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庆阳市2013年初中毕业学业监测与高中阶段学校招生考试英 语 试 卷题号第一部分第二部分第三部分第四部分第五部分总 分总分人复核人得分亲爱的同学,英语考试开始啦!你要有信心哟,成功在等着你!本试卷由五部分构成,满分150分,考试时间为120分钟。得分评卷人第一部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项选择(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)( )1. Excuse me,Sir. is this egg? No, its cake.A. an, aB. a, aC. a, anD. an, an ( )2.My skirt is on the chair. A. sistersB. sisterC. sistersD. sisters( )3. Look at that photo, what a happy family! Yes, its a photo my family.A. atB. forC. of D. in( )4.The red pencil is than the green one.A. shortB. shorterC. niceD. the shortest( )5. Must I turn down the radio now? No, you .A. mustntB. needntC. cantD. wont ( )6.The 30th Olympic Games in July 2012 in London. A. is heldB. was heldC. will holdD. will be held( )7. Its too cold today. Yes, why dont you your coat?A. put onB. put upC. take offD. take up( )8.Our teacher told us carefully in class. A. listen toB. to listenC. listenedD. listens( )9.I my homework as soon as I get home.A. doB. didC. will doD. am doing( )10. Can you tell me this morning? Sorry, Ive no idea.A. why didnt Daming come to schoolB. why Daming didnt come to schoolC. why doesnt Daming come to schoolD. why Daming doesnt come to school第二节:完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)A) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其编号填入题前的括号内。Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. They dont know how to do 11 . Because their parents do almost everything for them at home. This is a big problem. Joy is 14 years old. One day her parents went away 12 business, so she had to stay at home alone. At first she thought she would be happy 13 her parents were not in. She could do everything 14 she liked. But it was six oclock in the afternoon, she felt 15 . “Oh, its time to have supper. Where can I get my food?” she said to herself. Later she found some food in the fridge, but she 15 know how to cook. At that moment, she missed her 17 very much. At last she could only go to the supermarket and 18 some food to eat.Many of teenagers are 19 as Joy. So I think they should learn some basic life skills, like cooking, tidying up their rooms or dressing themselves 20 . They shouldnt depend too much on their parents. ( )11. A. their homework B. some shopping C. business D. housework( )12. A. in B. at C. on D. with( )13. A. soB. becauseC. butD. until( )14. A. thatB. who C. where D. when( )15. A. hungryB. full C. excitedD. bored( )16. A. couldnt B. didnt C. might not D. wouldnt( )17. A. cousinB. auntC. brotherD. parents( )18. A. madeB. bought C. gave D. saw ( )19. A. the same B. difficult C. different D. warm-hearted( )20. A. actuallyB. carelessly C. properly D. slowlyB)根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择词语并用适当的形式填空,每个单词只准用一次,其中有两个是多余选项。X|k | B| 1 . c|O |mleave, if, arrive,on, bike, but, successLast Sunday my brother and I went fishing. We got up very early that day. When we 21 home, the moon could still be seen in the sky. The morning air was cool and I felt wind on my lace. This made us very comfortable. We laughed and talked 22 the way while we were riding our 23 . By about six we were already sitting by the river. Fishing is not easy. If you want to be 24 , you must be very careful. That day we had another good catch. We caught a lot of fish and enjoyed ourselves very much. It was late when we got home. We fell a little tired 25 happy. Fishing is a very good sport. I like it very much.21._22. _23. _24. _25. _得分评卷人第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)AOne day a rich boy bought a magic mirror. When he got home, he looked in the mirror. His face looked sad. He tried to smile and make funny faces, his face looked still sad. Then he did many happy things, but his face always looked sad. “Oh, what a terrible mirror! It doesnt work! ” he said angrily.The next day on his way to buy some chocolate, he saw a little girl crying sadly. The rich boy went up to her and asked what had happened. The little girl said she couldnt find her parents. “Dont worry. Ill help you,” the rich boy said. So they went to look for them together. Finally they found her parents. They were so thankful for his help. After the rich boy arrived home, he looked in the mirror as usual. To his surprise, his face looked very happy. The boy understood the magic of the mirror. The mirror could show the true feelings of its owner. This was truethe rich boy had helped that little girl so he felt really happy.( )26. One day a rich boy bought _. A. a magic mirror B. a normal mirror C. a small mirror D. a magic book( )27. The boys face always looked _ in the mirror on the first day.A. happy B. sad C. terrible D. funny( )28. On his way to buy some chocolate, the rich boy saw_ crying sadly.A. a little boyB. a little girl C. a little dogD. a little cat ( )29. Finally the rich boy _. A. lost his parentsB. bought a new mirrorC. helped the little girl find her parentsD. bought a mirror for the little girl( )30. From the story we know the boy was _.A. braveB. foolishC. cleverD. helpfulBHeadache Medicine Take the medicine twice a day, every morning and night. Dose (药量) / each timeAge:over 14 2 tablets8-13 1 tablet 4-7 1/2 tablet Not right for children below the age of three.Hamilton Zoo Over 600 animals, tigers, pandas. Opening hours:9:00am-5:00pm Monday to Sunday Price: $15 per person Transport: No.1 Bus The Public Library Opening hours:9:00 am-5:00 pm Sunday to Friday Social Science Books3rd floor Children Books2nd floorForeign Books4th floor You can borrow books and search for information on the Internet. ( )31. Tom is a 12-year-old boy. If he has a headache, he should take _ a day. A. a half tablet B. one tablet C. two tabletsD. three tablets( )32. If a baby is _ years old, he or she cant take this medicine. A. two B. ten C. thirty D. eighteen( )33. If you want to borrow some children books, you can go to _.A. the fifth floor B. the third floor C. the forth floor D. the second floor( )34.The Public Library is closed at _.A. 4:00 pm B. 9:00 am C. 5:00 pm D. 12:00 am( )35. Lin and his father want to go to the Hamilton Zoo, they should pay _.A. $15 B. $30 C. $45 D. $10C根据短文内容判断66-70题的正误。正确的用T,错误的用F,A teenage girl couldnt stand her parents family rules, so she left home. She wanted to be famous. But she had poor education and several years later she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still looking for her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she puts up a big photo of herself on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes,“I still love you . . . , come back home!”One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. The face was familiar(熟悉). “Is that my mother?” she moved closer and read the words“I still love you .” She cried. When she got home, it was early morning. She knocked on the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to her mothers bedroom. Her mother was sleeping. She woke her mother up,“Its me! Your daughter is back home!” The mother and daughter held each other, full of happy tears. The daughter asked, “Why is the door not locked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered softly, “The door has never been locked since you left.”The door of parents love for their children will never be closed.( )36.The girl left home because her parents were cruel to her.( )37.No money caused the girl couldnt be famous.( )38.The mother put up her daughters photo on the wall so that she could find her daughter .( )39.When the girl came back home,she couldnt wait to see her mother.( )40.From the story we know that parents love their children forever at any time.D任务型阅读(10分)(阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容每空填写一个单词完成41-46小题。)Katie Spotz is a 22-year-old girl form America. She wants to cross the Atlantic Ocean by boat. If she succeeds, shell be the youngest and the first American to finish the 2500-mile trip.Spotz began sailing when she was at university, but she has never tried to sail such a long way before. It will be a great challenge for her. In recent years, she has swum all the way down the 325-mile Allegheny River and traveled by bike form Seattle to Washington.Spotz knows that she may see some dangerous things during the trip. It will be very dangerous if she meets very bad weather in the middle of the sea. But she believes that she can deal with all the difficulties.“I never thought I could run 26 miles,” she said. “But once I finished it, I realized that maybe I could do something even more difficult.”Spotz wants to collect money by going on this trip. She wants to collect money for an organization called “Blue Planet run”. The organization offers free, safe drinking water to people who need it.Its take her about three months to finish this trip. Good luck to this brave girl and best wishes to her!The age of Spotz(41)_ years oldThe distance of the trip(42)_ milesA dangerous thing during the trip isthe (43)_ weatherThe purpose of the tripto collect 44)_for an organizationThe trip will takeAbout (45)_months .得分评卷人第三部分:口语运用(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Lana went to see a new movie in the morning. But she didnt enjoy it. Shes talking to Jenny about what happened.Jenny: You look unhappy. 46 Lana: I watched a movie in the morning.Jenny: 47 Lana: No. The movie was great. It was the audience (观众).Some people were late for the movie, some took phone calls during the movie, some made noise while eating snacks and some talked loudly. 48 Jenny: Thats too bad! People should obey certain rules while watching a movie.Lana: Yes. The first thing is to keep the theater quiet. We should sit down before the movie begins. 49 We should eat snacks quietly. And we should talk as little as possible. Jenny: 50 And we should take away our rubbish when we leave.Lana: I hope everyone should do these things so that we can enjoy the movie better.Jenny: Me too. A.I was annoyed all the time.B.Who did you go to the movie with?C.Yes, you are rightD.How wonderful the movie was!E.Whats wrong with you?F.We should turn off our mobile phones.G. So the movie was boring, wasnt it?第四部分:语音运用能力得分评卷人(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)A) 按括号内的要求转换下列句子,每空填一词。51. Its a nice day. _ _(反义疑问句)52. The meeting has been on for two hours.(对画线部分提问) _ _has the meeting been on?53.Why havent they come? He wanted to know. (改为宾语从句) He wanted to know _ they _ come. 54.They planted trees on the hill last week. (改为被动语态) Trees _ _ on the hill last week55.He doesnt speak French. She doesnt speak French, either. (合并为一句) _ he _ she speaks French.B) 翻译:把下面的汉语句子译成英语,英语句子译成汉语。56. He is so clever that he works out the maths problem quickly. _57.在周末我宁愿看书也不看电视。_58. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._59.无论你去哪儿,我都愿意与你同行。_60. We should follow Lei Fengs example and be willing to help others._第五部分:写作(共3节,满分45分)得分评卷人第一节:短文改错(共5空,每空2分,满分10分)按会考标准补充要求!Hundred of years ago, news was carded by 61._people on foot or by a horse. It took a long 62 ._time people to receive news. Now it is possible 63. _to send words and pictures in a second. Billions of 64. _people learn about news either by watching TV or by read.65._ _第二节:词汇考察(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)A) 按括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。66.photo (复数) _ 67.swim(现在分词)_68.polite(反义词) _ 69.do(过去分词)_70thin(比较级)_B) 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出句中所缺的单词。71. People like travelling in _ (春天) because it is neither too hot nor too cold.72. Whats your fathers _ (职业)?He is a doctor.73. The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London, the _ (首都) of England.74. Lucy is polite and _ (乐于助人的). We all like her.75.Take the _ (第二) turning on your right and youll see the museum.C) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整正确。76. _ (child) Day is my favourite festival in the year. 77. I think this problem is much _ (easy) than that one.78. Im looking forward to _ (meet) my old friend, Jim, this Sunday.79. We wont go for a picnic if it _ (rain) this weekend.80. Its necessary for us _ (understand) the importance of health care.第三节:书面表达(满分20分)今年是毛泽东同志“向雷锋同志学习”题词发表50周年,在3月5日学雷锋纪念日这天,你校组织志愿者去庆阳敬老院开展“学雷锋,送温暖”活动。假如你是庆阳某中学生张杰,请你将活动情况介绍给美国朋友Ben,与他分享你的美好经历。(活动内容见下表)活动时间3月5日活动地点庆阳敬老院(Qingyang Old Peoples Home)参加人员学校志愿者(volunteer)活动形式1送去鲜花和水果2帮助打扫卫生3陪老人聊天(chat with sb)、唱歌、跳舞4送去美好祝愿5活动感想关爱(care for)老人(the elderly people),尊重(respect)老人要求:1短文应包括表中所有要点,可适当发挥;2文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;3文章不低于80词。开头、结尾已给出。Dear Ben,Thank you for your last e-mail. Let me tell you what we did on 5th March in our school._If you have the chance in China, I hope you can join us.Yours, Zhang Jie

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