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一 就 句式的多种英文表达 一 就 表示在时序上紧密相连的两个动作 根据上下文的情况 有时省去 其中的 一 或 就 其意义不变 此句型的英文表达相当丰富多彩 除了用连词可以表 达这种动作关系外 还可以用副词 名词 甚至介词短语来表达 1 用短语连词 as soon as 来表示 一 就 是最为常见的 并且有时可以改为 so soon as 意思一样 例如 1 They quarelled as soon as the wedding ceremony ended 婚礼一结束他们就吵起来 2 So soon as there is any talk of paying his enthusiasm cools down 一谈到付款的事 他就不热心了 2 用连词 when whenever 和 once 也可以表达 一 就 3 I hid myself when I saw him coming 我一看见他过来 便躲藏起来了 4 I ll visit him whenever I get the chance 我一有机会就会去看望他 5 Once the film is made all young people will want to see it 这个影片一拍好 所有的年轻人都会想看的 3 用关联连词 no sooner than hardly scarcely barely when 同样可以表达 一 就 例如 6 No sooner had they got to the plant than they started to work 他们一到工厂就开始工作了 7 Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to cope with 我一到达就有新问题需要处理 8 Scarcely had the clown appeared when the spectators roared with laughter 小丑刚一出场 观众就哄堂大笑 9 Barely had he arrived when he had to leave again 他刚到就又得走了 说明 A 如果 no sooner hardly scarcely 和 barely 不处于句首 全句就不用倒装语序 含义不变 不过语气较弱 例如 10 She had no sooner heard the news than she fainted 她一听到这个消息就昏了过去 11 He had scarcely begun his song when the audience shouted at him 他刚一开口唱 观众就朝他大声叫嚷 B hardly scarcely barely when 结构中的 when 用 before 来代替 含义不变 例如 12 Scarcely had we started lunch before the door bell rang 我们刚开始吃午饭 门铃忽然响起来了 13 Hardly had he got home before she started complaining 他一到家 她就抱怨起来 C 上述各结构中的主句通常用过去完成时 从句中用一般过去时 但有时主句中也可用一 般过去时 例如 14 No sooner did he signal to turn than the other car turned in front of him 他刚打了转向信号 另一辆车立即超到他前面去了 15 The words were scarcely out of my mouth before Mary cried 我的话刚一出口 玛丽就哭了 4 可用副词 immediately instantly 和 directly 来表达 一 就 这时 这几个词 所起的作用相当于连词 引导时间状语从句 这种用法主要用在英国英语及口语中 16 Immediately he arrived he started telling us what to do 他一到达 就开始告诉我们该做什么 17 I came directly I got your message 我一得到你的口信就立刻来了 18 He made for the door instantly he heard the knock 他一听到敲门声 就朝门走去 5 在名词 minute moment 和 instant 前加上定冠词 the 也可以引导时间状语从句来表达 一 就 它们后面可以加 that 含义不变 例如 19 The moment that he spoke we recognized his voice 他刚一讲话 我们就听出了他的声音 20 I ll tell him the minute that he gets here 他一到这儿我马上就告诉你 21 I sent you the news the instant that I heard it 我一听到这个消息就传达给你了 6 某些表示 立刻 含义的副词跟 after 连用可以表达 一 就 这里的 after 既 可以作连词引导从句 也可以作介词后跟名词或动名词短语 可以这样用的副词有 immediately instantly soon right 等 例如 22 The machine will start instantly after you press the button 你一按电钮机器就会开动 23 The turtle returns to the sea soon after it has laid its eggs 海龟一产完卵就返回大海 24 I would like to propose that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening right after the early evening news all television broadcasting in the United States be prohibited by law 我想建议每天晚上一播完晚间新闻 美国所有的电视节目都依法停播六十至九十分钟 25 We had a meeting to sum up our experiences immediately after finishing the work 工作一结束 我们立即开会总结经验 7 某些 at 引导的介词短语可用来表达 一 就 如 at the sight of 一看到 at the thought of 一想到 at the sound of 一听到 at the first opportunity chance 一有机会 等 26 After being turned down several times the young man felt discouraged at the thought of looking any further for jobs 在几次被拒绝之后 那年轻人一想到再去找工作就无比沮丧 27 The birds scattered at the sound of the gun 那些鸟一听到枪响就四处飞散 28 At the sight of the police officer the thief ran off 一看见警官 小偷就逃掉了 29 I d like to pay a visit to you at the first opportunity 我愿一有机会就去拜访您 8 一些表示短暂性动作的动词 如 arrive return reach hear see receive enter step get recognize leave 等 它们相 应的名词形式或动名词形式用在 upon 或 on 之后可表达 一 就 例如 30 Upon on his return from Japan Prof Li went directly to his laboratory and started working with his colleagues 李教授刚一从日本回来就到他的实验室 开始和他的同事们一道工作起来 31 Upon on arriving at the spot he found that the gypsies had gone 他一到现场 就发现吉普赛人已经走了


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