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人生入秋,便开始被友人指着脑袋说:“呀,你怎么也有白发了?”听罢笑而不答,偶尔笑答一句:“因为头发里的色素都跑到稿纸上去了。”As I become middle-aged, my friends begin to point at my head and say “Ah, how come that you have white hairs?” Hearing this, I respond with a smile and silence; accidentally, I say with a beam “Because pigment of my hair found its way to writing paper.”就这样,嘻嘻哈哈、糊里糊涂地翻过了生命的山脊,开始渐渐下坡来。或者再努力,往上登一登。Like this, we joyfully transcend the peak of life without knowing it, and gradually descend the mountain. Or, we endeavor to ascend it.对镜看白发,有时也会认真起来:这白发中的第一根是何时出现的?为了什么?思绪往往会超越时空,一下子回到了少年时那次同母亲聊天,母亲背窗而坐,窗子敞开着,微风无声地轻轻掀动母亲的头发,忽见母亲的一根头发被吹立起来,在夕照里竟然银亮银亮,是一根白发!这根细细的白发在风里柔弱摇曳,却不肯倒下,好似对我召唤。我第一次看见母亲的白发,第一次强烈地感受到母亲也会老,这是多可怕的事啊!我禁不住过去扑在母亲怀里。母亲不知出了什么事,问我,用力想托我起来,我却紧紧抱住母亲,好似生怕她离去事后,我一直没有告诉母亲这究竟为了什么。最浓烈的感情难以表达出来,最脆弱的感情只能珍藏在自己心里。如今,母亲已是满头白发。但初见她白发的感受却深刻难忘。那种人生感叹,那种凄然,那种无可奈何,正像我们无法把地上的落叶抛回树枝上去Looking at white hairs in the mirror, I sometimes get into serious thinking: When did the first strand of white hair appear and why? Thinking back/through time, I reminisce of childhood I was chatting with my mother who sat against the window. Breeze, silently and gently, flitted through the open window and ruffled my mothers hair. Suddenly, I beheld one of her hair erecting upward, dazzling brightly amidst the setting sunbeam/ray/light. The tender strand of white hair waved in the wind, reluctant to fall flat and as if beckoning to me. As I saw her first white hair, I came to the intense realization that my mother should (竟然) become old what a horrifying fact/thing! I couldnt help but jump to her bosom/embrace. Not knowing what happened, she asked me why and used all her strength to lift me up. I, however, held her tight, afraid of losing her. Afterwards, I never told mom the reason for it. The strongest emotion is hard to express and the tenderest one can be only tucked away in heart. Now, my mom is hoary-headed, but the memory of how I felt at the first sight of her white hair remains fresh. That sense of life, the bleakness and the feeling of helplessness are like the inability to throw fallen leaves on ground back to twigs.当妻子把一小酒盅染发剂和一枝扁头油画笔拿到我面前,叫我帮她染发时,我心里一动,怎么,我们这一代生命的森林也开始落叶了?我瞥一眼她的头发,笑道:“不过两三根白头发,也要这样小题大做?”可是待我用手指撩拨她的头发,我惊讶了,在这黑黑的头发里怎么会埋藏这么多的白发!我竟如此粗心大意,至今才发现才看到。也正是由于这样多的白发,才迫使她动用这遮掩青春衰退的颜色。可是她明明一头乌黑而清香的秀发呀,究竟怎样一根根悄悄变白的?是在我不停歇的忙忙碌碌、侃侃而谈中,还是在不舍昼夜的埋头写作中?是那些年在大地震后寄人篱下的茹苦含辛的生活所致?是为了我那次重病内心焦虑而催白的?还是那件事几乎伤透了她的心,一夜间骤然生出这么多白发?As my wife carries a wine-cup of hair-dyeing lotion and a flat-headed painting brush before me and asks me to dye black her hair, I realize with a twitch that the life forest of our generation has begun to wither. I glance at her hair and says laughingly “Youve got only two or three strands of white hairs, why make a fuss over it?” However, as I comb and separate her hair with hands, I m shocked to see that many white hairs are concealed beneath the black hair. Ive been so careless to fail to see them till now. It is these hairs that push her to resort to pigments that masquerade hues of fading youth. But she used to have all the black and scented hair, how on earth did they become white step by step? Did it happen amid our busy life and voluble chats? Or did it occur in my writing day and night? Was it caused by hard and bitter life led in others home after the earthquake? Was it attributed to excess worry over my grave illness? Was it because of that thing which hurt her so much that she had so many white hairs overnight?黑发如同绿草,白发犹如枯草;黑发像绿草那样散发着生命诱人的气息,白发却像枯草那样晃动着刺目、凄凉的、枯竭的颜色。我怎样做才能还给她一如当年那一头美丽的黑发?我急于把她所有变白的头发染黑。她却说:“你是不是把染发剂滴在我头顶上了?”Black hair is like green grass, and white hair is like withered grass. The former gives off enticing scent of life like green grass while the latter waves with dazzling, bleak and withered color like wilted grass. What should I do to return to her what used to be beautiful black hair? Im in a haste to dye black all her white hairs, while she says “Did you drip liquid on my top/head?”我一怔。赶忙用眼皮噙住泪水。不叫它再滴落下来。Shocked, I immediately held back tears to prevent it from rolling down.这日,邻家一位老者来访。这位老者阅历深、博学,又健朗,鹤发童颜,很有神采,他对我说:“小老弟,你挺明白的人,怎么在白发面前糊涂了?孩童有稚嫩的美,青年有健康的美,你有中年成熟的美,我有老来恬淡自如的美。这就像大自然的四季春天葱茏,夏天繁盛,秋天斑斓,冬天纯净。各有各的美感,各有各的优势,谁也不必羡慕谁,更不能模仿谁,模仿必累,勉强更累。人的事,生而尽其动,死而尽其静。听其自然。对!所谓听其自然,就是到什么季节享受什么季节!哎,我这话不知对你有没有用,小老弟?”This day, an old man in neighborhood paid me a visit. Experienced and erudite, he is hale and hearty, exuberant with vitality. He said to me ”Little Brother, you are a clever man, why do you get baffled when it comes to white hairs? Kids have the beauty of tenderness, young people have the beauty of health, you have the beauty of maturity in middle-age and I am blessed with the beauty of serenity/calmness. This is like four seasons in nature spring enveloped in lush greenery, summer covered in thriving vitality, autumn profuse with splendid colors and winter graced with purity. Each has a beauty and advantage of its own. Admiration is both unnecessary, impossible and tiring. As for human beings, one should get around a lot in life and enjoy peace in death (结构对称). Follow the course of nature. Right! That means enjoying the season as it comes along! Well, I wonder if this will help you, Little Brother?”我听罢,顿觉地阔天宽,心情快活。摆一摆脑袋,头上花发来回一晃,宛如摇动一片秋光中的芦花。Hearing this, I feel a vast expanse opening up before and free mind. As I shake my head, white hairs on my top wave back and forth, like reed blossoms waving found by autumn light.


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