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江苏省平潮高级中学高三英语周练卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)每段对话仅读一遍。1. Why will the man go to Beijing? A. To relax himself. B. To visit some friends.C. To attend meetings.2. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Manager and secretary. B. Guest and host. C. Shop assistant and customer.3. What do we know about the man?A. He slept well on the plane. B. He had a long trip. C. He had a meeting.4. When will the trousers be ready? A. Thursday morning. B. Thursday afternoon. C. Friday afternoon.5. How long will the man have to wait for the next bus? A. Four minutes.B. Six minutes. C. Ten minutes.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Why is the man talking to the woman?A. Because he wants to buy a house.B. Because he wants to get a job. C. Because he wants to rent a flat.7. How much will the man pay for the bigger flat each year?A. 3,000 dollars. B. 2,500 dollars. C. 2,400 dollars.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where does this conversation take place? A. On the playground.B. Over the phone. C. In the classroom.9. What is the woman probably doing? A. Watching a basketball game.B. Studying. C. Taking an exam.10. What will the man do this Saturday?A. Play a basketball game. B. Have a cup of coffee. C. Take an exam.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Where does the man want to go?A. To a concert.B. To a lecture.C. To a movie.12. What is the problem with taking Bus No. 3?A. The bus doesnt go directly to the library. B. The bus goes slowly to the library.C. The bus will not come at once.13. What does the man finally decide to do?A. Walk. B. Wait for the bus. C. Think of another plan.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Where is the man going to travel? A. New York.B. California. C. Neither.15. How much will the two men probably pay for the tickets altogether? A. $1,076. B. $ 2,152. C. $ 538.16. Which flights is the man going to take for his round trip? A. Flight 737 and Flight 215.B. Flight 737 and Flight 538. C. Flight 215 and Flight 538.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What do we know about the U.S. according to the 2016 survey?A. It is not one of the happiest countries in the world.B. It experienced a decline in happiness only from 2005 to 2007.C. It is not included in the top 10 happiest countries.18. Which country has the largest decline in happiness? A. Greece. B. Burundi. C. Japan.19. Which of the following is the least important factor driving happiness?A. Quality education. B. Wealth. C. Good health.20. What does this passage mainly talk about?A. Americans are less happy than before.B. Denmark is the happiest country.C. Rich countries are happier than poor countries.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21. The director _ actors in the film, because he thought that the actor he had was not suitable for the role.A. hiredB. employedC. switchedD. promoted22. They need to expand the number of farmers who are involved if the program is going to really _.A. break off B. take off C. get off D. put off23. Learning from _ mistakes can help us keep conscious and avoidrepeating them in the days to come.A. previousB. curiousC. obviousD. ridiculous24. The G20 Summit in Hangzhou , the world economy is certain to go through a little strong recovery.A. successfully held B. to be held successfully C. being held successfullyD. having held successfully 25. Some rich millionaires still have unhappy marriages and families perhaps because they expect money to do for them its simply not made to do.A. that B. which C. whatD. as 26. We all know endeavor (努力), and opportunity are the basic elements of ones success, and above all, we must believe in ourselves and work hard. A. comprehensionB. civilization C. confidence D. conscience27. We will do everything we can to help anybody, his background, to go as far as his talents will take him.A. whatever B. however C. wherever D. whichever 28. another national referendum (公投) of Brexit be held, perhaps the UK would be kept in the EU and better promote a socially progressive Europe. A. Would B. Could C. MightD. Should29. How amazing! I saw you appearing on the five oclock news. Oh that! The headmaster and I happened to pass by in front of the camera.A. was interviewedB. was being interviewedC. had been interviewedD. was interviewing30. President Xi said that China would the new economic challenges in the world by promoting interconnected development.A. correspond toB. refer toC. respond toD. subscribe to31. If what your friend comes up with surprises you, dont reject it immediately. _, imagine that it is true.A. Thus B. Besides C. Rather D. Otherwise32. A good interviewer is able to tell if youve done your _ about the company, so make sure you have!A. businessB. favourC. homeworkD. exercise33. Only when we all put emphasis on team spirit and make people oriented _the dream of the Chinese nations bright future on the road to revival.A. can we realize B. we can realize C. we will realize D. have we realized34. Hi, Tom. There will be a concert by the Beatles on Saturday night. Can you say something about the musical group? Sorry, I cant tell you anything about it _.A. off the top of my head B. on my last legsC. over the moonD. by and by35. Nowadays the reason why the senior students are under heavy pressure is that a senior high schools success is measured the number of pupils who can get into university.A. in honor ofB. in contact withC. in terms of D. in connection with第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)“Scotty!” Mr. Brown, my Year 11 English teacher, called me by my nickname (绰号) across the classroom. His eyes were bright and a secret 36 was half hidden behind the beard. Once he finished joking over my unbearable 37 , I realized he was going to read my story aloud to the class. I turned red, feeling at once both embarrassed and 38 . I had my very 39 reading audience! Though my classmates were a passive audience, it didnt weaken my feeling of being 40 .After that, I came to 41 those Year 11 English classes. Throughout school I had always studied hard and achieved well in my school subjects. But creative 42 was a passion, and it was not an assignment, but a way of understanding the world and of 43 my thoughts and feelings about events and attitudes.Mr. Brown was the first to 44 me for my writing so openly. My scores were always 19/20 or 20/20. My stories were often read out to the class. He even 45 one with the respected Head of English teachers, which was the most 46 part that is impressed on my memory. But 47 that, he offered a belief in me that no other teacher had. My school 48 often stated, Candice is a quiet achiever. I thought it was meant as a(n) 49 for being hard-working. I was someone that no one really 50 before, but Mr. Brown managed to 51 all that by bringing me to the attention of the world. Though it was the relatively 52 world of school, it put the seed of belief in myself that some day I could be an 53 person rather than the person who faded into the background. I 54 touch with my teacher long ago, as we do when we move away from the school system and enter life. I wish I could tell him now how much he 55 me. 36. A. trick B. fearC. surprise D. smile 37. A. sadnessB. shynessC. weaknessD. kindness38. A. ashamedB. calmC. thrilledD. depressed39. A. unfriendlyB. devotedC. smallD. first 40. A. specialB. intelligentC. famousD. diligent 41. A. loveB. hateC. attendD. miss42. A. thinkingB. readingC. writingD. speaking 43. A. organizingB. collectingC. expressingD. hiding44. A. trainB. recommendC. criticizeD. acknowledge 45. A. comparedB. sharedC. composed D. exchanged 46. A. interesting B. shockingC. challenging D. exciting 47. A. more thanB. other thanC. instead of D. in spite of48. A. days B. efforts C. booksD. reports49. A. praiseB. urge C. reason D. competition50. A. believedB. noticedC. supportedD. respected51. A. forgetB. compensateC. changeD. prove52. A. developedB. limitedC. preservedD. disturbed53. A. important B. educatedC. honestD. optimistic54. A. soughtB. regainedC. lost D. ignored55. A. owedB. influencedC. satisfiedD. attracted第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AWith the news that were now spending more time on our phones than with our significant others, it might be time to think about reducing our screen time. Smart phones really are addictive and the more you use one, the worse it gets.So, how can we try and build those boundaries so that we spend less time on our phones? Here are our suggestions.1. Turn off notifications (提示信息).Does checking a single notification turn into a half-hour of phone browsing? Youre not alone its all too easy to get sucked into the social media world through one alert. If you disable all unnecessary notifications, this is less likely to happen.2. Find out how much youre using your phone.There are various apps, such as Quality Time for Android and Moment for iOS, which monitor your phone usage and inform you just how many hours a day youre spending looking at a screen. These apps also allow you to set alerts to remind you if you are using your phone too much.3. Set up phone-free periods every day.Try to set up phone-free periods during the day. Schedule them when youre busy doing something else in order to make the break a bit easier.4. Dont use your phone as an alarm clock.Dont even take your phone into the bedroom. Removing your phone from the room can also remove the overall temptation.5. Train yourself with tech breaks.If the previous tips dont work for you and youre still spending more time on your phone than youd like, then you may need to kick it up a notch (等级).One easy way is to slowly train yourself with tech breaks. Start by looking at your phone for one minute and checking all forms of communication, including texts, calls and social media. Then turn it off, set the alarm for 15 minutes and place it face-down in plain sight. The upside-down phone reminds your brain not to release stress and anxiety neurotransmitters (神经传体).The next time it rings or chirps, check it again for only one minute. Keep doing that until it feels natural not to check in, and see that you didnt miss anything.56. Several apps are mentioned in the passage .A. to guarantee enough time for you to have a break B. to help you resist your temptation to use the phone C. to make sure you chat with your friends conveniently D. to make you aware of the time spent on the phone 57. What are you encouraged to do by the author as to using a phone?A. Check your texts, calls and social media in only one minute.B. Limit the time on the phone and spend more time on face-to-face communication.C. Use tech breaks to overcome your addiction to the phone.D. Use the phone as an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning.BOne of my favorite professors in college was a self-confessed (公开承认的) liar.I guess that statement needs a bit of explanation.The topic of Corporate Finance / Capital Market is a very dry and boring subject matter. Dr K was memorable because of something he introduced at the beginning of his first class, Between today and the class right before finals, I will work into each of my lectures one lie. Your job, as students, among other things, is to try and catch the Lie of the Day.And then began our 10-week course.This was a brilliant way to focus our attention by asking students to challenge his statements. Early in the quarter, the Lie of the Day was usually obvious immediately causing raised hands to challenge it.As the quarter went on, the Lie of the Day became more subtle (不易察觉的), and many ended up slipping past most students unnoticed until a very alert person stopped the lecture to flag it.Every once in a while, a lecture would end with nobody catching the lie. On those days, Dr K, looking quite pleased with himself, would say, Ah ha! Each of you has one falsehood in your lecture notes. Discuss among yourselves what it might be, and I will tell you next Monday.Those lectures forced us to work in study groups so we could approach him with our theories the following week.Brilliant but what made Dr Ks technique genius was, during the most technically difficult lecture of the entire quarter, there was no lie. At the end of the lecture in which no lie was found, he offered the same challenge to work through the notes. On the following Monday, he heard our theories for what the falsehood might be for almost ten minutes before he finally said, Do you remember the first lecture how I said that every lecture has a lie?Tired from having our best theories shot down, we nodded.Well, THAT was a lie. My previous lecture was completely on the level. But I am glad you reviewed your notes carefully this weekend. Moving on .While my knowledge of the Economics of Capital Markets has faded in time, the lessons have stayed with me: Experts can be wrong and say things that sound right, so always evaluate new information and check it against things you already accept as fact.58. The Lie of the Day is introduced to Dr Ks class because .A. he is good at telling a lie B. he wants his students to challenge his authority C. he wants to find out who is absent-minded D. he tries to arouse his students interest in his boring lecture 59. What do we know about the most technically difficult lecture of the entire quarter?A. It made all the students feel bored but excited.B. It turned out that Dr K told no lie in the lecture.C. The lie in it slipped past with nobody finding it.D. Students reasoned with Dr K about his theories after class.60. From the last paragraph we can learn that .A. we should be critical to the information provided for usB. it is a must that we avoid lies in our daily life C. students can drop some courses because they are boring D. we can use creative techniques to make courses lively and interesting CBrushing your teeth regularly could help to prevent bowel (肠) cancer, a study suggests. This is because the mouth bacteria that cause bleeding gums (牙龈) can travel via the blood to the bowel where they could result in cancer or worsen existing tumours (肿瘤).The bug fusobacterium (梭杆菌) has been found to be hundreds of times more common in cancerous tumours than in normal cells.Now researchers have found that the bacteria can make pre-cancerous growths in the bowel turn cancerous. They can also make any existing tumours in the bowel grow larger.Scientists are doing research on how the bacteria make their way to the bowel through the blood stream. One theory is that it may happen if a person has bleeding gums.The researchers found that the bacteria have a protein that allows them to stick to sugar molecules attached to friendly growths called polyps (息肉) as well as cancer tumours in the bowel.The bacteria are anaerobic they do not breathe oxygen so are well suited to live in the bowel.After sticking to the polyps or tumours, the presence of the bacteria promotes their growth, according to the research.By targeting this process, the researches believe that it may lead to new drugs to treat bowel cancer which around 1 in 20 of us will develop in our lifetimes.Co-author Wendy Garret, a professor at Harvard University said a greater understanding of the mechanism (机理) may help stop people developing cancerous tumours. She added, More importantly, our findings suggest that the new drugs could potentially prevent these bacteria from worsening bowel cancer.As well as worsening cancer, the bacteria have also been found to worsen the bowel condition ulcerative colitis (溃疡性结肠炎), which in turn is also linked to cancer.So, the researchers warn that mouth health may be an indicator of other lifestyle factors linked to cancer.61. From the first paragraph, we can learn .A. bowel cancer may be cured by brushing teeth regularly B. scientists have found the reason for bowel cancer.C. brushing teeth regularly helps you fight bad breath.D. good mouth health has a good effect on preventing bowel cancer.62.According to researchers, if a person suffers from bleeding gums, .A. bacteria may enter the bowel with blood and increase the risk of cancer B. the bug fusobacterium may decrease in the cellsC. measures must be taken to prevent blood flowing into bowel D. he should go to the dentist to have the teeth pulled out63. Chances are that through this research.A. people will get rid of the symptoms of bleeding gums B. people will never suffer from bowel cancer C. scientists will develop more effective drugs to deal with bowel cancer D. scientists will find ways to stop gums worsening fusobacterium 64. Whats the authors purpose in writing this passage?A. To tell people not to worry about bowel cancer.B. To warn people of the danger of bowel cancer.C. To educate people about the ways to stop bleeding gums.D. To make people understand the importance of brushing teeth regularly.DAll her friends were going to the baby shower, but my daughter, Kathy, wouldnt attend because she had a softball practice. Recently, there always seemed to be some reason why Kathy couldnt attend a baby shower. In my heart, I knew that something must be wrong.Then I learned the sad truth. She and her husband, Kevin, desperately wanted to start a family. They had seen many doctors and undergone numerous tests, but were having no luck. With each new procedure, their hopes would build, only to end again in sad disappointment. Next they traveled to a clinic in Vancouver, British Columbia, for vitro fertilization (体外受精). After three failed attempts, Kathy and Kevin became despondent and were ready to give up. And then, out of nowhere, a dim light of hope began to shine.When Kathy and Kevin returned from Vancouver, disappointed and heartbroken, Kathys closest friend Carlene made a decision. She offered herself as a gestational surrogate mother (妊娠代孕妈妈).Meanwhile, Carlene knew she couldnt make this decision on her own. Her husband, Ward, began to struggle with what might happen. He felt for Kathy and Kevin, but he also cared very much for his wife. He had concerns about the drugs she would have to take. He feared for her health and emotional well-being after the birth. He decided to ask his wife to say no. He was on his way to phone her with his decision when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. In that moment, he realized he might be preventing the only chance Kathy and Kevin would ever have of having a baby of their own. Ward then told Carlene, Go ahead. Ill be with you all the way.Finally, Ward and Carlene accompanied Kathy and Kevin to a fertility center in San Francisco.At the clinic, both Carlene and Kathy went through the same procedure. The couples returned home hopeful and began the wait to see if either Carlene or Kathy was pregnant. The tension built as the day passed. And then the news came success! Carlene was carrying a single baby and Kathy, twins. Suddenly the news was out, and in our small town this big news spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, fourteen weeks later, Kathy lost her twins.As the gossips (闲言碎语) make it rounds, I realized what a strong, special person Carlene was. An


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