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福建省厦门第一中学2011级高三上半期考试卷 2013.11.12 第一卷 (共115分)第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whats the relationship between the speakers?? A. Secretary and boss. B. Old friends.C. Husband and wife.2. What is the womans reaction to the hotel? A. She is indifferent to it. B. She is interested in it. C. She is against it.3. What does the man imply? A. He didnt go to the jewelers. B. He was too busy to fix the watch. C. He doesnt know how to get to the jewelers.4. Who will smoke the cigarettes? A. The mans wife. B. The man.C. The woman.5. How often will the woman take the medicine?A. Twice a day.B. Three times a day.C. Four times a day.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。6. What is the woman? A. A reporter and columnist. B. A columnist C. A reporter 7. Why does the woman come to the man? A. She wants to interview him on something. B. She wants to say “Hello” to him.C. She just drops in on him.8. What is the man probably expert at? A. News reports. B. Forestry. C. Edition.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Why couldnt the man sleep last night? A. Martin was too noisy. B. He quarreled with someone. C. He was too worried.10. Who ought to cook tonight? A. The woman. B. The man. C. Martin.11. What do we know about Martin? A. Hes a house builder. B. Hes the mans roommate. C. Hes the womans boyfriend.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Who is the woman? A. A new university student.B. An assistant professor. C. A professor.13. How many hours of lessons does the man suggest a week?A. 4. B.12. C. 14.14. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Take algebra.(代数). B. Take a test. C. Take geometry.(几何)听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Why is the woman unhappy? A. The apartment needs a lot of repair work. B. The apartment is too far from the campus. C. Shes having trouble with the owner of the apartment.16. What are the woman and her roommate planning to do? A. To talk to Ms. Connors. B. To find another apartment. C. To ask the man to repair the dishwasher.17. Why does the woman think the man can help her? A. He had the same problem. B. He has some knowledge of the law. C. He can bring a lawsuit(诉讼) against the owner.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Who is the speaker talking to? A. Art lovers. B. Photographers.C. University students.19. What is Dr. Wilson busy doing now A. Taking photographs for a newspaper. B. Teaching painting in a university. C. Writing a book about art.20. What can be expected in Dr. Wilsons talk? A. The 19th century paintings and present-day art. B. Her experiences in European countries.C. Lifestyle in Italy in the 19th century.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. In the job interviews job applicants often find themselves asked unexpected questions, some very difficult _.A. to be answered B. to answerC. being answered D. answering22. The discovery of the new drug is of great _ to people who suffer from heart problems.A. appreciationB. significanceC. satisfactionD. guidance23. The newly-discovered evidence led to the criminal _ to five years in prison.A. to be sentencedB. being sentencedC. sentencedD. be sentenced24. Through years of hard work, Mrs. Smith, who _ as a secretary for five years, is general manager of the company now.A. serves B. served C. has served D. had served 25. Beijing announced on Sunday that the date for events _ the 40th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan relations would be “adjusted to an appropriate time”.A. markedB. markingC. having markedD. to be marked26. The suggestion, _ by the locals, proved to be a very constructive one.A. put downB. put forward C. put outD. put off27. So many people violate traffic regulations that we _ put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety. A. must not B. should not C. need not D. cannot28. Maintaining (维持) peace and stability of the South China Sea and the East China Sea will certainly _ a more prosperous Asian-Pacific area.A. contribute toB. respond toC. belong toD. appeal to29. - How did you do in the test ?- Not so well. I _ much better but I misread the directions for Part D.A. could have doneB. could do C. must have done D. should do30. Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. ks5u A. brought up B. put up C. set up D. picked up 31. Did you hear about Zhang Lili who saved the kids from being run over by a school bus? Yes. What do you think most people _ if they were in a similar situation? A. will do B will have done. C. would do D. would have done32. “Drive-ins” have large parking lots _ customers are served in their cars by waitress. A. who B. when C. which D. where 33. That must have been a long trip. Yeah, it _ us a whole week to get there. A. takes B. had taken C. took D. was taking34. _ to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is dangerous. A. Not reminded B. Reminded not C. Not having been reminded D. Having reminded not 35. Have you bought the same book _ I referred to yesterday? A. that B. as C. which D. what第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasting in the United States be forbidden by law. Let us take a 36 , reasonable look at what the results might be if such a(an) 37 were accepted.Families might use the time for a real family hour. Without the distraction(分散注意力) of TV, they might 38 together after dinner and actually talk to one another. It is well known that many of our 39 -everything in fact, from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of 40 illness -are caused at least in part by 41 to communicate. By using the quiet family hour to 42 our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better. On evenings when such talk is 43 , families could discover more active pastimes(娱乐). Freed from TV and forced to find their own activities, they might take a 44 together to watch the sunset 45 they might take a walk together. 46 free time and no TV, children and adults might discover reading. There is more entertainment in 47 than in a TV program. 48 report that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence, 49 at the college level. 50 is often learned from reading. A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour. A different form of reading might also be done 51 it was in the past: reading aloud. The quiet hour could become the story hour. When the 52 ends, the TV networks might be forced to 53 with better shows in order to get us back from our newly- discovered activities.At first glance, this idea seems radical(激进的). 54 will we spend the time then? The fact is: it has been only twenty-five years since television came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can 55 childhoods without television. It wasnt that difficult.36. A. valuableB. pleasantC. seriousD. quick37. A. suggestionB. adviceC. opinionD. offer38. A. get aroundB. sit aroundC. meet withD. stand stiff39. A. misfortunesB. troublesC. affairsD. problems40. A. physicalB. mentalC. commonD. familiar41. A. failureB. attemptC. abilityD. permission42. A. commentB. talkC. discussD. remark43. A. impossibleB. unpleasantC. funnyD. unnecessary44. A. rideB. lookC. walkD. rest 45. A. AndB. ButC. OrD. While46. A. AtB. WithC. ForD. In47. A. a good bookB. a fine poemC. a quiet hour D. a composition48. A. ProfessorsB. ScientistsC. EducatorsD. Parents49. A. yetB. stillC. justD. even50. A. SkillB. WritingC. SpeakingD. Listening51. A. beforeB. asC. afterD. when52. A. talkB. programmeC. performanceD. quiet-hour53. A. come acrossB. come aboutC. come outD. come up54. A. HowB. WhetherC. WhatD. If55. A. remindB. recognizeC. rememberD. know第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。AThe Queens English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queens Christmas broadcasts has found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 1952 to find out the change in her pronunciation from the noble Upper Received to the Standard Received.Jonathan Harrington, a professor at Germanys University of Munich, wanted to discover whether accent changes recorded over the past half century would take place within one person. “As far as I know, there just is nobody else for whom there is this sort of broadcast records,” he said.He said the noble way of pronouncing vowels(元音) had gradually lost ground as the noble upper-class accent over the past years. “Her accent sounds slightly less noble than it did 50 years ago. But these are very, very small and slow changes that we dont notice from year to year.”“We may be able to relate it to changes in the social classes,” he told The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper. “In 1952 she would have been heard saying thet men in the bleck het. Now it would be that man in the black hat. Similarly, she would have spoken of the citay anddutay, rather than citee and dutee, and hame rather than home. In the 1950s she would have been lorst, but by the 1970s lost.”The Queens broadcast is a personal message to the Commonwealth countries. Each Christmas, the 10-minute broadcast is put on TV at 3 pm in Britain as many families are recovering from their traditional turkey lunch(传统火鸡午餐).The results were published(发表) in the Journal of Phonetics.56.The Queens broadcasts were chosen for the study mainly because .A. she has been Queen for many yearsB. she has a less upper-class accent nowC. her speeches have been recorded for 50 years D. her speeches are familiar to many people57.Which of the following is an example of a less noble accent in English?A. “Dutay”.B. “Hame”.C. “Citee”.D. “Lorst”.58.We may infer from the text that the Journal of Phonetics is a magazine on .A. Christmas customsB. speech soundsC.TV broadcasting D. personal messages59.What is the text mainly about?A. The changes in a persons accent.B. The Queens Christmas speeches on TV.C. The relationship between accents and social classes.D. The recent development of the English language.BA sixth of undergraduates in Beijing this year have registered at driving school. The students, mostly from majors such as business management or international trade, will finish their driving courses within 20 days or so.Training costs have dropped to 2, 600 yuan for students, according to the Haidian Driving School in Beijing. The price is not really low, but students will accept it, seeing it as an investment (投资)in their future. Familiarity with the operation of computers and fluent English are the basic skills graduating students need to find a job. But a drivers permit has become another factor.“In the job market, owning a drivers permit sometimes strengthens a graduating students competitiveness for a good position, ”says Zhou Yang, an undergraduate at the China University of Political Science and Law.Cars will become a necessary part of many peoples lives in the coming years, and it is difficult to get a permit out of campus because of the pressures on working peoples time. “Having a fulltime job after graduation offers limited time to learn to drive. We senior students have plenty of spare time, plenty of opportunity to learn. ”Zhou says.Xu Jian, an official at the driving school, said undergraduates were very able and serious, and could grasp in an hour what ordinary people took four hours to learn. In this driving school, middle-aged people, young women and college students are the main customers.To get a drivers permit, a beginner is now required to have at least 86 hourspractice before the final road test.60The undergraduates are learning to drive because _.A. they like to drive carsB. they need this skill to find a good jobC. they will not have any time to learn to drive after they have found a full-time jobD. most of them will be able to buy cars in the future61Which of the following is likely to be Xu Jians opinion of students learning to drive?A. It is better to learn it at college than at work.B. Young people have an advantage in learning to drive.C. It is a waste of money and time to learn to drive.D. They will spend three times more time to learn to drive than usual.62Which of the following can be the best headline for the passage?A. Students Learn to Drive.B. Students Pay Less to Learn to Drive Now.C. It is Better to Learn to Drive at Colleges.D. Welcome to the Driving School.CNo budget for your vacation? Try home exchanges - swapping houses with strangers. Agree to use each others cars, and you can save dollars on car rentals (租赁费), too.Home exchanges are not new. At least one group, Intervac, has been facilitating such an arrangement since 1953. But trading online is gaining popularity these days, with several sites in operation, including Home Exchanges. Founded in 1992, with some 28,000 listings, this company bills itself as the worlds largest home exchange club, reporting that membership has increased 30% this year. The annual fee is usually less than US$100. Members can access thousands of listings for apartments, villas, suburban homes and farms around the world. Initial contact is made via e-mail, with subsequent communication usually by phone. Before a match is made, potential swappers tend to discuss a lot. However, the concept may sound risky to some people. What about theft? Damage? These are reasonable causes for concern, but equally unlikely. As one swapper puts it, “Nobody is going to fly across the ocean or drive 600 miles to come steal your TV. Besides, at the same time theyre staying in your home, you are staying in their home.” Exchange sites recommend that swappers discuss such matters ahead of time. They may fill out an agreement spelling out who shoulders which responsibilities if a problem arises. It does not matter if the agreement would hold up in court, but it does give the exchangers a little satisfaction. Generally, the biggest complaint among home exchangers has to do with different standards of cleanliness. Swappers are supposed to make sure their home is in order before they depart, but one persons idea of “clean” may be more forgiving than anothers. Some owners say if they come back to a less-than-sparkling kitchen, it may be inconvenient but would not sour them on future exchanges.63What is the second paragraph mainly about? ks5uAHow to exchange homes.BThe biggest home exchange agency Intervac.CThe fact that home exchanges are not new.DA contrast between Intervac and Home Exchanges.64How do home exchangers normally begin their communication?ABy phone.BVia a matchmaker. C By e-mail. DVia a face-to-face meeting.65What is recommended in the passage to deal with the concerns about theft and damage?AOne can file a lawsuit in court.BBoth parties can trade online. COne can damage the home of the other party in return.DBoth parties can sign an agreement beforehand. ks5uDDoctors in Britain are warning of an obesity time bomb, when children who are already overweight grow up. So, what should we do? Exercise more? Eat less? Or both? The government feels it has to take responsibility for this expanding problem.The cheerful Mr. Pickwick, the hero of the novel by Charles Dickens, is seen in illustrations as someone who is plump and happy. In 18th century paintings, beauty is equated (使等同) with rounded bodies and soft curves. But nowadays being overweight is seen as indicating neither a cheerful character nor beauty but an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.So what do you do? Diet? Not according to Englands chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson. He says that physical activity is the key for reducing the risks of obesity, cancer and heart disease. And the Health Secretary John Reid even said that being inactive is as serious a risk factor in heart disease as smoking.So, having bought some cross trainers, how much exercise should you do? According to Sir Liam Donaldson, at least 30 minutes of moderate activity five days a week. Is going to the gym the answer? Luckily for those who think that running machines are boring, the Health Development Agency believes that physical activity that fits into peoples lives may be more effective. They suggest taking the stairs rather than the lift, walking up escalators, playing active games with your children, dancing or gardening. And according to a sports psychologist, Professor Biddle, gyms are not making the nation fit, and may even cause harm.Theres new scientific evidence that too much exercise may actually be bad for you. Scientists at the University of Ulster have found that unsuitable exercise releases dangerous free radicals that can adversely (oppositely) affect normal function in unfit people. The only people who should push their bodies to that level of exercise on a regular basis are trained athletes.So, should we forget about gyms and follow some experts advice to reduce sedentary (久坐不动的) activities and increase exercise in our daily life? After all, getting off the bus a stop early and walking the rest of the way cant do any harm! One final thought. How come past generations lacked gym facilities but were leaner and fitter than people today? ks5u66. Mr.Pickwick and the paintings of the 18m century are used as examples to show that_.A. beauty should be overweightB. a fat man is usually a cheerful character C. fatness was considered something good at one timeD. fatness leads to an increased risk of disease67. According to Sir Liam Donaldson, we should_.A. go on a diet B. do regular physical activityC. give up smoking D. go to the gym68. The underlined phrase cross trainers probably refers to _.A. people who help you do exercise B. places where you can do exerciseC. a kind of shoes D. a form of vehicles69. At present being overweight indicates _.A. an increased risk of diseases B. a happier lifeC. a cheerful character D. a beauty70. What is the passage mainly about?A. how to keep fit and avoid fatness.B. increased risks for overweight people.C. the dangers of exercise in the gym.D. the benefit of a balanced diet.EWith only a click of the mouse, rumors can be forwarded between microblogs very quickly. As an example, recently, perceptive netizens discovered that some photos displayed on microblogs depicting Beijing

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