
上传人:jian****018 文档编号:9403836 上传时间:2020-04-05 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:16KB
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D:嗨,你的梦想是什么?D: hey, whats your dream?Z:我的梦想是做一名智能机器的研究专家Z: my dream is to be an intelligent machine research expertsD:你能告诉我为什么要成为一名智能机器人研究专家吗D: can you tell me why do you want to be an intelligent robot research expertsZ:首要原因是智能机器人能够帮助我们做一些人类无法完成的危险任务,其次,我国的在研究智能机器人技术方面落后于一些发达国家,例如:美国、日本。我想我国家在不应该只有这些成绩,应该有更大的飞跃。Z: the primary reason is that robot can help us to do some dangerous task that human cant complete , and secondly, in the research of intelligent robot technology in our country lags behind that of some developed countries, such as: the United States, Japan. I think our country should not be only these achievements, there should be a greater leap.D:那么你做了哪些准备了?D: so what have you done to prepare?Z:第一,我平时做中一些有关机器人信息的收集,了解相关的原理书籍;第二,我选择了自动化这个专业,这个理我的梦想更近了一步;第三,我还注重自己动手能力的培养,喜欢制作一些简单的模型Z: the first, I usually collect some information about the robot , in the understanding of the principle of relevant books; Second, I chose this major in automation, the manage a step closer to my dream; Third, I also pay attention to the development of diy ability, and i love making some simple modelsD:你将来有什么打算?D: do you have any plans for the future?Z:现在我正在积极的参加学校智能机器人选拨赛活动,希望成为其中的一员。这是我迈出的第一步。我如果我有幸进入,积极的准备全国的智能大赛,那么为自己以后的工作积累一些经验。如果没有,进入总结失败的经验,更加努力的弥补自己的不足。总之,在大学积极学习理论知识,积极动手,为自己的梦想奋斗Z: now Im on intelligent robot pageant contest actively participate in school activities, hope to be one of them. This is my first step. If I was lucky enough to enter, positive preparation of national intelligence contest, so for his later work accumulated some experience. If not, to summarize experience of failure, more efforts to make up for the shortage. All in all, positive learning theory knowledge in the university, actively begin, struggle for my dreamD:great,我相信通过你的努力你的梦想,会实现的D: great, I believe that through your efforts to your dreams, come trueZ:你的梦想又是什么?Z: whats your dream?D:我的梦想是做一个旅游,遨游全世界D: my dream is to be a tourist, travel around the worldZ:你为什么有这样的梦想?Z: why do you have such a dream?D:旅游的过程当中我可以看见美好的自然景观,而且可以领略不同地方的风土人情,还能够品尝不同地方的美食D:In the process of tourism I can see the beautiful natural landscape, appreciate the customs of different places,and taste different kinds of foodZ:那么你是怎样准备的了,以及有什么样的计划吗Z: so how did you prepare for it and what is your plan?D:众所周知,旅游是要花费的,首先,我会在大学期间学会一技之长,找到一份好的工作,来赚取足够的钱支持我旅游,同时,我还会学好英语,一边我和不同国籍的人交流。D: as we all know, tourism cost so much money .First of all, I will learn skills in the college ,and then find a good job to earn enough money to have a travel, at the same time, I will learn English to communicate with people from different countries .Z:真是令人向往呀,也同样祝福你能够早日实现你的梦想Z: thats so desirable and wish you realize your dream .


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