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英语特色班活动方案Hello !Good morningeveryone! Wishing you every happiness when the new year 2012 is near, welcome to our English party2012年的脚步越来越近了,在这辞旧迎新的日子里,欢迎大家来参加我们的英语联欢会活动,希望大家玩得开心、玩得快乐!I can speak English, You can speak English, Lets speak English happily!我说,你说,大家一起快乐说英语!welcome our children! welcome!欢迎我们的孩子们!欢迎!Lets welcome them to introduce themselves!欢迎孩子们介绍自己!1.The first stage is our students of middle class!首先登台介绍自己的是我们中班的孩子们!(非诚勿扰开场曲)Thank you! Excellent!谢谢!真棒!2.The following stage is our students of big class!接着登台介绍自己的是我们大班的孩子们!(非诚勿扰开场曲)Thank you! Excellent!谢谢!真棒!3.In this semester, we have learnt many English and English songs.Lets welcome middle class and big class to bring us a song 本学期,我们学到了很多好玩的英语活动和好听的曲子。现在就请我们英语中大班的孩子共同给我们带来的律动six little baby ducks。4.Thank you !How cute!Lets welcome middle English class bring us the melodrama 谢谢,真可爱!接下来有请我们英语中班的孩子给我们带来的情景剧吃早餐,掌声欢迎!5.Well done!Tell me, you are the most lively,tell me,you are the most beautiful,tell me,you are the best!welcome big class to show a chant .真棒!告诉我,你们是最可爱的,你们是最漂亮的,你们是最棒的。欢迎大班小朋友给我们带来的律动Tell me6Excellent!who is wearing yellow today?let us see.from middle class真棒!今天谁穿了黄色的衣服啊?我们来看看吧!来自英语中班的孩子们!7.Lets continue enjoying the song from middle class!让我们继续欣赏中班孩子的律动8.Do you like birthday?Now,lets enjoy another melodrama from big English class.你们喜欢过生日吗?现在让我们欣赏大班英语的孩子给我们带来的情景剧生日聚会,掌声有请!9.Thank you! Well done!Kids all like animals,lets go to the zoo!谢谢!真不错!孩子们都喜欢动物,我们一起去动物园吧!请欣赏中班孩子带来的律动.10.we should protect our eyes,yes or no?lets continue enjoying the song 我们都要保护好我们的眼睛,是不是?让我们继续欣赏律动11.our big class is the biggest in the kindergardern,they are like the happy family,enjoy the song from big class.我们大班的孩子在幼儿园都是大哥哥了,他们就像快乐的一家人,请欣赏大班英语特色的孩子带来的律动12. We do thank our fathers and our mothers to give our children care and the encouragement.Lets say “I love you”to them,hug them!在这里也要感谢我们的爸爸妈妈给我们的关心和鼓励。让我们对爸爸妈妈说句我爱你,抱抱爸爸妈妈!Good,lets play games with our parents:two three legged-,when I say “red”you must step the red balloon真棒!让我们来和爸爸妈妈一起玩游戏:两人三足-踩气球,当我说红色你们就要去踩红色的气球Thanks you very much! the new year is coming, everybody! lets sing the English song together!非常感谢!新的一年就要到了,让我们共同唱响那首歌新年快乐!。发礼物。

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