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Unit 2 Whats the matter?班级:_ 姓名:_.词汇1.The old woman feels _(疲劳)after a long walk.2.His son has a _ (头疼).3.I have a _ _(嗓子疼),so I cant speak a word.4.I brush my _ (牙)twice a day.5.The little boy eats too much,he has a _(肚子疼).单项选择1.Whats the matter _ you?A.forB.withC.to2.Your body temperature is 39 C.You _.A.have a coldB.have a headacheC.have a fever3.I have a toothache.I should _.A.see the dentistB.drink more waterC.lie down and rest4.If you are stressed out and angry you should eat more _.A.yin foodsB.hot yang foodsC.Huang Qi herbs5.Eating too _ is bad for your health.A.manyB.lessC.much6.Bill should _ because he is very thirsty.A.go to bedB.eat foodC.drink water.情景对话Jim doesnt feel well.His mother takes him to see the doctor.Doctor:_Jim:I feel very tired and weak.Doctor:How you feeling now?Jim:_Doctor:Let me see.Thats not too bad.You just have a cold.Jim:_Doctor:Do you eat anything for breakfast?Jim:_Doctor:Well,take this medicine twice a day.Have a good rest and drink more water.Jim:_a.Im feeling even worse.b.No.I dont like to eat anything.c.Whats the matter?d.Really?But I dont feel any better now.e.OK.Thank you.阅读理解Mr.Scott is a pediatrician(儿科医生).Almost all the people in the town know him.He is working there for a long time.He is always kind to the children and often plays games with them.The children arent afraid of him and they think hes a good doctor.One afternoon he is busy.A lot of people have a cold.Now a woman with a baby in her arms comes in.The doctor doesnt know her but he sits down to look over the baby carefully.The baby looks very nervous(紧张).Seeing this,Mr.Scott points to the boys ear,and says,“Is this your nose,my little friend?”The boy turns to his mother at once and says,“I think we should find a good doctor!”1.Nearly all the people in the town know Mr.Scott because_.A.hes there for a long timeB.he works in the hospitalC.he often plays games with the children 2.Mr.Scott has no time to have a rest because _.A.he is waiting for the strange boyB.he is a careful doctorC.there are many sick people that afternoon3.The boy hopes to see a good doctor because _.A.he doesnt think Mr.Scott is a good doctorB.he doesnt like Mr.Scotts jokeC.he thinks he is all right参考答案Unit 2 Whats the matter?.1.tired 2.headache 3.sore throat 4.teeth 5.stomachache.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.C.c a d b e.1.A 2.C 3.AUnit 2 Whats the matter?.你了解你身体的各个部位吗?请你写出他们的英语名称。.今天假如你是一名医生,判断一下这些病人都怎么了?Whats wrong with them?The girl in pink has a _.The boy in red has a _.The girl in yellow has a _._ has a temperature.The old man has a _.The old woman has a cold.Unit 2 Whats the matter?.1.headache 2.stomachache 3.toothache 4.The little boy 5.cough 6.quietUnit 2 Whats the matter?Practice 1作业导航掌握有关身体健康的词汇,以及语句表达。运用语句进行实际交际、求医、看病等。.看图填空1.A:Whats the matter?B:I have a head_and tooth_.2.A:Whats the _?B:I have a st_m_ch.3.A:_?B:I have a sore throat.4.A:Whats the matter?B:I _ a cold.情景对话(Doctor:D Patient:P)D: 1 the mater?P:I have a cold,cough!Cough!I have a terrible c 2 ,ouch!Head 3 ,Oh,my god,help me!D: 4 it easy.Let me exam.Open your mouth,ok,good,take your fever,please.Oh,38.9.You have a f 5 .You have a bad cold.P:Is it terrible?D:Maybe.You should 6 some medicine and go to bed for a good rest.I hope you feel 7 soon.P:Its very kind of you,doctor.Thanks a lot.D:My pleasure.改错1.How long do you usually watch TV? A B C D2.How often do you ill?Often. A B C D3.Lucy was never away to school last term. A B C D4.I usually does seven hours of sports every week. A B C D5.There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in the basket. A B C D.按要求转换句型1.She often does housework at home.(改为一般疑问句)_she often _housework at home?2.I bought some fruit this morning.(改为否定句)I_ _ _ fruit this morning.3.She never gets to school very early.(对划线部分提问)_ _ does she get to school very early.4.I was away from school for about a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you away from school?5.I think a chicken can swim.(改为否定句)I _ _ a chicken _ swim.6.Miss Wang likes her students.(改为一般疑问句)_ Miss Wang _ her students?7.He cant hear anything.(改为同义句)He _hear _.8.The dog likes to follow people.(对划线部分提问)_ does the dog like _ _?参考答案.1.headache;toothache 2.matter;stomach3.Whats the matter? 4.have.1.Whats 2.cough 3.headache 4.Take 5.fever 6.take 7.better.1.B longoften 2.C doare 3.D tofrom 4.A doesdo 5.A areis.1.Does;do 2.didnt buy any 3.How often 4.How long were 5.dont think;can 6.Does;like 7.can;nothing 8.What;to doUnit 2 Whats the matter?Practice 2作业导航掌握有关身体健康的词汇,以及语句表达。运用语句进行实际交际、求医、看病等。.看图对话D:Whats the matter?A:Im not feeling well.I have a h _and t_.D:When did it start?A:About_ago.D:Oh,that is too bad.You should _.A:Yes,I think so.D:I hope you feel better soon.Next one ,whats the matter?Do you have a sore throat?B:_.D:When did it start?B:_.D:Oh,take it easy.You should take some medicine at first and have more water every day.You will be better soon.B:Thank you,doctor.D:_.自我提升Every morning in our class,Mr.Smith calls the roll.He calls the names of all the students,one after another,in alphabetical order(按字母表顺序).For example,he says:“John White.”“Present.”“Helen Williams.”“Here.” “Henry Williams.” “Henrys absent today.”“Oh,yes.Henrys your brother.Wheres Henry today?”“Hes at home.Sir.”“He is sick.I suppose.”“Yes,sir.He has a bad cold.”“I hope he feels better tomorrow.”“Thank you,sir.”“Well,lets begin the lesson.Today we have Lesson 19.First,lets open our books.Whats the page number?”“Page 19,sir.”“Thank you.First lets read a few lines aloud for pronunciation (听写).And later,we can have some dictation (听写).John,you go to the black-board and write on the blackboard while the others write at their desks.You all like dictation,dont you?”“No.I like reading stories and translating (翻译)them,” John says.“But dictation is important.It teaches you the correct spelling(拼写)of words and it also helps with pronunciation.”“Last time,I made twenty-five mistakes in spelling,” says John.“But how many words did I dictate?”“Twenty-six.”1.What does Mr.Smith do every morning in the English class? .2.How does he call the names of the class? .3.How do the students answer when Mr.Smith calls their names? .4.If a student is ill,does he usually go to school or stay at home? .Compression questions:1.Do you say yes or no when Mr.Smith says that dictation is very important? .2.Does your English teacher often or seldom give you dictation? .3.Do you find English spelling easy or difficult? .4.Do you make many or few mistakes in spelling your English? .开心一刻Five Dollars a Visit(拜访一次5块钱)Miss White:(to Paul whose father is a doctor)Paul,if your work doesnt improve(改进),I think it will be necessary for me to call on your father.Paul:(politely)That will be fine,Miss White.His office hours are three to five,and his fee is five dollars a visit.参考答案.A:headache;toothache;A:two days;D:take some medicine; B:Yes.B:About two days ago.D:You are welcome.1.He calls the roll every morning.2.He calls the names of all the students,one after another,in alphabetical order.3.They answer “present”or “Here”.4.He usually stays at home. Comprehsion question(略)阶段测试(Unit 1Unit 2)班级:_ 姓名:_.词汇(A)词组互译1.垃圾食品_2.饮食习惯_3.照顾_4.好主意_5.保持平衡 _6.on the other hand _7.at the moment _8.stay healthy _9.healing food _10.how often _(B)用词的适当形式填空1.I was _ (ill)yesterday,but I feel _ (well)today.2.He goes skateboarding _ (two)a week.3.Im worried because my mother is _ (health).4.My _(speak)English doesnt improve,so I need some conversation practice.5.Its important for you to eat a _ (balance)diet.选择填空1.Today I am not feeling _.A.good B.wellC.nice2.You should drink _ water.A.a lotB.a littleC.a few3.When you are often _,you should eat more yin foods.A.stressed outB.tiredC.happy4.I like drinking coffee _ sugar in it.A.ofB.withC.to5.What _ do you have?I often feel tired.A.questionB.the matterC.problem6.The old man is _ healthy though he is about 60.A.prettyB.beautifulC.nice7.Mr.Green usually starts the day _ breakfast.A.toB.forC.with8.You have a fever.You should drink more water.Yes,_.A.I think itB.I think soC.thats all right9.He sometimes studies late _ 2 am.A.atB.inC.until10._ of the children like to watch cartoons.A.LotB.LittleC.Most.情景交际选择最佳答语补全对话。 A woman (W)is not feeling very well.She comes to see the doctor (D).D:_W:I feel very weak.I can hardly do any work,doctor.D:_W:A month ago.D:Do you have a headache?W:No,I dont.D:_W:Yes,I sleep very well.D:_W:No,I dont.And I have little food for lunch because I want to keep thin.D:Oh,I see._You need to take more food and do some exercise every day.You can be better soon.A.Do you sleep well?B.Do you do exercise?C.Theres nothing serious.D.Do you often have breakfast?E.Whats the matter with you,madam?F.You are not ill.G.When did it start?.句型转换1.Lin Tao does his homework every evening.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Lin Tao _ every evening?2.She has a backache. (对划线部分提问)Whats _ with _?3.He always helps others.(改为否定句)He _ helps others.4.I hardly go to the movies.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you go to the movies?5.He often visits his uncle.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ _ his uncle?.完形填空Li Ming 1 often late for school.The teacher is very angry with him. “ 2 are you often late for school?” asks the teacher. “Because I often get up 3 ,” answers Li Ming. “ 4 clock can wake you up,” says the teacher.“Yes,you are 5 .But it 6 work ,” says Li Ming.“Why dont you 7 it?” asks the teacher again.“Oh,I dont want it to work 8 ,” answers Li Ming.“If all of us are late for school, 9 do you like it?” says the teacher.“Oh,thats great!There will be 10 schools in the world,” says Li Ming with a smile.1.A.isB.beC.does D.do2.A.WhyB.WhenC.WhatD.Where3.A.quicklyB.earlyC.lateD.slowly4.A.YouB.YourC.YoursD.Yourself5.A.rightB.wrongC.fineD.OK6.A.dontB.doesntC.isntD.not7.A.takeB.bringC.makeD.mend8.A.goodB.niceC.wellD.fine9.A.whatB.whyC.howD.where10.A.noB.notC.littleD.without.阅读理解Tom is a little boy,and he is only seven years old.Once he goes to a cinema.It is the first time for him to do that.He buys a ticket and goes in.But after two or three minutes he comes out,and buys the second ticket and goes in again.After a few minutes he comes out again and buys the third ticket.Two or three minutes after that he comes out and asks for another ticket.But a girl asks him,“Why do you buy so many tickets?How many friends do you meet?” “No,I have no friends here,but a big woman always stops me at the door and cuts up my ticket.”根据短文内容回答下列问题:1.How old is Tom?_.2.Is it the first time for him to go to the cinema?_.3.How many tickets does Tom buy before the girl asks him?_.4.Does Tom meet a few good friends of his that day?_.5.What does the big woman do?_.参考答案阶段测试(Unit 1Unit 2).(A) 1.junk food 2.eating habit 3.look after 4.good idea 5.keep balance 6.另一方面 此时 保持健康 保健品 多久一次(B) 1.ill,better 2.twice 3.healthy 4.spoken 5.balanced.15 BBABC 610 ACBCC .E G A D F.1.What does do 2.wrong her 3.never 4.How often do you5.Does often visit.15 AACBA 610 BDCCA.1.Seven. 2.Yes,it is. 3.Three tickets. 4.No,he doesnt. 5.She is a gatekeeper at the cinema. 教&改先&锋*网 教!改先&锋*网 教!改先&锋*网 教改先锋*网 http:/www.jgxfw.com/

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