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冀教版英语第五册 Lesson10:China导学案学习目标:1、 能够听、说、认读课文内容,特别是能听、说、认读China,speak,Chinese and the capital city。2、 能够听、说、认读句子: What is the capital city of China? What country is eastwestnorthsouth of China?3、培养学生自主学习能力;培养学生自我表达沟通能力。学习重点: 能听、说、认读重点句型。学习难点: 重点句型的交际运用及相关知识的表达。预习作业:1、课前预习中国的名胜古迹;搜集一些关于名胜古迹的资料、信息。使对本课所学知识有所期待。2、尝试读一读下列的词汇。China tan Chinesetani:z speakspi:k capitalkpt city flagfg starst: squareskwe in English the Palaceps Museummju:zm在音标中/s/之后的清辅音要发浊辅音。3 读课文,找出你不熟悉的单词,写在下面。4、翻译课文。知识链接1、 of是名词所有格,意思为的。例如east of China 中国的东方。2、 This is 不能缩写成thiss,因为当两个S 相接就会出现读时读不出两个S音的情形,所以不能简略为thiss。3、 Chinese的用法、作为不可数名词,意为“汉语”。、作为可数名词,意为“中国人”。、作为形容词,意为“中国(人)的”。4、 say和 speak的区别。 say是动词,表示“说,讲”,强调说的内容。 speak是动词,表示“说,讲”,其后常接某种语言。5、 Do you know what this is,Li Ming? 李明,你知道这是什么吗? 在这句话中,what this is 做的是know的宾语,即宾语从句,因疑问句what is this?做宾语从句时,使用陈述句语序,所以本句是what this is。学习过程Warming-up1、 Greeting2、 Lets sing a song 课件导入视频,师生边听边跟唱 Its a small world.New Concepts 1、课件展示图片,逐步以问答的方式引出词汇和句型。T: What country is it?(课件出示中国地图) C: China.T: Yes, China. We live in China. Where do you live?(领读,板书China)C: We live in China.T: Do you know about China?C: Yes.T: What language do we speak? Chinese or English?C: We speak Chinese.(领读,板书Chinese。)T: What is it?(课件显示北京) C: Beijing.T: Beijing is the capital city of China. What is the capital city of China?C: Its Beijing.T: Good. Say with me! “the capital city”, “Beijing is the capital city of China.” (领读,板书the capital city)T: Look. What country is east of China?(课件出示世界地图)S1: The U. S. is east of China.T: What country is north of China?S2: Canada is north of China.操练这一句型。T:Look. Do you know what it is?课件出示中国国旗。 C:Yes, I know this is Chinas flag.T: What colour is it?C: Its red.T: Whats on it?C: It has yellow stars.T: Beijing is so great. Beijing is the capital city of China. Do you know about Beijing?C: Yes, I know. It has_.T: Look. Where is it? (课件显示Tiananmen Squarethe Palace Museum图片) T:What is it in English? ( 领读,板书Tiananmen Square ,the Palace Museum。) S: Its Tiananmen Square. T:What is it in English? S: Its the Palace Museum。 2、翻译给出的句子。 This is a map of our country.What is the capital city of China? Beijing is the capital city of China.Do you know what this is?I know it in Chinese!What is it in English?Can you say it? Practice in Groups1、 听录音,模仿语音音调,小组内相互听读课文。2、 独立完成下列问题,小组交流答案。、Whats the capital city of China?、What language do you speak?、Where is China?、What colour is Chinas flag?3、对话练习,内容是问答所知道的中国。4、以导游的身份相互介绍中国。Production 1、对话表演。 2、“小小导游”角色扮演。Having a Quiz根据中文补全句子。1 这是中国地图。This is _our country.2 我们住在中国。We _ China.3我们说汉语。We _.3 这是中国首都。This is the _of China.5什么国家在中国东部。_country is _China.4 这是中国首都。This is _.5 它上面有黄星星。It _ yellow_.6 用英语怎么说?What is it _?8 它是故宫。Its _.Homework 用所学的国家知识写几句关于中国的英文介绍,并与同伴共赏。Board Writing Lesson10:China ChinaWhat is the capital city of China? Chinese Beijing is the capital city of China. speakWhat country is eastwestnorth capital south of China? Tiananmen Square T he palace Museam教学反思: 本节课的设计力求以学生为主体,以任务为中心,以活动为方式,放手让学生自己去发现问题、分析问题、解决问题。让学生成为直接的受益者,有利于学生的自主学习,有利于提高学生的综合语言运用能力,有利于增强学生学习的兴趣和信心,最后使学生“乐说”“会说”“能交际”,感到学英语“Its funIts easy!”


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