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五年级英语下册Unit 1 A Lets learn教案课文标题:My day ( Part A Lets learn )单元名称:Unit One My day教材版本:PEP Primary English 授课年级:能否录课:能Grade 5姓名: 蒋曼曼单位:枣庄市峄城区阴平镇中心小学(2)教材整合安排:课时语言知识语言技能情感态度文化意识学习策略 第一课时1. 全体学生能理解:when,Spain,after,start,usually,late;部分学生能运用:clean my room,go shopping,eat dinner.2. 全体学生能听懂并说出:When do you get up?When do you go to bed? When do you finish class in the morning?When do you usually eat dinner in Spain?1全体学生能听懂并说出:-When do you finish class in the morning?-We finish class at 1oclock?-When do you usually eat dinner in Spain?-Usually at 9:30.2. 全体 学生能朗读课文,注意模仿语音语调,并阅读相关短文。全体学生能进行角色表演。1.学生通过了解学习日常生活作息时间,培养学生养成良好的作息习惯。2.培养学生善于打理自己的日常生能力。在学习和日常交际中,能初步感知国外小学生日常作息时间与国外的不同之处。学生能够在真实语言情境中,敢于开口,乐于进行信息交流,并且在表达过程中不怕出错误。第二课时1. 全体学生能理解:eat breakfast,have.class,play sports,exercises,do morning exercises,eat dinner ; b部分学生能运用:a.m.,p.m.2. 全体学生能运用:When do you morning exercises?At7oclock.1. 全体学生能听懂并说出:-When do you morning exercises?-At7oclock-When do you get up?-I get up at6:00a.m.2. 全体学生能运用一般现在时的特殊疑问句“When do you.?”、“At.”句型,进行日常生活作息时间的询问与表达。3. 全体学生能听懂Lets learn 课文内容,并尝试跟读录音,注意语音语调。通过学习,增进学生之间的交流,形成团结互助的课堂氛围。通过了解Pedro 日常作息时间,使学生能过养成合理安排生活作息的好习惯。学生能够在真实语言情境中,进行同伴日常作息的任务调查,鼓励学生在完成任务的过程中相互了解,相互学习,培养学生合作精神。第三课时1. 全体学生能理解:clean,clock,class,clever,plate,eggplant,please,play.2. 全体学生能够感知:clean,clock,class,clever,plate,eggplant,please,play中字母组合“cl,pl”的发音规则。1. 全体学生能朗读图片中的单词,注意模仿语音语调,并尝试拼读含有字母组合“cl,pl”的单词。2. 全体学生运用本课图片中所出示的单词进行造句练习。乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。了解自然拼音法对英语学习的作用。通过复习含有字母组合cl,pl的单词来感知其发音规则。第四课时1. 全体学生能理解:why,shop,work,last,sound,also,busy,need;部分学生能运用:on the weekend,watch TV,play ping-pong,a lot of fun,hard-working,wash clothes,cook dinner,need.to.2. 全体学生能运用:When do you get up? When do you go to bed?When do you finish class in the morning?When do you usually eat dinner in Spain?1. 全体学生能听懂并说出:-What do you do on the weekend?-I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.-Why are you shopping today?-My mum worked last night.2. 全体学生朗读课文,注意模仿语音语调,并阅读相关短文。3. 全体学生能进行角色表演。1.培养学生学习英语的积极性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们建立英语学习的自信心。2.学生乐于运用新学的短语句型进行表达。1.学生能了解一些英语中的一般现在时与一般过去时的时态应运。2.学生能理解一般现在时中主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化规则。1.创设真实语境练习一般现在时和一般过去时。2.学生通过参加小组游戏来练习和巩固所学句型及相关时态。第五课时1. 全体学生能理解:take,dance;部分学生能运用:clean my room, go for a walk,go shopping,take a dancing class.2. 全体学生能运用:I often clean my room on Saturdays; I always go for a walk with my mum on Saturdays;I sometimes go shopping with my sister on the with my sister on the weekend.1.全体学生能听懂并说出:I often clean my room on Saturdays. I always go for a walk with my mum on Saturdays.I sometimes go shopping with my sister on the with my sister on the weekend.2. 全体学生能运用一般现在时陈述句句型结构和大家分享自己的周末活动安排,并能就此话题进行小调查。3. 全体学生能 够听懂Lets learn 课文内容,并尝试跟读录音,注意模仿语音语调。1.鼓励学生参与课堂活动,巩固所学内容,提高自己的语言运用能力。2.通过“周末活动安排” 小调查,增进学生与朋友相互的了解,培养小组合作精神。了解更多的关于西方国家小学生的日常作息。1. 通过了解Sarah的周末活动安排,培养学生的业余爱好,开拓学生学习渠道,树立健康向上的生活态度。2. 全体学生能运用一般现在时陈述句和大家分享自己的周末活动安排,锻炼学生综合语言运用能力,激发学生在真实语言情境中进行交流。第六课时1全体学生能理解:play,letter,for,live,island,always,cave,win;部分学生能运用go.,play.,have.,do.以及频度副词 always,often,always。2.全体学生能运用:What do you do on the week end?;I often .;I always.;I sometimes.。1.全体学生能够听懂并说出:What do you do on the week end?,结合实际情况运用频度副词进行回答。2.全体学生能按要求完成书信,并积极运用一般现在时陈述句与特殊疑问句进行表达与交流。3.全体学生能在理解课文内容的基础下,分角色进行短剧表演。1在学习Robin 的故事过程中,培养学生坚强的意志力,勇敢面对生活中的艰难困苦。2.通过了解Zip一周活动安排,激发学生乐于参加丰富的课外活动,在活动中树立正确人生观。了解英语实际运用的魅力。1.通过设计真实短剧情境,鼓励学生通过阅读、体验、实践的学习过程巩固学生对知识的理解与活动。同时可以利用多媒体创设简易海岛舞台背景。真实情境的创,提高学生的表演短剧的积极性。2.通过多种形式的练习,提高自己的综合语言运用能力。(3)教学过程:ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesLearners ActivitiesNotesStep IWarming up & Revision1.Lets sing “Ten little Indians”2. Rush to answer: T: what time is it? (利用钟表,复习时间的表达)1.Sing together.2.Follow the teacher, and answer the questions.1歌曲既能创造轻松的英语学习氛围,又能复习数字的表达。2复习前面学过的内容:时间的表达,引出本课主题。Step II. Presentation1.Lead in播放光头强图片,猜测我们今天请来的朋友是谁?Create a situation: This is Guang Tou Qiang. Lets have a look how he spends his day. Here is the timetable. 2.Present new phrases1) T: What time is it ?出示起床的图片,复习get up,注意是早上六点,学习a.m。2) T: What time is it ?出示做运动的图片,学习do morning exercises。3) T:Now it is 8 oclock,Guang Tou Qiang is hungry. He wants to eat breakfast 出示吃早饭的图片,学习eat breakfast。T: What time is it? Its time to eat lunch.T: What time is it?学习p.m。Guang Tou Qiang is going to eat dinner.学习eat dinner.4) Oh, its 9 oclock.播放上课的铃声,出示图片have.class. 学习不同的课程。5) T: What time is it ?结合各种运动图片,学习play sports。6)Now it is 10:30,出示上床睡觉的图片,复习 go to bed. 3. Role play出示光头强的一天,以光头强和熊大对话为例,在句子中操练When do you do morning exercises? 引导学生用“At .oclock”回答问题。Ss guess and look at the timetable.看图回答并跟读S:6 oclock.S: Get up.看图回答并跟读S:7 oclock.S: Do morning exercises.看图回答并跟读S: Eat breakfast.S:12 oclock.S: Eat lunch.S:9 oclock.S: Eat dinner.听录音,看图片S: Have an English class.S: Have a Chinese class.S: Have a math classS: Have an art class.看图片并跟读S: 6 oclock.S: Play sports.S:When do you?S: At oclock.以光头强的一天为背景故事,整体呈现作息时间表。通过看图学习新单词。按照时间顺序呈现光头强的一天,并结合钟表、图片、录音,让学生边看图片,边做动作,学习新词组,充分调动手、眼、口和脑,帮助学生音形义结合理解词组。吃早餐、午餐和晚餐一起学习,便于系统理解。出示多种课程,活学活用,锻炼学生的拓展能力。结合光头强的一天,让学生在句型运用新单词,可以更好的理解和记忆单词。Step III Practice1. Listen and fill in the blanks.2. Lets do. Listen to the teacher carefully and do actions. Then teacher does actions, and students say phrases.3. Ask and write.Act as a reporter and interview your partner to fill in the timetable. 1. Fill in the blanks.2.Follow the order and do actions.3.Fill in the timetable and role-play.操练和巩固新词组的音、形、意的结合记忆。Step IVProductionGroup work: Show the timetable of Xiong Da, arrange reasonable activities for him and finish the timetable. Select the best design.Discuss with partners and fill in the timetable.学会珍惜时间,合理安排时间。锻炼集体意识。Step V Summary1. Summary2. Emotion education to help students to value time and cultivate a good habit of living.Ss:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have class, play sports, eat dinner小结本课知识,并评价小组活动。情感教育让孩子形成珍惜时间,合理安排作息。Step VI HomeworkDesign the timetable of tomorrow by yourself and try to carry it out. 加深学生的新知记忆,并与实践相结合。

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