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Unit 1 Starting OutActive Reading (1) Diary of a fresher. Warm-up Activities:Describe your university with the help of the following words (You can choose some of them in your description .)modern traditional friendlyseriousdynamic(有活力的)livelyimpressive(令人印象深刻的)quiet busy spiritualacademic gym(健身房;体育馆)stadium(体育场;露天大型运动场)dormitorylibrarylaboratorylecture hall(演讲厅;大教室)dining hall swimming poolStudents Unionclubs (In foreign universities, there could even be: bar, medical centre, seminar room会议室, bookshop, supermarket, arts centre, Internet cafe可上网的咖啡室). Further Discussion:Work in pairs. Look at the list of education objectives and number them in order of importance to you. finding a girlfriend / boyfriend studying hard and learning a lot meeting people and making friends getting a good job when you graduate having fun growing up and becoming independent going to parties doing lots of sport reading widely learning new skills and having new experiences . How to write a diary in English1. Format: a. Write down the date, the day and the weather on the first line. The date and the day are on the left, while the weather is on the right.b. Write the body part. Write this part on the second line.2. Person: Write the diary in the first person.3. Tense: a. Past tense; b. Present tense; c. Future tense.4. Order: Write the diary in chronological order.5. Style: Casual and informal: express a personal viewpoint with reactions, reflections and feelings. Background Information & Culture Notes:1. A hall of residence (AmE dormitory): is a place where students live, often a large building, or a series of buildings with accommodation and some social facilities. 2. A coffee morning: refers to an informational gathering with coffee, where people with a common interest meet for an hour or so and get to know each other better.3. A gap year: is a year usually between finishing school and starting university or college when you travel or work. 4. A freshers fair: is an event when all the university clubs and societies try to attract new members. 5. Ballroom dancing: is a type of dancing done by a man and a woman together, often in a room where formal balls, or dances, take place. Ballroom dances include:Waltz华尔兹Tango探戈Foxtrot狐步舞Rumba伦巴Swing摇摆舞Cha cha恰恰6. Artificial intelligence (人工智能): is the ability of a machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence. Artificial intelligence Society: is a club for members who share the same interest in artificial intelligence. 7. Bell ringing: is a musical activity which involves a group of six to ten people. Each person has two bells, one in each hand and take turns to ring them. Each bell has a different musical mote, so the whole group can make musical melodies and harmonies.8. Extreme sports: (also known as lifestyle sports or action sport) are a general term for sports featuring speed, height, danger or spectacular stunts. The sports have rooted in 1960s and have been growing since the late 1980s. bungee jumping rock climbing bull fighting free diving 9. Choir is an organized company of singers, especially one performing church music or singing in a church.Mozart Choir is a club for singers to perform Mozarts music. Words & Expressions: 1. gap: n. a period of time between two events间隔,间断a gap in the conversation 谈话的间隙他们阔别20年后又见面了。They met again after a gap of 20 years.Adjectives which can go before Gap in this meaning include:awkward long short time I was wondering how to fill the awkward gap in the conversation. space between things空隙,缺口 a gap in a hedge/fence/wall 树篱、篱笆、墙壁的豁口 leave a gap between your car and the next. 在车与车之间留条道。Adjectives which can go before Gap in this meaning include:big huge large / small wide / narrow awkwardVerbs which can go before Gap in this meaning include:fill seal difference差距The gap between the rich and the poor 贫富之间的差距 The gap between theory and practice 理论与实践之间的脱节 贫富之间差距的加大导致了本地区犯罪率的增加。 The widening gap between the rich and the poor resulted in the increasing rate of crime in this neighborhood.Adjectives which can go before Gap in this meaning include:big huge large wide growing widening narrow unbridgeable Verbs which can go before Gap in this meaning include:bridge closeNouns which can go before Gap in this meaning include: age generation trade gender culture/cultural knowledge 学习外语能帮助我弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与其他人的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。 Learning a foreign language can help me to bridge the gap between my language and culture and others.2. impress: v.to make you admire or respect someone 给.留下印象 impress sth. on/upon sb./ones mind 把印在脑子里 impress sb. with.: feel admiration and respect for sth. 给某人留下印象注意:两个结构中的介词不同,宾语不同 他的话使我深深铭记心头。His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 经理让办公室职员认识到细节的重要性。The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of details. 姑娘又活泼又富幽默感,给她的老板留下很好的印象。 The girl impressed her boss with her liveliness and sense of humor. impression: n. deep lasting effect on the mind or feeling of sb. 印象;感觉 make (give, leave, create) an impression on sb. 给某人留下的印象 be under the impression that: have the idea that认为,以为impressive: a. having a strong effect on 给人印象深刻的 impressive building, speech, performance 令人难忘的 His collection of paintings is most impressive. 令人叹为观止3. swear: v. to make a sincere statement that you are telling the truth发誓,保证 He swore his story was true. ( 从句) He swore not to be late.(不定式) He swore eternal love to her. (名词) swear-word 骂人的话 The drunken fellow started swearing at the policeman.4. assure: vt. tell definitely, positively or confidently; convince 保证 He assured me of his readiness to help. I can assure you of my full support for your plan. He assured me that the police were doing all they could. life assurance 人寿保险(against death)Compare: ensure, insure, assureensure: vt.: guarantee, make sth. certain to happen This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep. I cant ensure that he will be here on time. Come early to ensure getting a good seat.insure: v.: to protect against loss My house is insured against fire. 房子保了火险。5. barely:adv. only just 刚刚,仅仅,勉强能够 His handwriting is barely legible.(you can only just read it.) He could barely read and write. 他勉强能读写。 We barely had time to catch the train.我们差点儿没赶上火车。 She was barely sixteen. (i.e. only just sixteen, no older) Although I am a member of the club, I barely go there. Although I am a member of the club, I rarely go there6. ignorant: a. unaware; knowing little or nothing; lacking education or information be ignorant of/about. He is so ignorant that he cannot write his own name. She was quite ignorant of his presence.ignorance: n. lack of information or knowledge无知,愚昧 We are in complete ignorance of your plan. 我们对你的计划一无所知。 If he did wrong it was only through/from ignorance. 要是他错了,那也是出于无知。 I regret my ignorance on the subject. ignore: vt. take no notice of; deliberately refuse to greet or acknowledge sb不理,不顾,忽视 He completely ignored all these facts as though they never existed. It would be a mistake to ignore their advice. I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely!7. intelligent: a. clever 聪明的 He is an intelligent person. The child made a very intelligent comment. They are a laborious and intelligent people.intelligence: n. 聪明,智力 Hes obviously a man of very high intelligence. That book is an insult to ones intelligence. The intelligence department of a government collects and studies information that will help its army and navy. (CIA of the U.S.: The Central Intelligence Agency中情局)intellectual: a. concerning the ability to reason 有知识的,智力的 n. a person who is well-informed and intelligent 知识分子 an intellectual family 知识分子家庭 intellectual property are to be protected. 版权受到保护 (piracy/ pirate 盗版) Chess is a highly intellectual game. 高智力游戏 Teaching is a more intellectual occupation than sweating. 教书是一种脑力工作而不是体力劳动。 Universities are centers of intellectual activities. 智力活动的中心 Most of the family members are intellectuals.8. residence: n. a persons home; staying in some place住所,住宅;居住,居住资格 10 Downing Street is the British Prime Ministers official residence.唐宁街10号是英国首相的官邸。 Foreign visitors are only allowed one months residence.外国访客只准逗留一个月。related words: reside: vi. live居住,定居;(in)(权利、权力等)归于或属于 resident: n. person who lives or has a home in not a visitor 居民 residential: a. They live in a good residential district. 住宅residential area 居民小区1. sign up: write your name on the list Ive signed up to take a course at the local college. We will not have the picnic unless more people sigh up. John wants to sign up for the contest.2. as/so long as: only if; since只要 As long as you are happy, it doesnt matter what you do. Well go as long as the weather is good. As long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there. 只要对这些毒品有需求,也就存在着对贩毒者的经济诱因。3. burst into tears: 突然哭了/放声大哭 burst into: enter hurriedly; start suddenly 匆匆进入;突然爆发 She burst into tears on hearing the bad news. 听到这个坏消息,她放声大哭 The children burst into the room laughing and talking. 孩子们有说有笑地冲进屋子。related expressions burst into laughter: burst out laughing 突然笑了; burst into cheers 突然欢呼起来 . Language in use: climb out 钻了出来barely big enough for 刚刚够round shoulders 肩膀厚实coffee morning 早茶会be determined to be pleasant 打定主意逗人开心moves his head from side to side 晃动脑袋spill into撒到里join a long queue 排进了长队self-service meal 自助餐get dressed穿好衣服rush over to急匆匆地赶到 looks half asleep睡眼惺忪gap year空挡年Freshers Fair新生集会join a club加入俱乐部sign up for报名参加Artificial Intelligence Society人工智能协会Extreme Sports Club极限运动俱乐部Amateur Dramatics业余剧社Mozart choir莫扎特合唱团burst into tears一下子就哭了ID card能验明身份的证件break a rule违反规定run out of 没有 了. Figure of Speech: The Usage of Exaggeration: Para. 6: As he speaks, he moves his head from side to side, which makes his coffee spill into the saucer. Is this the real reason the coffee spills into the saucer?Para. 13: The boy in front puts it all on his plate, pays for it, and goes to sit down. Is this a usual amount of food to eat at one meal?Para. 19: She impress me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldnt even breathe the same air as her. What does the writer think of Sophie?Para. 24: If I do, I will be sent to prison. Will she be sent to prison if she breaks the library rules?. Assignment: Write a diary of yours which records your one-week college life.

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