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2010年海淀区中考二模英语完形填空原题:For years Peter Smiths life was badly disturbed by the memory of an accident that caused the death of one of his classmates, Oliver. His wife left him after six years of marriage, He 36 his work. Then suddenly the news about Peter 37 His wife came back and he found a new job.One day he told me what had changed his life. I used to think that nothing could call off what 1 had done. The thought of my mistake would 38 me in the middle of a smile or a handshake. It put a 39 between my wife and me. Then I had a / an 40 visit from the person I was afraid most to see - the mother of the classmate who died. Years ago, she said, I found it in my heart to have forgiven (原谅) you. So did Oliver and your friends. She paused, and then said 41 , Peter, you are the one who hasnt forgiven yourself. Who do you think you are to stand out 42 the people around you and God? 1 looked into her eyes and found there a kind of permission to be the person I might have been 43 her boy had lived. For the first time in my life I felt worthy to love and be loved. It is only through forgiveness of our 44 that we gain the freedom to learn from experiences. But forgiving our. shortcomings doesnt mean denying (否认) that they exist. Instead, it means 45 them honestly, realistically.Can a person be all-forgiving and still be human? A scientist I know spent four years as a slave labor in Germany. His parents, his younger sister and elder brother were killed by Nazi. This is a man who has every reason to hate. Yet he is filled with a love of life that he passes on to everyone who knows him. He explained it to me the other day, In the beginning I was filled with hatred. 46 I realized that in hating I had become my own 47 . Unless you forgive, you cannot love. And without love, life has no meaning. Forgiveness is truly the saving grace, which gives the people who make mistakes a chance to correct them.36. A. got B. left C. lost D. took37. A. started B. changed C. worked D. went38. A. knock B. take C. fail D. stop39. A. bridge B. house C. wall D. door40. A. unusual B. unexpected C. surprising D. friendly41. A. seriously B. carefully C. directly D. sadly42. A. for B. with C. toward D. against43. A. if B. when C. after D. unless44. A. excuses B. mistakes C. failures D. lessons45. A. facing B. seeing C. finding D. receiving46. A. Yet B. Only C. Then D. Still47. A. classmate B. teacher C. friend D. enemy详细解析:36. C 根据后线索。在第一段最后一句话 he found a new job。工作没有丢也就无所谓找到新工作。lose/drop/miss春季的时候辨析过多次,春季有一篇完型填空就是填everything was lost. lose意向很多,概括起来说就是主观不愿意地丢,比如lose ones hope(失去希望,绝望),lose ones purse(丢钱包),lose ones job(丢工作,丢饭碗),lose ones way(迷路)。37. B 根据后线索。 what had change his life。Peter之前一直过得很衰,突然生活重现光明,发生change,一定是之前一直给他带来阴影的那条news发生了change。38. D 根据前线索。 I used to think that nothing could call off what I had done.(意译:我曾认为之前的所作所为会是我心里永远都无法迈不过去的坎)call off指的是取消,放弃,抵消作用。顾名思义,我头顶一直阴云不散,所以哪怕是在向人微笑或者与人握手的过程中我都会被负罪感打断(stop)。39. C 根据前线索。第一段中 His wife left him,必然两人之间有了隔阂,wall(墙壁)是比喻的说法。Bridge(桥梁)是建立沟通的象征,英语中有bridge the gap(消除隔阂),显然不选。House(房子)显然也不符。Door是可以开启的,不是隔阂。40. B 这是一道难题。关键在两点:第一,注意visit后的介词 from,而非 to,所以首先明白是别人拜访他。第二,unexpected也是春季讲过的词,expect(V.)指的期望,预料,unexpected指的是不期而至,an unexpected guest/visit是极为常见的形容词名词搭配,翻译成不速之客,不请自来都可以。联系后线索, from the person I was afraid most to see,显然是我不愿意见到的人。B选项是最佳选项。41. A 这一空与西城一模完型填空最后一空如出一辙。作为Oliver的母亲安慰我,她一定是语重心长,特别认真地(seriously)。其他选项,carefully(小心翼翼地),directly(直接地),sadly(哀伤地)都不符合情境。她既然来安慰Peter一定已经从难过的情绪中恢复过来了。42. D 这道题考察介词,难度较大。关键在于理解介词against的用法,against作为介词的含义概括起来就是与相对的,与相反的。此句的含义是自从发生了那场不幸后,Peter就把自己与周围的世界孤立出来, stand out against指的是强烈的抵触。其他介词含义均不合适。43. A 择合适的连词。选if表假设,引导一个表示虚拟语气的从句。44. B 根据后线索。实际上 forgiveness of our _即后文 forgiving our shortcomings。跟shortcomings(缺点)最接近的是mistakes(错误)。45. A 根据前线索。前文 forgiving our shortcomings doesnt mean denying thatInstead,故正确的选项应是deny(否认)的反义词,应该是承认,直面的意向,选facing(名词意思是脸,面;动词意思为直面。春季复习过哦!)46. C 根据前线索。前一句中 in the beginning(开始),显然接下来描述然后(then)。47. D 根据单词感情色彩判断。In hating必然是消极意向,四个选项classmate(同学),teacher(老师),friend(朋友),enemy(敌人)中显然只有enemy这个选项合适。

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