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Unit5 Culture corner教学设计设 计 人:育才实验 余烁玲课 题:牛津英语,八年级上册,Unit 5 Culture corner教学内容:Culture corner 教学时间:40分钟本节重难点分析:本单元的Culture corner 主要介绍Culture shock ,即文化冲击。本节课的目标之一是让学生知道中西方国家文化的区别,感受发生文化冲击时的感觉,培养学生了解西方文化的意识。作为本单元的第一节课,本课的另一个目标是要帮助学生学习新单词和掌握与本单元话题相关的词汇,为本单元的学习扫清障碍。学情分析:班上一半的学生有去美国游学的经历,因此culture corner 的教授以本班学生在美国游学为背景,分享他们在美国遇到的文化冲击。本班学生英语程度较好,英语水平整齐,接受能力较强,因此课堂可以给学生拓展与本单元话题相关的词汇。学生有一定的学习能力,口语水平也好,所以在课前让他们以小组的形式收集资料,帅选资料准备小组的展示。 教学目标:1. 认知目标:了解在中西方文化的区别,知道文化冲击的意义,掌握一些与本单元有关的单词。2. 能力发展目标:1)培养学生能较正确自如地与西方国家的人们交往 2)遇到文化冲击时能正确处理自己的情绪3. 情感目标:1) 通过本节课所展示的中西方文化的区别,让学生有了解西方文化的兴趣和意识。2)培养学生学会欣赏文化的不同。 教学流程设计:Aims: To help students realize the culture differences between western counties and China To enlarge students vocabulary on the given topic. To cultivate students correct attitude towards culture shockMaterials: Courseware , textbookTime phaseSpecific aimsTeacher activityStudent activitySkills involved1minswarming- upTo arouse students interest in cultures Show some information about different cultures:1)People eat with hands2) Nodding head means disagreement, shaking head means agreement.3)People sit on tatami while they are having meals4)People hate the number “13” 5)The gesture “OK ”means money6)Is legal (合法的)or illegal to own guns in America?7)Girls should learn to smoke before getting marriedStudents try to guess: Which county or countries do/ the followings talk about? Skills of thinking and speaking in English.5mins Free talk on students educational exchange in America1. To share some information about students educational exchange2. To learn some new words in reading1. Show some pictures about students educational exchange in America 2. Ask some question to learn the new words : host family, local school, local culture, fantastic experience Students answer the questions and get to know the new words.Speaking 17minsEducational exchange sharing1. To learn some differences between Chinese culture and America culture through students presentations2.To learn some new words related to the topic1.Ask students to share their experience in America 2. Help students better understand the culture given by their classmates.3. Write down the new words given by the students on the blackboard.1. When a group of students do the presentation, other students should write down the culture difference.2. Students are supposed to ask their classmates question while doing their presentationSpeaking, listening taking notes and cooperating5 minsCulture shock1. To understand what culture shock is2. To know how to deal with culture shock1. Ask students question : How do you feel when you meet the difference in America2. Lead students to know what culture shock is : You may have strange feeling when you meet culture difference. We call the feeling culture shock.3. Ask the question: If you meet the culture shock, what will you do to comfort yourselves?Students answer the question and take notes. Speaking and thinking5 mins Discussion on reading1.To lead into reading2.To have general idea about the Chinese culture which are discussed in reading 3. To learn more new words in reading: chopstick, tour, tai chi, painting1.Ask students to discuss in groups: If a group of British students come to China, what culture will you introduce to them? 2. Show some possible answers to students 1. Work in groups to discuss the questions and share their opinions 2. Copy down the new words Speaking and cooperating5minsSummaryTo guide students to recall what they have learnt in this class 1. Ask students question to help them recall:Is culture shock a strange feeling?2. Lead students to read the words that they learn today 1. Answer the question and recall what they learn2.Consolidate the new words Speaking and thinking2minHomeworkTo put what they have learnt into practice 1. To ask students to find out more information about culture shock2. Ask students to copy down a good sentence for each new word1. Find out more information about culture shock 2. Copy down the sentences for each new word from the dictionary in groupsReading and cooperating


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