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1. 他被我的话激怒了。(offend)He was offended at by my remarks.2. 这种新药服用后不久就会开始见效。(operate vi.)The new drug began to operate not long after it is taken.3. 许多居民反对修建那条汽车路的计划。(be opposed to)Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.4. 我们去罗马前必须把事情安排得妥当些。(order vt.)We must order our affairs better before we leave for Rome.5. 他定购了一台电脑。(order n.)He placed an order for a computer.6. 你只能靠游泳游到那边去。(other than)You cant get there other than by swimming.7. 他一点常识都没有。(ounce)He hasnt an ounce of common sense.8. 我们受骗,把积蓄都花光了。(out of)We were tricked out of our savings.9. 你能否概述美国的南北战争?(outline vt.)Would you please outline the American Civil War?10. 从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄。(overlook vt.)The house on the hill overlooks the village.11. 你忽略了这个工作中的几个错误。(overlook vt.)You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work.12. 孩子们遇到了暴风雨。(overtake vt.)A storm overtook the children.13. 年轻作家把自己的成功归于他老师的鼓励。(owe vt.)The young writer owed his success to his teachers encouragement.14. 我们必须给他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。(pain)We must give him something for his pains.15. 人们听到枪声感到惊慌。(panic n.)The crowd were seized with a panic at the sound of the guns.16. 在销售方面,我的经验和你相仿。(parallel adj.)My experience in selling is parallel to yours.17. 对不起打扰你了。(pardon vt.)Pardon me for disturbing you.18. 请解释一下气候对我国贸易的影响。(play a part in)Explain the part (that) weather plays in our countrys trade.19. 许多名星都参与歌曲We are the World的录制来为埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)募集资金。(participate)Many famous pop-stars participated in the recording of the song “We are the World” to raise money for Ethiopia.20. 当酒精与药品一起被服用时尤其危险。(particularly)Alcohol is particularly dangerous when taken with drugs.21. 这个风俗被一代代传了下去。(pass)The custom was passed on from generation to generation.22. 我警告你,我对你已经渐渐失去耐性了。 (patience)I warn you that Im beginning to lose my patience with you.23. 为了被绑架的儿子他向恐怖分子交付了五万英磅。(pay)He paid the terrorist 50,000 for his kidnapped son.24. George说话带有美国南方人独有的口音。(peculiar)George spoke with an accent peculiar to the south of America.25. 她因在竞赛中的优异表现而获金牌。(performance)She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest.26. 那条新的法律允许酒吧全天营业。(permit)The new law permits pubs to stay open all day.27. 如果你执意要孤身去那里的话,我不得不向你父母汇报一下。(persist)If you persist in going there alone, I have to report it to your parents.28. 她以个人名义向基金会捐款。(personal)She made a personal donation to the fund.29. 不要让自己被说服去买些实际上并不需要的东西。(persuade)Dont let yourself be persuaded into buying things that you dont really want.30. 人类最基本的需要是生理上的,如食物,饮水和睡眠。(physical) Mans primary needs are physical - food, drink and sleep.31. 纸是一种薄的材料,用来写作或包东西。(in the form) Paper is the material in the form of a thin sheet that is used for writing on or wrapping things.32. 给我印象最深的是他总是那么谦虚和彬彬有礼。(What) What has impressed me most is that he is always modest and polite.33. 他的记忆力不是随着时间而增长,而是随着时间而衰退。(rather than) His memory declines with the time rather than grow with the time.34. 要是时间允许的话,你这周最好检查一下你的眼睛,你的视力在下降。(have) Time permitting, you may as well have your eyes examined this week, for your eyesight is failing.35. 得知自己被那所梦寐以求的大学录取时,她非常激动,彻夜未眠。(So that) So excited was she that she had not slept the whole night, when learning that she was admitted to the college she had been dreamed of. 36. 去海南岛被宰还不如去普吉岛(Phuket)和海龟游泳。(better than.) It is better to swim with sea turtles in Phuket than to get ripped off in Hainan.37. 爸爸昨天送我一部iPhone 5, 祝贺我考进复旦大学附属中学。(congratulate) Dad bought me an iPhone 5 yesterday to congratulate me on getting accepted to High School Affiliated to Fudan University.38. 令我非常失望的是,梦想合唱团(Glee)不太可能在中国大陆播放。(unlikely) Much to my disappointment, it is unlikely that “Glee” will be broadcast in Chinese mainland.39. 有些人认为吸血鬼已经灭绝了,而另一些人则坚信他们还活在我们中间。(extinct) Some people argue that vampires have become extinct, while others maintain that they still live among us.40. 我最近报名参加了“新梦想”的托福(TOEFL)课程,但老师一直在讲笑话。(enroll) I enrolled on a TOEFL course at New Dream recently, but the teachers there are always telling jokes.41. 今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy) We enjoyed ourselves this New Years Day this year.42. 舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate) My uncle sent me a card yesterday to congratulate / congratulating me on my 18th birthday.43. 经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(as.as) After years of / years construction, the little town is now as lively as it was before the earthquake / it used to be before the earthquake.44. 演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar) The performance began with a piece of classical music which was familiar to people in their fifties.45. 她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner) No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join the wildlife protection organization. 46. 丰富的工作经验使他能胜任这个岗位。(qualify) Rich working experience qualified him for the post.47. 没有什么能比坐在温暖的阳光下更令人愉快的了。(match) Nothing can match the pleasure of sitting in the warm sunlight.48. 虽然网上的信息应有尽有,但要辨别真伪也绝非易事。(available) Although all kinds of information is available online, it is no easy job/ task to tell/ judge which is true.49. 但凡有一点历史常识的人都知道台湾自古以来就是中国的一部分。(Whoever) Whoever has a little knowledge about history knows that Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times.50. 只有通过仔细的观察和分析我们才能发现解决问题的关键。(Only) Only through careful observation and analysis can we discover the key to solving the problem.


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