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下面是本学期出现的重点词汇和短语,你都掌握了吗?一起来巩固一下吧。Chapter11. liquid(液体) 2. solid(固体)3. gas(气体)4. cover(覆盖)5. stream (小溪) 6. tap(龙头7. pour(倾泻) 8. freeze(惊呆)9. waste(浪费) 10. sound(听起来)11. angry(生气的) 12. obey(服从)13. nod(点头) 14. treatment(处理)15. travel(旅行) 16. until (直到时)17. plant(工厂) 18. pollute(污染)19. valuable(有价值的) 20. customer(顾客)21. ordinary(普通的)22. owner(主人)23. bath(沐浴) 24. total(总数)25. pump(用泵输送)26. step-by-step(循序渐进的)重点词组1. pour into(涌入)2. drop . into(把抛入)3. look around(环顾四周)4. turn off(关闭)5. clean up(打扫干净)6. in the first place(首先)7. shake ones head(摇头)8. carry . to (把带到) 9. flow chart(流程图)重点句子下面是本章出现的重点句子,你都掌握了吗?1. She was brushing her teeth and the tap was on.2. Water was pouring into the sink.3. “Turn that tap off,” a voice said loudly. Daisy froze.4. Its not easy for me to get here.5. I came from the sea in the first place.6. She looked around, but saw no one.7. Remember not to waste or pollute me.8. Im valuable, like liquid gold.9. Benny shook his head.10. Then people cleaned me up.11. There is a lot of / much / a little / some / no water in the pool.12. There are a lot of / many / a few / some / no swimmers in the pool.13. I have too much / too little / (not) enough milk.14. I have too many / too few / (not) enough eggs.15. How many oranges are there in the fridge?16. How much food is there in the fridge?Chapter2重点词汇1. local(当地的) 2. term(学期)3. publish(出版) 4. hold(举行)5. suggest (建议;提议) 6. experience(经验;经历)7. secretary (秘书) 8. free (免费的)9. consider (考虑) 10. briefly (简要地)11. conclude(结束) 12. march(行进)13. form(排列成) 14. praise(表扬)15. deserve(应受) 16. shame(遗憾的事)17. absent(不在场的;缺勤的) 18. match (比赛;竞赛)重点词组1. hold a meeting (召开会议) 2. elect . as (选举为)3. vote for(投票选举) 4. take charge of (管理,负责)5. take notes (做记录) 6. ask for(要求,请求)7. be responsible for .(对负责) 8. pay for (付款)9. make a list (做一份清单) 10. be free to (对免费)11. think about (考虑) 12. agree to(同意)13. ought to (应该) 14. make a decision about(关于做出决定)15. conclude the meeting(结束会议) 16. in one weeks time (在一周以后)17. talk over (商量) 18. be pleased with(对满意)重点句子下面是本章出现的重点句子,你都掌握了吗? 1. We held a meeting after school.2. Tony suggested Joyce. He said, “We should choose Joyce because she has experience.”3. We elected Joyce to be the chief editor.4. Then Joyce took charge of the meeting.5. We ought to elect a secretary next.6. She asked for suggestions.7. Then the others voted for me.8. I started taking notes.9. Talk it over among yourselves. We will decide at the next meeting.10. Then we made a list of some other things to discuss.Chapter31. innocent(无辜的) 2. detective(侦探)3. guilty(犯罪的) 4. recent(最近的)5. case(案件) 6. alone(独自)7. lock(锁;锁上) 8. carpet(地毯)9. question(提问) 10. necklace(项链)11. recognize(辨认出)12. suspect(嫌疑犯)13. admit(承认) 14. own(自己的)15. insurance(保险) 16. diamond(钻石)17. piece(一件) 18. separately(单独地)19. crime(犯罪行为)20. belt(皮带)重点词组1. interview sb.(采访某人)2. steal sth. from sb.(偷某人东西)3. go to jail(去坐牢) 4. admit doing sth.(承认做某事)5. instead of(代替) 6. at last(最后)7. deny doing sth.(否认做某事) 8. belong to(属于)9. at once(立刻;马上)10. make sure(确保)11. bump into .(撞到上) 12. work as (从事)13. as well as (也) 14. report the theft (报案)15. notice sb. doing sth. (注意到某人在做某事)16. no longer (不再)17. look for clues (寻找线索) 18. at the front (在前面)19. break into (破门而入) 20. arrange to do sth. (安排做某事)重点句子下面是本章出现的重点句子,你都掌握了吗? 1. Pansy wanted to write an article on detectives for the school newspaper.2. Why do you like working as a detective?3. I hope to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty.4. Well, let me tell you about a recent case.5. He lives alone and enjoys collecting things.6. He bought a vase for two hundred thou-sand dollars and showed it to only two people.7. Li reported the theft, and I went to his house to look for clues.8. They both denied stealing the vase, but I noticed Jill wearing a black pearl necklace.9. It has the same design as the earring.10. She recognized it at once and said, “Its mine.”11. But someone stole it from my house a week ago.12. I see, so Jill was no longer a suspect.13. They only mean one thing no thief broke into Lis house.14. So I questioned Li and, in the end, he admitted stealing his own vase.15. I bought insurance for the vase. 16. He wanted to make Jill go to jail instead of himself.Chapter41. speaker (扬声器) 2. monitor (显示器)3. keyboard(键盘) 4. mouse(鼠标)5. type(打字) 6. control(控制)7. hide(隐藏) 8. tiny(微小的)9. realize(意识到) 10. print(打印)11. operate(操作) 12. railway(铁路)13. judge(法官) 14. raise(提出)15. supply(供应) 16. order(订单)17. company(公司) 18. reference(标识)19. price(价格) 20. medium(中号的)21. quantity(数量) 22. opinion(意见)23. disagree(不同意) 24. hot(辣的)25. smooth(柔和的) 26. speed(速度)27. modern(现代的) 28. distance (距离)重点词组1. hardly ever(难得) 2. be unaware of(不知道;未察觉)3. for the time being(暂时;眼下) 4. in ones opinion(在某人看来)5. be dependent on(依赖于) 6. more importantly(更重要的是)7. of ones own(某人自己的) 8. have great understanding of(对有很深的了解)9. in the future(在将来) 10. change ones life(改变某人的生活)重点句子下面是本章出现的重点句子,你都掌握了吗? 1. Not so many years ago, you hardly ever saw computers.2. Now they seem to be everywhere.3. There are also many tiny, hidden computers in your home, but you might be unaware of them.4. You are more dependent on computers than you realize.5. They are faster at calculating than people, and they rarely give wrong answers.6. More importantly, they can operate railways (like the underground) and fly planes and spaceships.7. For these reasons, we sometimes call them electronic brains.8. The answer to this question is, for the time being, “No”.9. You have greater understanding of the meaning of things than computers and can also create new ideas of your own.10. In the future, they may even be better at doing their jobs than doctors, judges and teachers.Chapter5 重点单词1. run(经营,管理) 2. tale(故事)3. rush(冲;迅速移动) 4. cry(叫,喊)5. main(主要的;最重要的) 6. order(命令;要求) 7. drag(拖,拉)8. citizen(公民) 9. celebrate(庆祝)10. joke(笑话) 11. stupid(愚蠢的) 12. enter(进入) 13. handsome(英俊的) 14. golden(金色的)15. battle(战斗)16. pretend(假装)重点词组1. historical stories(历史故事) 2. run a competition(举行竞赛)3. rush down the stairs(冲下楼梯) 4. seconds later(片刻后)5. look down at(俯视) 6. too.to.(太而不能)7. succeed in doing sth.(成功做) 8. make jokes about(开的玩笑)9. except for(除之外) 10. go to sleep(去睡觉)11. with a trick(使用计谋) 12. order sb. to do sth. (命令某人做某事)13. by midnight (午夜时分) 14. pretend to do sth. (假装做某事)15. used to (过去经常做某事) 16. take turns (轮流)重点句子下面是本章出现的重点句子,你都掌握了吗?1. The soldier rushed down the stairs.2. Seconds later, the captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy, and looked down at the empty plain. 3. “Well, it was too big for them to take away.Pull it into the city now. Its on wheels,” the captain ordered.4. That night, all the citizens of Troy celebrated.5. They sang and danced around the horse and made jokes about the stupid Greeks.6. Then they locked all the gates of the city and all went to sleep, including the gate guards.7. By midnight, the square was empty, except for the giant horse.8. Outside stood the Greek army.9. The army entered the city, seized the captain and dragged him away.10. In one night, they succeeded in capturing it with a trick.Chapter6重点单词1. widely(广泛地) 2. female(雌性的)3. lay(下蛋;产卵) 4. extremely(极其;非常)5. fortunate(幸运的) 6. creature(生物)7. satisfied(满意的) 8. completely(完全地)9. pleasure(愉快;快乐)10. closely(仔细地)11. excitedly(兴奋地;激动地) 12. whisper(小声说;耳语)13. value(价值) 14. unusual(不寻常的)15. respond(回答) 16. receipt(收据;收条)17. apology(道歉) 18. awfully(极其;非常)19. review(评价;评论) 20. paints (颜料)重点词组1. in no time(立刻) 2. sell out of(卖完)3. leave for(出发) 4. cross out(划去;删去)5. on sale(出售的;上市的) 6. take pleasure in(从中获得乐趣)7. take care of(照顾) 8. in a moment(一会儿之后)重点句子下面是本章出现的重点句子,你都掌握了吗? 1. Happy makes a very good living. He travels widely.2. According to Happy, these are the worlds only invisible fish, and they need no food.3. Once a year, the female Ghost Fish lays eggs. 4. But, in no time, shes gone again. 5. You will be extremely fortunate to see her, because shes the most beautiful creature alive.6. When Happy sells out of fish tanks, he usually leaves for another town. 7. Yes. They are completely satisfied. He has rarely received a complaint since he began the business. 8. In fact, many people take pleasure in looking at their invisible fish with their friends. 9. Remember to sit quietly and watch closely you might even see a female. 10. As we rushed excitedly from the room, I heard Grandpa whisper, “Thank you, Happy.”Chapter7重点词汇1. fisherman(渔夫) 2. elderly(年长的)3. dive(潜水) 4. require(需要,要求)5. tie(系,拴) 6. swallow(吞下,咽下)7. attract(吸引) 8. remove(移开)9. rest(剩余部分) 10. divide(分,分配)11. traditional(传统的)12. mention(提及,说起)13. build(体格,体型) 14. middleaged(中年的)15. average(平均的) 16. straight(直的)17. simple(简朴的) 18. material(材料)19. tool(工具) 20. disappear(消失)重点词组1. up to(直到) 2. set off(出发;动身)3. cool down(冷却) 4. on the side of.(在的一边)5. be used to do .(被用来做) 6. be good at.(擅长)7. remove . from .(从移开) 8. no longer(不再)重点句子1. Wang Damin sits on the side of the river.2. He is elderly but still strong enough to control his raft on the river. 3. They are good at catching fish because they can swim well under water.4. Their large feet are used to push them quickly through the water.5. They can dive down 25 metres, and stay under water for up to two minutes.6. Damin does not require nets or a fishing rod to catch fish.7. Damin sets off on his bamboo raft with his birds in the late afternoon.8. A piece of grass is tied around the neck of each bird, so the fish cannot be swallowed.9. This enables the fisherman to see better, and also attracts the fish.10. The fish are then removed from the birds mouths by the fisherman and thrown into a big basket.11. Later, some of the fish are sold, and the rest are divided between Damins family and the cormorants.12. Cormorant fishing is a traditional Chinese skill.13. However, few young people are interested in doing this type of work any more.14. In 50 years, perhaps cormorant fishermen will no longer exist in the world.


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