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沪教版高三英语十四校三月联考选词填空详细解析Grammar and Vocabulary Section ADirections: After reading the passage below , fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct . For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with proper form of the given word; for the other blanks , use one word that best fits each blanks.Highly gifted children benefit from explanation as much as their peersSchools tend to assume that highly gifted children can manage by themselves and that they do not need any extra support . As a result , they sometimes seem (21)_(forget) . Psychologist Bar Vogelaar conducted a research and discovered that a high gift does not mean (22) _(perform) to the childrens maximum capacity . He finds out that this group too benefit from training and explanation and that strangely enough , the benefits are the same (23) _both groups. In his research , Vogelaa made use of dynamic tests (动态测试), (24) _ _children received training and their progress was measured afterwards to give a better image of their learning capabilities , 522 children aged between five and ten years -173 highly gifted and 349 averagely gifted -took part in (25)_ was so-called learning potential test ; The children (26)_(assign) to solve analogical reasoning (类推) tasks. Three boxes were filled with figures that changed from one box to the next according to a particular rule, for example , in size or in position . The children had to use analogical reasoning to draw (27)_figure in the last box.Afterwards , the children were given a training ,(28)_(follow) by a further set of tasks as a post-assessment. Vogelaar:” This kind of test gives a better insight into how well children learn because we are able to measure (29)_ _ how much they progress on a new task , but also how much and what kind of help they need to achieve this progress.”The test showed that all groups of children made progress , from the starting to the post-measurement , with major individual difference . “ it confirms that talented (30)_ many children are , they benefit from teachers help to a great extent , and that they dont always show their full potential in test.” Vogelaar concludes.21. to be forgotten22. performing23. for24. in which25. what26. were assigned27. the28. followed29. not only30. as/though解析: 本文主要讲解关于有天赋的孩子和他们的同龄人一样,都是从对问题的解释中获益的。首先指出结论,第二三段通过实验进行论证,最后一段再次称述结论。 21,考查动词适当形式,此题为简单句,谓语动词为seem ,此处为非谓语动词,根据搭配seem to do 得知此处填写不定式,但是此时要注意考虑不定式的语态变化“他们(有天赋的孩子)有时似乎会被忘记”,所以应该填写不定式的被动形式,所以此处为不定式的被动形式,答案为to be forgotten. 22,考查动词的适当形式,比较容易,根据横线前的动词mean 得知,查看mean doing 和 mean to do 的区别, mean doing -意味着做某事, mean to do -想要做某事, 再联系上下文得知此处表示“-有好的天赋不一定意味着能发挥孩子的最大能力”,所以此处应该为mean doing ,正确答案为performing 23,分析句子成分,此处为简单句,横线后为复数名词短语,所以此处应该填写介词,介词的选择需要根据文章的上下文,此句意为“他查找出,这组也是从训练和对问题的理解中获益,并且令人奇怪的是,这些收益_两个组而言都是一样的。”此处应该填写的是“对于”,所以应该选的介词为for24, 分析句子成分,横线后为一个句子,此处应该填写的是连词,根据横线前为名词得知,此句有可能为定语从句,分析句子意思得知“在实验中,Vogelaa 李永乐动态测试,孩子们_接受训练”此处表示“在测试中”,所以此句为非限制性定语从句,因为有两个空,所以应该为介词+which 的形式,所以正确答案为in which25,分析句子成分,横线前为动词短语take part in , 横线后为was 等系动词+表语的形式,纵观整个句子得知此句中有两个谓语动词, 所以此处应该填写连词,因为是放在动词短语之后,所以此句为宾语从句, 分析得知,宾语从句中缺少主语,根据句意,得知正确答案为what26,考查动词适当形式,分析句子成分,此句为简单句,此处应该是谓语动词,需要考虑时态和语态,根据前后文,得知为过去时, 根据意思“孩子们是被分配去做-”所以此处应该是过去时的被动语态,所以正确答案为were assigned27, 分析句子成分,横线后为名词单数,所以要考虑到此处为冠词,根据句意得知“孩子们不得不用分析逻辑推理去画出最后一个箱子的那个数字”,figure 后用名词短语修饰,所以应该使用定冠词,所以正确答案为the28,考查动词适当形式,分析句子成分,此句中已经有谓语动词were given ,所以这里应该填写非谓语动词,根据横线后的by 得知此处表示被动,所以用过去分词表被动,正确答案为followed29, 分析句子成分,特别指出的是,注意句子的完整性,(当句子过长的时候,要注意划分句子成分),根据后文的but also ,所以很容易得到正确答案为not only 30,分析句子成分,此题考查 as 引导的特殊倒装,as 表示“虽然,尽管”时候, as引导的从句中表语可以提前,表示强调,如: rich as he is ,he is unhappy.此处表示 talented as many children are , they benefit from -,意为“虽然孩子们很有天赋,但是他们在很大程度上是从老师的帮助中受益的”Section BDirections : Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once, Note that there is one word more than you need A . strategy B. committing C. shifts D. well-being E. coined F. prioritizing G.composed H. valued I . access J. uncertainty K. reductionWork-life balanceWorklife-balance is a state charactered by a high level of satisfaction, functionality , and effectiveness while successfully performing several tasks all together. The non-work activity is not only limited to family life but to various occupations and activities of which ones life is _31_. Studies suggest the existence of cell phones and other internet based devices enables _32_to work related issues in non-working periods , thus ,adding more hours and work load. A relative decrease in the time spent working nonstandard _33_has been proven to have significant negative effects on family and personal life. The immediate effect is a decrease in general _34_as the individual is unable to properly assign appropriate amount of time necessary to maintain a balance. Therefore , extensive research has been done on properly managing time as a main _35_ of managing stress.The condition where work performance is negatively affected by high-level stress is termed burnout , in which the employee experience a significant _36_in motivation . According to Vrooms Expectancy Theory , when the outcome of work performance are offset (抵消)by the negative impacts on the individual s general well-being , or , are not _37_enough by the employer, levels of motivation are low. Time management , _38_ certain tasks and actions according to ones values and beliefs , is among the suggested courses of action for managing stress and maintaining a healthy work-life balance . The reality of constant increase in competition and economic _39_ frequently forces the employee to keep the balance for the sake of financial and job security . Therefore , work-life balance policies are _40_ by many businesses and dealt by line managers and supervisors , rather than at the organizational level as the employees wellbeing can be more carefully observed and monitored.解析:本文主要讲解关于工作和生活如何平衡的内容,涉及到现代社会中的新压力。首先分析单词的意思:A. strategy 名词;策略B,committing 动名词,使某人赋予-责任,做C. shifts 一词多性,名词,动词,转移D. well-being ,名词 ,健康E. coined 动词, 原形为coin 原义为钱币,一词多性,(可以当动词),塑造F. prioritizing 动词,动名词, 优先G,composed 动词, 编写,组成H, valued 一词多性, 名词(价值),动词(珍视)I, access 名词, 可进入的途径或者方法(access to ) J. uncertainty 名词,不确定性K. reduction 名词, 减少分析31, 分析句子,此句为长难句,注意要划分句子成分,The non-work activity is not only limited to family life but to various occupations and activities of which ones life is _31_. 主语为non-work activity ,系动词为is ,表语为 not only -but also -,后半句中由of which引导的定语从句, which指代前文中的activity, 根据后句中,得知which前的介词of 应该是与be +动词的搭配, 根据句意得知 应该为be composed of ,由-组成,所以正确答案为G32,分析句子, 横线前为动词,横线后为to ,此处为名词,考虑搭配和句意得知,此处为access to 的形式,所以正确答案为I 33, 分析句子成分,横线前为形容词(nonstandard ),横线后为has ,此处为名词,分析句意“相对减少在非标准化的工作换班制的时间,已经证实了会对家庭和个人生活产生消极影响。”,所以此处填写C34, 分析句子成分,横线前为形容词general 整体的,一般的,所以此处填写名词,根据句意得知“这种立即的反应就是整体健康的下降”所以正确答案为D35,分析句子成分,横线前为main形容词主要的,所以此处填写 名词,根据句意得知“因此,已经开始大量的研究关于如何恰当经营时间,这成为处理压力的主要策略”,所以正确答案为A36, 分析句子成分,横线前为形容词 significant 主要的,所以此处应该填写名词,根据句意“工作状态因为高强度压力受到影响,这种状况被称之为“精力耗尽”,在这种状况下,员工们的积极性会明显减少”,所以正确答案为K37, 分析句子成分,横线前为be not 横线后为enough by -,所以此处填写动词,根据句意“当工作表现因为个人身体原因受到影响,或者因为老板不足够重视等,那么工作的积极性就会很低。”所以正确答案为H38,分析句子成分,横线后为名词,所以此处填写动词,分析整个句子得知,此处为动名词做主语,再根据句意“时间管理,即为根据个人价值观和信念优先安排某些任务和行为,是管理压力中被建议的方式”所以正确答案为F39,分析句子成分,横线前为形容词,所以此处为名词,根据句意得知“随着竞争力不断增减和经济的不稳定性,经常迫使员工要去保持经济和工作稳定性的平衡。”所以正确答案为J40,分析句子成分,横线前为be动词,横线后为by 中间为动词的过去分词,根据句意得知“因此,工作和生活的平衡策略被很多行业塑造起来,-”所以正确答案为E5


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