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学员编号: 年 级:小 六 课时数: 3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型s (review the ponits)T( shelf-check)S(时态)授课日期及时段教学目的教学内容 一、:同步复习小学英语分类单词四、动物(animals)cat /kt/ 猫 dog /dg/ 狗 pig /pig/ 猪 duck /dk/ 鸭rabbit /rbit/ 兔子 horse /h:s/ 马elephant /elifnt/ 大象 ant /nt/ 蚂蚁 fish /fi/ 鱼 bird /b:d/ 鸟 snake /sneik/ 蛇 mouse /maus/ 鼠kangaroo /,kgru:/ 袋鼠 monkey /mki/ 猴子 panda /pnd/ 熊猫 bear /b/ 熊lion /lain/ 狮 tiger /taig/ 老虎 fox /fks/ 狐狸 zebra /zi:br/ 斑马deer /di/ 鹿 goose /gu:s/ 鹅 hen /hen/ 母鸡 seal / si:l / 海豹turkey /t:ki/ 火鸡 lamb /lm/ 小羊 sheep /i:p/ 绵羊 goat /gut/ 山羊cow /kau/ 奶牛 shark /:k/ 鲨鱼 giraffe /dir:f/ 长颈鹿五、人物(people)friend /frend/ 朋友 boy / bi / 男孩 girl /g:l/ 女孩 sister /sist/ 姐妹brother /br/ 兄弟 mother /m/ 母亲 father /f:/ 父亲 uncle /kl/ 叔叔 man /mn/ 男人 woman/ wumn/女人Mr先生 Miss小姐 lady /leidi/ 女士 mom /mm/ 妈妈 dad /dd/ 爸爸parents /prnts/ 父母 grandma /grndm:/ grandmother /grnd,m/(外)祖母grandpa /grndp:/ grandfather /grnd,f:/(外)祖父2、 同步复习1.请写出下列音标所学过的字母组合i: i : : u u: a: e 2.观察第一部分的单词,看看那些单词的发音音标是我们已经学过的。找出来并注好标记。ei &aiei a ai ay ei ei 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay ei a: face feis cake:keik game eim snake sneik baby:beibi ai: rainren train tren wait wet ay:say sei day May:mei play plei today tdei waywe ei: eighteit 【同步测试】根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发音不一样的单词。 1.face wave sheep tail 2.grape plane name coat 3.time tape train snake 4.rain soap cake traini y ie uy aiai 发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uy i: kitekait bikebaik nicenais tiger tai lion lain likelaik knifenaif y: eyeai by ba crykra myma skyska ie:tieta piepa uy:buyba根据发音规则,找出每组中发ai的2个单词. 1.rice good jam right 2.ship mine ice-cream mouse 3.cloud sit tie eye 4.write small tennis kite 【测试】苹果树单词ai &ei 两棵树上有好多苹果单词,选一选这些单词苹果是那颗树上的的i& auoi oy i i 发这个音的字母和字母组合oi oy oi: oill boilbl oy: boyb toy t根据发音规则,找出每组中发i的2个单词. 1.soil hear soy cold 2. rabbit bed boy noise 3.walk voise boil word 4. tea enjoy toy milkou ow au au 发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow ou: househas mouthmau mouth ma cloud klaud ow: flowerfla(r) cowka howha nowna 根据发音规则,选出不发au的单词。 1mouse cloud arm clown 2.teacher trousers cow mouth 3. town dance flower house 4.tower blouse now baby【测试】听单词找元音音标这是一个训练并且检查学生是否认识音标的游戏。在规定时间内(2分钟),学生手里拿着音标au,i,ai,ei,老师读单词学生根据老师读的单词来判断单词中的字母发音,如老师说bread,学生立即举出音标ei,看在规定时间内学生能够举对几个。 二、同步测试音标ei ai i au练习一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。 ei: ai: i: au: 二. 选出下列没有发相同发音的词 ( ) 1. cake egg rain May ( ) 2. kite cry broom fly ( ) 3. boy joy cat noise ( ) 4. blouse sun cow house ( ) 5. tower flower mouth arm三. 读音标,将下列单词补充完整或写出字母,单词的音标。 klaud set kin c_ _ _d s_ _ c_ _n flg trein desk f_ _g tr_ _n d_ _ _ Aa Kk Ii Yy hi boy cow nowtoy bike house mycake face how nice4. 把下列单词下正确的音标连接起来 bow bau gate pai tray geit pie trei poison pizn五. 看图、填空、标号h_t s_n e_ _s_ r r_l_ _ c_k_ m_ _th 1、 专题精讲 (基本时态)动词的四种时态(1)一般现在时:.一般现在时的一般疑问句:有be动词就把be动词(am is are)放于句首;没有be动词就用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does提问,同时,还原行为动词。例句:Is he a teacher? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. Do you like English? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Does she live in China? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.【第三人称单数变化规律】1.动词一般情况加 -s 清辅音后读/s/浊辅音和元音后读/z/ swim-swims;help-helps;like-likes以o结尾的词加 -es 读/z/goes,does以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词 加 -es 读/iz/watches以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y 为i再加es 读/z/study-studies不规则变化have和be动词变have 为 has变be为am, is, arehave-hasbe-am, is, are【同步测试】一、单项选择。10分( )1. The story so interesting that we all interested in it. A. is,is B. are,are C. are,is D. is,are( )2. I usually to school foot. A. come,at B. come,on C. comes,at D. comes,on( )3. We any lessons on Sunday. A. have B. dont have C. has D. doesnt have( )4. Miss Li often the children stories. A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says( )5. you any ink? A. Do,have B. Does,have C. Do, has D. Does,has( )6 The two shirts the same. A. looking B. looks C. / D. look( )7. I at about seven fifty-five. A. am get up B. getting up C. get up D. gets up( )8.We usually at home Saturday afternoon. A. stays, in B.stay, on C.stay,at D. stays, on( )9.He sometimes home midnight. A. goes,at B.go,to C. go, behind D. goes,until( )10. They often the train. But yesterday they the plane.A. take, take B took, took C.take, took D.took, take四、按要求变化句子。2分1Miss Li goes to the museum every weekend.(改成否定句)2 Ann does her homework in the evening.(改成否定句)3 She is a doctor.(一般疑问句)4 His brother works in a hospital(一般疑问句)(2)一般过去时:动词过去式详解 动词的过去式的构成规则有:A、规则动词 一般直接在动词的后面加ed:如worked , learned , cleaned , visited以e结尾的动词直接加d:如lived , danced , used 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词要改y为i再加ed(此类动词较少)如study studied carry carried worry worried (注意play、stay不是辅音字母加y,所以不属于此类) 双写最后一个字母(此类动词较少)如stoppedB、不规则动词(此类词并无规则,须熟记)小学阶段要记住以下动词的原形和过去式:sing sang , eat ate ,see saw , have had , do did , go went , take took , buy bought , get got , read read ,fly flew , am/is was , are were , say said , leave left , swim swam , tell told , draw drew , come came , lose lost , find found , drink drank , hurt hurt , feel felt(3)一般将来时:基本结构: be going to + do;will+ do. be going to = willI am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天). = I will go swimming tomorrow.(4)现在进行时: am,is,are+动词现在分词动词现在分词详解 动词的ing形式的构成规则: 一般的直接在后面加上ing , 如doing , going , working , singing , eating 以e 结尾的动词,要先去e再加ing,如having , writing 双写最后一个字母的(此类动词极少)有:running , swimming , sitting , getting三、学法提炼 1、专题特点: 看清句子的时间状语是另一个小学英语如何判断是什么时态的方法。例如,表示现在进行时的句子中经常出现now, right now等时间状语。表示一般过去时的句子中经常出现yesterday, just now, last week 等时间状语。而表示一般将来时的句子中经常出现tomorrow, later 等时间状语。做题时要看清楚对应的时间状语,这样才能准确判断出句子的时态。 课后作业1. 写出下列单词的中文意思。newspaper ruler eraser schoolbag crayon sharpener dictionary story-book nose mouth eye ear arm hand finger leg tail red blue yellow green white black pink 2.阅读理解 Mr Black is a doctor. He works in a big hospital. Its far away from his home to the hospital. He often comes back home late and often forgets his familys birthday. But last Saturday afternoon after doing his work, he suddenly remembered it was his wifes birthday. Soon on his way home, he went into a flower shop to buy some beautiful flowers. Mr Black got home and gave his wife the flowers and said to her, “ Happy birthday to you !” Mrs Black saw these beautiful flowers, laughing and saying, “ My birthday is on the twentieth of May, not today, but thank you for giving my birthday present.”( ) 1. What is Mr Blacks job? A. A worker B. A doctor C. A teacher( )2. Does Mr Black often get home early? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Maybe he is.( )3.What did Mr Black buy for his wife? A. Some flowers. B. Some clothes. C. Some fruit.( )4. When is Mr Blacks wifes birthday? A. May 20. B. May 12. C. March 12.


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