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近五年江苏高考单选题2010年21. The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that_ people from all walks of life are working hard for_ new Jiangsu.A.不填; a B. 不填;the C. the; a D. the; the 解析:A。考查不定冠词。句意为:各行各业的人都在为新的江苏而努力,这一点给到这里的游客留下了深刻的印象。第一空泛指来自各行各业的人们;单个专有名词前不加冠词,如:China, America等;世界上独一无二的名词前往往要用定冠词,如:the sun, the moon, the world, the environment;但是,如果这些名词有定语修饰,说明某个特定情形中的事物,则要在该名词前加不定冠词,如:a world of peace and harmony、 a rising sun、 a healthier environment。由此判断,第二空填a。22. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good_.A. expectation B. reputation C. contribution D. civilization解析:B。考查名词辨析。句意为:这位医生在治疗心脏病方面技术好并且从不收病人的礼,因此他的声誉很好。A项意为“期望”;B项意为“声誉,声望”; C项意为“奉献,贡献”; D项意为“文明”。根据句意选B。23.why, Jack, you look so tired! -Well, I _the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.A. was painting B. will be painting C. have painted D. have been painting解析:D。考查时态。句意为:-呀,杰克,你看起来很累。-嗯,我一直在粉刷房子,我明天必须完成这件工作。根据句意,杰克一直不停地粉刷房子,没有时间休息,所以很疲倦,因此选D项现在完成进行时,强调一直在进行没有间断的动作。A项指过去某一时间在进行的动作;B项将来进行时表示将来某一时间在进行的动作;C项现在完成时常常强调动作的完成。I have painted the house.的意思是“我已经粉刷好了”。因此A、B、C均不符合句意。24. Thousands of foreigners were_ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached 解析:C。考查动词辨析。句意为:上海世博会开放的这一天,吸引了数以千计的外国人。A项意为“参加,照料”;B项意为“获得”; C项意为“吸引”; D项意为“把附(在上)”。根据句意选C。25. -I havent got the reference book yet, but Ill have a test on the subject next month. -Dont worry. You_ have it by Friday.A. could B. shall C. must D. may 解析:B。考查情态动词。句意为:-我还没有拿到参考书,可是下个月这门科目就要考试了。-不要担心。最迟星期五你就能拿到它。情态动词shall用在二、三人称的陈述句中表示命令、警告、允诺等。这里shall表示允诺。26. The experiment has_ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.A. found out B. pointed out C. ruled out D. carried out解析:B。考查动词短语。句意为:这项实验排除了那个星球上存在任何生命的可能性,但这并不意味着其它星球上就没有生命。A项意为“发现(真相等)”;B项意为“指出(错误等)”; C项意为“排除(可能性等)”; D项意为“实施,执行”。根据句意选B。27. -Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?-_.Ours is much stronger than theirs.A. Of course B. It depends C. Dont mention it D. By no means解析:D。考查情景交际。句意为:-你认为他们队能在即将到来的亚运会中获得第一名吗?-绝不会。我们队比他们队强多了。A项意为“当然”;B项意为“视情况而定”; C项意为“别提了(回答道歉或感谢)”; D项意为“绝不”。根据句意选D。28. The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu ,_the students to return to their classrooms. A. enabling B. having enabled C. to enable D. to have enabled解析:A。考查非谓语动词。句意为:这位退休老人把他绝大多数存款捐给了在玉树地震中毁坏的学校,使孩子们重返教室。根据句意选A,现在分词做结果状语;B项现在分词的完成式强调时间上的饿先后关系;C项动词不定式可以表示目的,但是前面不需要逗号;动词不定式做结果状语表示出乎意料的或令人沮丧的结果。D项动词不定式的完成式也强调不定式的动作在谓语动词之前发生和完成。29. So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is_ ideal. We have to work still harder.A. next to B. far from C. out of D. due to 解析:B。考查介词短语。句意为:到目前为止,为了建设一个低碳社会我们已经做了很多,但是这远不完美。我们不得不更努力。A项意为“仅次于,几乎”;B项意为“远非,远不”; C项意为“出乎,在外面”; D项意为“因为”。根据句意选B。30. -Peter , where did you guys go for the summer vacation?-We_ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relax ourselves.A. were B. have been C. had been D. will be 解析:C。考查动词时态。句意为:-彼得,你们各位暑假去哪儿了?-我们忙工作忙了几个月,因此我们到海滨放松去了。根据句意,在去海滨之前,我们一直在忙。因此选C,用过去完成时强调过去的过去。31. -I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain -Why not consult with Frank? You see, _.A. Great minds think alike B.Two heads are better than oneC. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushD. Its better to think twice before doing something解析:B。考查谚语。句意为:-我已经非常努力地去解决这哥问题,但是徒劳。-何不跟弗兰克商讨一下?你知道,三个臭皮匠等于一个诸葛亮。A项意为“英雄所见略同”;B项意为“三个臭皮匠等于一个诸葛亮”; C项意为“一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林”; D项意为“做事之前要三思而行”。根据句意选B。32. The newly built caf, the walls of_ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.A. that B. it C. what D. which 解析:D。考查定语从句。句意为:这新建的咖啡厅对我们来说确实是宁静的地方,特别是辛苦的工作之后;它的墙被刷城浅绿色。33. -Is everyone here? -Not yetLook , there_ the rest of our guests!A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming解析:A。考查倒装句。句意为:-每个人都到了吗?-还没有看,其余的客人都到了。以here 、there、 now、 then开头的句子往往用倒装语序,并且主语是复数,因此答案应该是A。be coming是进行时表将来,因此C、D不合题意。34. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he_ more on its culture.A.focus B.focused C.would focus D.had focused解析:B。考查虚拟语气。句意为:乔治打算谈论他国家的地理,但是我宁愿更关注它的文化。Would rather后接从句,句中用过去时说明现在和将来的情况;用过去完成时说明过去的情况。句中说明的是将来的事件,因此,选B。35.-I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. -Thats_I dont agree .You should have a more active life.A.where B.how C.when D.what解析:A。考查表语从句。句意为:-我宁愿星期天整天关在屋子里听音乐。-这正是我不赞成的一点。你应该有更积极的生活。agree为不及物动词,不缺少宾语,因此不选D;强调上文所提到的那一点上有不同的意见,而不是强调方式或时间。2011年21-I hear you _ in a pubWhats it like?-Well, its very hard work and Im always tired , but I dont mindAare workingBwill work Cwere working Dwill be working解析:这道题考察时态。时态题最重要的是要找:时间状语,如果题目没有给出时间状语,那么我们就要根据语义来合理地推测语境中的时态。对话中,第二句说“是一份困难的工作,而且我经常很累,但是我不介意”,整个语境都用的一般现在时,说明这是描述的目前的情况,所以选择A选项,用现在进行时描述现阶段长期重复的一个动作。22The fact that so many people still smoke in public places _that we may need nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smokingAsuggest Bsuggests CsuggestedDsuggesting解析:这道题考察时态及主谓一致。首先解析句子结构,题干中that so many peoplestill smoke in public places为the fact的同位语,主语为the fact,所以谓语用单数形式;that we may need a national wide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking是宾语从句,而原句中缺少谓语动词,可排除D选项;根据句意“还是有很多人在公共场合吸烟这个事实说明我们需要一个全球性的运动来提高人们对吸烟危害的认识”,这是现在的情况,用一般现在时即可。所以正确答案为B。23-Tommy is planning to buy a car-I knowBy next month, he _enough for a used one.Asaves Bsaved Cwill save Dwill have saved解析:这道题考察时态。根据时间状语by next month,by加上将来的某个时间,用将来完成时。24Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _the audience can buy ice-creamAwhenBwhereCthatDwhich解析:这道题考察非限定性定语从句。首先解析句子结构,判断从句类型,题干说“在音乐会中间有间歇,此时你可以买冰激凌。”题干的前半部分完整无缺,后半部分补充说明这个间歇你可以干的事,所以这是一个非限定性定语从句,先行词为interval,非限定性定语从句的功能就是对先行词进行补充说明。由于从句部分不缺少主干成分,而且interval表时间,所以正确答案为A.25In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are _Aspecial BregionalCoptionalDoriginal解析:这道题考察形容词词义辨析。Special是“别的,特意的”;regional是“地方的”;optional是“可选择的”;original是“最初的”。根据句意,“在那所学校,英语是必修课”,紧接着后面用but进行转折,由此可知法语和俄罗斯语不是必修课而是可以选修。所以正确答案为C。26It was never clear _ the man hadnt reported the accident soonerAthatBhowCwhenDwhy解析:这道题考察主语从句。这里的it是形式主语,真正的主语是“ _ the man hadnt reported the accident sooner.”根据句意,原句要表达的是“为什么这个老人没有立马报案这件事还未查明。”所以正确答案为D。27Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _A.consequenceB.independenceC.competence D.intelligence解析:这道题考察名词。Consequence是“结果,后果”;independence是“独立,自主”;competence是“能力,竞争力”;intelligence是“智力,理解力”。根据句意,应该是“老师们必须不断更新知识,保持他们的职业能力。”所以正确答案为C。28-Are you still mad at her?-Not really, but I cant _ that her remarks hurt meAdenyBrefuseCrejectDdecline解析:这道题考察动词。Deny是“否认”;refuse、reject、decline都是“拒绝”。根据句意,应该是“我不否认他的话给我造成很大的伤害。”所以正确答案为A。29 Linda didnt invite us to the party _? I dont careAFor what BSo what CWhats on DWhats up解析:这道题考察情景交际。第一个人抱怨“Linda没有邀请我们去聚会”,第二个人说“我不在乎”,根据这个语境,应该是“那有怎么样呢,我不在乎!”所以正确答案为B。 30 You look upsetWhats the matter? I had my proposal _ againAturned over Bturned on Cturned off Dturned down解析:这道题考察动词短语。turned over是“翻书,翻身,翻倒”;turned on是“开”;turned off 是“关”;turned down是“拒绝”。根据句意,应该是“我的建议遭到拒绝”。所以正确答案为D。31Recently a survey _ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizensAcompared Bcomparing Ccompares Dbeing compared解析:这道题考察非谓语动词。首先分析句子结构,这句话的主语是a survey,谓语动词是has caused,宾语是heated debate,意思是“一项调查引起了城市人们里激烈的讨论”。由此可见,原句不缺主干成分,“ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets”该部分是来修饰survey的,做后置定语。排除C选项,由于是主动地去比较,所以正确答案是B。32Wed better discuss everything _ before we work out the planAin detail Bin general Con purpose Don time解析:这道题考察介词短语。in detail是“详细地,详尽地”;in general是“大体上,总体上”;on purpose是“故意地”;on time是“准时”。根据句意。应该是“我们最好在制定计划前详细地讨论所有问题。”所以正确答案为A。33It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine , wed better take it to the garage immediatelyAOtherwise BIf not CBut for that DIf so解析:这道题考察连词。题干前半句说“听上去汽车的发动机好像坏了”,后面句说“我们最好立刻去修理厂”,通过简单判断可知,这两个句子之间是顺承的关系,所以应该是“如果真的这样的话(发动机坏了)”。所以正确答案为D。34-I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official-How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone _ itAwill have stolen Bmight have stolenCshould have stolen Dmust have stolen解析:这道题考察情态动词。第一个人说“我把包忘在车上了,幸运的是,失而复得了”,第二个人说“很难相信会有这种事发生,我的意思是,.”will have stolen是将来完成时,表示到将来某个时间,某件事一定会发生,显然不符合语境;should have stolen表示本该最某事,也不符合意思;must have stolen表示一定做了某事,显然错误。这里应该选用might have stolen表示说话者觉得包包落在火车上,很有可能是会被别人偷走的。所以正确答案为B。35-You could always put the decision off a little bit longer-_ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chanceAThats reasonable advice BIsnt it a good idea?CDo you think so? DI cant agree more解析:这道题考察情景交际。第一个人说“你可以推迟决定”,第二个人说“如果再拖下去,我会失去机会”。很明显,这两个人意见相反呢,所以第二个人不会肯定第一个人的意见,联系选项,可以用Do you think so? 先进行反问,然后给出自己的观点。所以正确答案为C。2012年21. Can I help you with it? I appreciate your _, but I can manage it myself.A. advice B. question C. offer D. idea【解析】考察交际用法。句意为:我可以帮你吗?我感激你的提议 “offer”,但我自己能设法做的。offer意为“提议”,符合题意。A意为“建议,劝告”;B意为“问题”;D意为“想法,主意”。22.After the flooding, people were suffering in that area,_ urgently needed clean water,medicine and shelter to survive.A. which B. who C. where D. what【解析】考察定语从句关系代词。指人的先行词people在非限制性定语从句中充当主语,所以用关系代词who引导。故选B项。23.Sophia waited for a reply, but _ came.A. either B. another C. neither D. none【解析】考察代词辨析neither/ none。句意为:Sophia等候答复,但没有任何答复。根据转折连词but可知,此处应用表示否定意义的代词,所以排除A项和B项。neither意为“两者都不”;none意为“三者或三者以上都不”。根据前半句中的“a reply”提示可知,故选D项。24.-Dont worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu.-_! Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious.A. What a relief B. Congratulations C. How surprising D. Im so sorry【解析】考察交际用语安慰。句意为:妈妈,别担心。医生说只是流感。我可以松口气了。我要告诉爸爸没有什么严重的。A项意为“可以松口气了”,符合语境。B项意为“祝贺”;C项意为“多么令人惊讶啊”;D项意为“我很抱歉”。根据句意,应选A项。25.There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, _?A. is thereB. isnt thereC. is heD. isnt he【解析】考察特殊句式反义问句。根据前面there be 句里含有否定意义的词little,所以反意疑问句用肯定形式,其主谓应与陈述部分的主谓保持一致,故选A项。26. OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up.You cantyour responsibilities.A. run off with B. run up against C. run out of D. run away from【解析】考察动词短语辨析。run away from意为“逃离,躲避”,run off with意为“偷走;与私奔”;run up against意为“偶遇”;run out of意为“用完”。句意为:好了,我已受够了,我放弃。你不能逃避你的责任。根据句意,应选D项。27.The notice came around two in the afternoonthe meeting would be postponed.A. whenB. thatC. whetherD. how【解析】考察名词性从句-同位语从句。句意为:会议将被延期的通知大约下午两点钟来。空格后的句子是解释说明名词the notice,作同位语从句,在从句中不做任何成分,所以用that引导。28.Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, butsay where he was.A. mustntB. shouldntC. wouldntD. mightnt【解析】考察情态动词would 。mustnt意为“禁止”;shouldnt意为“不应该”;wouldnt意为“不愿意”;mightnt意为“或许不”。句意为:几天后,我哥哥打电话说他一切很好,但不愿意说他在哪儿。根据句意可知,应选C项。29. Thank God youre safe!I stepped back, justto avoid the racing car.A. in timeB. in caseC. in needD. in vain【解析】考察介词短语。in time意为“及时”,in case意为“万一,假使”;in need意为“需要”;in vain意为“徒劳,无济于事”。句意为:谢天谢地,你是安全的!我走回去,正好避免赛车。符合题意。30.Ones life has valueone brings value to the life of others.A. so that B. no matter how C. as long as D. except that【解析】考察连词。as long as意为“只要”;so that意为“以便;因此”;no matter how意为“不管怎样”;except that意为“除了”。句意为:只要一个人给别人的生活带来价值,那么他的生命就有价值。,根据题意,应选C项。31._an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.A. BasedB. BasingC. BaseD. To base【解析】考察非谓语动词动词现在分词做状语。动词base与逻辑主语you之间构成主谓关系,所以用现在分词作状语,故选B项。32. The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he_ some European partners.A. would meet B. is meeting C. meets D. had met【解析】 考察动词的时态和语态过去完成时。根据句中“is said to have arrived”可知,arrive这个动作是在过去发生的,而会面的动作则在arrive的动作之前发生的,即在过去的过去发生的动作,所以用过去完成时,故选D项。33. Honey, the cats stuck in the tree. Can you turn off the TV and get a ladder?Oh, it jumped off. .A. Never mind B. All right C. No problem D. Take care【解析】 考察交际用语安慰。A项意为“别介意,别放在心上”,。B项意为“好吧”;C项意为“没问题”;D项意为“当心”。 句意为:亲爱的,那只猫被困在树上。你可以关电视,拿梯子?哦,它会跳下来。别放在心上。根据上面是在担心,故后面是安慰,故选A项。34. The president hopes that the people will be better off when he quits than when he_.A. has started B. startsC. startedD. will start【解析】考察动词时态一般过去时。句意为:这位总统希望人民在他离任时比他刚上任时更富有。根据句意,总统开始上任是过去发生的动作,所以用一般过去时。故选C项。35. Happy birthday!Thank you! Its the best present Ifor.A. should have wishedB. must have wishedC. may have wishedD. could have wished【解析】 考察情态动词+完成式。A项意为“本应该期望而实际上并非如此”;B项意为“一定希望”;C项意为“也许希望”;D项意为“可能希望”。句意为:生日快乐!谢谢你!这是我所能期望的最好的礼物了。根据句意可知,应选D项。2013年21.Generally, students inner motivation with high expectations from others_essential to their development.Ais Bare Cwas Dwere答案:A考查时态与主谓一致。句意:一般来说,来自别人较高期望值与学生内在的驱动力对他们的发展至关重要。该题说的是普遍现象,故用一般现在时。22The Tshirt I received is not the same as is shown online._?But I promise you well look into it right away.AWho says BHow comeCWhat for DWhy worry答案:B考查交际用语。句意:我收到的T恤衫与网上展示的不一样。怎么会这样呢?但我向你承诺,我们马上进行调查。A“谁说的”,B“怎么会这样呢”,what for“为什么”,why worry“为何烦恼”。23The town is so beautiful!I just love it.Me too.The character of the town is well_.Aqualified BpreservedCdecorated Dsimplified答案:B考查动词辨析。句意:这座城镇太美了,我喜欢它。我也是。它的特点保存得很好。 qualified“ 描述,限制”,preserved“保护”,decorated“装饰”,simplified“简化”。24Lionel Messi,_the record for the most goals in a calendar year,is considered the most talented football player in Europe.Aset Bsetting Cto set Dhaving set答案:D考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:创造了年度进球最多的纪录,莱昂纳尔梅西被认为是欧洲最有天赋的足球运动员。having done做状语时,表示动作的先后顺序。25Could I use your car tomorrow morning?Sure.I_a report at home.Awill be writing Bwill have writtenChave written Dhave been writing答案:A考查动词时态。句意:我明天上午能使用你的车吗?当然可以。(那时)我将在家写报告。A项是将来进行时,与题意相符。26I am always delighted when I receive an email from you._the party on July 1st,I shall be pleased to attend.AOn account of BIn response toCIn view of DWith regard to答案:D考查介词短语辨析。句意:当我收到你的email时,我很高兴。至于7月1日的聚会,我乐意参加。on account of“由于,因为”,in response to“响应,回答”,in view of“鉴于,考虑到”,with regard to“至于,关于”。27“Never for a second,”the boy says,“_that my father would come to my rescue.”AI doubted Bdo I doubtCI have doubted Ddid I doubt答案:D考查倒装。句意:男孩说:我从不怀疑我父亲会来救我。否定词放句首时,该句要部分倒装。28In the global economy,a new drug for cancer,_it is discovered,will create many economic possibilities around the world.Awhatever BwhoeverCwherever Dwhichever答案:C考查连词辨析。句意:在全球经济中,一种治疗癌症的新药,无论在哪发现,都将给全球经济的发展带来可能。A“无论什么”,B“无论是谁”, wherever“无论在哪”,whichever“无论哪一个”。29Team leaders must ensure that all members _ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.Aget over Blook over Ctake over Dcome over答案:A考查动词短语辨析。句意:队伍的领导者必须确保,全体队员应当克服与犯错有关的自然感到的尴尬。get over“克服,恢复”,look over“检查,察看”;take over“接管,接收”;come over“过来,顺便来访”。30I should not have laughed if I_you were serious.Athought Bwould thinkChad thought Dhave thought答案:C考查虚拟语气。句意:如果我认为你是认真的话,我就不会嘲笑你了。对过去发生的事情,应用had done形式。31Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and_to ruins,the city took on a new look.Areducing BreducedCbeing reduced Dhaving reduced答案:C考查语态及非谓语动词。句意:在经受了大地震及夷为废墟之后,这座城市呈现了新的面貌。from是介词,介词后跟ing做宾语。32The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China,_he remembers starting as early as his childhood.Awhere Bwhich Cwhat Dwhen答案:B考查定语从句。句意:世行的总裁说他喜欢中国,这一点他记得早在他的童年时期就开始了。which指代“喜爱中国”。33With inspiration from other food cultures,American food culture can take a_for the better.Ashare Bchance Cturn Dlead答案:C考查动词辨析。句意:受到了其它饮食文化的启发,美国的饮食文化正朝更好的方向发展。share“分享”,chance“机会”,turn“转变”,lead“领导”。34What about your selfdrive trip yesterday?Tiring!The road is being widened,and we_a rough ride.Ahad Bhave Cwould have Dhave had答案:A考查动词时态。句意:昨天你自驾游如何?太累了。道路正在拓宽,所以一路颠跛。由yesterday可知,应用一般过去时态。35Thank you for the flowers._.I thought they might cheer you up.AThats right BAll rightCIm all right DIts all right答案:D考查口语辨析。句意:谢谢你的花。没关系。我认为花能使你振作起来。thats right“是的,没错”,all right“好的”,Im all right“我一切都好”Its all right“没什么,没关系”2014年21. Lessons can be learned to face the future, _history cannot be changed.A. thoughB. asC. sinceD. unless【解析】本题考察的是状语从句的连词辨析。Though尽管;as随着,因为;since自从,既然;unless除非,如果不;句意:尽管历史不能改变,但是为了面对未来我们还是要从历史中学会教训。根据句意可知上下文之间存在着转折关系,所以使用though表示让步和转折。故A正确。22.The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work a good impression is a must.A. whichB. whenC. asD. where【解析】考察定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是work,后面的定语从句a good impression is a must的句子结构很完整,所以使用关系副词在句中做状语,同时也引导起这个定语从句。句意:在日常交流中这本书书帮助了很多,尤其是在需要有良好印象的工作之中。AC两项都是关系代词在句中不能做状语,when的先行词通常都是指时间的名词。故D正确。23.How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing? Well, the media_it in a variety of forms.A. cover B. will cover C. have covered D. covered【解析】考察时态。句意:你对即将在南京举行的青奥会了解多少?很好,媒体以多种形式对青奥会举行了报道。根据本句中的well,可知后者对青奥会很了解。这主要是因为媒体多种形式的报道,本句使用现在完成时体现出过去所发生的事情对现在的影响。故C正确。24. Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay_.A. in place B. in order C. in shape D. in fashion【解析】本题考察的是与介词in有关的短语辨析。in place有序,在适当的位置;in order井井有条;in shape健康的,状态良好的;in fashion流行的,时尚的;句意:为了保持健康,每天早晨Tom总去慢跑,也经常做引体向上。根据句意可知Tom锻炼的目的是为了保持健康。故C正确。25. Top graduates from universities are by major companies.A. chasedB. registeredC. offeredD. compensated【解析】本题考察的是动词词义辨析。Chase追求,追逐;register登记,注册;offer提供;compensate补偿,赔偿;句意:来自大学里的优秀毕业生收到大公司的追逐。本句表示大公司愿意接受大学的优秀毕业生。根据句意说明A正确。26.What a mess! You are always so lazy!Im not to blame, mum. I am_you have made me.A. how B. what C. that D. who【解析】本题考察的是名词性从句中的表语从句。表语从句通常都是放在系动词be的后面,说明主语的情况。本句中的what引导起宾语从句,并在宾语从句里放在made me的后面做宾语补足语。句意:真乱啊!你总说这么懒!我不应该受到责备。是你让我成为这样的。That在表语从句中不能做成分,how在句中做状语。Who指人,通常都做主语。故B正确。27. She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful_in last years election.A. symbolB. portraitC. identityD. statue【解析】本题考察的是名词的词义辨析。A象征;标志;符号;记号;代表人物;B肖像;identity身份;statue雕像,塑像;句意:虽然两年前就已遭软禁,她在去年的选举中仍然是势力强大的代表人物。故A正确。28. The idea happiness,_, will not sit still for easy definition.A. to be rigidB. to be sureC. to be perfectD. to be fair【解析】本题考


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