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小升初英语语法归纳1不可数名词:bread,juice,tea,coffee,water,chocolate,rice,paper(不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is或者was;不要根据some、any、a lot of等词去作判断,以免受误导。)2不规则名词复数: man -men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 3动词/介词+宾格(me/us/you/him/her/them/it)4. 形容词性物主代词(my/our/your/his/her/their/its)后面必须要跟名词。 名词性物主代词(mine/ours/yours/his/hers/theirs/its)后面不要跟名词。5. 比较级+than/,A or B? as+原级 as too/very+原级6形容词一般形容事物(形容词见知识集锦65页)副词一般形容动词(副词见知识集锦66页)7序数词前一定要加“the”,序数词一般用于:日期【the 号(序数词)of 月】 【第几】 【名次】8助动词(do/does/did)+动词原形 to+动词原形情态动词(can/may/must/should/would/shall)+动词原形 in + 月、年the morning/afternoon/evening/a week9.表示时间 on + 具体某一天(几月几日)/某个假期(Day) at + 具体某点时间、某个假期(Festival)/the weekend instreet10.表示方位 onroad/left/right at thecrossing/stop/某个具体的地点11. in the tree(不是树上长出来的) 12. play the +乐器 13.want to 动词原形on the tree(树上原来自己长出来的) play+球类运动 would like to +动词原形14.表示时间: ago(以前) later(以后) 15.be good at 名词原形 before (在以前) after(在 以后) 动词+ing16.like+ 名词复数 17. with长在身上的,拿在手里的 18.on the plate 在盘子里动词ing in 穿在身上的 19.touch with 用触摸20.feel + 感觉 感觉 21.in the classroom 在教室里 Ive got + 病、物体我得了,我有 in class在课堂上24.the same +名词单数 25.分30分 分past 小时 半个小时30分halfdifferent+名词复数 分30分60分 to 小时1 1刻15分a quarter26.open /close+直接可以打开得物体 27.Its time to +动词原形 28. look for 寻找(强调过程)turn on/ turn off +开关、电器 for+名词 find 找到(强调结果)29.watch TV/cartoons/race/game/match 观看(电视/卡通/比赛) 30. take off 脱下see 看到(人物/物体) put on穿上look for 寻找/ look like 看起来像 /look after 照看,照顾/ look at 看31There be句型表示:在某地有某物(或人) have、has、had表示:某人拥有某物。(There be结构一般用在句子的开头,而have等词只能用于某一个主语后面。)some和any在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句或疑问句。(希望得到肯定回答的时候some不变,如:Can I have some ?)and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句, or 用于否定句或疑问句。32动词+ing的几种情况: like+动词ing be+动词ingbe good at+动词ing go+动词ing NO+动词ing hobby is/hobbies are +动词ing33.excited 形容人 34.想要成为 want to be 35.the same +单数exciting形容事物(场面) would like to be different+复数36Where were you?-I was . 37.比较人用“who”开头We were. 比较物用“whose”开头(xxxs+名词形物名词名物)38时态1.一般现在时(关键词:often / usually / always / sometimes / every/ on (星期s) 非第三人称单数(I、We、you、they)动词原形 助动词用do 第三人称单数(He、she、it)(动词s)助动词用does2.现在进行时(关键词:now / look / listen) 构成形式:主语+be动词+动词的ing形式+其他注意:千万不要忘了一定得有be动词3.一般过去时(关键词:just now, a moment ago, yesterday, last ,yesterday ,this morning, ago) 构成形式:主语+动词过去式(一般ed)+其他过去式的助动词都用“did”注意:没有be动词的否定句和疑问句中,用didnt否定和用did提问后,动词一定要用原形。4.一般将来时(关键词:tomorrow、nextday/week,/month/year/、soon、at once、this afternoon/evening/ the day after tomorrow(后天)/tomorrow等)构成形式:(1)主语+be going to+动词原形+其他。(2)主语+will+动词原形+其他。39.a lot of/lots of/many/some/all/any/different/like/how many +可数名词复数(名词+s)40.含有“to”的 一些固定词组:go to 去 get to (the) 到达 be going to (the) 将要去 want to 想要 the way to 去的路 would like to 想要 be glad to 高兴 how to 怎样41含有about 的一些固定词组: talk to about 和谈论 tell about 告诉关于 know about 知道关于 what about how about 怎么样 ask some questions about 问一些关于的问题42What are you going to do?你将要去做社么? Where are you going ? 你去哪?39特殊疑问词单词 意思 用法 回答When/ what time什么时间问时间who谁问人whose谁的问主人where在哪里问地点which哪一个问选择why为什么问原因what什么问东西what colour什么颜色问颜色what about怎么样问意见what day星期几问星期what date什么日期问具体日期what for为何目的问目的how怎么样问情况how old多大问年龄how many多少问数量how much多少问价钱how about怎么样问意见how far多远问路程一些单词归类:月份January 一月 February二月March 三月April 四月May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月September 九月October 十月November 十一月December十二月星期Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday, 星期四Friday 星期五Sunday 星期六Saturday星期日形状1.circle 圆2.spuare正方形3.diamond菱形4.rectangle 长方形5triangle三角形6.star 星形疾病headache 头痛cough 咳嗽fever 发烧cold 感冒toothache 牙痛earache 耳痛backache 背痛stomachache 胃痛称呼1.grandfather 祖父、2.grandmother祖母3.father 父亲4.mother. 母亲5uncle叔.伯.舅6.aunt姨.婶.舅母7.son 儿子8.daughter女儿9.brother兄;弟10.sister 姐;妹11. grandma 奶奶12 grandpa爷爷13. parents父母14. grandparents祖父母昆虫insect18.ant 蚂蚁19.bee蜜蜂20.butterfly蝴蝶21.cricket 蟋蟀22grasshopper蚱蜢23.cicada 蝉24.dragonfly蜻蜓25. firefly萤火虫地点1.zoo 动物园2.cinema电影院3.supermarket超市4.theGreatWall长城5.park 公园6.station车站7.library图书馆8.theatre剧院9.hospital 医院10airport飞机场11.shop 商店12.garden 花园ball球类1.football 足球2.volleybal排球3.baseball 棒球4.basketball篮球5.table tennis 乒乓球乐器1.piano 钢琴2.guitar 吉他3.violin小提琴4.accordion手风琴运动1swimming游泳2.fishing钓鱼3.running 跑步4.jogging慢跑5.climbing爬山6.skating滑冰7.skiing 滑雪8.rowing划船4.问路的问法:铺垫:I dont know the way. Im new here,I want to go to .Can you show me the way to ?Can you tell me how to get to ?Can you tell me how I can get to ?How can I get there? / How can I get to ?Wheres ?/ Which is the way to ?Is there a near here ?回答:Its over there. / Its near the Go down the street./ Its on Road./ Its in Street./ You can take bus No.and get off at the stop.Go along Road, turn right/left at Road. Then go along Road. The place is on your right/lef路程问答法:How far is it from here? Its about metres/ kilometres away.Its about minutes walk from here.打电话:Hello ,is that xxx? 你好,你是xxx吗? Hello, this is xxx (speaking). 你好,我是xxx./ This is xxx speaking. xxx is not here,this is xxx(speaking). Xxx不在,我是xxx.谈论生日:Whens xxx birthday?Xxx的生日在社么时候? Its in +月份 /Its on +具体几月几日. What would you like as a birthday present ?你想要社么作为生日礼物? Id like .我想要。 Did you last ? 你去年生日?谈论节日: Whens (节日)? Itsin (月份)./ Itson (几月几日). What do you (people) usually do on/at ?I / They usually +动词原形. What does he /she/it usually do on/at ?he /she/it usually + (动词+s). Did you/he/she/it last ? 季节:Whens (季节)? comes from to. Whats the weather like in (季节)?Its + 天气情况(rainy/snowy/windy/hot/warm/cool/cold/foggy)? It often +动词(rains/snows/winds). Is it often + 天气情况(rainy/snowy/windy/hot/warm/cool/cold/foggy)? Does it often +动词(rain/snow/wind)1、国家国旗(flag)Country国家Language 语言 People人City城市/capital首都五星红旗China 中国 Chinese汉语/中文 Chinese中国人Beijing 北京(大熊猫panda)米字旗UK/England 英国;English 英语 English/British英国人London 伦敦(大本钟big ben)三条旗France 法国French法语 French法国人Paris巴黎(埃菲尔铁塔 )太阳旗Japan 日本Japanese日语 Japanese 日本人;Tokyo 东京。樱花和富士山星条旗USA/America美国English 英语American 美国人/美国的首都:Washington 华盛顿/城市:New York纽约(自由女神像) 星米旗Australia 澳大利亚English 英语 Australian 澳大利亚人首都:canberra 堪培拉城市:Sydney悉尼(考拉和袋鼠)2。节日festival 节日时间人们的活动 New Years Day元旦 on the 1st of January 在1月1日Spring Festival 春节 in January or February 在1月或2月visit their relatives Womens Day妇女节on the eighth of March 在3月8日Easter 复活节In March or April 在3月或4月makeEastereggs做复活蛋May Day 五一劳动节on the 1st of May 在5月1日Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节,端午节in May or June 在5月或6月1、 eat rice dumplings吃粽子/团子/饺子2、watch dragon boat races 看龙舟比赛Childrens Day儿童节on the 1st of June 在6月1日Teachers Day教师节on the 10th of September在9月10日Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节In September or October1eat moon cakes 吃月饼2 watch the moon 赏月National Day 国庆节on the 1st of October 在10月1日Halloween 万圣节on the 31st of October 在10月31日1make pumpkin lanterns2、dress up in costumesChristmas ( Day )圣诞日,圣诞节 on the 25th of December在12月25日3.季节Sping(35)Summer(68)Autumn(911)Winter(122)时间March-mayJune,-augustSeptember-novemberDecember-february天气Warm rainyHot sunnyCoolwindyCold sonwy活动go rowing/fishingfly kitesGo swimmingeat watermelonsGo camping,go on an outing,go climbingMake snowmen,go skating/skiing,put on warm clothes春城:昆明(kun ming) 冰城:哈尔滨(harbing) 日光成:拉萨(lasa) 火炉:广州(guangzhou ) 澳大利亚(Australia)季节正好和我们相反,白天黑夜一样,美国和我们国家的白天黑夜正好相反


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