语时,通常用单数形式。例如: a book store 书店a ticket office 售票处 traffic lights 交通灯village people 村民 名词sports,clothes作定语时,仍用复数形式。例如: a sports field 运动场a clothes shop 服装店 man,woman作定语时可以用单数和复数两种形式,但须随所修饰名词的数而定。例如: a man doctor 一名男医生 two women teachers 两名女教师 一些以-ics或-s结尾的可数或不可数名词用作定语时,仍用原来形式,词尾不变。例如: a physics teacher 物理教师 a news reporter 新闻记者 当数词与单位名词一起用作定语时,单位名词往往用单数形式,数词与单位名词用“-”连接。例如:a fourteen-year-old boy 一个十四岁的男孩 a two-hour plan 两小时的计划 a three-foot-high desk 一张三英尺高的课桌 3、不定冠词:a, an可数名词的单数前用a / an,如果这个名词是以元音音素开头,则用an;如果以辅音音素开头,则用a:e.g. a house / a book; an egg / an orange.要特别注意的是:an只能用在以元音音素开头的单词前,而不是用在以元音字母开头的单词前。e.g. an hour au /a university ju:niv:siti课堂互动A、用a, an 填空。1、There is h and s in the word fish.2、Do you have pen?3、I want to eat orange?4、There are 60 minutes in hour.5、Does your father have useful book?B、将下列单词归类。apple, cup, orange, beef, dish, plate, bowl, egg, pot, bread, hamburger, rice, juice, salt, cheese, meat, tomato, coke, milk, vinegarCountable nouns:_ Uncountable nouns:_ C、译出下列词语。1、一公斤鱼 2、一袋大米 3、三篮子花 4、四瓶可乐 5、五杯橙汁 6、六碗面条 HomeworkA、汉译英。1、我经常放学后去图书馆。2、他很少去看电影。3、李磊总是七点半做作业。4、我们有时玩电脑游戏。5、我妈妈通常星期天去购物。6、我爸爸从来不煮饭。B、用所给词适当形式填空。1、I bought three (tomato)for the soup today.2、Here are four (glass)of (water).3、The basket is full of (flower).4、The elephant is eating a (banana).5、How much (rice)do you want?Id like two (kilo).6、He has no or (brother, sister)C、根据需要用a,an,the填空。1、He is unusual person. He scored 33 goals in 30 matches.2、I have orange, but my friend has yellow orange.3、There is girl waiting for you at gate of our school. She is wearing cap and pair of sports shoes.4、Why were you late this morning? Tell me story.5、Where do you often play basketball? Where do you often play_ piano?6、I have old house. Last week I bought new one. Where are they? old one is in Nanjing. new one is here.The sixth period-Integrated skills课前准备:1、复习学过的食物词汇和各种活动的词组。2、制作一份调查问卷。学习策略:Set up a proper lifestyle according to the interview questionnaire.(通过调查问卷,确立正确的生活方式。)智能培养:Make a questionnaire and know about healthy issues.(制作调查问卷,了解健康和体育相关知识。)I. Teaching aims:1、To listen for specific details.(听懂具体细节。)2、To obtain special information about a persons lifestyle.(获得关于某人生活方式的具体信息。)3、To select information from a questionnaire and listen in order to complete a report on another students lifestyle.(听录音,从一张调查问卷里选择信息,完成一份关于另一个学生的生活方式的报告。)II. Key points:Key words: less than, notat all, try, feel, lunch, supermarket, carry, biscuit, total, point, questionnaire, congratulation, partner语言技能:Reading 看懂调查问卷 Writing 写调查报告 Listening 听懂别人的提问和对话课堂互动根据实际选择答案。1、How long are you away from school?A、Never away from school. B、Less than a week.C、About two weeks. D、More than two weeks.2、How often are you ill?A、Never. B、Sometimes. C、Often. D、Very often.3、How often do you get to school early?A、Never. B、Always. C、Sometimes. D、Usually.4、What time do you go to bed at night?A、Before 9:30. B、9:3010:00.C、10:0011:00. D、Later than eleven.5、How many hours of sport do you do every week?A、Six hours or more. B、About five hours.C、Three to six hours. D、Less than 3 hours.6、Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?A、Often. B、Usually. C、Sometimes. D、Never.Homework例题精析 例题1用所给动词的适当形式填空It is good _ (eat) an apple for breakfast.例题2用所给词的适当形式填空We should have a _(health) meal. 例题3按照要求改变句型I write to my parents twice a month.(划线提问)例题4用所给词的适当形式填空You got the first in the mid-term exam. _(congratulate)例题5用所给词的适当形式填空Help yourself to some _ (dry) fish例题6 用所给动词的适当形式填空It takes me half an hour _(cook) breakfast every day.例题7 用所给动词的适当形式填空There are no calories in water, so you can drink it without _(get ) fat例题8用所给词的适当形式填空The river is so clear, we can see many kinds of _(fish) down the water.答案:课堂互动(略)例题精析1.精析根据句子的Its to do sth.结构,这里填to eat.2.精析修饰名词用形容词,所以用health的形容词形式healthy.3.精析就频率提问,我们用疑问词how often.所以答案是How often do you write to your parents.4.精析 固定的用法,表示祝贺用Congratulations.5.精析 动词的过去分词做定语,所以用dried .动词的过去分词可以表示动词的被动或者动作的完成.6.精析这里也有个句子结构: It takes sb some time/money to do sth.,意思是花费某人多少时间(金钱)做某事.所以答案是to cook.7.精析 这里的get用在without的后面,without 是介词,所以答案是getting.8.精析fish的复数形式有两个,同一种类的复数用fish,不同种类的用fishes.所以答案是fishes.The seventh period-Main task课前准备:1、复习本单元所学的词汇,句型和相关知识。2、查询有关健康饮食的资

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