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PEP小学英语四年级月考试卷 一、请你为下列字母排队(10分) 1、C G D F E ( ) 2、e h I f g ( ) 3、D E G F H ( ) 4、b d e a c ( ) 5、E C D B F ( )二、 找出每组中与其它三个不是一类的单词。(10分)( )1、A. door B.floor C. window D. near( )2、A、pencil-case B、book C、black D、bag( )3、A、colour B、Chinese book C、math book D、English book( ) 4、A. desk B. apple C. teachers desk D. chair ( )5、A.father B. mother C.brother D. teacher三、按要求写出下列各词的适当形式。(10分)1. whats(完全形式) 2. 铅笔(英语) 3. 钢笔(英语) 4.书包(英语) 5.notebook(汉语) 四、单项选择。(20分)( )1. Mike : Nice to meet you . John: _.(A) Nice to meet you ,too. (B) Good morning .( )2.你有多少本故事书? (A) How many story-books do you have? (B)How much this story-book? ( )3.Chen Jie : Let me clean the board . Amy: _(A) OK. (B) Lets go and have a look.( )4.Lets go and _a look. (A) has (B) have ( )5. Look _the pictures. (A) in. (B) at (C)on( )6.-A: Wheres my seat ?- B:_.(在门旁边) (A) Its near the door . (B) Its near the desk .( )7.-A: May I have a look ? -B:_! (A) Wow ! How nice ! . (B) Sure .Here you are .( )8. -A :Lets clean the classroom. -B:_!(A) Good job ! (B) Good idea !( ) 9.-A: How old are you ? -B: _. (A) Im five. (B) Im fine . ( ) 10.让我们一起擦窗户吧!(A) Lets clean the window . (B) Let me clean the window.五、 从B栏中选出A栏相应的答语。(15分)A 栏( )1 Where is my seat? ( )2 This is Amy. ( )3 Lets clean the desks. ( )4 Do you like apples? ( )5 This is our new classroom.B栏A.Yes, I do.B.All right.C.Nice to meet you.D.Its near the door.E.Wow! Its so big.六、找出下列句子的汉语意思。(5分) 1.( )How many story-books do you have? 2. ( ) I have a new schoolbag. 3. ( ) Put your notebook under your bag. 4. ( ) How many English books can you see? 5.( ) What colour is your bag?A. 我有一个新书包。B.你能看到多少本英语书? C.你有多少本故事书? D.你的书包是什么颜色的? E.把你的笔记本放在你的书包下面七、选择与图片对应的句子。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(A) . Turn on the light . (B). Sweep the floor . (C). Open the door. (D). Clean the board. (E). Put up the picture. (F). Clean the window. 八、我是交际小能手。(20分)( )1、想看看别人的书时,可以说: AMay I have a look ? B. Give me your book .( )2、你想告诉同学自己有十支铅笔,可以说: AWe have ten pencils . B. I have ten pencils .( )3、你想把Mike 介绍给大家,会说: AThis is Mike. B. Im Mike. C. He is Mike.( )4、当你想知道自己的电脑在哪时,说: AWhere is my computer? B、How many computers are there?( )5、当你想让别人擦黑板时,说:A. Clean the window . B. Clean the board.( )6、当你表扬别人做得好时,说: AGood job! Good idea.( )7、你想让别人看你的新书包,你该怎么说: AI have a new bag,you see. B. Look! I I have a new schoolbag.( )8、你想看看同桌的新钢笔,你该怎么说: AMay I have a look? B. I can see your pen?( )9、小红有一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色,你该怎么说: Awhats your new pencil? B.Wrhat colour is your new pencil?( )10、当你想告诉别人你有了一个新朋友时,说: AI have a new classmates. B. I have a new friend.


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