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Zhanqiao PierHere we are at the Zhanqiao Park, which offers beautiful scenery of vident pines, green grass and well-spaced trees and flowers. The long bridge stretching far into the vast sea is the famous Zhanqiao Pier. Located within the crescent-like Qingdao Bay, 440 meters long and 8 meters wide, the pier looks like a rainbow. On either side of the bridge there stand colorfully decorated lights. At the end of the bridge there is a triangular seawall, in which there stands the Huilan Pavilion. Weathered by a hundred years storm, the Zhanqiao Pier is a well-conceived structure in the architectural history. It not only bridges Qingdao and the outside world, but also bridges the history and the reality. It is taken as the symbol of Qingdao and the witness of the history. In 1891, the government of Qing Dynasty appointed Zhang Gaoyuan, Commander of Dengzhou, to station troops in Qingdao, a small fishing village at that time. Government offices, forts, military camps were built in this village or along the coast, making Qingdao a place of strategic importance in terms of coast defence. In order to facility the transportation of military suppliers, Gong Zhaoyu, an officer of the Northern Navy, ordered building materials to be transported from Lvshun and a simple wooden pier was then built on the coast. It was only 200 meters long and rather plain in appearance, known as the Zhanqiao Pier of the Navy or the Zhanqiao Pier on the Coast. In 1897, Qingdao was invaded and occupied by German. In order to transport military supplies from Europe, the Germans rebuilt the original pier with stone foundation at the northern end and laid light railway on the pier.It was extended to 350 meters long and remained a pier for the purpose of military use. In 1922, Qingdao returned to China. In 1931, Qingdao Port was built and the Zhanqiao Pier ended its historical mission of loading and unloading freight. Then it was opened to be a famous tourist attraction. Later it was rebuilt of steel concrete. A semicircular seawall was built at the end of the bridge, on which a two-storey octagonal pavilion of traditional Chinese architectural style was built, known as the Huilan Pavilion. The rebuilt pier, 440 meters and 8 meters wide, became the most wonderful scenery of Qingdao.After liberation, much attention has been paid to the maintenance and protection of the Zhanqiao Pier. At the northern end of the pier, a coastal park known as the Zhanqiao Park was developed, where various rare trees and flowers were planted. After being rebuilt and extended several times, the Zhanqiao Pier presents a magnificent new look. In the daytime, the pier is frequented by stream of visitors, who are leaning on the railing and overlooking the charming sea. When the night falls, the colorfully decorated lights are turned on, glorifying the bridge.The pavilion at the southern end of the pier is the above-mentioned Huilan Pavilion. Roofed with yellow glazed tiles and supported by 24 res painted pillars, the pavilion is a two-storeyed octagonal structure. Now inside the pavilion there is a mini-aquarium where you can enjoy some sea animals. Standing by the pavilion tourists can enjoy the surging billows layer upon layer,whick presents a magnificent sight of Billows Returning at the Pavilion.Look. A group of seagulls is flocking nearer and nearer. In Qingdao for long time, great efforts have been made to protect the seagulls. Every time it breezes and the sea is calm, thousands upon thousands of seagulls hover over the beautiful Qingdao Bay, which is full of vigor and vitality.Now, the Zhanqiao Pier has been recognized as the symbol of Qingdao and the pride of Qingdao natives. The trademark of the world-famous Tsingtao Beer is designed according to the Huilan Pavilion at the southern end of the Zhanqiao Pier.Tianhou Palace It is known that in Chinas coastal areas, there are many Tianhou temples with different styles. Today, we will visit the oldest temple existing Qingdao - the Tianhou Palace. Now it is also the Qingdao Folk Customs Museum.Tianhou Palace was first built at the third year in the reign of Emperor Chenghau (1467) in Ming Dynasty. At that time, Qingdao was turned into a port, so the shipping industry in this city became increasingly prosperous and many businessmen and travelers gathered here. One businessman donated a land and raised funds to build the Tianfei Palace here. Later it was renamed Tianhou Palace. At that time there were only three halls of Shenmu and two wing rooms of the Dragon King, the God of Wealth. Since then it was rebuilt for many times, it already had a considerable scale in Qing Dynasty. In the past, Tianhou Palace was an important place for the businessmen and fishermen in Qingdao to pray for the gods. During the period of Cultural Revolution, the Tianhou Palace was severely destroyed. In 1996, Qingdao Municipal Government allocated large sums of money to repair it as the original style and make it become Qingdao Folk Customs Museum. On 26th December , 1998, it was formally opened.Tianhou Palace covers an area of 4,000 square meters, of which the building area is 1500 square meters. It has two courtyards with the main hall, side room, front and rear wing room, opera tower, bell tower and accessory building. It is a classical architectural complex of the special traditional style with 16 halls and 80 rooms.This building is the Opera Tower, which is mainly for the pilgrims to see the operas. The paintings wrapped around the pillars are about the stories of A Dream of Red Mansion as well as the stories of the Spring and Autumn . The plaque of the Tianhou Palace on the tower is a copy of the original one, which is kept in the Cultural Exhibition Hall of Tianhou Palace. On the plaque there is the relief of Two Dragons Play One Ball . Now this building is a teahouse.Entering into the front yard, firstly we can see the opera stage. On the wall surrounded the stage are painted the scene of making sacrificial offerings to the sea in Zhouge Village, a fishing village in the Tianheng Town of Jimo(one county-level city in Qingdao). The custom of making sacrificial offerings to the sea was formed during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. To make sacrificial offerings to the sea, people should select an auspicious day before or after the Tomb-sweeping Day and Grain Rain. In recent years, under the participation and organization of the local government, this traditional custom will have well development.The small room in the northwest corner is Cloisonne making workshops. The room in the northeast is a workshop for the paper-cut, recurring the life of the Chinas traditional residents.Entering into the back yard, firstly we can see two stone tablets. One is built at the fourth year in the reign of Emperor Tongzhi(in 1865), and the other one is built at the thirteenth year in the reign of Emperor Tongzhi(in 1874). The inscription describes the prosperity of Qingdao port at the time- businessmen and visitors all gathered here, which told us the situation of Tianhou Palace in the past.In the middle of the courtyard there are two ginkgo trees with more than 500 years old. According to records, when the Tianhou Palace was firstly built during the Ming Dynasty, there also separately planted one male and one female ginkgo tree in the front of the hall. The holly tree and the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the front yard were planted in the Qing dynasty (1898), which also were one hundred years old.The Holy Mother of Heavenly Empress is enshrined in the main hall of the backyard of Tianhou Palace. In the south of China, people call her Mazu, literally Mother-Ancestor, but in the north of china, people call her Tianhou, literally Heavenly Empress or Heavenly Queen. The statue is 2.8 m high, carved from one single trunk of camphorwood. It is the largest wood-carved statue of Tianhou in China today, which was from Putian, Fujian province, the hometown of Tianhou.Tianhou is the indigenous goddess of the sea who protects fishermen and sailors, and is invoked as the goddess who protects East Asians who are associated with the ocean. Her mortal name is Lin Moniang.She is widely worshipped in the south-eastern coastal areas of China and neighbouring areas in Southeast Asia, especially Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, and Vietnam, all of which have strong sea-faring traditions, as well as migrant communities elsewhere with sizeable populations from these areas.In Southern Song Danasty, she was given the first Title as Princess of Supernatural Favour in A.D. 1155 by Emperor Gaozong of Song.In the Yuan Dynasty, she was officially the Protector of the Empire and the Brilliantly Outstanding Heavenly Princess In Ming Dynasty, she was given as Holy Mother of Heaven Above in 1417 by the Yongle Emperor. In the Qing Dynasty, she was made the Heavenly Empress. Her last imperial title was given as Holy Mother in Heaven in 1839 by the Daoguang Emperor.According to legend, Lin Moniang was born in 960 AD (during the early Northern Song Dynasty) as the seventh daughter of Lin Yuan (林愿) on Meizhou Island, Fujian. She did not cry when she was born, and thus her given name means Silent Girl.There are many legends about her and the sea.Although she started swimming relatively late at the age of 15, she soon became an excellent swimmer. She wore red garments while standing on the shore to guide fishing boats home, even in the most dangerous and harsh weather.According to legend, Lin Moniangs father and brothers were fishermen. One day, a terrible typhoon arose while they were out at sea, and the rest of her family feared that those at sea had perished. In the midst of this storm, depending on the version of the legend, she fell into a trance while praying for the lives of her father and brothers or dreamed of her father and brothers while she was sleeping or sitting at a loom weaving. In either story, her father and brother were drowning. However, Moniangs mother now discovered her and tried to wake her, and diverted Moniangs attention, causing her to drop her brother, who as a result drowned. Consequently, Moniangs father returned alive and told the other villagers that a miracle had happen. Other versions of the story relate four drowning brothers, with three returning and the fourth lost to her being revived (with no mention of a father).Tianhou herself is usually depicted wearing a red robe in paintings or murals, but in sculpture is always clothed in the jewel-festooned robes of an empress holding either a ceremonial tablet or a jewel staff, and wearing the easily recognized flat-topped imperial cap with hanging beads front and back.There are at least two versions of Lin Moniangs death. In one version, she died in 987 at the age of 28, when she climbed a mountain alone and flew to heaven and became a goddess. Another version of the legend says that she died at age 16 of exhaustion after swimming far into the ocean trying to find her lost father and that her corpse later washed ashore in Nankan Island of the Matsu Islands.Buddhism and Taoism borrowed popular deities from each other in attempts to attract devotees to their temples. In an attempt to justify Tianhous presence in Buddhist temples, legends were circulated claiming that Tianhous parents prayed to Guan Yin for a son, but Guanyin answered their prayers with the birth of yet another daughter. It was then believed that Tianhou was a reincarnation of Guanyin on earth, and it is Guanyin she is said to have been especially devoted to as a child.As a result, Tianhou is recognized and respected in both the Taoist and Buddhist pantheons of deities (although to a lesser extent in the Buddhist faith).After her death, the families of many fishermen and sailors began to pray to her in honor of her acts of courage in trying to save those at sea. The worship for her spread quickly. Much of her popularity in comparison to other sea deities resulted from her role as a compassionate motherly protector, in contrast to authoritarian father figures like the Dragon Kings. She is usually depicted wearing a red robe, and sitting on a throne. As often happens to revered folk heroes in Chinese culture, she became an empress figure during the Yuan Dynasty.Starting from Fujian, worship of Tianhou/Mazu spread to the neighbouring coastal provinces of Zhejiang and Guangdong, and thence to all coastal areas of mainland China. With emigration and especially the Chinese diaspora of the 19th and 20th centuries, it further spread to Taiwan, Vietnam, Ryukyu, Japan, and South East Asia; the role of Mazu as patron of the seas ensured that newly arrived immigrants often erected temples to her first, to give thanks for arriving safely. Today, worship of Tianhou/Mazu is also found in other countries with sizeable populations from these regions. In total, there are around 1,500 Mazu temples in 26 countries of the world.In the east wing room enshrined Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea. The four Dragon Kings are, in Chinese mythology, the divine rulers of the four seas (each sea corresponds to one of the cardinal directions). The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea is said to have the largest territory. Although Dragon Kings appear in their true forms as dragons, they have the ability to shapeshift into human form. The Dragon Kings live in crystal palaces, guarded by shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Legend has it that the dragon was able to go under the sea, mount the clouds and ride the mist and summon wind and rain. In fact, the dragon was merely fabricated as a symbol of conquering the nature by the ancients. They expected the existence of dragon which could have compassion for the difficulties and sufferings in the world and could help those in difficulties. As a result, those who first worshipped the dragon king were fishermen and boat owners.The west wing room is shrine of Mammon , in which Bi Gan, the God of Civil Wealth, is enshrined. Bi Gan, the uncle of the King Zhou, was well known for his outspoken and justice. Because he admonished the King Zhou in public, so his heart was dug out by the king. He is free from any bias because of no heart. So, to be the God of Civil Wealth, he was very respected by the people even today. The another one who is next to Bi Gan is the God of Military Wealth, Guan Yu. With right hand stroking his long beard and left hand holding the book, he has a severe look on his face and stands on a golden frog. Guan Yu was a general during the Three Kingdoms periods, then he became a god after died. There stand two statues of heavenly guards who safeguard the God of Wealth. One holding the cornucopia is the official of storehouse, who is mainly for managing the treasury; the another one is Zhoucang, carrying the sword for Guan Yu.The west wing room in the backyard is Tianhou Culture Exhibition Room. There is the original plaque of Tianhou Palace and plenty of photographs. They introduce the birth and development of the Tianhou culture and how the Tianhou culture spread out all over the China and the whole world.Tianhou Palace has a history of more than 500years, and during this long history, it had experienced lots of sufferings, restorations and hardtimes.It is not very easy to have a new look for the Tianhou Palace today. I believe it will give you a perfect impression after visit. Qingdao Art Museum Located on the No.7 of Daxue Road, Qingdao Art Museum is in a group of building surrounded by red walls with yellow tiles, which are unique in the Chinese traditional architecture. It covers an area of 14,183 square meters with a total building area of 4,108 square meters. Qingdao Art Museum, originally built from 1934 to 1940, is designed by Wang Han, our domestic architect . Designed according to the German architecture, it was the ideal combination of the Chinese and Western style. At that time, this building was the old site of The World Red Cross, Qingdao Branch. After New China was founded, the front yard, located on No.37 of Yushan Road, became a library. In 1965, Qingdao Municipal Museum was also established here. After the library and museum had been moved to a new site in 1990s, these buildings had been empty. So, from 2000 to 2005 this place had been closed to the public.Although before there were some art exhibitions in the museum, there was no specific Qingdao Art Museum. It was a pity for the artists in Qingdao. So, in 2004, Qingdao Municipal Cultural Bureau began to build the Art Museum, located on the No.7 of Daxue Road.Qingdao Art Museum is mainly for the collection, research and exhibition of the modern and contemporary artists works. The exhibition is focuses on the artworks of Chinese paintings, calligraphy, seal cutting, watercolour painting, photography and so on.The museum is divided into three parts: the Roman Exhibition Hall, the Main Hall Exhibition Area (including the east wing hall and west wing hall) and the Islamic Exhibition Hall. They are opened up depending on the different needs.The Roman Exhibition Hall, located in front of Qingdao Art Museum, is a standard European Romanesque architecture with special artistic components, such as internal structure, column head, wall, relief, and so on. Divided into the first and second floor, it has 22 exhibition halls with a total area of 900 square meters. The show case length of the first floor is 108 meters and the second floor is 151 meters. It mainly displays the artworks of oil painting, watercolour painting and photography. The hall is 18 meters high with transparent dome, and in the middle there is the audience leisure area.In the center of Qingdao Art Museum, the Main Hall Exhibition Area(including the east wing hall and west wing hall) is a unified and encompassing classical Chinese-style architecture, modeled on the construction pattern of the Confucian Temple in Qufu. It is unlike the hall, but like a natural garden, quiet and elegant.The Main Hall Exhibition Area (including the east wing hall and west wing hall) has a total area of 550 square meters. The main hall, 32 meters long, 9 meters wide and 12 meters high, covers an area of 288 square meters with the showcase length of 118 meters. The east and west wing hall, 27 meters long and 6 meters wide, covers an area of 262 square meters with the show length of 160 meters. The main hall and east wing hall mainly display the artworks of Chinese paintings and calligraphy. While you go inside, you can smell the scent of the ink. The west wing hall mainly displays the artworks of paper-cut. While you go inside, you cannot help praising the marvelous handicrafts.The Islamic Exhibition Hall, located in the backyard of Qingdao Art Museum, is divided into upper and lower storey. It is a typical Arab-style buildings, rarely opens up.The Islamic Exhibition Hall, 21 meters long and 6.2 meters wide, has a total area of 260 square meters with a two-storey showcase length of 130 meters, .For the convenience of the rest and communication of the visitors and artists, the Art Museum also offers a teahouse with elegant environment.If you are interested in the arts, Qingdao Art Museum is definitely a nice place you cant miss.Small Fish Hill ParkHilly scenery plays an important role in Qingdao. Many Qingdao natives have said that Qingdao is a hilly city floating on the sea. I think the reason is that there are numerous hills in the city proper. The Small Fish Hill is such an example.The Small Fish Hill was originally a small anonymous hill. In Donge County there is a famous Buddhist Hill known as the Fish Hill. So the road around this anonymous hill was named Fish Hill, and later this hill was named after the road, hence the name Small Fish Hill.During the German occupation period, the Small Fish Hill was a fortress hill. In 1985

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