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高考常用名词固定搭配速记1.have access to 可以接近;可以利用 Citizens may have free access to the library. 市民可以自由使用图书馆。2. make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人 I made the acquaintance of Mr. Brown on the train to London. 我是在去伦敦的火车上认识布朗先生的。3.take action 采取行动 We must take action to protect our environment. 我们必须采取措施保护环境。4.take advantage of 利用,趁之机 You should take advantage of this opportunity to improve your spoken English. 你应该利用这个机会提高你的英语口语。5.make an agreement with 与达成协议 They have made an agreement about the plan. 他们在这个计划上意见一致了。6. make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉 I must make an apology to you for what I did last night.7. make an appeal to sb. 向某人发出呼吁 The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. 警方呼吁公众保持镇静。8. make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会 She made an appointment with his lawyer. 她预约了她的律师。9.approach to接近;通往的方法 We heard the approach of a bus to the station. 我们听见一辆汽车驶进车站的声音。 10. make an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事 They made an attempt to escape. 他们试图逃跑。11. pay attention to 注意 Please pay attention to what I am saying. 请注意听我讲的话。12.keep ones balance 保持(身体)平衡 The child couldnt keep his balance on his new bicycle. 孩子骑在他的新自行车上不能保持平衡。13.do/try ones best 努力,尽力 He tried his best to complete the distance. 他尽了最大的努力跑完了全程。14.make the best of 充分利用We should make the best of a bad state of affairs. 我们应该在不利的情况下尽力而为。15.hold ones breath 喘气 How long can you hold your breath? 你能屏住气多长时间?16.take care of 爱护,照料 Whos taking care of the children while you were away? 你外出时谁来照顾这些孩子?17. rise to the challenge 接受挑战,迎战 Scientists are rising to the challenge of energy crisis by exploiting new resources. 科学家们正在通过开发新能源来应对能源危机的挑战。18.take charge of 管理,接管He took the charge of the farm after his fathers death. 父亲去世后他接管了农场。19.combination with 与结合 The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners. 这家公司与几家海外合伙人在联合开发新产品。20.get command of 控制 A general is a man who gets command of a large number of soldiers. 将军是统率众多士兵的人。21.communication with 与通讯;和交流 Communication with other countries was difficult during the telephone and postal strike.邮电工人罢工期间与各国的通讯很困难。22. keep sb. company 陪伴某人,陪某人同走He kept me company during the journey. 他在旅途中一直陪伴我。23.make a comparison between 把进行比较Lets make a comparison between them. 让我们比较一下他们两人。24. competition with/against sb. 与某人竞争 He was in competition with 10 others for the job. 为得到这份工作他与10个人展开竞争。25.complaint about/of 对抱怨 We received a number of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facilities. 我们收到了顾客很多投诉,抱怨缺少停车设施。26.make a complaint against 控告 Id like to make a complaint about the noise. 我要就噪音问题提出投诉。27.come to a conclusion 得出结论 They came to a conclusion that he is not the right person for the job. 他们断定他不适合这项工作。28. have confidence in sb. 信任某人 She has confidence in herself. 她很自信。29.take into consideration 考虑到 All aspects about the matter should be taken into consideration. 事情的方方面面都要考虑到。30.be in contact with 与接触 She was in contact with many people. 她和许多人有联系。31.lose contact with 与失去联系 Have you lost contact with any of your friends from college? 你和你的大学同学失去联系了吗?32.lose control of 失去对控制 The pilot lost control of the plane.飞行员对飞机失去了控制。33.commit a crime 犯罪 If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished. 你要是犯罪,就逃脱不了要受惩罚。34.arouse ones curiosity about sth. 激起某人对某事物的好奇心 The launch of the Change Satellite aroused our curiosity about the moon. 嫦娥卫星的发射激起了我们对于月球的好奇心。35.do damage to 损害 The storm did a lot of damage to the crops. 暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。36.make a decision 作决定 She could not make a decision about the dresses. 她对(买不买)这衣服下不了决心。37.take a delight in 以为乐 He takes a delight in proving others wrong.他以证实别人出错为一大快事。38.have the determination to do 有决心干 That girl has great determination to learning English well. 那女孩子很有决心学好英语。39.make a difference to 作用,关系,影响 The rain made a difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛产生了影响。40. have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难At first, the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to settle in Brasilia.开始时,政府很难说服人们离开里约热内卢去巴西利亚落户。 41.come into effect 生效,实施 The new law will come into effect next month. 这部新法律将于下个月生效。42.take effect 生效,起作用 The aspirins which the patient had taken soon took effect. 病人服用的阿司匹林药片很快就见效了。43.put emphasis on/upon 着重于,把重点放在 You put too much emphasis on the last syllable. 你把最后一个音节读得太重。45.make an error 犯错误 I think you have made an error in calculating the total. 我想你在计算总数时出了差错。46. set a good example to sb. 为某人树立榜样 Zhang Haidi set a good example to the disabled. 张海迪为残疾人树立了好榜样。47.catch ones eye 引人注目 Id like another drink, trying to catch the waiters eye. 我想再来一杯, 看着服务员, 想引起他的注意。48.keep an eye on 留意,照看 Please keep an eye on my child when I go out. 我外出的时候请帮忙照看一下我的孩子。49.have/lose faith in 对信任 He has faith in my ability. 他对我的能力有信心。I have lost faith in you;I am sure you wont do well. 我已经失去对你的信任了,我肯定你不会做好的。50.come into fashion 开始风行 Is it the fashion to wear short skirts? 现在是不是时兴穿短裙?Yes, short skirts are coming into fashion. 是的,短裙很流行。51.follow the fashion 赶时髦 Its no good for the young students to follow the fashion. 年轻学生赶时髦没有什么好处。52.catch fire 着火 Cotton is easy to catch fire. 棉花是易燃品。53.set fire to 使燃烧,点燃 Dont set fire to oil. 不要火上浇油。54.make a fortune 发财 He made a fortune by selling houses. 他靠卖房子发了财。55.make friends (with) 交朋友 I made friends with many foreigners when I studied abroad. 我在国外学习的时候交了许多外国朋友。56.make fun of 取笑,嘲笑 Dont make fun of those with disabilities. You should be kind to them. 不要取笑残疾人。你要善待他们。57.give/take a glance at 对粗略地看一下 He gave a glance at his watch and then looked at the sky. 他看了看手表,然后又看了看天空。58.catch/get a glimpse of 瞥见 I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor. 我们的新邻居我只看过一眼。59.do harm to 损害某人 The drought did a lot of harm to the crops. 干旱给庄稼带来许多危害。60.keep ones head 保持镇定 Keep your mind when you are faced with dangers.面对危险要保持头脑镇静。61.learn by heart 背诵,记住 Can you learn all these new words by heart in an hour? 你能在一小时之内记住所有这些单词吗?62.lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心 Jack lost heart when he was turned down in the interview by the company. 在面试中被那家公司拒绝以后,杰克丧失了信心。63.get hold of 抓住,得到 Can you get hold of that rope? 你能抓住那根绳子吗?64. attach importance 重视 We must attach importance to environment protection. 我们必须重视环境保护。65.have an influence on/upon 对有影响 Parents have a great influence on/upon their children. 父母对孩子有很大影响。66. play a joke on sb.开某人的玩笑 We all played a joke on him. 我们大家开了他一个玩笑。68.fall in love with爱上 They fell in love with each other at first sight. 他们一见钟情。69.make mention of 提及 The teacher made mention of a few valuable reference books. 老师提出了几种有价值的参考书。70.have mercy on/upon 对表示怜悯 They had little mercy on the enemies. 他们对敌人毫不怜悯。71.keep/bear in mind 记住 Always bear in mind that all you have is given by your parents. 永远记住:你拥有的一切都是你父母给的。72.make up ones mind 下决心,决意 He made up his mind to catch up with others in his class. 他下决心赶上班里的其他同学。73. keep ones mind on 专注于 When I came in my uncle was keeping his mind on his work. 我进来时叔叔正在集中精力干活。74.take notice of 注意到 Did you take notice of anything unusual? 你觉察到什么异常的事没有?75. place an order for sth.定购某物 The couple placed an order for a new bed. 那对夫妇定购了一张新床。76.take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功 The government took great pains to keep their plans secret. 政府煞费苦心地对计划守口如瓶。77.play a part (in) (在中)扮演角色,参与 Science and technology plays an important part in economy development. 科学技术在经济发展中起着重要作用。78.take part in参加 If one wants knowledge of science, one must take part in scientific experiments oneself. 要有科学知识,就得亲自参加科学实验。79.take place 发生,进行,举行 Great changes have taken place in the last ten years in my hometown. 过去的十年中我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。80.take the place of 取代,代替 The new city, Brasilia, took place of Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazil in 1960.巴西利亚这座新城市于1960年取代了里约热内卢成了巴西的首都。 81.keep to the point 扣住主题 Keep to the point when you made a speech. 演讲时要扣住主题。82.hold the position of(as) 担任职务 Mr. Smith holds the position of manager of the company. 史密斯先生担任公司经理的职务。83.take possession of 占有,占领 The noble family took possession of a large farm near the shore. 那个贵族家庭拥有海滨的一个大农场。84.put in/into practice 实施,实行 We must put our plans into practice. 我们必须将计划付诸实行。85.have a preference for 偏爱 A teacher should not have a preference for any one of his pupils. 老师不应偏爱任何一个学生。86.make preparations for 为做准备 He has never made enough preparations for his examinations. 他对考试从来不作好充分准备。87.take pride in 以自豪,对感到得意 She took pride in herself on her ability to speak many foreign languages. 她为自己能讲多种外国语而感到自豪。88. grant sb. the privilege of doing 赋予某人做的权利 He was granted the privilege of meeting the queen. 他被赋予会见王后的特权。89.make a promise 许下诺言 My father made a promise that he would buy me a new bike if I passed the National College Entrance examination.爸爸许诺说如果我考上大学,他会给我买一辆新自行车。90.keep/ carry out a promise 遵守诺言 The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes. 政府未能兑现减税的承诺。91.break a promise不遵守诺言 People wont believe in a man who always breaks his promise. 人们不会信任一个不遵守诺言的人。92. give ones regards to sb. 向某人致意 Give my regards to your parents. 代我向你父母问好。93.make a response 对做出响应 They make a quick response to my inquiry. 他们对我的询问很快作了答复。94.take the responsibility for 负起对某事的责任 Parents should take the responsibility for bringing up their children properly. 父母应当担负起正确培养孩子的责任。95.run/take a risk 冒险 They took a risk in driving on, not with standing the storm. 尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。96.play a role in 在中扮演角色(起作用) He played the role of the old king in our school play. 他在我们学校演的剧中扮演老国王的角色。97.express ones satisfaction at/with 对表示满意 Our teacher expressed his satisfaction at our progress in English. 老师对我们英语学习所取得的进步表示满意。98.make sense 讲得通,言之有理 This sentence doesnt make sense. 这个句子讲不通。99.do ones share for sth. 为贡献一份力量 Every worker would like to do their share for the development of the factory. 每一位工人都愿意为工厂的发展贡献一分力量。100.catch sight of 看见,发现 I caught sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus. 我看到公共汽车的后面有一个空座位。101.lose sight of 看不见,在视野之外 After three hours voyage, they finally lose sight of land. 经过三个小时的航行,他们终于看不见陆地了。102.take the firm stand 站稳立场 All our Chinese should take the firm stand that Taiwan is part of China. 我们中国人都应该站稳立场:台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。103.lay/place/put stress on/upon 把重点放在上 We must lay stress on self reliance. 我们必须强调自立更生。104. have a talk with sb. 与某人交谈 We had a long talk with the naughty boy. 我们与那个淘气的男孩谈了很长时间。105.lose ones temper 发脾气 He lost his temper when his shirt was spoiled by the soup being served by the waitress. 他的衬衫被服务员端来的汤弄脏时,他发脾气了。106.take ones temperature 量体温 After taking his temperature, the doctor gave some medicine to the patient. 量完体温之后,医生给病人开了点药。107.fall into temptation 受诱惑 When he offered me a cigarette, I couldnt help falling into temptation. 当他给我递烟时,我禁不住受了诱惑。108.thanks to 由于,多亏 Thanks to the bad weather, they had to put off the sports meeting. 由于天气不好,我们不得不推迟了运动会。109.take ones time 不着急,不慌忙 Theres no rush-take your time. 别着急,慢慢来。110. keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系 They keep in touch with each other by email. 他们通过电子邮件彼此保持联系。111.keep track of 记录;保持与联系 Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going. 银行帐单有助于你了解你的资金使用情况。112.lose track of 失去的线索 I lost all track of time. 我一点也说不准现在是什么时间。113. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人 The children played a trick on their teacher. 孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。114.get into trouble 陷入困境,招致不幸 When Father laid off, his family got into trouble. 爸爸下岗之后,他们一家陷入了困境。115.make trouble 闹事,捣乱 He could make trouble for me if he wanted to. 他要是想找麻烦就能给我找麻烦。116.make use of 使用,利用 The owner of the shop made use of his house as a collateral for the loan. 店主用房子作贷款的担保。117.give way to 让路,让步 The storm gave way to bright sunshine. 暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。118.make way 让路,腾出地方/位置 Forest is felled to make way for food land. 森林被砍伐以便腾出地方做农田。119. put on weight 增加体重;变胖 She is afraid of putting on weight and keeps a balanced diet. 她害怕变胖而保持均衡的饮食。119. lose weight 减肥,降低体重 The doctor advised my father to lose weight to keep healthy. 医生告诉爸爸减肥,以保持健康。120. word for word 逐词地;原原本本地Tell me what she said, word for word. 把她说的一五一十地告诉我。0喜欢

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