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八年级上册Unit2-Unit3测试卷 姓名 一、单项选择。(20)( )1_do you use the Internet ?Once a week.A.How B.How old C.How often D.How many times( )2Would you like_some apples ?Yes, please.A. to have B. have C. having D. has( )3He _ his homework at school. A. doesnt B. dont do C.dont D. doesnt do( ) 4The little girl often goes skating_ weekends. A. in B. on C. to D. for( ) 5One of my favorite programs _ Animal World. A. am B. is C. are D. dont( ) 6. Can you give me _ help? - Sure. A. any B. some C. no D. anything( ) 7. There is _milk in the glass. You can drink it. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( ) 8. The dress is _ , you can buy it. A. beautiful enough B. enough beautiful C. beautifully enough D. enough beautifully( ) 9. Tom is _ than his brother. A. heavyer B. much heavier C. more heavy D. much heavy( ) 10. Tom is my friend. Hes _ outgoing than me. A. much B. a little c. a little much D. a little more( ) 11. My sister is a little _ than my brother. A. thin B. thinner C. fat D. fater( ) 12. _ Jane work as hard as you? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are( ) 13. He was afraid _ alone at night. A. to go out B. goes out C. going out D. of go out( ) 14. What color do you like _, blue or green? A. good B. well C. better D. best( ) 15. My T-shirt is much older than _. A. hers B. her C. she D. shes( ) 16. Mary is similar _ her father. They both have big eyes. A. with B. like C. to D. for( ) 17. _ they are good friends, _ they have different interests. A. Though, but B. Though, / C. Because, so D. Because, /( )18. My school is different _ yours. A. in B. by C. of D. from( ) 19. Did you meet _ on your way home? A. interesting something B. interested something C. nothing interesting D. anything interesting( ) 20. She is so kind and she always helps me to _ the best _ me. A. bring out, in B. brings out, in C. break out, in D. breaks out, of二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(10)1Mum asked children to eat it _ (two) a week.2I want to go _ (shop).3The doctor asked her _ (eat) more fruit.4I read English books about_(one) a week.5. Who is _ (outgoing), Lucy or Julie?三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词15分)1.你周末通常做什么?What do you uaually do _ _?我通常去看电影。I usually _ _ _ _.2.你最喜爱的电视节目是什么?Whatsyour_?3.我妹妹一周至少看二至三次电视。MysisterwatchesTV_two orthreetimesaweek.4.虽然他已80岁了,但他还相当健康。_heiseighty,heisvery .5.你多久吃一次垃圾食品?_doyoueat_food?四完形填空(20分)Ihavetwogoodfriends.Theyretwinbrothers.OneisFrank,and1_is Jack.Frankisnotas2_asJack,andJackisnotsosmart3_Frank, 4_theyarebothstrong.Andtheyliketomakefriends,too.Jackwouldlike5_friendswhoarenot6_ him.Hesays,“Itsnotnecessarytobethe7_”hesquieterthanmost8_hisclassmates.Buthelikestohavefriendswhoare9_outgoingthanhimself.Franklikestohavefriendslikehim.Hesgoodat10_.Likehim,allofhis friendsloveswimming,too.Sometimestheyevenswiminwinter.()1.A.anotherB.anotherC.other D.theother()2.A.old B.tall C.youngD.taller()3.A.like B.with C.with D.than()4.A.althoughB.becauseC.until D.but()5.A.tomakeB.makingC.makeD.makes()6.A.as B.so C.likeD.likes()7.A.differentB.differenceC.sameD.friendly()8.A.fromB.to C.for D.of()9.A.muchB.more C.alittleD.little()10.A.swimsB.toswimC.swimmingD.swim五 补全对话(10分)A: Hi, Jim._1_. A: Are you popular in your school? B: What kind of friends do you like? C: Can I ask you some questions? D: Of course. E: Thanks for your answers.B: 2 A: Do you like to make friends?B: Yes, I like to do it very much. Because Im an outgoing boy. A: _3_.B: I dont like to make friends who are different from me. And I like friends who are outgoing, interesting and very funny.A: Ok. I am the same as you. _4_. B: Sure. You know, I am the best player in our school basketball team.A: Yes, and you are handsome, too. _5_. B: You are welcome.六、改写句子。(15分)1.Iambusy.Iexerciseeveryday.(用although合并为一句) ,Iexerciseeveryday.2.Sheexercisesonceaweek.(改为一般疑问句) exercise aweek?3.Doesyourfathergotoworkbycar?(否定回答) , .4.Alicedoesherhomeworkat7:00pm.(改为否定句)Alice herhomeworkat7:00pm.5.ShedoeswellinEnglish.(改为同义句)She_English.七、书面表达(10)Mark与Tom是一对好朋友,他们有许多不同与相同之处,发挥想象,用比较级描述一下他们的性格吧! IV阅读理解。MynamesMary.Iamaheavyandtallgirlwithlonghair.Iliketohavefriendswhoaredifferentfromme.MybestfriendisWangFang.Shecomesfromchina.Sheisshorterthanme.Andshehaslongerhairthanme.Sheismuchmoreoutgoingthanme.Sheoftentellsjokes.Herfavoritethingisreadingbooks.Myfavoritethingisplayingchess.Butwehaveonethingincommon.Webothlikeplayingping-pang.Sheplaysbetterthanme.Weoftenhelpandlearnfromeachother.()1Maryis_.AheavyBthinClittleDshort()2Marylikestohavefriendswhoare_.AtallerthanBthesameasCcalmerthanDdifferentfrom()3WangFangshairis_thanMarys.AshorterBlongerCcurlierDdarker()4WangFangsfavoritethingis_.AreadingbooksBdrawingCplayingbasketballDsinging()5MaryandWangFangbothliketo_.AplaysoccerBdanceCplayping-pangDtalljokes3.Tomgoestobedattenintheevening.(改为否定句)Tom_tobedattenintheevening.4.TheyalwaysseeafilmonSaturdays.(改为全部否定句They_seeafilmonSaturdays.5.KatewatchesTVthreetimesaweek.(对划线部分提问)_KatewatchTV?(2)对划线部分提问。1.SheusestheInternetonceaweek. sheusetheInternet?3.SheusuallywatchesTVfortwohoursaday. sheusuallyTVaday?4.Tomalwaysplaysbasketballonweekends. Tomonweekends?IV根据中文提示完成句子,每空词数不限。1.他的头发比我的长。Hishairis_.2.他比他的哥哥更健壮吗?_he_hisbrother?3.那个男孩比班上任何一个学生都高。Thatboyis_intheclass.4.她比我聪明得多。Sheis_me.5.他的房间比她的大一点。Hisroomis_.ATo:Rosehotmail.comFrom:Maryyahoo.comSubject:MybestfriendDearRose,Thankyouforyourlaste-mail.Youtoldmeaboutyourbestfriend.Nowletme tellyouaboutmybestfriend,Jane.Janeisasoldasme,butsheisalittleshorter.Shehasbrownhairandblueeyes.Sheisalwayshappy.Weareinthesameclass,andweoftenhelpeachotherwithourschoolwork.Ithinksheissmarterthanme.Webothenjoyplayingtabletennis,andwepracticetogethereveryday.Sometimes,weplaycomputergames.Janeusuallywins(赢).Whatdoyouandyourbestfriendusuallydoinyourfreetime?Writesoon.Love,Mary根据材料内容判断下列说法正(T)误(F)。()41.RoseandJanearegoodfriends.()42.JaneisolderthanMary.()43.MaryistallerthanJane.()44.JaneandMarylikeplayingtennis.()45.JaneusuallybeatsMaryincomputergames书面表达昨天你在街上遇见了多年未见的好友,他发生了很大的变化。请你根据提示内容写一篇短文。(要求:用比较级,语句通顺连贯,80词左右。)提示:以前他话语不多,个子不高,短发。现在很健谈,个子很高,长发带卷。


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