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Unit1 May I have? 单词pen钢笔 ruler 尺 pencil case 笔袋 ball pen 圆珠笔 pencil铅笔 bookmark 书签 rubber橡皮 book 书 notebook 笔记本 I我 you你 may可以 have 有 for 给,为 please请 here这里 card卡片,贺卡 this这,这个 that那,那个 thank 谢谢 goodbye再见 yes 是的sure 当然 all right好,行,不错 come in 进来 good morning早上好 反义词:this(这)that(那) my(我的)your(你的) his(他的)her(她的) big(大的)small(小的) long(长的)short(短的,矮的) open(开)close(关) hot(热的)cold(冷的)单数:he, she, it 复数:they 单数:is 复数:are短语1. my ball pen 我的圆珠笔 2. her pencil 她的铅笔 3. come in 进来 4. have a notebook 要一本笔记本 5. this pen 这支钢笔 6. that ruler 那把尺 7. in your pencil case 在你的笔袋里 8. all right 好; 行; 不错 9. a big rubber 一块大橡皮 10. for you给你 11. Ive got我有; 我得到 12. sure当然 13. a little book一本小书 14. Happy Teachers Day! 祝教师节快乐! 15. goodbye 再见; 再会句型1. May I have a copybook(for Su Yang)?我可以拿本抄写本(给苏杨)吗? Sure. Here you are.当然可以,给你。2.This copybook is for you.这本抄写本是给你的。 Thank you.谢谢!3.This ball pen is for Yang Ling. All right.这支圆珠笔是给杨玲的。 好的。4.May I come in? Come in, please.我可以进来吗? 请进。5.Happy Teachers Day! 祝教师节快乐!6.Heres a card for you.这里有张贺卡给你。7.Whats in your pencil case? Ive got two pens.在你的笔袋里是什么? 我有两只钢笔。 Unit2 In a toy shop单词dog狗 cat猫 tiger老虎 lion狮子 panda熊猫 monkey猴子 bear熊 rabbit兔子 yes是的 no不 is是 isnt= is not不是 my我的 your你的 his他的 her 她的 on在 上think想,认为lovely可爱的 like喜欢 too也 toy玩具 shop商店 nice美丽的 guess猜 hello喂 can能 短语1. my tiger 我的老虎 2. on the desk 在书桌上3. his cat 他的猫 4. have a look 看一看 5. a nice monkey一只好看的猴子 6. your lion你的狮子 7. a lovely rabbit一只可爱的兔子 8. your toy bear你的玩具熊 9. Id like我想要10. in a toy shop在一家玩具店里 11. How lovely! 多么可爱阿! 12. I think 我想;我认为 13. I see. 我明白了。14. In which box? 在哪只盒子里?15. on the desk 在课桌上16. cant =can not 不能;不可以 17. have a look 看一看18. a nice monkey 一只漂亮的猴子 句型1. Whats this /that?Its a panda. 这/那是什么?它是熊猫。2.This is / Thats my / your / his / her purse. 这(那)是我的(你的、他的、她的)钱包3.This is his rabbit, I think. Yes, it is. 我想这是他的兔子。 是的,它是。4.That is her tiger, I think. No, it isnt. 我想那是她的老虎。 不,它不是。5.Can I have a look? Sure. 我可以看一看吗?当然。6.Id like this panda. Here you are. 我想要这只熊猫。给你。7.I like my panda. 我喜欢我的熊猫。8.How lovely/ nice! 真可爱漂亮!9.I see.我明白了。10. In which box? Guess. 在哪个盒子里?猜。11. like+名词复数表示泛指喜欢某一类事物。Do you like buses?like+ this/that/my+名词单数表示特指喜欢某一个事物。Do you like a bus?like+动词ing Do you like running双写末尾字母+ing: run, jog, swim Unit3 A purse 单词key钥匙 fan 扇子purse 钱包 water bottle 水壶 crayon 蜡笔 umbrella 伞 tape 修正带 storybook 故事书 a/an 一个 perhaps 也许 classroom 教室 but 但是 sorry 对不起, 抱歉 where在哪里 wheres=where is 短语1. over there 在那边 2. come here 来这里 3. on the book 在书上4. in my purse 在我的钱包里 5. your rubber 你的橡皮 6. her ruler 她的尺7. in the classroom 在教室里 8. an umbrella 一把伞 9. Helens tape 海伦的修正带 10. Yang Lings purse 杨玲的钱包11. Wheres she?她在哪里?12. Wheres he? 他在哪里? 13. Let me see. 让我看看。14. Not at all. 不用谢。 15. I dont know. 我不知道。 16. Im here我在这儿 17. Excuse me 对不起;请原谅 18. in the TV room 在电视室里 19. Where are you? 你在哪里?20. over there 那里 21. come here 过来22. excuse me 请原谅 23. in the classroom 在教室里24. not at all 别客气,不用谢 25. TV room 电视房26. computer room 电脑房句型1. Is this / that my / your / his / her purse? 这(那)是我的(你的、他的、她的)钱包吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的。/不是的。2.Wheres my / your / his / her fan? 我的(你的、他的、她的)扇子在哪里? Perhaps its in / on the desk. 也许它在书桌里面(上面)。3. Perhaps your umbrella is in the classroom. 你的伞可能在教室里。4.Let me see.让我看看。5. Im sorry.抱歉。Sorry, I dont know. 抱歉,我不知道。6. Wheres Mike? Perhaps hes in the TV room.迈克在哪里? 也许他在电视房间。 7.Where are you? Im here.你在哪里?我在这里。 Unit4 I like 单词car 小汽车 bus 公共汽车 bike 自行车 doll 玩具娃娃 puzzle 拼图 balloon 气球 puppet木偶玩具 kite 风筝 do做、干 dont=do not in English 用英语(表达) colour 给.着色、颜色 clean 把弄干净、擦干净 love喜爱、热爱 短语1. in English 用英语 2. look at 看 3. a doll for you 给你的一个玩具娃娃4. colour the kite 给风筝着色5. a blue purse 一个蓝色的钱包 6. a yellow fan 一把黄色的扇子 7. Me, too. 我也是 8. clean the car 把小汽车弄干净9. very much 很;非常 10. like puppets 喜欢木偶 11. I like (love) 我喜欢12. Lets colour it 让我们给它着色13. fly a kite 放风筝14. this kite 这只风筝15. Thats OK 没什么;不要紧 16. Youreout! 你出局了17. look at 看,朝看 18. very much 很,非常句型1.Whats this / that in English? Its a puppet.。 这(那)用英语怎么说? 是木偶。2.Do you like kites? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.。 你喜欢风筝吗? 是的,我喜欢。(不,我不喜欢)3. I like/love this car. Me, too. 我喜欢这辆小汽车。 我也是。4.Lets colour it. OK. 让我们涂上颜色。好的。5.Heres a doll for you. 这里有个玩具娃娃给你。6.Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。7. Youre out. 你出局了。牛津小学英语4A期中试卷2一、找出每组单词中不是同一类的单词。( )1. A. pen B. ball pen C. pear ( )2. A. dog B. rubber C. rabbit( )3.A. balloon B. yellow C. blue( )4.A. car B. bike C. lion ( )5.A. copybook B. notebook C. black二、英汉互译。1. 在她的钱包里_ 2. 那只老虎_3. 这只狮子_ 4. 你的书_5. 没什么,不要紧_ 6. 那只圆珠笔_7. 用英语_ 8. a nice monkey _9. have a look _ 10. Not at all _11. Excuse me. _ 12. Helens storybook _13. come in _ 14. Let me see._ 三、句型匹配。 ( ) 1. May I have my crayon? A. I like skating.( ) 2. Happy Teachers Day. B. No, I dont. I like toy trains.( ) 3. What do you like? C. Perhaps shes at home.( ) 4. Whats that in the school bag? D. Come in, please.( ) 5. Is that your bookmark? E. No, it isnt.( ) 6. Do you like dolls? F. Sure. Here you are.( ) 7. Wheres Yang Ling? G. An English book.( ) 8. May I come in? H. Thank you.( ) 9. Look at my doll. I. Its a car.( ) 10.Whats this in English? J. How nice! 四、选择题。( ) 1. A: _I come in? B: Come in, please. A. Do B. May C. Am( ) 2. Is this your skirt? _A. No, here you are. B. No, you dont. C. No, it isnt.( ) 3. Lets _ to the classroom.A. going B. go C. do( ) 4. Do you like_ ? A. puppet B. puppets C. a puppet( )5. Im sorry, Dad. _A. All right. B. Thats OK. C. OK.( )6. _ is my umbrella? Look, its over there.A. What B. How C. Where( )7. Id like _apple. A. a B. an C. two ( )8. A: Do you like kites? B: No, _. A. I do B. I dont C. it isnt ( )9. Is that man your father? _A. Yes, he is. B. No, he is. C. Yes, it is.( )10. Look _ my cap. _ smart!A. at, What B. in, how C. at, How( )11. Let _ see. A. is B. me C. go ( )12. Whats_ over there? A. this B. that C. these ( )13. A: Is this your crayon? B: No._ its Mikes . A. Perhaps B. Whats C. Wheres ( )14. Come _ ,Yang Ling. A. to B. here C. there ( )15. Happy _ Day !A. teacher B. teachers C. Teachers( )16. Its_ umbrella.A. a B. an C. the ( )17. May I have a glass of juice?_. A. No B. Sure C. Bye ( )18. This is_ bag.A. its B. hers C. his ( )19. Heres a balloon_ you.A. in B. for C. on( )20._, is this your tape?A. Excuse me B. Hello C. Im sorry五、连词成句。1. I, may, have, book, a(?) _2. in, what, is, English, that (?)_3. a, toy, thats, tiger, nice(.) _4. on, whats, desk, that, the(?)_5. for, heres, you, card, a(.)6. like, a, Id, doll, please(.)_六、根据所给情景完成句子。1. 你问杨玲那枝钢笔是不是她的,你会说: _ _ your _ , Yang Ling?2. 你想知道课桌里是什么?对方告诉你是一把尺子。 _ in the _ ? Its a _.3. 你认为这是她的玩具老虎,你会说: This _ _ _ _ , I think.4. 你喜欢一只白色钢笔,你说: _ _ a white _.5. 别人问你喜欢风筝吗?你说不喜欢。_ you _ _? No, I_.七、阅读理解, 判断下列句子是(T)否(F)与对话内容相符。A: Mum, its Teachers Day. Id like a card for my teacher.B: OK! Here is a green one, on the desk.A: Thank you, Mum. Whats the time, please?B: Its seven oclock.A: Its late. Wheres my school bag?B: Its on the bed.A: Mum, shall we go by bus?B: OK. Lets close the door.( )1. Its Teachers Day.( )2. The card is blue. ( )3. The school bag is on the bed.( )4. They go to school by bike.( )5. They go to school at eight.答案:一、1-5 CBACC二、1. in her purse 2. that tiger 3. this lion 4. your book 5. Thats OK. 6. that ball pen7. in English 8. 一只好看的猴子 9. 看一看 10. 不客气 11. 打扰一下。 12. 海伦的故事书 13. 进来 14. 让我看看。 三、1-5 FHAGE 6-10 BCDJI四、1-5 BCBBB 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 BBABC 16-20 BBCBA五、1. May I have a book?2. Whats that in English?3. Thats a nice toy tiger.4. Whats that on the desk?5. Heres a card for you.6. Id like a doll, please.六、1. Is that, pen 2. Whats, desk, ruler 3. is her toy tiger 4. I like, pen 5. Do, like kites, dont.七、1-5 T F T F F 牛津小学英语4A期中测试卷(1) Name_ Class_ Mark_一、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音,相同的用S表示,不同的用D表示。1. rabbit black ( ) 2.pencil desk ( ) 3. think kite ( ) 4.bottle photo ( ) 5. bus rubber ( ) 6.card nice ( )7. orange green ( ) 8.happy have ( ) 9. black jacket ( ) 10.cups eggs ( )二、英汉互译。1.这支蓝色的铅笔_ _ _ 2.一个大的娃娃_ _ _3.他的玩具老虎_ _ _4.一把伞_ _ 5.海伦的故事书_ _ 6.在课桌上_ _ _ 7.一个英国女孩_ _ _ 8.喜欢拼图_ _ 9.那张书签_ _ 10.在教室里_ _ _11.看她的扇子_ _ _ _ 12.进来_ _13.a brown bear for you_14.clean your car_15.Sorry, I dont know._16.In which box?_17.Can I have a look?_18.Ive got a stapler._三、选择填空。( )1. Whats this? _. A. This is a notebook. B. Thiss a notebook. C. Its a notebook.( )2. May I have a book for Miss Li?_ A. Thank you. B. All right. C. Thats all right.( )3. What would you like? _. A. A hamburger, please. B. Its a hamburger. C. I like a hamburger. ( )4._ is the ball pen? Its in my school bag. A. Wheres B. Where C. What( )5. Is that your tape? No, _. A. it is. B. its C. it isnt( )6. Whats this _ English? A. in B. on C. the ( )7._ you like coffee? Yes, I _. A. Can, do B. Do, dont C. Do, do( )8. Is this _ balloon? No, its _. A. your, Mike B. his, Helens C. she, Liu Taos( )9. Look at my new blouse. _ A. Oh, how nice! B. I see. C. Thank you.( )10. Thank you ,Yang Ling. _ A. OK. B. All right. C. Thats OK.四、看图完成对话。1. A: Look, _ _ my toy _. B: _ _.2. A: _ the pencil? B: Its _ the _.A: _ that your pencil? B: No, _ _ my pencil. Perhaps _ Helens.3. A:_ you _ my _? B: Yes, I do. 五、从II 栏中选出与栏中句子相对应的答语。I II( )1. May I have a ruler? A. Yes, I do.( )2. What would you like? B. Yes, she is.( )3. What do you like? C. Id like a hot dog.( )4. Do you like this colour? D. Sure. Here you are.( )5. Heres a cake for you. E. Yes, I can.( )6. Can you see a boy in the classroom? F. I like dogs.( )7. Is Su Yang in the computer room? G. Thank you. 六、根据所给句意或首字母提示填空,要求句意完整。1. Do you l_ your mother? Yes, I do.2. I can see my family p_ on the wall(墙).3. What c_ is this bus? Its yellow.4. I like this little t_ dog.5. W_ in your pencil case? Ive got two rubbers.6. Thank you very much, Mr Green. Not at a_.七、连词成句,并翻译成中文。1. new, may, for, Miss, I, a, have, book, Li (?)_中文:_2. is, monkey, think, your, that, toy, I (.)_中文:_3. juice, kitchen, Jims, the, is, in (.)_中文:_4. desk, perhaps, fan, the, your, is, on (.)_中文:_5. is, over, what, there, that (?)_中文:_八、把下列句子排列成一段完整的对话,并将序号填写在下面的方框里。1. Yes, youre right.2. Come here. Look, whats that on the table?3. Lets go and find (找到) her.4. Is this your purse?5. I dont know. Perhaps its a purse.6. No, it isnt. Its Nancys.7. All right. Lets go. 答案:一、1-5 SSDDS 6-10 DDSSD二、1. this blue pencil 2. a big doll 3. his doll tiger 4. an umbrella 5. Helens storybook 6. on the desk 7. an English girl 8. like puzzle 9. that bookmark 10. in the classroom 11. look at her fan 12. come in 13. 给你的小棕熊 14. 清洗你的小车 15. 抱歉,我不知道。 16. 在哪个盒子里? 17. 我能看一看吗?18. 我有一个订书机 三、1-5 CBAAC 6-10 ACBAC四、1. this is, panda, Its nice. 2. Wheres, in, basket, Is, it isnt, its.3. Do, like, doll.五、1-7 DCFAGEB六、1. love 2. photos 3. colour 4. toy 5. What 6. all七、1. May I have a new book for Miss Li?我可以为李老师拿本新书吗?2. I think that monkey is your toy. 我想那只猴子是你的玩具。3. Jims juice is in the kitchen. 吉姆的果汁在厨房里。4. Perhaps the fan is on your desk.可能那台风扇在你的桌子上。5. Whats that over there?那边是什么?八、2-5-1-4-6-3-7


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