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Unit 8 Natural disastersWelcome to the unit 1. 自然灾害natural disasters 2. 湿透了 be all wet3. 醒来,把某人叫醒 wake up, wake sb up 4. 把水拖干净mop up the water5. 输了决赛lose the final 6. 成千上万的人thousands of people7. 一次车祸a car accident 8. 撞上一棵树 crash into a tree 9. 冲走wash away (代词放中间)10. 引起一场大火,着火start a big fire, catch fire11. 从树上摔下fall from/ off a tree12. 伤了腿hurt ones leg 13. 听说过那次火灾hear about the fire14. 电闪雷鸣的大暴雨a heavy storm with thunder and lightning15. 雨开始下时我正在睡觉。I was sleeping when it started to rain/ when the rain started.16. 如果我不带你回家,谁将水拖干净呢?Who will mop up the water if I go home without you.17. 闪电击中了一幢教学楼,着火了。Lightning hit a classroom building and it caught fire.18. 20个人死于一场大暴雨。A big storm killed 20 people.= 20 people died in a big storm.= 20 people lost their lives in a big storm. Reading 1. 在凌晨in the early morning2. 感到一阵轻微的晃动feel a slight shake3. 听到像打雷般的 响声hear a loud noise like thunder4. 像地底下的炸弹like bombs under the ground5. 惊恐地尖叫scream in fear 6. 跑出大楼run out of the building7. 尽力做某事try ones best to do sth 8. 四处逃散run in all directions9. 掉下,落下fall down10. 倒塌,崩溃come down11. 一点也不not at all12. 觉得紧张feel nervous13. 被困住be trapped14. 自言自语say to oneself15. 还活着be / stay alive16. 平静下来calm down17. 呼救shout/ scream for help18. 在黑暗中缓慢向前挪动身体pall oneself slowly through the dark19. 设法找到出路try to find ones way out20. 我上面的声音the noise above me21. 激动的人们的叫声shouts from excited people22. 搬开砖块move away the bricks23. 两边晃动move from side to side24. 上下移动move up and down25. 最后at last= finally = in the end26. 看到明亮的日光see the bright daylight27. 惊恐地尖叫scream in fear28. 听到他的呼救声hear his cry for help29. 地震开始时我正在睡觉。I was sleeping when the earthquake started.30. 我的脑海袭过一阵恐惧,但我告诫自己要平静下来,因为我还活着。A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.31. 当玻璃片和砖块掉下时,人们四处逃散。People were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.32. 正当我设法找到出路时,我们突然听到我上面的声音。As I was trying to find my way out, I suddenly heard some noise above me.33. 很庆幸,刚好有足够的空间使我能够挪动。Luckily, there was just enough space for me to move.Grammar1. 多可怕的暴风雪啊!What a terrible snowstorm!2. 等公交车wait for a bus3. 在公交车站上等wait at a bus stop4. 站在路边stand on the side of the road5. 抛锚,坏了break down6. 由于,因为because of +名词/doing7. 打电话叫人来帮忙ring someone to come and help8. (差点)摔倒(nearly) fall over9. 躲在树后hide behind a tree10. 在雪地里玩play in the snow11. 朝着他们跑去run towards them12. 正当Millie看电视时,Andy进了房间。When/ While /As Millie was watching TV, Andy came into the room.13. 当Andy进入房间时,Millie正在看电视。Millie was watching TV when Andy came into the room.Integrated skills & Study skills1. 设法出去try to get out 2. 尽快/尽早as soon/ early as possible3. 用湿毛巾捂住嘴巴和鼻子cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel= use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose4. 保护自己免遭protect oneself from5. 浓烟thick smoke6. 着火的大楼the building on fire7. 着火be on fire8. 紧靠地面呆着stay low to the ground9. 在洪水中行走walk through the flood water10.遵守交通规则follow traffic rules11.向左/右看look left/ right12.远离窗户stay away from the window13.做饭时烫着我们的手burn our hands when cooking14.知道先做什么know what to do first15.将你的手一直放在冷水中keep your hand in cold water16.在烫伤处涂点药膏put some cream on the burn17.去看医生go and/ to see the doctorTask1. 跟Millie合撑一把伞 share an umbrella with Millie2. 不停地下keep falling3. 听见风吹hear the wind blowing4. 来自身后come from behind5. 在风中丢了伞lose the umbrella in the wind6. 慢慢地走在深深的雪地里walk slowly in the deep snow7. 呆着Millie家stay at Millies home8. 听到车辆的声音hear the noise of traffic9. 第二天, 第二天上午the next day/ morning 10.将雪从街道上清理掉clear the snow from the streets 8A Unit 8重点词组句子默写Welcome to the unit 1、自然灾害_2. 湿透了 _3.醒来,把某人叫醒 _ 4. 把水拖干净_5. 输了决赛 _6. 成千上万的人_7一次车祸_ 8. 撞上一棵树 _9.冲走_10. 引起一场大火,着火_11. 从树上摔下_12. 伤了腿_13. 听说过那次火灾_14.电闪雷鸣的大暴雨_15雨开始下时我正在睡觉。_16如果我不带你回家,谁将水拖干净呢?_17闪电击中了一幢教学楼,着火了。_.20个人死于一场大暴雨。_=_ =_ Reading 1. 在凌晨 _2. 感到一阵轻微的晃动_3. 听到像打雷般的响声_4. 像地底下的炸弹_5. 惊恐地尖叫_ 6. 跑出大楼_7. 尽力做某事_ 8. 四处逃散_9. 掉下,落下_ 10.倒塌,崩溃_11. 一点也不_ 12. 觉得紧张_13. 被困住 _ 14.自言自语_15. 还活着_16.平静下来_17 .呼救_18. 在黑暗中缓慢向前挪动身体_19. 设法找到出路_20. 我上面的声音_21. 激动的人们的叫声_22. 搬开砖块_23. 两边晃动_24. 上下移动_25. 最后_=_=_26. 看到明亮的日光_27. 惊恐地尖叫_28. 听到他的呼救声_29. 地震开始时我正在睡觉。_30. 我的脑海袭过一阵恐惧,但我告诫自己要平静下来,因为我还活着。 _31. 当玻璃片和砖块掉下时,人们四处逃散。_32. 正当我设法找到出路时,我们突然听到我上面的声音。_33. 很庆幸,刚好有足够的空间使我能够挪动。_Grammar1. 多可怕的暴风雪啊!_2. 等公交车_3. 在公交车站上等_4. 站在路边_5. 抛锚,坏了_6. 由于,因为_7. 打电话叫人来帮忙_8. (差点)摔倒_9. 躲在树后_10.在雪地里玩_11. 朝着他们跑去_12. 正当Millie看电视时,Andy进了房间。_13. 当Andy进入房间时,Millie正在看电视。_Integrated skills & Study skills1. 设法出去_ 2. 尽快/尽早_3. 用湿毛巾捂住嘴巴和鼻子_= _4. 保护自己免遭_5. 浓烟_6. 着火的大楼_7. 着火_8. 紧靠地面呆着_9. 在洪水中行走_10.遵守交通规则_11.向左/右看_ook left/ right12.远离窗户_13.做饭时烫着我们的手_14.知道先做什么_15.将你的手一直放在冷水中 _16.在烫伤处涂点药膏_17.去看医生_Task1. 跟Millie合撑一把伞_2. 不停地下_3. 听见风吹_4. 来自身后_5. 在风中丢了伞_6. 慢慢地走在深深的雪地里 _7. 呆着Millie家_8. 听到车辆的声音_9. 第二天, 第二天上午_10.将雪从街道上清理掉_

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