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Unit 1 That must be a record1. than adj. 当时的, 用法:作前置定语,修饰表示“职务”的名词 That decision was made by the then president.2. conclude decide that something is true after considering all the information 断定,推断出;作出结论 句型:conclude sth (from sth); conclude (from sth) that从句 1) What do you conclude from this investigation?2) Davis concludes from an analysis of traffic accidents that the speed limit should be lowered. 戴维斯通过对交通事故的分析,认为应降低对时速的限制。end 以结束 vt/vi. conclude (sth) with sth conclude (sth) by doing sthHe concluded his speech with some humors words.She concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home. 她结束讲话时祝愿大家回家时一路平安。conclusion c.结论 draw( reach; arrive at; come to) a conclusion得出或下结论3. send sth in: send sth to a place where it will be dealt with 寄去(处理);呈送(文件等)1) Have you sent in your application?2) Send in a painting for the competition. 送一幅画参赛。4. set sth down write about sth 记下,写下 set sb down allow sb to get off 让某人下车译: 1) 把大家的建议记下来,然后寄给北京奥组委。2) 你能不能让我在下一站下车?5. 解释:1) You should often read newspaper to keep track of the present events.2) Shall we keep track of each other by letter?1)_ 2)_6. category 种类,类别 Voters fall into three main categories.选民可分为三大类。 Put the records into different categories将记录分为不同类别。注7. feat 1)技艺,武艺 2)业绩 perform amazing feats 表演惊人的技艺 How did you achieve such a brilliant feat?8. balance sth on sth :make sth keep balance on 使在上保持平衡 He can balance a ball on his finger. 他能把球稳放在手指上。 She balanced (herself) on one foot. 她用一只脚站立。 balance A against B: consider 权衡 A与B的关系,将A与 B通盘考虑 The government must balance the liberty of the few against the security of the many.9.set vt. 1) 开创,树立 2) 布置(作业,任务等); 制定(标准等)译:1) set a new world record for the mens high jump2) She set a good example for me.3) Our teacher sets us much homework/ an essay every day.4) He sets high standards of behavior for us.注:10. incredible:impossible to believe 难以置信的 It is incredible that she should have gone to live in such a dangerous country.11. brilliant 1) extremely good, very successful 辉煌的,出色的,杰出的 2) clever(人)聪明的,才华横溢的 译:1) brilliant achievements 2) brilliant performances 3)She is a brilliant young writer.12. athletic adj.1)体育运动的 2)体格健壮的1) Are you on this athletic club? 2) He looks athletic and energetic13.world的特殊用法1) 界 the world of art艺术界, the world of sports运动界the world of science and technology 科技界 a world of c/u many/much 很多This book provides a world of valuable information for us.14. life story生平事迹 the Tour de France环法自行车赛15. impression c. 印象 Whats your impression of Beijing? His brilliant feats made/left a deep impression on us.impressive 给人印象深刻的,令人难忘的 She was impressive in the interview.16.as 可引导让步状语从句,词义: 虽然 句型:n./ adj./v.+ as +S+ V+ 将下列划横线的句子换成AS引导的让步状语从句1) Though he is a child, he knows a lot.2) Though he was angry, he listened to me patiently.3) Though I admire his courage very much,4) Though you may object, Ill go17. fade disappear gradually 消逝,衰退,(花草)凋谢1) Her youth and beauty faded suddenly.2) His memories faded with age. lose colour and brightness褪色; become weak(声音,光线等)变得微弱; 变暗淡1) My jeans faded when they were washed.2) The sound of the jet plane faded away. next to close to 紧挨着,在旁边 仅次于,在之后1) Who stood next to you?2) The largest city in Jilin province next to Changchun is Jilin. 在吉林省仅次于长春的大城市是吉林。A fade next to B: B stand out more than A B比A更加令人注目或更加突出18.用下列短语造句:1) be diagnosed with2) be infected with3) achieve ones goal19. in a row: one after another without a break连续,接连1) This is her third win in a row.这是她连续获得的第三次胜利。2) Prices have fallen for the third month in a row.20.in the first place 1)(在句首)首先 2)(在句末)当初;究竟,到底1) I should never have taken that job in the first place.2) I still dont understand why you chose that name in the first place. 21. account(名)1)叙述,描述give (sb) an account of2) 帐户open an account in the bank; 帐目keep the accounts 译:这篇文章详细记叙了他在中国的经历。v. account for 1) explain解释,说明 2)占(比例)1) How do you account for her sudden disappearance?2) Import from Japan accounted for 40% of the total.22.make for makepossible 使可能;有利于,促进go to朝走去 同义:head for1) The large print makes for easier reading. 大号字体更方便阅读。2) Such statements dont exactly make for racial harmony.这样的声明不利于种族和睦。译:1)不断争吵不可能使婚姻幸福。2)当警铃响的时候,观众奔向出口。23. attempt 1) C. 企图,尝试 2) vt. 尝试,努力attempt to do1) It seems that they made an attempt to escape.2) I passed my driving test at the first attempt.3) They attempted to climb MT. Everest. 译:He has something to do with an attempted murder.24. apply 1) vt. use 运用 apply to 把运用于2) vi.申请 apply ( to sb) for sth(向某人)申请例:1)Can we apply laser to this operation?2) What department should I apply to for a passport?译:把技术运用于开发新产品。递交求职申请书。25. inspect vt. 1) examine 检查 2) make an official visit to视察,检阅 Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them. The mayor is said to inspect our school tomorrow.26. confirm: state or show that sth is definitely true, especially by providing more proof 证实,验证;确认 confirm sth; confirm that从句1) Research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women.2) The experiment confirmed his theory.3) Press this button to confirm your document.(文件). Are you experienced?1. trick C. 1)特技;戏法 2)诡计,骗局,花招短语1)use every trick in the book 使出各种绝招,使出浑身解数2) play a trick on sb捉弄某人2. skateboard 1) C. 滑板 Vt.从事滑板运动 skateboarding U. 滑板运动 skateboarder滑板运动员3. skilful(定语); skilled(定语,表语) 有技能的,熟练的1) We are short of skilful/skilled workers. 我们缺乏熟练工。2) He is skilled at operating computers.他能熟练地操作电脑。4. administration (企业,机构等)行政部门;管理部门;管理 committee 委员会 She is on the management committee. 她任管理委员会委员。Beijing Olympic Organization Committee注5. grand 1)隆重的,盛大的 2)富丽堂皇的 3)宏伟的 hold a grand wedding make a grand plan6. around adv. 1) active and well known走红的,活跃的2) about 四周;到处1) She has been around as a film director since the 1980s.自20世纪八十年代以来,他一直是活跃在影坛上的著名导演。2) The patient can get around with the help of a stick.注7. capture vt. 1)引起 ( ones attention/imagination/interest) capture ones heart赢得某人的好感(爱意);使某人爱上2)catch 俘虏;seize占领 In class our teachers always try to capture our imagination. The government succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.The city was captured in 1942.8. extreme C.极端 adj.极度的,极端的,偏激的短语:1) go to extremes 2) live in extreme poverty 3) extreme sports9. centre on / be centred on 以为中心;集中在1) Discussions centred on developments in Africa.2) Anyone could see that his interest was centred on Mary.译:这次会议的中心议题是关于中国足球未来十年的发展。10. harmony C./ U. 1) 协调,和谐 2)和睦,融洽 harmonious和谐的译:1) the harmony of colour in nature2) maintain the harmony between the two nations3) 我们国家正在以建设一个和谐社会为奋斗目标。11. concentrate, focus 集中,全神贯注句型:1)concentrate/ focus ones attention ( energies, etc ) on 把注意力(精力等)集中在2) concentrate/ focus on 把注意力集中在例:1) He decided to concentrate all his energies on finding a cure for lung cancer.2) I cant focus on my studies with all that noise going on. 注:1) focus C.焦点 2) concentrated全神贯注的 Terror crisis have become the focus of the worldwide media attention.恐怖犯罪已成为全世界媒体关注的焦点.12. enthusiastic adj. showing a lot of excitement and interest about sb/ sth1) 热情的 I received an enthusiastic reception there.2) 热心的 You dont seem to be enthusiastic about studying abroad. enthusiasm U. 热情,热诚, 热心 She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching.13. cautious being careful about what you say or do 谨慎的,小心的 be cautious about sth/ doing sth We expressed cautious optimism about a solution to the crisis. I have always been cautious about giving my address to strangers.14. outgoing(人)外向的,直爽的; (反) introverted The man is easy to get along with because he has an enthusiastic, outgoing personality.注:15. register record your name on an official list vt/vi register (sth) with +机构 /in +地点1) 登记Have you registered marriage/ the birth of your son?You must register with the police if you have a gun.2) 注册This ship/ My invention has been registered in China.registered 注册的 registered trademark注册商标 registered mail挂号邮件注:16. skim vt/vi 略读,浏览 skim (through)= dip into=look through 1) She skimmed through the list finding his name. 2) I always skim the sports section of the newspapers no matter how busy I am.第二部 练习Reading1.get hold of: find or get sth that you need找到或搞到(所需的东西) Its almost impossible to get hold of the tickets for the final.(决赛)2.cut out (用剪刀)剪下 cut out sth cut sth out of 从剪下 She cut an important article out of the newspaper.注:3. dissolve make or become liquid by putting into liquid (使)溶解 vt/vi1) Dissolve the tablets in warm water before taking them.2) Heat gently until the sugar dissolve.4. wrinkle (名) (尤指皮肤上的)皱纹,皱褶 There are many wrinkles on her face. vt. 使起皱纹,使皱起 get wrinkled起皱 She wrinkled her nose at the bad smell.5. item C. 东西,(目录,议事日程中)项目1) There are some books, a notebook and some other items on the desk.2) We have many items to discuss in todays meeting.6. issue vt. 发行(邮票,货币,印刷物); 发布(声明,命令)1) This stamp was issued in the 1920s2) The government is expected to issue a statement about the crisis.7. circulation be in circulation (货币)在流通8. 解释 As with stamps, you cant need a lot of special tools or equipment.

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