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第三次公开课教案I Songs and games1. Greeting :T: hello everyone. I am Betty. Can you say hello Betty.S: Hello Betty.T: How are you today? S: I am happy.T: what is the weather like today?S: It is a sunny day.T: Which color do you like?S : I like green.2. 奖励机制:T: Everyone look, I will draw something for you. Guess! What is this? (偷偷的画一个东西让他们猜是什么,有点神秘感!)T: Yes, you are right. It is a hen. Look! What is the hen doing? The hen is brooding eggs. T: ok. Today if you are good, you can get my eggs. If you can get five eggs, you can get one dollar. So everybody come on.3. Classroom rules:T: Do you know how to get my eggs?T: Can you speak Chinese in our classroom? No. So, class rules 1: English only.T: Can you shake the chair like this? No. class rules 2: sit well.T: Can you speak like this? No. I cant hear you. So you speak loudly. 3. Speak loudly.4. Sing a song:T: Are you happy now? S: Yes, I am happy. T: Do you want to sing a song?S: yes. T: ok, everybody stand up. Let us sing 5. Roll call:T: Just now, I think you did a great job. So each other can get one egg.T : ok , now I will call your name one by one.T : look! Who is she? Can you spell your name? ok , choose which one is your name!II Review and GamesPart 1: Shapesa. Review (PPT)T: look! What is the shape?S: It is a circle. T: How many sides and corners does the circle have?S: The circle has no sides and no corners. (选人原则: 老师在上面点击PPT,随即选择让孩子回答老师的问题,并且描述出图形。其中有8个图形以及孩子,老师在选人的时候一定注意不要有落下的孩子。)b. Game:T: Just now I think you did a great job. You know all of the shapes. So this time, let us play a game.T: Guess! Do you know what this is? Yes, you are right. This is a plate. Can you guess how to play with it? There are so many shapes. I will divide you into two groups. And two groups PK. The kid holds the plate, and the parents use the straw to absorb the paper shapes. Before the parent absorbs the shapes, the kids should say the name of the shapes, the sides and the corners. Everybody understand? And Betty and Mandy will demo first.(游戏规则:游戏是以两组PK的形式,每组家庭在前面挑战的时间是一分钟,家长用吸管吸住图形,然后快速走到宝贝面前,宝贝必须说出图形的英文名称及边角,才能把图形放在盘子当中,当说有家庭挑战完成后,我们会计数。最后选出胜利一方)Part 2: Musical instrumentsa. Review flash cardsT: This time, let us review the musical instruments.T: When I show you the cards, you should tell me what the musical instrument is.b.GameT: Look, there are so many cards on the floor. Do you know what are they? I am so Sorry. I dont know. Can you help me? This time, when I click the radio, you should listen to the sounds. If you know, what the musical instruments are. You should tell your mommy or daddy quickly. I will give your numbers. If I call your number, you should answer my questions. This time is also two groups PK. So everybody you should come on.(游戏规则:首先,老师先给孩子们分好编号。然后拿着卡片问孩子们都是什么乐器,然后把卡片随手扣过来,当孩子们都复习完所有的乐器后,老师点击软件,然后说出编号,让孩子们快速答出是什么乐器,家长应该快速去寻找那个乐器的卡片,一次只能拿一个不许翻动卡片。最后看那组得到的分数最多)Part 3: Pattern a. Review & GameT : everybody look the board. Do you know what it is? Daddy and mommy, have you seen the program running man? Yes! You are right. I know, you know what are they? T: Now this time, let us play a game with the thing.T: ok! first, Betty and Mandy will demo first!T : first, the kid should crawling on the floor from here to there. And then daddy or mommy you should take off your shoes and jump with the rope on this one. You should remember you jump five times. At last, the kid goes the board and answers my question. You should do it as quickly as you can, because you are in the same team. I will count the time for you. The on which group is quickly, you are the winner. You can get my present. So everybody you should come on.(游戏规则:这轮是最后一个环节,体现了宝宝与爸爸妈妈体能的时候到了,大家都看过奔跑吧兄的这个节目吧。好了,我呢 也敢潮流,其实刚开始踩的时候有点痛,但是我发现每天踩踩更健康。好了,我现在介绍一下游戏规则。宝贝们呢要从这里爬到这里,当宝贝到达的时候,我们家长就要迅速在指压板上面跳绳五次,然后宝贝需要快速到我这里回答问题,快的一方为优胜方)III. sing a songT : everybody , are you happy? T : yes , I am happy. At last, let us dance together. Daddy , mommy and kids stand up, let us dance together.最后总结奖励机制,看那组赢得了比赛。发放奖品。

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