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break1 break down: 中断,停顿,破裂Talks have broken down over the disputed territory对有争议的领土问题的谈判破裂了瓦解,坍塌,崩溃The bridge broke down in last earthquake.(机器等)出故障,失灵,失效,出毛病,坏掉:The car broke down on our way to school.感情上失去控制,不能抑制感情,崩溃:She broke down in tears when she heard the news.分解2. break in:强行进入(房屋),非法强行闯入,破门而入:If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off.突然打断(谈话);插嘴;突然大声地讲话:She broke in on our conversation.她突然插话,打断了我们的谈话。训练(新手);使驯服,驯: The manager is breaking in a new assistant.经理正在训练一名新助手3. break out(战争、火灾、疾病、争吵等)突然发生,爆发,突发,突然开始,突然出现An epidemic broke out.一种流行病突然开始流行。突然逃跑,(使)脱逃,逃出(监狱),(使)逃走: He spent two months in prison before he broke out.他越狱逃走之前在狱中坐牢两个月。向外打破(门等): They broke the windows out to escape from the fire.他们把窗户往外砸破,安全逃出了大火。4. break up解散,驱散,拆散,(使)分散,散开,消散:The police were attacked as they tried to break up the crowd.解散人群 分手,分开,破裂The couple has broken up.那对夫妻离婚了 解冻,开垦In spring the ice on the lakes breaks up.春天湖水解冻。Cut1. cut off 隔绝,分离The village was cut off by the snow for more than a month.中断的(电话)通话;打断: The telephone operator cut us off before we had finished our conversation.我们的话还没说完,电话接线员就中断了我们的通话。切断,截断;停止: Our water supply has been cut off again.我们的供水又被切断。2. Cut away切去;剪去;切掉;砍掉: He cut away the old branches from the tree.他把那些枯枝从树上砍下来。走开;跑开,逃走: The boy dropped the apples he had stolen and cut away across the orchard.那个男孩丢下偷来的苹果,飞快地穿过果园逃走了。3. cut out裁剪;剪出: The shoemaker carefully examined the leather before starting to cut out the uppers.鞋匠仔细察看了这张皮子以后才开始裁剪鞋帮儿。切去,割去,剪去;删去: The doctor cut out his tonsils.医生切除了他的扁桃腺。You should cut out the unimportant details.你应当删除掉这些不重要的细节。4. cut up切碎,割碎,剪碎: She cut up the carrots and put them in the pot.她把胡萝卜切碎放入锅中。苛评;抨击: His latest novel was cut up by the reviewers.他的最新小说被评论家批得体无完肤。5. cut down把砍倒: Half of the forest was cut down to make room for the road.为了给新公路腾出地方,这片树林已经被砍去了一半。缩减,削减,缩短,删节:They have to cut down the office staff.他们不得不裁减办公室的职员。This article is too long,you have to cut it down to 1,000 words.这篇文章太长,你得把它压缩到一千字才行。砍杀;枪杀;杀害;夺去的生命;损害的健康: He was cut down in a car accident.他死于车祸。超过;胜过;击败: Jim was beginning to argue wildly again,getting his facts wrong,so his elder brother cut him down.吉姆又激烈地争辩起来,把论据都搞错了,于是他的哥哥就把他击败了。Put1. put away 把(某物)放在合适的地方;把(某物)藏在合适的地方;把收起来;放回原处: Put your toys away in the cupboard when youve finished playing.把你的玩具玩完后放进柜子里去。储蓄;储存备用: You may just want to put something away for a rainy day.你也许想储存点东西以防万一。处理掉;放弃;抛弃;打消: I ask him to put away such a foolish idea.我请他打消这种愚蠢的想法。2. put up 张贴海报:put up a poster 接待,供给(膳宿),得到(膳)宿,住旅馆: Im afraid I cant put you up.恐怕我不能给你们提供膳宿。 建造,盖起(房子),搭起(帐篷等);装置: Many blocks of flats were put up in the 1990s.许多公寓式建筑群都是20世纪90年代建的.3. Put off 推迟,延期:We put off the sports meeting until Friday because of the bad weather.抛弃;摆脱;脱去;脱掉(衣、帽等);除去:Why dont you put off your coat?你为何不脱掉外衣?打扰;使苦恼;使心烦:Dont put me off when Im trying to concentrate.我正在集中注意力,别打扰我。关掉,关上(灯、收音机等):Did you put off the light when you left home?离家时你关灯了吗?4. put aside储存,储蓄:put aside some money 存钱丢弃,撇开,把放在一边She put her sewing aside when the telephone rang.电话响时,她便把针线活放在一边。 不顾;不考虑;忘怀;无视:5. Put down: 镇压;记下;贬低;制止Give1. give away 泄露,暴露(秘密,情报等)Dont mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may give away the shocking ending.出卖,背弃,告发(某人):I know you didnt want to give your friend away.我知道你不想出卖你的朋友。丧失,错过,浪费2. give out散发,分发,颁发:I saw a man giving out leaflets in the street.我看见一位男子在大街上散发传单。公布,宣布;发表:He gave out that they werent coming.他宣布他们不来了。放出,发出(声音、光等):The radio is giving out a strange signal.收音机正发出一种奇怪的信号。被用完,耗尽,没有了;精疲力竭:The fuel gave out.油用完了。3. give up:放弃,抛弃,辞去(工作,职业等)When you get married, will you give up your job?你结婚后会不会辞去工作?4.give off发出(香味、声音等);放出(液体、气体、光、热等):The flowers gave off a sweet fragrance.鲜花散发出甜蜜的芳香。6. 长出(枝,杈等)Come1. come about发生,产生;实现:How did the accident come about?这个事故是怎么发生的?2. come out 开花;发芽:Some flowers have begun to come out.有些花现在已经开始开花了。出版;发表:That magazine comes out every Monday.那份杂志每星期一出版。出来;出现:The stars came out as soon as it was dark.天一黑星星就出来了。透露,传出;公之于世;(真相)大白:The truth has come out at last.真相终于大白。显出,显露,露出3. come across(偶然地)碰到;想到:讲得清楚明白,可理解;有说服力:Your speech didnt come across; nobody understood your opinion.你的演说讲得不明不白,没有人能听懂你的意思。发现;出现:I came across this book in an old bookstore in London.我在伦敦一家旧书店里发现了这本书。Call1. call off取消,停止,放弃He decided to call off his regular press conference.他决定取消他的定期记者招待会。2. call in邀请;召来:We had better call in a specialist at this critical moment.在这个关键时刻我们最好请一位专家来。3. call on号召Call on the public to help us.号召群众来帮忙拜访,访问Do1do without将就一下,设法对付过去I dont have any sugar so you will have to do witout.没有而设法对付过去,没有也行,没有也无妨:A car is something we cant do without.没有汽车我们是不行的。不干(某事);不吃;不用;缺乏,没有:In her work she cannot do without a computer.她工作不能没有电脑。2. do away with废除,取消do away with some old laws废除一些陈旧的法规干掉,杀死:The robbers did away with their victims.盗贼杀害了被劫者。Bring1. bring about引来,引起,导致,产生,造成;带来的结果; The economic reform brought about great change in the lives of the common people.经济改革在老百姓生活方面带来巨大的变化。使(船)掉过头来,使(船)改变方向: They brought the ship about and headed for safety.他们使船掉头,朝安全地带行驶。2. bring up抚养,养育;培养,教育 My parents brought me up to respect others.我父母教育我要尊重他人。Bring up a child=adopt a child 抚养一个小孩提出以供考虑;提出以便(协商等);提供(证据): He brought up a question for discussion.他提出问题讨论。提高,达到(to): I brought her proficiency up to the required level.我把她的熟练程度提高到所规定的水平。3. bring out使清楚,使变得明显,显示出来;使显出;使出现;使(意义等)明白地表示出来,阐明;发挥: bring out its beauty to the best advantage充分显示出它的美bring out the meaning of a passage阐明一段文字的意义带出来,取出,拿出,端出;搬出: bring the pen out of my pocket从口袋掏出钢笔暴露,查出: bring out facts from darkness into light使真相大白 说出: He was so shocked that he could hardly bring out a word. 他震惊得连一句话也说不出来。4. bring in进口;带进,引入,引来: He brought in two new members last week.他上周带进2名新成员。引进(风尚等);引入(话题等);提出: bring in new customs and habits带来新风俗习惯生产,产出;收入,收益,生出作为收益;(本金、投资等)生息: My part-time job doesnt bring in much, but I enjoy it .我的非全日性工作收入不多,但我喜欢这工作。

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