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SB3 unit 11 Key to Success知识要点:1.criterion n. 判断决定的标准;准则 criterion (单) criteria (复)What criteria do you use to judge a good wine?用什么标准判断酒的好坏?2. stick with 继续支持;保持联系 stick around 逗留;等待 stick by 维持;支持e.g. They vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened.他们发誓不管发生什么事,都要互相照顾。stick out 1).突出;伸出,使伸出 2).触目;醒目 3).坚持到底;忍耐到最后stick out for 坚持索要 stick together彼此忠诚stick up 1).持枪抢劫;用枪威胁 2).举手投降stick up for驳斥;辩护;保护stick with 忠心于,忠于4. Pull out of 从中退出Pull apart 拆开;拉开Pull away 把开走;(使)离开Pull down 拆毁Pull in (车)停下;(车)进站;(船)到岸Pull off 完成;脱下Pull on 穿;戴Pull through 使度过难关;恢复健康 Pull up (使)停下5. summary n. 总结;概要 summarize vt.6. percentage n. C 百分比;百分率 percent:表示百分之,相当于%,其前往往是一个具体的数字。 Percentage: 表示百分比,百分率,其前不能是一个具体的数字,只能被high, low等形容词修饰。-What percentage of babies died of this disease last year?- One percent 1%.7. frequency n. 频率;频繁 frequent adj. 8. suspect vt. 怀疑,不相信 n. C 嫌疑犯;怀疑对象suspicion n. C,U 怀疑;嫌疑suspicious adj. 猜疑的,疑心的;多疑的suspect sb. of sth. / doing sth. 怀疑某人suspicion about sth. / sb. 疑心suspicion that-clause 疑心above suspicion 不受怀疑的under suspicion 涉嫌be suspicious about / of sth. / sb. 怀疑 (对有疑心) 9. sake 1). purpose; motive:目的;缘故: a quarrel only for the sake of argument. 仅仅为了争吵的缘故争吵 2). advantage; good:利益;好处: for the sake of his health. 为他的健康着想 3). personal benefit or interest; welfare: 个人的利益,兴趣;好处: for her own sake 为了她自己的好处10. reality n. C,U 现象;实际;真实realistic adj. 现实的;实际可行的;现实主义的事in reality 事实上;实际上 (= in fact= as a matter of fact)其他相关短语:fact of life生活常识 in point of fact 事实上,实际上He said he would pay, but in point of fact he has no money.他说他要给钱,可事实上他没有钱。11. temporary adj. 暂时的;临时的 permanent adj.永久的, 持久的Students often find temporary jobs during their summer holidays. 学生常常在暑假打临时工。We apologize for the temporary inconvenience caused by these building works. 对于建筑施工造成的短暂不便,我们谨致歉意。12.compromise n. C,U 妥协;和解;折衷 v. 作出妥协;折衷解决a compromise between / on sth. 对某事的妥协方案compromise with sb on sth. 就某事与某人妥协be compromised by 被危害(连累)e.g. Unless the union and the management can reach a compromise on pay, there will be a strike. 除非工会能够在薪金方面与管理层达成一个折中方案,否则定会有一场罢工。He asked more than I was willing to pay, so we compromised on a price in between the two. 他的要价超出我愿付的数目,因而我们作出妥协,商定了一个双方都可以接受的价钱。13.regulations n. U管理;控制 C法规;条例 regulate vt. (用法律)管制;控制(机器、设备);调节 observe (obey) the safety regulations 遵守(遵从)安全规则14. dynamic adj. 动力的;动态的;强有力的a dynamic young businessman 一位精力旺盛的青年商家a dynamic period in history 历史上一个很有生气的时代15.embarrass vt. 使尴尬;使为难 embarrassment n. U 为难;难堪; C令人为难的人/ 事 embarrassed adj. embarrassing adj. 令人为难的 She was very embarrassed when her child behaved badly in public. 她的孩子在人家面前撒泼,把她窘得下不了台。He could not hide his embarrassment. 他无法掩饰自己的窘迫。16.contradictory adj. 互相矛盾的;互相对立的 contradiction n. 矛盾;不一致;否认;反驳 contradiction between A and B A、B相矛盾 e.g. Contradictory reports appeared in the newspapers. 报纸的报道互相矛盾。17.resign vi. 辞职;放弃(工作,职位等) resignation n. C,U 辞职书(声明) resign oneself to sth. / doing sth. 听任(顺从/忍受)无法改变的事实 be resigned to sth. / doing sth. 接受无法改变的事实 resign from sth. 辞去工作(职位)Larry resigned himself to the fact that she was not coming back to him. 拉里只好接受她不会返回自己身边这个事实。18.as a whole 作为一个整体;整体来说 on the whole (=generally) 大体上;总的来说e.g. This is true in Britain, but also in Europe as a whole. 这对于英国来说是如此,对于欧洲整体来说也是如此。On the whole, I think its a very good idea. 大体上,我认为这是个不错的主意。19.definite adj. 确切的;肯定的 definitely adv. 一定地;肯定地 definition n. 定义;释义Ill give you a definite decision in a couple of days. 我会在几天内给你一个确切的决定。There has been a definite change in her attitude recently. 最近她的态度已经有明显的改变。20.finance n. U 财政;金融;资金;资本(pl.)(指个人、公司、国家的)财力(资金)finance v. 向提供资金;为筹措资金financial adj. 财政的;金融的e.g. Your trip will be financed by the company. 你的旅费有公司负担。23.congratulate 的用法归纳:(1)、congratulate v. 祝贺,道歉,与介词on搭配。如;I will congratulate you on your passing the college entrance examination. 注:congratulate 的宾语不是所祝贺的事,而是所祝贺的人。Congratulation n. Offer congratulations to sb. on sth. Congratulations to you on your happy marriage. Celebrate vt. 庆祝,其宾语是节日或时间Celebrate National Day(2)、祝贺语及其应答1.congratulations!2.Thats great (wonderful)!3.Many congratulations on your!4.Id like to congratulate you on your success!5.Please accept my warmest congratulations.应答:1.Thanks. / Thank you. 2.Its very nice of you to say so. 24. cater vi. 提供饮食及服务;迎合;投合cater to sth. 满足某种需要或要求cater for 供应伙食, 迎合Some newspapers cater to peoples love of scandal. 有些报纸迎合人们爱看丑闻消息的报纸。Cater for a party (banquet) 为聚会(宴会)备办食物TV must cater for many different tastes. 电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。例题:1. It is unacceptable to say popularity is the only _of a good novel. A. criterion B. standards C. levels D. criteria2. She stuck by her husband _. A. through thick and thin B. on a large scale C. in detail D. at hand 3. In the United States, what _ of your income is paid in income tax?A. sum B. total C. rateD. percentage4. Who is _ your sisters wedding?A. providing B. supplying C. catering for D. entertaining5. People say this is an exciting city but in _ its rather boring. A. reality B. matter C. a fact D. society 6. Jim is sick, but he should be able to camp with us next week, because his illness is only _. A. continual B. temporary C. contemporary D. final7. (1). The short-answer test is a kind of _ between the composition and selection types. A. mixture B. collection C. compound D. compromise(2). The disagreement about the boundary between the two countries was settled by _. A. compound B. concentration C. computation D. compromise8. Traffic lights are used to _ traffic. A. adjust B. arrange C. command D. regulate9. According to the local law, the _ force of each car must be regulated within a certain limit. A. economical B. dynamicC. respectiveD. peculiar10.She looked very much _ when she made speeches in public for the first time. A. bewilderedB. embarrassed C. disappointed D. discouraged11.His private actions are in direct _ with his publicly expressed opinions. A. conversation B. contradiction C. convention D. contribution 12.After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to _. A. retire B. withdraw C. retreat D. resign 13.You have made a few mistakes but _ you have done well. A. on the whole B. as a whole C. in whole D. wholly14.I want an appointment for a _ time and place. A. definiteB. deliberateC. digital D. durable15.The old mans _ consisted of a combination of stocks, bonds and properties. A. finances B. fossil C. fragment D. furniture16.(1). Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply _. A. declined B. lessened C. descend D. slipped (2). Cotton production has been _ the decline these years. A. down B. on C. at D. under 17.(1). I know youre new in this job, but _ me and youll be all right. A. stick with B. stick to C. stick with D. keep out (2). When they hit you, you should _ yourself instead of crying. A. live up to B. stick up for C. put up with D. look up to 18.(1). A car pulled _ at the gate when I was waiting for a friend. A. in B. off C. up D. out (2). The train _ and all the passengers got off.A. pulled in B. pulled out C. pulled on D. pulled down19.(1). He was _ of selling state secrets and arrested last month. A. doubted B. suspected C. respected D. inspected (2). As he was the only person who has the key, Simon felt himself _ suspicion. A. in B. uponC. beyondD. under20.(1). - Youve won the football game. Congratulations! - _. A. Its nice of you to say so. B. We are really lucky!C. No one else could do it. D. Oh, not really. (2). - Im going to take the driving test tomorrow. - _! (2000年全国春季高考试题)A. CongratulationsB. CheersC. Good luckD. Come on(3). - Congratulations on winning the first place in the first place in the tennis game! - _. A. Its nothing unusual B. The same as youC. Im just very luckyD. Success belongs to me21.What _of students pass the CET-4 in your college?A. percent B. percentageC. divisionD. category22. The disguise was so good that I had no _ of his real identity. A. wonder B. hesitation C. suspicion D. thought23.He was afraid he would have to _ her invitation to the party. A. ignore B. decline C. decreaseD. deny24.The spokesman of the government has announced that the unidentified flying object approaching the city has been _ identified as being a satellite. A. completely B. definitely C. deliberately D. highly 25.When I passed the entrance examination, my family _ me _ my successes. A. celebrated; on B. congratulated; on C. celebrated; to D. congratulated; toKey: 1-5. AADCA 6-10. BDDDBB 11-15. BDAAA16-20. ABABCABDACC 21-25. BCBBB


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