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答案第一部分 教材基础复习必修二 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection1. were last seen playing2. cant see people starve3. was seen to leave4. have yourself (being) bitten by mosquitoes5. as / the way she (had) wanted.6. was soon to leave home7. if you are to make a difference 8. isof great importance.9. is being threatened10. will be shown tonight11. are being hunted (and killed)12. have taken place13. I have just been told14. that contains a powerful drug15. did human beings appreciate必修二 Unit 5 Music1. playing jokes on others2. being killed3. as if he were her father4. the man wearing a beard5. more than he could bear / stand / put up6. hoping to get further information.7. in which she told him her secret. 8. (While) seeing her friends off9. have I dreamed of being / becoming10. to which people attach11. on which farmers rely12. It was not until 15 years later / after 15 years13. did the band start14. their new record is being made15. their performance would be copied必修三 Unit 1 Festivals around the world1. was meant to be working2. I (should) dress up3. (which are) either too long or too short4. that / who should have apologized to me5. so much clothing on (him)6. It was obvious7. are / will be hard to wipe out 8. she were a girl of eighteen.9. did he turn up10. which awarded him / in which / where she was awarded11. would keep your word12. is so fresh to breathe13.Seeing her granddaughter heart-broken14. a voice calling me15. That cant be true必修三 Unit 2 Health eating1. doing nothing / not doing anything2. neednt have watered the flowers3. might have gone to consult4. What could he have done5. must have put too much pepper (powder)6. Can / Could she have lied to me7. getting away with it8. drowned in debts9. (was) spying on them10. nothing could be more poisonous11. had never slept better / could never sleep better12. that he satisfied my curiosity13. consulting with the workers14. can you win back the trust15. with which I will flavor the fish.必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 1. If / whether I could pay for my meal2. lost in the forest3. had just been given up for lost when4. found himself wandering5. looking forward more and more eagerly to6. unable to account for7. found herself (lying)8. think it important / of great imrtance that9. have made it clear that10. who it is that has spotted the fame11. what he used to be12. It is well-known that13. whenever you like14. However late it is15. whatever he wants必修三 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars 1. What puzzled the doctors most2. What we are to do3. Whether you can cheer her up4. that she is very unlike5. whether he will in turn support you6. so little milk left7.Whoever gets away with cheating8. is not yet decided / has not yet been decided9. makes it possible for companies10. five times as large as11. is not so strong a pull / such a strong pull12. blocking out the sun / sunlight13. What problems should I watch out for14. taken as medicine15. Followed by a group of journalists / reporters / With a group of journalists following him.必修三 Unit 5 Canada “The True North” 1. Rather thancook meals for themselves.2. that I could work (together) 3. His being caught (sight of) cheating4. whether new measures will be taken5. What impresses me most / What leaves the deepest impression on me6. Follow the doctors advice7.rather than consulting my boss8. That has a gift for9. that we should play basketball10. Many people refusing11. What he chatted about12. (With) More and more highways built13. Whether he is / will be equal to the job14. Being understood (by others)15. The problem is solved必修四 Unit 1 Women of Achievement 1. leaving 32 (people) dead / killed. / which left 32 dead.2. find it (is) worthwhile3. was observed to leave4. three times as many passengers5. It (suddenly) hit me where6. to be argued into supporting you7.can / will others show respect for you8. that his interest in math began9. have been polluted / are polluted10. that has observed my experiment11. has been rising12. suggests that we may need13. is intended to deliver a speech / lecture14. has not been decided / is not decided15. was inspired必修四 Unit 2 Working the land 16. if any17. If so18. What do you suggest he (should) do19. How many more plates/ dishes do you think you can20. what had happened to her21. What is disturbing me22.(his) being called Dr. Turner23. having met / meeting me before24. Having been cheated many times25. not having been equipped with a computer / not being equipped with a computer26. complaining all the time27. for you to get rid of the friends / to rid yourself of the friends28. (in) making comments on others29. (in) arguing him into changing30. need cleaning / need to be cleaned必修四 Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor 1. Not that the machine is out of order2. had come to an end3. (all) the noise(s) going on4. everything taken into consideration5. nothing left to burn6. With a dream in his heart7.With the house empty8. With John away9. keeping budgets10. the songs being played11. was / felt amused12. is depressing 13. the remaining 20 dollars14. is found/seen / caught smoking15. a walking man with a walking stick in his hand必修四 Unit 4 Body Language1. writing about2. attended by over five thousand people3. born and brought up4. Having been told5. Not satisfied with6.Feeling curious7.Being at home or at school8. Having married very late9. looking around curiously10. closely followed by11. (that are) attached to us12. staring at me13. to be completed / that will be completed14. occupied in doing / occupied with15. is/ was his child respectful第二部分 能力提升训练套题第一套题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择2130. ADBAC BCDDA第二节:完型填空31 50. CBCAB CADAB DCBBD ABBDC 第三部分:阅读理解51 70. BCDA CDBB DADB CADA BDCA第四部分:书面表达71. was difficult / hard to find72. being recognized73. did he account for74. feeling very frustrated75. What puzzled me / what made me puzzled76. has taken measures77. five times the size78. what it is / was79. should have started earlier80. (the place) where you can enjoy第二套题第二部分:英语语言知识运用第一节:多项选择 21 30. DCCCC ABDBA第二节:完型填空 31 50. DBCAC DBCAD DCBAC DCBAD第三部分:阅读理解51 70. DCDC BDBC BCAB CBCB CACB第四部分:书面表达第一节:完成句子71. What amazed me72. had watched73. (should) be treated74. is being repaired75. so heavy a box / case76. that /who has just come in / who came in just now77. who / that first had the idea78. attach great importance to79. did we decided to80. which they were / got paid第三套题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择21 30. DADBBCADCD第二节:完型填空 31 50. CBDDA BCDAC ABBDC BDDAC第三部分:阅读理解5170. BBBA DACA CBCA CCAB CCCD第四部分:书面表达第一节:完成句子71. (should) be put off72. getting away with73. getting into debt74. cannot be making75. if / whether he will change his mind76. how they could rebuild77. that I have attended78. have been held79. it was not obvious80. four times the size of第四套题第二部分词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择 21 10. CDCBA BCBCA第二节:完形填空 31 50. CABDD BCBCC CABCD AACBD第三部分:阅读理解 51 70. CBDC BBCD BAAC CBBD ACBD第四部分:书面表达第一节:完成句子71. which accounted for72. Whoever / Any one who last leave the room73. four times the size of74. will / can/ does she dress (herself ) up as75. Being awarded76. that matters77. keeps screaming / has been screaming78. when it began to rain79. cannot / couldnt have finished 80. getting away with第五套题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择21 30. BACACCBCDB第二节:完形填空 31 50. CDBDB ABBCB ACAABBBBDB第三部分:阅读理解51 70. ACDA DBBD CAAA BDCD ABBC第四部分:写作第一节 完成句子71. have a gift for72. Must have broken out73. whether they can prevent the fire from74. had intended to tell75. making / which made it possible76. that I caught sight of 77. What is well-known to all78. three times as wide 79. Whether that will stay here80. keeping fit第六套题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择 2130. DACBDDACBB第二节:完形填空3150. BCABD AACBCBBBA BCDDC第三部分:阅读理解5170. DBD ABBA CBBC CDDAC BACB第四部分:书面表达第一节:完成句子71. neednt have (been) dressed up72. have been held73. must have happened74. so interesting a film /movie75. four times the size of 76. when it was that77. coming from78. What is of even greater importance79. run into80. that she (should) wait第七套题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择2130. CBCAD CAABC第二节:完形填空 3150. CCCCA ABADC CABAB CBDBA第三部分:阅读理解5170. ACBD CCBABACD ABCC CBCD第四部分:书面表达第一节:完成句子 71. Seen from the top of the hill72. can we gain73. neednt have done74. that determines75. Go eastward / east76. twice faster 77. Whether he can finish 78. to get along / on with79. reminds me of80. which accounts / accounted for第八套题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择21 30. CDACC BDCDA第二节完形填空31 50. BBACC DCADD CADBB ACBBD第三部分:阅读理解3170. BCCA CCDC DCBA CADB CBAB第四部分 书面表达第一节:完成句子71. the largest of which is72. why it is that / for what reason it is73. had intended to help / intended to have helped74. His being made / That he was made75. was deeply impressed with/ by76. sells well77. What is referred78. cant / couldnt have left79. twice as much 80. cant be too careful第九套题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择21 30. BDDBA AAABA第二节:完形填空31 50. BDCAB DCACBAABDA CBADC第三部分:阅读理解51 70. CCBD ABCA CAAC DBAB CCAD第四部分:书面表达(共两节, 满分50分)第一节:完成句子71. Nothing can/could be better72. must have happened73. whatever you have74. that the star didnt show up75. (which are/ were) set in his childhood76. what had been left77. as if it is78. Hardly had he entered / He had hardly entered79. It is for the benefit of his son80. Obviously第十套题第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择21 30. CADAC DCBAC第二节:完形填空31 50. DBACD ACBDA CBDACCBDBA第三部分:阅读理解51 70. BCDD DADC BCBD BBAD DBCB第四部分:书面表达第一节:完成句子71. could/ can I have imagined that72. before we (can) see73. will have been brought 74. that was responsible for75. Whether they will stay here (or not)76. you were at home77. What is well-known (to us all)78. that has a gift for79. that we (should) end80. neednt have done so

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