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Seeing a doctor and sensibilitiesLesson OneTeaching Content: matter, feelWhats the matter? I dont feel good. Teaching Aid: word cards matter, feel, 句子纸条. Presentation 大家都有去医院看过病,那医生和病人的对话是怎样的呢?Doctor:Whats the matter? Alice:I dont feel good. . Game 1. Slap and say内容:matter, feel规则:教师手持卡片, 学生要一边说单词一边拍,教师可以缩回卡片,拍到图片就可得筹码。2. Hit the monster内容:matter, feel规则:几位学生每人手持一张卡片站成一排,教师说单词,哪个学生拿着这张相应的卡片就要重复这个单词并举起卡片,太慢或说错就没机会了。3. 大小声反向法内容:Whats the matter? I dont feel good.规则:老师来读单词老师大声说的时候,学生小声说,当老师小声说的时候,学生大声说。.Poker Time.Exercise回家后和爸爸妈妈说关于看病的三个单词。Seeing a doctor and sensibilitiesLesson TwoTeaching Content:checkupLet me give you a checkup. Youre fine. But Im tired.Review:matter, feelWhats the matter? I dont feel good.Teaching Aid:word cards checkup,句子纸条. Review Slap and say内容:matter, feel, Whats the matter? I dont feel good.规则:教师手持卡片, 学生要一边说单词一边拍,教师可以缩回卡片,拍到图片就可得筹码。. Presentation医生在给病人做检查。Doctor:Let me give you a checkup. Youre fine. Alice:But Im tired. Game1. Cock fight内容:checkup, matter, feel规则:两位学生,每人拿一张卡片放在身体后面,图片向外,两个学生要想尽办法看到对方的卡片,记得给学生限定时间,为了防止学生乱猜,还要限定说的次数,拿上卡片的时候不能挡住图片及单词,不能背靠墙不动或者用其它办法挡住图片。2. Bungee jump内容:checkup, matter, feel规则:老师将卡片放在桌上,并在上面放上钱,学生用筹码去丢卡片, 丢中哪张卡片,,读出单词便可以得到上面的钱。3. You are a liar内容:Let me give you a checkup. Youre fine. But Im tired.规则:老师手持句子纸条,如果读的是老师手上的纸条,学生就跟读,若不是,学生们就站起来用手指着教师说:“You are a liar!”.Poker Time. Exercise教会爸爸妈妈今天所学的单词。 Seeing a doctor and sensibilities Lesson ThreeTeaching Content:plenty, fruitHow much fruit do you eat? I dont eat plenty of fruit.Review:checkup,Let me give you a checkup. Youre fine. But Im tired.Teaching Aid:word cards plenty, fruit, 句子纸条. Review Rolling drum内容:checkup,Let me give you a checkup. Youre fine. But Im tired.规则:老师唱歌,学生依次传球,当鼓声停止时 ,拿球的学生要读单词和句子纸条。. Presentation医生要找出病人生病的原因Doctor:How much fruit do you eat? Alice:I dont eat plenty of fruit. Game1. Broken the telephone内容:How much fruit do you eat? I dont eat plenty of fruit.规则:转动闹钟的时针分针,学生按顺序一个问,一个答。2.Music chair内容:How much fruit do you eat? I dont eat plenty of fruit.规则:三把椅子四个学生,也可以多些人玩,但是椅子的数量总是要比学生少一个,游戏开始时学生们反复说着老师规定的句子并围着椅子跑,当老师说“stop”时就要马上坐下,没有坐到椅子的就输了。抢到椅子的学生回答老师的问题或者读单词卡片。3. Locoloco内容:How much fruit do you eat? I dont eat plenty of fruit.规则:两个人手拉手举起来,搭成一个拱门,学生排好队,一边说着句子,一边从门里钻过。拱门会突然塌下,被包住的学生要读对单词才能安全通过。.Poker Time. Exercise把卡片的空白处涂上颜色。Seeing a doctor and sensibilitiesLesson FourTeaching Content:medicine Take the medicine and stay at home for one day.Review:checkup,Let me give you a checkup. Youre fine. But Im tired.Teaching Aid:word cards medicine,句子纸条. Review Music chair 内容:checkupLet me give you a checkup. Youre fine. But Im tired.规则:椅子的数量要比学生的数量少一个,当音乐响起时,学生则围着椅子跑,当音乐停止时学生马上坐下,没抢到位置的学生要读单词或句子纸条。. Presentation医生找到病因后就给病人开了处方。Doctor:I see. Take the medicine and stay at home for one day.Alice:Ok, doctor. Thanks. Game1. Turn around and sit内容:Take the medicine and stay at home for one day.规则:师生全部站着,教师背对学生,学生们反复说着句子,当老师突然转身面对学生时,学生要坐下而且闭嘴,老师也可以选择一个比较难的动作来代替坐下,像金鸡独立。2. Wolf Game内容:Take the medicine and stay at home for one day.规则:学生站成一排说句子,如果老师说yes,学生跟着老师读;如果说no,老师会去抓学生,学生要赶紧逃回座位,被抓到的学生在下一轮是要当老狼。3. Loco Loco内容:Take the medicine and stay at home for one day.规则:两个人手拉手举起来,搭成一个拱门,学生排好队,一边重复一句问话,一边从门里钻过。拱门会突然塌下,被包住的学生要回答对问题才能安全通过。.Poker Time. Exercise把单词抄写在相应位置。Seeing a doctor and sensibilitiesLesson FiveTeaching Content: dialogueReview:How much fruit do you eat? I dont eat plenty of fruit. Take the medicine and stay at home for one day.Teaching Aid:chips. Review Music chair内容:How much fruit do you eat? I dont eat plenty of fruit. Take the medicine and stay at home for one day.规则:三把椅子四个学生,也可以多些人玩,但是椅子的数量总是要比学生少一 个,游戏开始时学生们说句子并围着椅子跑,当老师说“stop”时就要马上坐下,没有坐到椅子就被淘汰。. Presentation老师分角色扮演对话。Doctor:Whats the matter? Alice:I dont feel good. Doctor:Let me give you a checkup. Youre fine. Alice:But Im tired.Doctor:How much fruit do you eat? Alice:I dont eat plenty of fruit.Doctor:I see. Take the medicine and stay at home for one day.Alice:Ok, doctor. Thanks. Game1. Finger pointing内容:matter, feel, checkup, plenty, fruit, medicine规则:老师指到一张卡片,并读这个单词,学生跟读,一直重复,老师要事先规定指哪张卡片时学生闭嘴。没出错的就可得筹码。2. Hands down and up内容: dialogue规则:将学生分成两组,老师的两只手是两个指挥棍,一支手管一组,当管这组的这支手扬起来的时候学生就说出老师事先说好要讲的内容,放下时就闭嘴,老师可加快速度,这样更有趣味。3. role play内容:dialogue规则:角色扮演。. Poker Time. Exercise给爸爸妈妈分角色表演对话。NationalitiesLesson OneTeaching Content: from, stamp, Britain, American, beautifulTeaching Aid: word cards from, stamp, Britain, American, beautiful. Presentation 你们都有邮票吗?邮票是stamp。看图片猜是哪个国家,然后从哪个国家来要说from。这些邮票都很漂亮beautiful。. Game 1. Bomb Game内容:from, stamp, Britain, American, beautiful规则:把单词卡片摆成一排,在某个单词下放一个手榴弹,学生按顺序读单词,当读到有手榴弹的单词时,不读那个单词,而是读:“bomb”。2. the tip of iceberg内容:from, stamp, Britain, American, beautiful规则:老师拿两张单词卡片,叠放在一起,学生只能看到前面的那一张。老师然学生读出前面那张单词,并猜猜后面的是什么单词。3. Simon says内容:from, stamp, Britain, American, beautiful规则:老师说单词或短语,当老师在这个单词或短语前加上Simon says时,学生就跟着说,否则保持沉默。.Poker Time.Exercise在单词卡片的空白位置涂上相应的颜色。并且要不看图告诉爸爸妈妈单词的意思。NationalitiesLesson TwoTeaching Content:Australian, Chinese, Japanese, French, GermanyReview:from, stamp, Britain, American, beautifulTeaching Aid:word cards Australian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Germany. Review Music chair 内容:from, stamp, Britain, American, beautiful规则:椅子的数量要比学生的数量少一,当音乐响起时,学生则围着椅子跑,当音乐停止时学生马上坐下,座位前的桌上有单词卡片,读完单词卡片可得100元。. Presentation老师拿着不同国家的国旗卡片,让学生猜是哪个国家。 Game1. You are a liar内容:Australian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Germany规则:老师手持卡片,读单词,如果读的单词是老师手上持的卡片,若不是,学生们就站起来用手指着教师说:“You are a liar!”2. Hit the monster内容:Australian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Germany规则:几位学生每人手持一张卡片站成一排,教师说单词,哪个学生拿着这张相应的卡片就要重复这个单词并举起卡片,太慢或说错就没机会了。3. Hands down and up内容:Australian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Germany规则:将学生分成两组,老师的两只手是两个指挥棍,一支手管一组,当管这组的这支手扬起来的时候学生就说出老师事先说好要讲的内容,放下时就闭嘴,老师可加快速度,这样更有趣味。.Poker Time. Exercise自学一个关于另一个国家的单词。Nationalities Lesson ThreeTeaching contents: Where are you from? I am from Britain. Whats that? It is an American stamp. It is beautiful. Look, this one is Australian. These are Chinese stamps.Review: Australian, Chinese, Japanese, French, GermanyTeaching aids: word cards Australian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Germany. ReviewWhat is missing? 内容:Australian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Germany规则:把单词图片放在桌上,带读。然后抽出其中一张,让学生猜,哪一张不见了。. PresentationAlice刚认识了一个新朋友,她把带回家和自己玩自己的邮票。Alice:Hello. Where are you from? Friend:I am from Britain. Whats that? Alice:It is an American stamp. Friend:It is beautiful.Alice:Look, this one is Australian. Friend:These are Chinese stamps. Game1. Magic Game内容:Where are you from? I am from Britain. Whats that? It is an American stamp.规则: 师生一起反复的说问句,当老师用手指着一位学生时,这个学生要站起来回答这个问题。2. Freeze game内容:It is beautiful. This one is Australian. These are Chinese stamps.规则:学生们反复说着句子,当老师说“Freeze”时,学生马上不能动,维持此时的状态,老师可以规定时间看学生是否能坚持,为了增强趣味性,可以走近学生去逗他们,咯吱学生。2. Rolling drum内容:It is beautiful. This one is Australian. These are Chinese stamps.规则:老师击鼓带领学生说句子,学生依次传球, 当说stop时, 拿球的学生读单词卡片。. Poker time. Exercise把单词抄写在相应位置上。NationalitiesLesson FourTeaching Content: I like these stamps. Are these Japanese stamps? Yes, they are. Do you have any stamps? Yes, they are French and Germany stamps.Review:Where are you from? I am from Britain. Whats that? It is an American stamp. It is beautiful. Look, this one is Australian. These are Chinese stamps.Teaching Aid: chips. ReviewRolling drum内容:Where are you from? I am from Britain. Whats that? It is an American stamp. It is beautiful. Look, this one is Australian. These are Chinese stamps.规则:老师击鼓,学生依次传球,当鼓声停止时,全班同学一起问一个问题,拿球的学生来回答. PresentationAlice问她的朋友有没有邮票。Alice:I like these stamps. Friend:Are these Japanese stamps? Alice:Yes, they are. Do you have any stamps? Friend:Yes, they are French and Germany stamps. Game1. Low and high voice 内容:I like these stamps. Are these Japanese stamps? Yes, they are. Do you have any stamps? Yes, they are French and Germany stamps.规则:学生们反复说着老师所要求说的内容,老师利用手来控制学生,当老师的两只手张的越开,学生的声音就越大,张的小声音就要越小,当合上时就闭嘴,这个游戏当中速度也是最重要的。2. Loco Loco内容:I like these stamps. Are these Japanese stamps? Yes, they are. Do you have any stamps? Yes, they are French and Germany stamps.规则:两个人手拉手举起来,搭成一个拱门,学生排好队一边说句子,一边从门里钻过。拱门会突然塌下,被包住的学生要回答问题才能安全通过。3. Rolling drum内容:I like these stamps. Are these Japanese stamps? Yes, they are. Do you have any stamps? Yes, they are French and Germany stamps.规则:老师击鼓带领学生说,学生依次传球并说句子, 当鼓声停止时, 拿球的学生来回答老师事先设定好的问题或读单词卡片。.Poker Time. Exercise画一张中国的国旗并用英语标明国家名。NationalitiesLesson FiveTeaching Content: dialogueReview:I like these stamps. Are these Japanese stamps? Yes, they are. Do you have any stamps? Yes, they are French and Germany stamps.Teaching Aid: chips. ReviewTurn around内容:I like these stamps. Are these Japanese stamps? Yes, they are. Do you have any stamps? Yes, they are French and Germany stamps.规则:所有学生统一往左或右转, 并且要说老师要求的句子,到了新的位置, 再翻两张单词卡片读出来。. Presentation老师情景对话表演出对话。Alice:Hello. Where are you from?Friend:I am from Britain. Whats that? Alice:It is an American stamp. Friend:It is beautiful.Alice:Look, this one is Australian. Friend:These are Chinese stamps.Alice:I like these stamps. Friend:Are these Japanese stamps? Alice:Yes, they are. Do you have any stamps? Friend:Yes, they are French and Germany stamps. Game1 role play内容:dialogue规则:角色扮演.2. Auction内容:dialogue规则:学生押注读纸条,读对获得双倍筹码。2. Jblendlnk内容:dialogue规则:老师准备一个表格,每个表格上都标有数字,且下面标有钱数每个数字都会有相对应的内容,可以是句子或是单词,学生读对数字相对应的内容就可以得到上面标示的钱数,为了增强趣味性,老师可以设定Bomb或者是向其它学生收钱等等有趣的选项。.Poker Time. Exercise回家告诉爸爸妈妈学过的国家名和国家人名。


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