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人教版七年级英语Unit 9 What does he look like学案与测试课题Unit 9 What does he look like?第1课时学习目标1.学习描述人外貌的词汇;2.学会描述人的外貌。-What does he/she look like?- He/She is, and he/she has.课前预习与检测(一)预习1、单词和短语:straight ,tall ,height ,thin, heavy ,build , look like , be of medium build ,be of medium height2、熟练运用下列句型: -What does he look like ?/ What is he like?- -He is tall .He has curly hair .Hes of medium height/build.He wears a pair of black glasses / a yellow hat.(二)预习检测:1、你能找出本单元一些描述外貌的形容词吗?让我们来试试吧!你一定行!卷曲的直的高的中等的瘦的重的金黄色的棕色的矮的长的短的黑色的2、完成下列词组吧:长发_短发_直发_卷发_高的_矮的_重的_廋的_中等个子_中等身材_漂亮的3、对比空间1.My brother is _, but Imshort.2. Do you likestraightor _ hair?3. I dont likewhite. My favorite color is _.4. Mary is veryheavy, but her sister is very _.引领探究一.有关look的词组翻译look like _look nice_look at _ look the same _look for _look after_二.关注外貌1询问外貌(1)What do/does sb look like?侧重于问某人的长相或外貌特征。eg:-What does your brother look like?-He is of medium build.(2)What be sb like?侧重于问人的性格、气质、个性等内在的东西。eg:-Whats Miss Green like?-She is quite kind.2.描述外貌:描述人的外貌时,我们常用以下表达方式:(1)身高、身材、体格用be动词:sb +be+of medium height/build或sb+be+tall/thineg: My father is tall. His father is of medium height/build.Lilys brother is heavy.(2)头发、胡须用have:sb have/has short(long)+straight(curly)+black(blonde) haireg: Lucy has short straight brown hair. Her father has a beard(留着胡须)(3)穿戴:用wear (带着穿着.)Eg: Li Lei wears a hat, Jim wears a pair of black glasses当堂检测用适当的单词填空。1.Heblack hair. His hairshort.2.Tom look like his mother.3.Weof medium build.4.Jackheavy. Heshort curly hair5.Lily alwaysT-shirt6.Lucy sometimesglasses.根据汉语意思完成下列各句1.Bill有棕色的头发并戴着眼镜。Billbrownand.2.你的好朋友长什么样?your good friend?3.我父亲不高不矮,他中等身高。My fathertall.He is.4.他长着直发还是卷发?Shecurly hair?5.首先请在电影院前面会见他。Pleaseinof the cinema.训练检测单项选择()1.Whatyour father?- He is thin.A.is, look likeB. does, look likeC. is, likeD. does, like()2.What doe Mike look like?-A. He studies in a school.B. He is a student.C. He is fifteen.D. He is tall.()3.Helenof medium build.A. isB. hasC. haveD. has of()4.My teachera pair of glasses.A. put onB. puts onC. wearD. wears()5.Li Yong has curlyhe is thin.A. hair, butB. hairs, andC. hair, andD. hair, or句型转换1.My friend isthin and of medium height.(划线提问)your friend?2.He has long curly hair.(一般疑问句)helong curly hair?3.My brother likespainting(划线提问)your brother?4.Sally has long hair.(用short改为选择疑问句)?5.He is tall and heavy(改为否定句) Hetallheavy.6.he wears a white uniform. (改为否定句)She _ _ a white uniform.课题Unit 9 What does he look like?第2课时学习目标1.能抓住人物的主要特征来描述人物的外貌。2.能概括人物的外貌特征并根据人物特征推理出人物。课前预习与检测(一)预习单词:tonight ,little, cinema, later, glasses.句型:What does he look like?David isnt tall or short。IsDavid tall or short?DoesSally have long or short hair?(二)预习检测1.填一填:去看电影_一点晚_在电影院前面_戴眼镜_再见_ / _2.译一译Is David tall or short?_Does Sally have long or short hair?_Are you going to the movie tonight?_我们七点见面。_._他看起来像什么?_他有棕色的头发并戴眼镜。_他不高不矮。_._他是中等高度。_引领探究2d:阅读并回答以下问题1)What are Mike and Tony doing later this evening?2)When are they meeting?3)Who is going with them?4)Where are they meeting?5)Why does Tony want to know what David looks like?6)What does David look like? Can you draw a picture of David?Grammar Focus: 1.朗读句子2.梳理和总结语法结构。1)描述外貌:is用于描述:has用于描述:wear用于描述:2)一般疑问句:选择疑问句:Is he tall(肯定回答)Is he tall or short?(用short回答)Is she short?Is she heavy or thin?(用“中等身材“回答)Does she have curly hairDoes he have curly hair or straight hair?(用curly回答)Does she have a big nose?Does she have big eyes or small eyes?(用big回答)选择疑问句中的两个选择项用连接,回答时不能用或回答,根据实际情况选择符合事实的陈述句。课堂互动探究用方框中给出的词汇完成句子build, tall, medium, short, a little1.A: What does your cousin look like? Is he short?B: No, he is.2.A: Do you know our new headteacher?B: Yes, I know. She is of medium.She has curly hair.3.A: Is her mother tall or short?B: She is not tall or. she is ofheight.4.A: Are you free today?B: No, Imbusy.单项选择()1.She is a young woman with.A. long hairsB. long hairC. a few long hairD. hair long()2.Whoshort, blonde hair?-Emily does.A. isB. hasC. haveD. had()3.My schoolbag is too. There are lots of books in it.A. thinB. heavyC. hugeD. light()4.Tomhis mother and his mothervery beautiful.A. looks like; looks likeB. looks like; looksC. looks; looks likeD. looks; looks()5.What does his mother look like?-A. She is a doctorB. She is forty C. She is thin D. She works in a bank.训练检测句型转换1.My brother isthin and of medium height(划线提问)your brother?2.She has long curly hair(一般疑问句)shelong curly hair?3.He doesnt like to stay at home. I think(合并一句)Ithink heto stay at home.4.Cathy is not tall and not short(同义句) Cathy is.5.Tom looks like his father(否定句) Tomhis father.根据汉语意思完成下列各句1.你朋友长什么样?Does your friend?2.她中等身材。She is.3.他留着短发。He.4.玛丽喜欢读书和下棋。Maryandchess.5.汤姆有点胖。Tom is.课题Unit 9 What does he look like?第3课时学习目标1听力练习,学会对人物外表特征的提问及回答。2.能熟练的用英语进行对人外表特点的描述,并根据描述画出人像。自主学习一、翻译下列短语:一个大鼻子小嘴巴圆脸黑发金发黑色眼镜大眼睛长脸戴眼镜二、根据句意即首字母补全单词1.Can you dwhat your mother looks like?2.There are some nand books on the desk.3.Egirl wants to draw a good picture.4.Please rto bring your homework to me this afternoon, Tom.5.They are twins(双胞胎). They look the s.6.His father isnt too tall or short, he is of mheight.引领探究活动一:根据实际情况填空.1.short black hair.2.glasses.3.a round face4.long curly hair.5.long straight black hair.6.of medium height.活动二:听录音填空。Laura:you love Johnny Dean,Bob?Bob: Johnny?Laura: Dean.the.Bob: I dont know. What does he?Laura: Hes reallyand really.And he hashair. And he has. Look,There he is.Bob: Oh yeah, I see him.Laura: Here come the.Bob: Oh, wow!Laura:your favorite?Bob: I like that woman.Laura: Is sheorBob: Shes.Laura: Oh, Tina Brown?Bob: Yeah. I think shes really.Shes veryand a.活动三:Describe your favorite singer or athlete(运动员),let others guess.当堂检测单项选择:()1.Wan Qian,that pair of glasses yours-No. My glasseson the desk.A. is; isB. are; are C. is; areD. are; is()2.Please rememberyour homework this afternoon.A. to doB. doing C. do D. does()3.He isquiet.A. a bit of B. a little C. bit D. little()4.Who is you favorite?-Yang Mi.A. actor B. worker C. actress D. musician()5.-?-Yes, he does.A. Is he of medium height?B. What does he do?C. Does he have short black hair?D. Is he tall or short?()6.He is not very tall, and he is not very short. He is _.A. heavyB. of medium buildC. of medium heightD. small()7.Look _ the girl. She looks _ her sister.A. at; atB. like; likeC. at; likeD. like; at课后练习用be动词,have或has,with填空1.He is short andcurly hair.2.Shesmall eyes and sheheavy.3.I dont know the boyshort straight hair.Hea book in his right hand.4.My hairblonde.5.These glassessunglasses.句型转换1.Hes tall. (改为否定句)He _tall.2.She is not too heavy or too light.(同义句)She is _ _ _.3.Tom isof medium height.(对划线部分提问)_ does Tom _ _?4.She wears a blue sweater today. (一般疑问句)_ she _ a blue sweater today?5.Does she have short curly hair? (否定回答)_ , she _.6.She wears a white uniform. (为否定句)She _ _ a white uniform.7.The girl has long straight hair.(用short curly hair改为选择疑问句)the girllong straight hair?课题Unit 9 What does he look like?第4课时学习目标1.学会描述某人的外貌特征;2.阅读短文,摘录信息,提高阅读能力。自主学习一)预习重点单词:artist, crime, criminal, each, describe, way, differently, anotherReal, end, same.重点句型:What does the criminal looks like.He is tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair.一)词形转换写出反义词:oldthintalllongcurlyblackbighigh(名词)real(副词)good(副词)glass(复数)meet(名词)interest(形容词)二)预习p53 2b从短文中找出下列词组或句子。1.警方画像师:2.把放在报纸上和电视上3.完全不同的描述同一个人4.同样的方式5.最后6.他们告诉他罪犯长什么样.7.他想画好每个罪犯的图片。.课堂互动探究1.singer:名词,意为“歌唱家、歌手”是由动词sing加-er构成的。eg: I want to be a singer.我想成为一个歌唱家。The singer sings well.那个歌手唱得很好。拓展:在英语中部分动词加-er或-or构成名词:teachcleanwaitworkdancelearnvisitfarm-drive-2.same:意为“相同的”其反义词是。1)same通常前面要加定冠词the,后面跟名词的单数:different后一般跟名词的复数:They are in the same(class).They are in different(class)2)翻译下列词组:(查资料)the same as:look the same:the same way:be different from:3.like:意为“喜欢”试着翻译下列有关like短语:like cookinglike a bikelikea littledont likeat alllikea lot/very much课后练习单项选择()1.Jim has _ curly hair.A. aB. anC. theD./()2.My uncle _ tall and he _ a medium build.A. has; isB .is; hasC. is; isD. has; has()3.Look _ the girl. She looks _ her sister.A. at; atB. like; likeC. at; likeD. like; at()4.I dont like the pen. Please show me _ one.A. the otherB. otherC. anotherD. others()5.-What does Marx like?-_.A. He wears glasses.B. He is of medium heightC. He likes to help peopleD. He has short hair.()6.-_ does she look like?- Her mother , I think.A. WhatB. WhereC. HowD. Who()7.Bobhis father and his fatheryoung.A. looks; looksB. looks like; looks likeC. looks like; looksD. looks; looks like()8.Sams sister always.A. puts a glassesB. wears a glasses C. puts glasses D. wears glasses()9.Its 8 oclock in the morning. LetsA. have dinnerB. having dinner C. to have a dimmer D. having a dinner()10.Its cold outside. Pleaseyour coat.A. wear B. put on C. dress D. get on用括号内词的正确形式填空1.Mr Smithfrom Australia. (be)2.They(not be)doctors. They are(nurse).3.The man(get) up late in the morning. He is lazy.4.Wherehis pen pals?(live)5.Do you love(listen) to music.6.My(friend) enjoy(live)in the country.7.Remember(arrive) here at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.根据汉语意思完成下列各句。1.他去超市为了买水果和蔬菜。He went to thefruits2.这个画家想把他的画登在报纸上或电视上。The artisthis drawingsor.3.这个罪犯以同样的方式又谋杀了一个人。Thekilled a second man in.4.每个人对快乐的感受完全不同。The feelings of happiness.5.这苹果很好吃,我想再来一个The applesvery. Ione.6.南茜总喜欢穿红色的连衣裙,带一副太阳镜。Nancyalways _ a red _and a pair of _ .Unit 9周周清试卷一、词形转换(每空1分,共10分)1.drive(名词) _2.curly(反义词)_3.different(反义词)_4.thin(反义词)_5.high(名词)_6.have(单三)_7.watch(单三)_8.white(反义词)_9.old(反义词)_10.interet(形容词)_二、翻译下列短语(每空2分,共20分)1.中等身材_2.圆脸_3.最后_4.卷发_5.戴眼镜_6.相同的方式_7.看起来像_8.一份有趣的工作_9.擅长于_10.首先_三、根据句意及首字母填空(每空1分,共10分)1.Do you have s_ or curly hair?2.My father isnt thin or h_. Hes of m_ build.3.My aunt is beautiful, She has long s_ hair.4.He often wears g_.5.Sun Li is a famous(著名的) a_.6.His uncle is a police a_. He wants to draw a good picture of each c_.7. My sister looks l_ my mother.8.My Chinese teacher has long b_ hair.四.单项选择(每空1分,共20分)()1.Therere two_ water?A. glass ofB. glassesC. the glass ofD. glasses of()2.She is_ a red dress today.?A. putting onB. wearingC. wearD. get on()3.My brother_ well, and he wants to be a _.A. singer; singB. sings; singerC. sing; singerD. sings; singers()4.What_he _?A. do; look likeB. does; look likeC. does; looksD. is; liking()5.The pop singer_long curly hair is Johnny Dean.A. hasB. wearC. isD. with()6.He doesnt like reading _ chess.A. and playB. or playingC. and playingD. or play()7.She never talks a lot. She is kind of_.A. noisyB. popularC. heavyD. quiet()8.The old woman is fat.Here “fat” means_.A. strongB. heavyC. not thinD.B and C()9My brother doesnt like reading. But my sister_.A. doB. doesC. isD. reading()10.Please remember_ these books to the classroom.A. takingB. to takeC. takesD. take()11.Her_ is black and short.A. hairB. eyeC. earD. nose()12.Do you remember the child who _funny glasses?A. inB. wearsC. withD. has()13.What does your Chinese teacher_?He is tall with short hair.A. look forB look atC. look afterD. look like()14.Each of the singers_ many things to do .A. haveB. hasC. isD. are()15.Are you good _ your English. Jane?A. ofB. atC. withD. to()16.-Is she tall or short?-_.A. Yes, she is B. No, she isnt C. She is tall D. She is strong()17.My friend_ tall and he _ of medium build.A. has; hasB. is ; isC. has; isD. is; has()18.I have two brothers. One is a teacher, _ is a doctor.A. the otherB. anotherC. otherD. the another()19.Can you buy some picture for_?A. each boysB. each boyC. each a boyD. a each boy()20.Is she tall_ short? He isnt tall _ short.A. or; andB. and; orC. and; andD. or ; or四、用所括号内词的正确形式填空(每空1分,共10分)1.There_ (be) a school and many shops neat here.2.The children want _(be ) policemen. They think _(policeman) are great.3. _ your brother often _(wear) sunglasses?4.You must stop_(talk) in the meeting.5.Where_ his pen pals_ (come) from?6.My(friend) enjoy(live)in the country.五、句型转换(每空1分,共20分)1.He has curly brown hair.(否定句)He _ _ curly brown hair.2.She has a medium build.(用what提问)What_she _ _?3.His girl friend is not too tall or too short(同义句)His girl friend _ _ _ _.4.The girl has long straight hair.(用short curly hair改为选择疑问句)_ the girl _ long straight hair_ _ _ _.5.My mother isa teacher.(划线提问) _ _your mother_?6.My sister likeseating dumplings(划线提问) What_ your sister like _?六、连词成句(每题2分,共10分)1. like , does, your, look, what , brother_2. and, he , tall, has, hair, short, is_3.Miss Shi, kind, is, of , quiet_4. mother, brother, looks , my, my, doesnt , like, _5.his, is, of, height, isnt, or, he, medium, father, tall, short, _http:/shcpic-ing.cn/qvodqjyy/http:/www.china-lrys.cn/ndtndrfsp/http:/www.gcbz.com.cn/omlj/http:/www.228bolier.cn/sfzyndggzj/http:/www.bj-jjy.com.cn/mnbnrxnyx/http:/www.china-jianzhu.cn/omcrxaav/http:/www.chenchuanjian.cn/nrtpqj/http:/www.china-lrys.cn/omavmf/http:/www.hilbinhotel.cn/zxavdz/http:/www.jiediankaiguan.com.cn/cjkqvodqj/http:/www.daykey.com.cn/llsqkb/http:/www.china-jianzhu.cn/xsnfdhw/http:/www.dg-aode.cn/nyrtysxz/http:/www.adlqcy.com.cn/lldyw/http:/www.chinadongyang.cn/sdfintitlebdyy/http:/www.cqrfkj.cn/nyxarb/http:/www.jinjin-food.cn/mncctp/http:/www.36xyx.cn/sswzlts/东莞市凤岗利得普电子厂 www.dgrujin668.com.cn_更多内容访问 http:/www.shgxbanchang.net.cn更多内容访问 http:/www.frmchina.com.cn_吉林省舒兰市伟业化工涂料厂 www.jlslwytl.cn


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