高二英语外研版选修7课件《Module 1 Basketball》1-1Introduction36张

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1attack v/n. 1)攻击;进攻;袭击 They decided to attack at night. 他们决定夜晚进攻。 A woman was attacked and robbed by a gang of youths. 有一妇女遭到一群青年的袭击和抢劫。 Our troops are now on the attack. 我们的部队正在进攻。,2)抨击;对付;着手处理(某事物) a newspaper article attacking the Prime Minister 报纸上抨击首相的文章 The government is making no attempt to attack unemployment. 政府无意解决失业问题。 They attacked their meal with gusto. 他们大吃大喝。,知识拓展 attacker n. 攻击者;进攻者 make fierce attacks against/on. 对发起猛烈袭击,即学即用 Spain_more in the second half and deserved a goal. Aattached Battended Cattracted Dattacked 答案:D,2defend vt. 1)防护;防卫 When a dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick. 当一只狗攻击我时,我用一根棍子防卫。 His task is to defend his opponent in the basketball match. 他在篮球比赛中的任务是防守对方。 2)辩护;律作的辩护律师 We need some lawyers to defend us. 我们需要几名律师为我们辩护。,知识拓展 defence/defense n. 防守/护 defend sb./sth. from. 保护某人(物)免遭 defend sb./sth. against. 保卫某人(物)抵御 All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. 我们所有的警察都接受过自卫训练,能够对付持刀袭击。 They fought the war in defence of their country. 他们为了保卫祖国而战。,词语辨析 defend, guard, protect 这组词的共同含义是“保护”。 1)defend指积极地抵抗、防御或挫败危险或侵袭,也可指为某人或论点辩护,常与against连用。 Hes better at defending than attacking. 他的防守优于进攻。 She defended herself successfully in court. 她在法庭上成功地为自己进行了辩护。,2)guard意为“保卫;警卫;看守”;指为了保护安全而站立守卫,含有警惕之意,常与against连用。 The dog guarded the house. 狗守护着房子。 Its important to guard against diseases. 预防疾病很重要。,3)protect指借用某种东西作为防御、保护工具,使人或物免受伤害,这种保护的成功率比defend, guard高,常与against, from连用。 They tried their best to protect the old temple. 他们尽全力保护这座古庙。 We must protect children from danger. 我们必须保护儿童免遭危险。,即学即用 Im prepared to_my ideas. Adefend Bprotect Cguard Dprevent 答案:A,3referee n(足球、拳击、篮球等的)裁判员 a fair referee 公平的裁判员 The referees blasted their whistles. 裁判高声吹哨。,知识拓展 1)篮球运动中常用术语 backboard 篮板 fake 假动作 DEF 防守篮板 half 半场 dead ball 死球 lane 罚球区 defense 防守 home game 主场 holding 阻挡犯规 travelling 带球走 a free throw 罚球 a jump ball 跳球 shoot 射篮;投球 a foul 犯规,2)足球运动中常用术语 forward 前锋 centre 中锋 guard 后卫 half guard 前卫 kickoff 开球 header 头球 penalty kick 点球 offside 越位 pass the ball 传球 ake the ball 接球,即学即用 完成句子 _ _ _(裁判的决定)was contested by the loser. 答案:The referees decision,4professional adj. 1)adj. 职业(上)的;从事某职业的;属于某专业的 professional associations/codes of practice/conduct 专业协会、职业道德规范、职业道德 You will need to seek professional advice about your claim for compensation. 你在索赔的问题上需要内行人士作指导。 The doctor was accused of professional misconduct. 那医生被指控有违行医道德。,2)adj. 具有专门知识的;表现专门技能的;内行的 Many of the performers were of professional standard. 许多表演者都具有专业水平。 He was complimented on a very professional piece of work. 他由于一件表现出精湛技艺的作品而受到赞扬。 She is extremely professional in her approach to her job. 她对工作极为精通。,3)n. 专家;内行;职业选手 She is a real professional. 她是个真正的专家。 4)al既可作表示行为、状况的抽象名词后缀,也可作动词和形容词后缀。如:arrival n到达;ideal adj.理想的。,知识拓展 profession n. 职业;工作 amateur n. 1)业余爱好者(不为金钱而从事体育或艺术活动的人) The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals. 这次比赛不仅职业运动员可以参加,而且业余运动员也可以参加。 2)技术不熟练的人;无经验的人 I shouldnt employ themtheyre just a bunch of amateurs. 我不应该雇用他们简直是一群外行。,词语辨析 job, occupation, profession, career job表示“工作;职业”的最普通用语。 occupation指一般意义上的职业,任何职业都可叫做occupation。 profession尤指需要高等教育和特别训练的人,如医生、律师、教师等。 career个人希望长期从事以期望有成就的事业。,即学即用 翻译句子 (1)他是一位职业乐师,而非业余爱好者。 _ _ _,(2)(2010青岛市高二期中考试)To be honest, I admire him very much; you see, he is a teacher by_. Ajob Boccupation Cprofession Dwork 答案:(1)Hes a professional musician, instead of an amateur.或He isnt an amateur, but a professional musician. (2)C by profession是固定搭配。意为:从职业上说(是)。,The NBA began in 1946, when it was called the Basketball Association of America(BBA) NBA开始于1946年,那时候它被叫做美国篮球联赛(BAA)。 It changed its name to the National Basketball Association in 1949 when several teams joined the BAA from the rival National Basketball League(NBL) 当1949年来自对手的国家篮球联赛(NBL)有几支球队加入BAA的时候,它把名字改成了美国职业篮球联赛。 这两句话都出现了when引导的定语从句,在第一句话中when引导非限制性定语从句,而在第二句话中when引导限制性定语从句。,The main school holidays are from December till early February, when the days are long and warm. 学校的主要假期是从12月到2月初,这段时间白天长,而且很暖和。 Do you remember the afternoon when we first met three years ago. 你还记得三年前我们相遇的那个下午吗?,知识拓展 when用做从属连词时有以下词义:当时;一(就);如果;虽然;然而;既然;考虑到 Well start when the monitor comes. 班长一来,我们就出发。 Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine. 如果机器发生故障,就把电门关上。 We have only three books when we need five. 虽然我们需要五本书,却只有三本。 Why do you use metal when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料,为什么要用金属呢?,词语辨析 when; while, as when用得最广,常可代替while与as。与while比较,when所引导的从句,动词既可是延续性的,也可是终止性的。as在这一点上与when相同,while所引导的从句中,动词只能是延续性的。,高考链接 (1)(2009四川)Shell never forget her stay there_she found her son who had gone missing two years before. Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen 解析:句意:“她永远不会忘记她在那里时,她找到了她的失踪了两年的儿子。”when表时间。 答案:D,(2)(2009重庆)Peter was so excited _he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. Awhere Bthat Cwhy Dwhen 解析:考查连词。句中的so相当于very,因此排除B项。句意为:收到朋友邀请他去重庆的请柬,彼得十分兴奋。 答案:D,即学即用 The film bought the hours back to me_I was playing nearby the river in the village. Awho Bthat Cwhen Dwhere 答案:C,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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