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高中英语单词按字母顺序单词拼写训练高中英语单词轻松背-A字母1.You should improve the _(能力) in listening. 2. After graduation, he went _ (国外)for further study.3. Please take care of my house during my _.(缺席) 4. Ive received a gift from him, but Im not going to a_ (接受)it. 5. I met Tom by _ (偶然)in the cinema. 6. Too many _(活动) take up too much of our precious time for study.7. In _ to (除之外)hard work, he attributed his success to good opportunities.8. At last she was _ (录取)into the famous university.9. The foreign ministers handle the international _(事务). 10.The company could not _(承担的起) to pay such large salaries. 11. The headmasters opinion doesnt _ (和一致)with mine. 12. Early in the 6th century B. C., farmers in China developed the science of _.(农业) 13. Jack finished his task two hours _ of time. (提前)14. The film had _ (已经)finished when I got to the cinema. It was too late.15. The teacher was _(吃惊的) at his rapid progress in English. 16. He _(调整) himself quickly to the heat of the county.17. You are my teacher, so you have the _ (优势)over me in experience.18. You wont get well unless you follow your doctors _.(建议)19. Han Mei was reading _ (独自)when the teacher came into the classroom.20. My teacher was very _ (生气)with me for coming late again.21. It was _ (宣布)that celebration would be held on Sunday.22. I think hes just going to deal with this problem _ (另外的)day.23. My mother always gets a bit _(焦虑的) if we dont arrive when we say we will.24. I _(道歉) to him for stepping on his foot.25. Its no use _ (争论)with him about the matter. He wont listen to you.26. On his _ (到达)at the station, he saw his friend waiting for him.27. He was _ (吃惊的)when he heard the unexpected news.28. I passed the drive test at my first _.(尝试)29. _ (依据)to your description, he is a person who is easy to get on with.30. It was a remarkable(显著的) _ (成就)for such a young player.31. They arent American, _,(实际上) they are Canadian.32. I will give you my _ (地址)and telephone number if you want to know.33. Wed like as many people as possible to _(参加) the party.34. An article in todays newspaper caught my _.(注意力)35. If you want to get a good mark, youd better change your_(态度) towards study.36. The 8th month of the year is _.(八月)37. 400 people a year die of this kind of disease on _.(平均)38. Everyone should be _(清楚) of the importance to protect the environment.39. If you want to _ (吸引)more customers, try advertising in the local paper.40. Egypt is an _ (非洲的)country.高中英语单词轻松背-B字母1. There is a big tree in the _ (背景)of the picture. 2. Jinggang Shan was the _ (基地)of Red Army.3. All this was very interesting, but it was against the _ (信仰)of some scientists of that day.4. I dont like the suit, _(况且), it is too expensive.5. Whoever breaks the window is to _.(负责)6. There is some sand at the _ (底部)of the tank.7. The human _(大脑) is the center of higher nervous activity.8. English is a _ (分支)of the Germanic family of language.9. He was out of _ (呼吸)after running.10. They _ (突然)out crying when they heard the bad news.11. Many workers were _ (埋葬)underground when there was an accident at the mine.12. China is a country _(属于) to the third world.13. The lecture is so _(枯燥的0 that I wont to listen to it again.14. Try to keep the _ (平衡)between work and relaxation, or your body may break down.15. He fell in love with the _(漂亮的) girl at the sight of her.16. We usually go back to school at the _ (开始)of September.17. Doing morning exercise every day is of _(好处) to your health.18. Judging form his access, he is from _.(英国)19. Members can _(借) up to ten books form the library at any one time.20. There are plenty of houses _ (建造)of bamboo in this area.高中英语单词轻松背-C字母1. The _ (原因)of the fire was carelessness.2. For a _ (某种0reason she began to cry.3. I accepted his _ (挑战)to run the race.4.Tom will take _ (管理)of the company during the boss absence.5. Its too hard to make a _(选择) between the two dresses.6. The two companies _ (联合)to make a large one.7. He took an active part in the workers struggle for better pay and better _.(条件)8. We _(祝贺) him on having passed the examination.9. The bridge _(连接) the island with the mainland.10. Now that she is out of a job. Lucy_ (考虑)going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet. 11. The United Kingdom _ (包括)of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.12. John lost _ of the car and crashed into a shop.13. Cairo is the c_ of the Egypt.14. My sister and her husband are a happy c_.15. The soldier was awarded for his great c_ in the battle.16. If you commit the c_, you must expect to be punished.17. It is a Chinese c_ to eat Jiaozi on New Years Eve.18. All construction work for the Beijing Olympics had been c_ by 2006.19. Peter is c_ of winning the post as the assistant of the managing director.20. There is a statue(雕像) in the c_ part of the square.21. He c_ to live with his parents after his marriage.22. Charlie Chaplin made great c_ to film industry.23. If it is quite c_ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday.24. In the end, he found the book in the c_ of the room.25. Foreigners usually spend C_ with their family.26. After graduating from c_, he went into a big company.27. C_ with elderly teachers, young teachers are more energetic and creative.28. My sister and I have a lot in c_. We have the same hobbies.29. She always makes a lot of mistake, so I come to a c_ that shes not the right person for the job.30.The bed must be c_ because its soft and big.高中英语单词轻松背-D字母1. The bad weather did a lot of d_ to the crops.2. That man who has killed a lot of people is a d_ to society.3. The roof of the house has damaged. It is d_.4. She was shocked by the sudden d_ of her father.5. He isdeeplyinterested in English. He often works at it untild into the night.6. Some countries may be d_ but can never be conquered.7. The football match was d_ three days because of bad weather.8. The boss didnt listen to the workers d_ for more money.9. When asked about what had happened, he gave a d_ of what he had seen.10. He has a strong d_ for wealth and decides to be a rich man in the future.11. I am d_ to finish the work ahead of time so I can have a good rest.12. He has d_ his whole life to benefiting mankind.13. There was no d_ solving the problem. It is just a piece of cake.14. He was d_ in the war and his disability prevented him from holding any job.15.To their d_, the result was contrary to their expectation.16. In order to discuss the problem, the teacher d_ the students into four groups.17. Theres no d_ that he can pass the exam because of his hard work.18. The girl never d_ that such a thing could happen!19. The child fell into the river and d_!20. He dived from the bridge and rescued the d_ child.21. D_ is the twelfth month of the year.22. Jane is honest and she is a person to be d_ on.23. Because of a certain reason, they d_ to put off the meeting.24. The building was completely d_ by fire.25. Can I borrow you d_? I want to pick up the word.26. I didnt know which way to go, in other word, I lost all sense of d_.27. He saw a house in the d_. Jims parents lived in the house.28. With the d_ of economy, its more and more important to have a good command of English.29. The plan hasnt been decided, that is, it is still under d_.30. She was so angry that she rushed d_ and burst into the kitchen.高中英语单词轻松背-E字母1. He is e_ for his parents to send him a new bicycle on his birthday.2. In the e_ part of China, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures.3. Such a book will have a bad e_ upon young people.4. He e_ his brother to have a speech at the meeting.5. Everyone should enjoy e_ rights.6. The soldiers were e_ with the latest weapons.7.He became a brilliant scholar(学者), but only at the e_ of his health.8. Please e_ to me where to begin and how to do it.9. The twin brothers always e_ going to the concert. 10. Pleas write the name and address on the e_, so I can help you send it.11. Its a useful piece of e_ and I want to have it repaired. 12. This time I came back to see my family, e_ my little daughter who was ill.13. E_ speaking, I dont know him, I only know he is a student of Class 21.14. We parents should set a good e_ to our children.15. He is an e_ at solving peoples mental problems.16. France is an E_ country, full of romance.17. The news that he has passed the exam makes him e_.18. All of the students went home after school e_ Jack19. Our parents e_ high standards from us, so we should work hard to enter a good college.20. Living in Africa was very different from home so it was an unusual e_.21. We make an e_ to finish what our teacher tells us to.22. The e_ had been cut off because of the flood.23. Therere so much work to do, so the boss e_ a number f people to deal with it.24. He is always full of e_ and never know when he is tired.25. All of us will attend the college e_ examination in two months.26. An unhappy family e_ can affect a childs behavior.27. She managed to e_ from the burning car.28. Last week I went to see the Picasso e_ which was very successful.29. Children often have difficulty e_ themselves in their teens.30. In modern country, its e_ difficult for a person who dont get much education to get a good job.高中英语单词轻松背-F字母 1. F_ with a difficult situation ,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.2. F_ is the mother of success.3. The bark of the dog f_ the thief away.4. The song is f_ to us and the moment I heard it, I know its name.5. Will you do me a f_? Im too busy to finish so much work.6. Luckily for him, he grasped a big piece of wood, and the waterfhim to the bank of the river. 7. If you f_ my advice, you will pass the exam.8. The robber f_ the old man to hand over the money.9. Please f_ me. I wont make such mistakes.10. The tall man is the f_ president and now he is retired.11. He put f_ a new proposal(提议) at the meeting.12. The boy was called out to stand in the f_ of the class.13. I like singing most, and its my f_.14. No one can tell what will happen in the f_.15. This old Chinese square table is a very valuable piece of f_.16. I heard such a f_ joke last night.17. Everyone in the class is very f_ towards me. I feel very happy.18. Hes f_ in having a good job, since business is bad nowadays.19. I f_ to tell her the good news. Now I will tell her at once.20. Most of the parents agree to f_ their children to smoke.21. Please f_ the instructions on the packet when you take the medicine.22. He f_ a book yesterday, and today he will read another.23. Hes an expert in the f_ of medicine.24. The baby has got a f_. Lets take it to the nearest hospital.25. The Spring F_ is one of the most important holidays.26. It was not he but I that broke the window, so its my f_.27. Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang, is _ (著名) for its West Lake.28. The activity helped to _ (集中) peoples attention on the poor area.29. We have been _ (喜欢) of the house and dont want to leave.30. Im not satisfied with your explanation and intend to discuss the matter _ (进一步).31. Buses run _(频繁) between the city and the airport.32. You could tell she was a _ (外国人) by the way she dressed.33. He was born on _ (二月) 20, 1972.34. Our _ (家庭) are all fond of going to the cinema.35. My father once worked in the _ (工厂).36. It was not _ (公平) to ask him to do all the work.37. I was _ (愚蠢) enough to believe what Jack told me. He always tells lies.38. _ (星期五) is the sixth day of a week.39. Help will be very welcome in the _ (形式) of money.40. His family _ (建立) the college in 1985.高中英语单词轻松背-G字母1. She has a great _ (天赋) for music, and probably becomes a singer in the future.2. When we learn English, we usually learn the basic rules of _ (语法).3. _ (一般) speaking , parents care more about their childrens health than about their own.4. The younger _ (一代) doesnt know what hard work is.5. Where does it hurt? she asked in a _ ()温柔 voice.6. Walking along miles of _ (金色) beaches, she felt relaxed.7. The other day, the weather _ (逐渐) improved and turned out fine.8.They achieved their _(目标) of increasing sales by five percent.9. We should _ (抓住) every opportunities to do what we need to do.10. There will be tax increases on a wide range of _(商品货物) and services .11. The _ (政府) are planning further cuts in public spending.12. He stared at the diamonds with _ (贪婪) eyes.13. Well done. You did _ (棒).14. He _(毕业) in physics from Cambridge University.15. He _ (遗憾) all the guests warmly as they arrived.16. The prisoner slipped past the _ (卫兵) on the gate and escaped.17. Karl Max was born in _ (德国) and his native language was _ (德语).18. He lay on the _ (地) and stared up at the sky.19. If you _ (猜) correctly, you have another turn.20. He _(指引)us through the narrow streets to the central mosque.高中英语单词轻松背-H字母1. Parents should help their children to form good _ (习惯).2. We hung our coats in a cupboard in the _(大厅).3. He _(递) the teacher a slip of paper.4. Sam was tall, dark and _(英俊的) .5. Its impossible to predict what will h_ next.6. She lives in Spain, so we _(几乎不) ever see her.7. I had a really bad _(头痛), and couldnt go to work.8. Im worried about my husbands _(健康).9. He believed that he and his wife would one day be together again in _(天堂).10. Sams about the same _ (高)as his sister now.11. They were war _(英雄), former fighter pilots.12. The best way to explore the island is to _(租) a car.13. He was a hard-working, _(诚实的) man.14. Over 100 players competed for the h_ of representing the county in the National Finals.15. We tried to stop the flames from spreading, but we knew it was _(没有希望的).16. You should report any incident, h_ serious or minor it is.17. It is necessary for agriculture and industry to develop quickly so that people can live a rich h_ life.18. Smoking will do h_ to your health.19. I h_ hiking and Im not into classical music.20. Youd better give up wine, for too much wine is bad for your h_.21. Whenever I lose h_, my teacher encourage me to keep on practicing.22. Dont h_ about that. Do it at once.23. Foreign government have been thinking h_ of Chinas progress in industry.24. The computer is one of the greatest inventions in human h_.25. People in different places celebrate this h_ in different ways.26. There arent enough beds for so many patients in our h_.27. “Sorry, I must be off now”he said and then left in a h_.28. Im very h_I missed lunch.29. When she heard the news that her h_ was killed in the accident, she burst into tears.30. He pretended to be doing his h_ when the teacher came in.高中英语单词轻松背-I字母1. Its i_ to park your car here. You will be fined.2. Can you i_(想象)they have been married for 60 years?3. He began to do his homework i_ he arrived home.4. A good diet is of great i_ for our health.5. Its i_ for you to finish so much work within ten hours.6. Teachers were most_(印象深刻) by your performance in the exam7. More than 100,000 people were killed in the 2004 Asian tsunami, i_ thousands of foreigners.8. In 1776 America became an i _ country.9. Reading can _(增加) my words and rich my knowledge.10. She speaks English with a heavy _(印度) accent.11. With the development of modern agriculture and i_, more and more wastes have been poured into the rivers.12. Literature and art have a great i_ upon peoples ideology.(思想)13. You should keep us _(告诉,通知) whenever you are in trouble.14. Computers are often used to deal with _(信息) and communicate with each other around the world.15. The old lady i_ on walking for an hour in the countryside every morning.16. When having dinner, I like to eat tomato i_ of potato.17. He just glanced at those cheap goods in the shop and did not show much i_ in them.18. There will be an _(国际) trade exhibition next spring in our city.19. Tomorrow I will attend face-to-face i_, I have a little excited and nervous.20. Do you know how the Four Great I_ were introduced into Europe from China.21. She received an i_ to a ball last night , but she didnt accept it.22. As is known to all, Taiwan is a beautiful i_ belonging to China.23. Do follow your teachers i_ when doing experiments at the lab.24. Allow me to i_ Mike, your new classmate.25. In order not to _(打断) their conversation, we stayed outside until they finished.高中英语单词轻松背-J字母1. J_ from his appearance, he is exactly like his mother.2. J_ is the first month of the year.3. Rice is grown in China, J_ and other Asian countries.4. The j_ made by Tom made us laugh, so the teacher couldnt make himself heard.5. One of the great treasures was a gold box full of _(珠宝首饰).高中英语单词轻松背-K字母1. They, though far from each other, often write, k_ in touch with each other.2. He was so hungry that he rushed into the k_ to find something to eat.3. It shows that a k_ of first aid can make a real difference4. If you _(撞到) into somebody, you should apologize to him.5. Their _(小刀) are all old, I want a new one.6. Its c

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