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Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world重点短语take in 吸,吞入(体内) in the face of 面对(问题、困难)at birth 出生时 many times 许多倍 more than 超过endangered animals 濒临灭绝的动物 give up 放弃 fall over 摔倒die from 死于 cut down 砍伐,砍到 achieve ones dream 实现某人的梦想重点句子1. Whats the highest mountain in the world?2. As far as I know, there are no man-made bojects as big as this 3. Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.4. One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.5. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo.6. Teaching children is one way to help save pandas.语法形容词和副词的比较级和最高级1. 数量表达法 当表示“长,宽,高等”概念时,英语中通常将数字放在单位词的前面,而将表示长、宽、高等的词放在单位词的后面。 固定句式为“主语+ be+ 数词+ 形容词(长、宽、高.)”。对其中的数词提问用“how + 形容词 + be + 主语?”。 Eg. The boy is 1.7 meters tall. This building is 90 meters high.【拓展】 表示“长、宽、高、深等”概念时,还可以用long, wide, high, deep等形容词的名词形式,在其前加介词“in” 来表示。 Eg. The snow is two feet in depth.2. China has the biggest population in the world. (1) population 是集体名词,没有复数形式。当它作主语表示整体概念时,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。 Eg. The population of China is 1, 300, 000. (2) 指人口“多”或“少”时,一般用large 或small来表示,由于population 为不可数名词,因此不能用many 或 (a) few 来修饰。 Eg. The population of the USA is smaller than that of China. (3) 提问“有多少人口”, 用 what 或 how large, 而不用 how many 或 How much。 Eg. Whats the population of China? How large is the population of Beijing?例题1(1) The Sutong Highway Bridge, a _ bridge, is already open to traffic.A.32 kilometer long B.32-kilometer-long C.32 kilometers long D.32-kilometers- long(2) This river is 2, 000 kilometers _ and 2 kilometers _.A. wide, long B.long, widely C.long, wide D.widely, long例题2_ the population of Hong Kong? Seven million people.A. How is B. How much is C. What are D. What is 3. The main reason was to protect China. 句子解析】此句中 to protect China 为动词不定式作表语 (1) Protect 用作动词,意思是“保护”, 常与介词from 连用,表示保护. 免遭. Eg. People wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sun in summer. (2) Protect 也可与介词 against 连用,通常指抵御侵略或自然危害等,大范围的保护。 Eg. Some flowers must be protected against frost in winter.4. cover 的用法(1) 动词cover 有如下用法。表示“覆盖,掩住”的意思,cover 后面常与介词with 连用,它的被动短语为be covered with (被. 覆盖)Eg. She covers my eyes. The mountain is covered with trees.意为“掩盖,藏匿” Eg. Lies cant cover up facts.意为“采访” Eg. I want to cover the famous writer.意为“涉及,包括” Eg. His report covered a wide field.(2) 作名词时,意为“封面,盖子”Eg. The cover of the magazine is very beautiful.例题3 I think everyone should make a contribution to _ the environment. I agree with you.A. protect B.protecting C.protection例题4I say its special because the dinosaur was covered _ feathers!A. by B.with C.of D.in 5. include v. 包括,包含 The price includes both your shirt and your trousers.这个价格包含了你的衬衫和裤子 The children include twenty girls.这些孩子中有二十个女生。【拓展】including prep. 包括,包括在内 Ten members were present at the meeting, including myself.包括我在内的十个成员出席了会议。6. Succeed v. 成功,做到,继任,继承 Succeed 常与in 连用,succeed in doing sth.(成功做某事) Eg. Did you succeed in booking the tickets?【拓展】 successful 用作形容词,意思是“成功的”Eg. He is a successful businessman and owns a big company. Kitty practise dacing for two hours every day and she is a successful dancer.Success 用作名词,意思是“成功”Eg. How about the charity show? I should say its a success.例题5Why is Harveys mother so happy? Because only three students _ , _ his son Harvey.A. failed the exam, besides B.made the progress, except C.made progress, including D.passed the exam, without例题6Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Details decide _ or not. If you take it seriouly, youll achieve your goal.A. success B.successful B.succeed7. in the face of 面对(1) in the face of 中 face 为名词,意思是“脸”Eg. We are in the face of the difficult decisions. 我们面临一个艰难的抉择(2) face 作动词,意思是“面临,面对” 短语 be faced with 意思是“面临”Eg. I couldnt face another day at work, so I pretend to be ill.这工作我连一天也干不下去了,所以就装病。 She is very young but she can face the difficulty with courage.虽然她很年轻,但她能勇敢地面对困难。(3) face 作动词还有“ 朝,面向”的意思Eg. The house faces the park.这座房子面向公园8. . Achieve our dreams. .实现我们的梦想【辨析】achieve 与come trueAchieve 为及物动词,意为“完成,实现”,主语是人。 常用搭配有 achieve ones dream 实现某人的梦想, achieve ones goal 实现某人的目标Eg. He hopes to achieve all his aims by the end of the year.他希望在年底实现所有的目标 I achieved my dream that I must go abroad to study.我实现了一定要出国深造的梦想Come true 为动词短语,意为“实现,成为现实”,主语是事或物。My dream that I must go abroad came true.His dream of becoming rich came true after hard work.例题7He cant _ the fact that he is too old for the job.A.face to B.face C.face up to D.face with例题8Im sure to _ my dream of entering a famous university.A. come true B.find C.achieve D.finish9. 比较级和最高级的特殊句型(1) 在八年级上册已讲过比较级和最高级的基本句法,在此总结比较级和最高级的特殊结构:“get / become + 形容词比较级+ and + 形容词比较级” 表示“变得越来越.”, and 连接同一个形容词的比较级。 当表示“越来越.”时,形容词为多音节或一些双音节词,用more and more +原级形式” Eg. Its get warmer and warmer when spring comes“the + 形容词比较级., the + 形容词比较级. “ 意为“越. 就越.”.两个“比较级”不要求一定词性相同,它们各自的词性要依句子的需要而定。Eg. The harder you work at your study, the better grades you will have.表示“比.大(长、多、宽.) 几倍” 用“.times + 形容词比较级+ than .”结构. Eg. Our classroom is twice larger than yours.我们的教室比你们的大两倍表示“重几斤,高几厘米,大几岁等”可用“表示数量的词+形容词比较级+than.” Eg. Tom is six years older than you.汤姆比你大六岁 “ one of the + 最高级 + 可数名词复数” 表示“最.之一” Eg. Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in China. “序数词+ 最高级+ 可数名词单数” 表示“第几.” Eg. She is the second tallest student in our class. 形容词最高级前若有不定冠词a, 这时,它不表示比较,而表示 “非常”的意思。 Eg. Spring is a best season This is / was + the + 最高级+ 名词+ that 引导的定语从句。 Eg. This is the worst film that I have ever seen these years.(2) 三级句型之间的转换 形容词最高级的意义还可以用比较级的形式表达,常见的有:形容词比较级+ than any other + 单数名词 Eg. This book is more difficult than any other book here.= This book is the most difficult of all.形容词比较级+ than the other + 复数名词 Eg. Asia is bigger than the other continents on earth. “ more + 形容词” 与 “ less + 形容词” 及 not so / as. as” 的互换。要注意前后比较对象要倒换位置。 Eg. Chinese is more important than English.= English is less important than Chinese. = Eglish is nor so important as Chinese. 两者的同级比较用 as.as 结构(否定形式为not so / as .as ),表示与.一样, 期间应接形容词原级,不能用比较级。 Eg. He is as tall as his father. = He is not as / so tall as his father. = He is shorter than his father.例题9.(1) Tom is _ than any other player in the school.A. tall B.taller C.tallest D.more tall(2) More and more people have a low-C life and the air is getting much _ than a few years ago.A. clean B.cleanest C.cleaner D.the cleanest(3) Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province. Its _ one that I have ever heard of.A. a very serious B.a more serious C.the most serious D.the least serious(4) Many boy students think math is _ English. I agree, I m weak in English.A. much difficult than B.so difficult as C.less difficult than D.more difficult than知能提升突破1. In winter ground is covered _ with snow.A. of B.with C.from D.on 2. Id like a room _ the lake.A. facing B.faced C.to face D.faces3. The accident caused three deaths, _ a child.A. includes B.include C.including D.included4. Did your dream _ at last?A. achieve B.is achieved C.come true D.is come true 5. Tiananmen Square is one of _ squares in the world.A. large B.larger C.largest D.the largest6. What do you think of the film you saw yesterday? Oh. Its one of _ films Ive ever seen.A. interesting B.more interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting7. He will never _ anything if he doesnt work harder.A. buy B.develop C.achieve D.notice8. Do you believe he can live _ 120 years old.A. up to B.up in C.up at D.up for9. She _ a conversation with a man at the bar.A. fall B.fell into C.fell off D.fell down10. Many animals _ _ grass. 许多动物以草为食11. The engineer _ _ overwork. 这个工程师死于操劳过度12. I heard that your house caught fire last night. Yes. Not much of the house _ after the fire.A. kept B.remained C.stayed D.had13. The world is thirsty, so we should _ in our daily life. (节约水)14. You look fatter after the summer holiday. Yeah, my _ is 60 kg now.A. weight B.high C.weigh D.height15. The doctor did what he could _ the girl who was badly hurt in the accident.A. save B.saving C.to save D.saves16. I slipped and almost _ down.A. dropped B.fell C.put D.threw17. How can you make such tea? Just let the leaves _ in the water of 75C for some time. A. remain B.remained C.fall D.fell18. How do you like the concert yesterday? The thing I like _ of all about it is the last piece of music.A. better B.well C.the better D.best19. The Olympic Games of 2016 will _ in Brazil.A. take after B.take off C.take place D.take away20. Even Tonys granddaughter, a five-year-old girl, asked him _ smoking.A. give up B.gave up C.to give up D.giving up21. Animals are our close friends. We are _ them.A. to protect B.protecting C.protect22. China lies _ the east of Asia.A. to B.in C.at D.on23. This is a _river and that river is _.A.200-meter-long, 300 meter long B.200-meter-long, 300 meters longC.200-meters-long, 300 meters long D.200-meters-long, 300-meter-long24. Which city has _ population, Shanghai, Hong Kong or Qingdao? Shanghai, of course.A. the smallest B.the least C,the most D.the largest25. “How much do you _?” means “ Whats your _?”A. weigh, weigh B.weigh, weight C.weight, weight D.weight, weigh完形填空 Teddy bears are one of the most popular toys all over the world. The first teddy bear came from a(n)1 about Americas 26th president, Theodore“Teddy” Roosevelt. President Roosevelt was a great hunter. One day, he traveled in Mississippi. Some people took him to go 2. Things were not going well and President Roosevelt hunted 3. Someone had an idea. He caught a bear and tied it to the tree fro president Roosevelt to 4. The bear looked very 5 and tired, so Roosevelt refused to shoot it. The next day, a cartoon artist drew a picture about the scene. The Washington Post published the picture 6 November 16, 1902. Most Americans 7 the newspaper and knew the storey including Morris and Rose. Morris and Rose had a toy store and they decided to make a toy bear to 8 the presidents actions. They called 9 “Teddy Bear”. It 10 sweet and harmless. It became popular soon.1. A. idea B. story C. speech D. movie2. A. swimming B. climbing C. fishing D. hunting 3. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing4. A. catch B. tie C. shoot D. take5. A. careful B. helpless C. useless D. strong6. A. in B. on C. at D. for7. A. read B. wrote C. watched D. sold8. A. forget B. remember C. keep D. finish9. A. him B. her C. it D. us10. A. looked B. sounded C. grew D. Smelt(B) Mike wanted a computer. He asked his parents for the money but they said he must get it himself. But how could he get it? He_1_ about this when he walked home. He would like to do work for people for money. But not many people would ask children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors. But it was not _2_. He had towait a long time for that. Hecouldnt cut grass for their gardens _3_ he had no tools to do the work. Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick. He is delivering(送)_4_. “I can do that,too”, he thought, “Maybe I can even get the computer _5_ away. I can pay(付款) for it a little each week”. He ran to_6_ up with Dick. Mike asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was _7_ to get twenty-five dollars each week. Dick _8_ him that the job took about three hours each week and gave him the phone number of the newspaper manager. Mike almost flew home. After he told his mother what he thought, she_9_, “ I think it is a good idea,” she said , “I11 call the newspaper.” “Wait, Mum,” Mike said, “I11 call. After all, I m going to be a businessman now.” Mikes mother smiled _10_.1. A.said B.told C.thought D.spoke2. A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter3. A.beacuse B.when C.while D.after4. A.newspapers B.bikes C.computers D.tools5. A.now B.right C.just D.only6. A.take B.catch C.carry D.get7. A.friendly B.kind C.possible D.wrong8. A.saw B.learned C.told D.knew9. A.smiled B.shouted C.cried D.worried10. A.sadly B.happily C.politely D.angrilyChinasMannedSpaceProgramSpaceship:ShenzhouVTime:Octoberl5th,2003Mainevents:ChinesespacemanYangLiweiwassentupintospaceHewentaroundtheearthl4timesinhisone-dayflightChinabecamethethirdcountrytosucceedinmannedspaceflightSpaceship:ShenzhouVITime:Octoberl2th,2005Mainevents:ChinesespacemenFeiJunlongandNieHaishengwerebothsentupintospaceOnOctober17th,thetwoChinesespaceheroessafelyreturnedtotheearthSpaceship:ShenzhouVIITime:September25th,2008Mainevents:ChinesespacemenZhaiZhigang,LiuBomingandJingHaipengweresentupintospaceZhaiZhigangmadeourcountrysfirstspacewalkThisspacewalktook20minutesSpaceship:ShenzhouXTime:June11th,2013Mainevents:ChinesespacemenNieHaisheng,ZhangXiaoguangandthesecond femalespacewomanWangrapingweresentupintospaceandconnectedwiththespacestationTiangonglWangYapinggaveaspacelessonaboutmicro-gravity(微重力to allChineseteenagersThisspacelessonlasted40minutes1.AccordingtothearticletheChinesespacemantravelinginspacetwiceis_.A.YangLiweiB.FeiJunlongC.NieHaishengD.ZhaiZhigang2.ShenzhouVwentaroundtheearthinspace_.A.onceB.4timesC.5timesD.14times3.FeiJunlongandNieHaishengstayedinspacefor_.A.1dayB.4daysC.5daysD.14days4.ZhaiZhigangmadeourcountrysfirstspacewalkin_.A.2013B.2008C.2005D.20035.Thespacelessonaboutmicro-gravitytoallChineseteenagerslasted_.A.onedayB.fivedaysC.15minutesD.40minutes take tree beach like island but leave exciting enjoy outside as something My favorite TV program is a reality show called Survivor (幸存者). It isnt on TV at the moment 1 it was on last year. In the show, two teams of people are taken to a (an) 2 . All of them have to sleep _3_ because there arent any houses or hotels. They usually choose 4 really useful like a toothbrush since they can only 5 one thing with them. The people also have to find food and they spend a lot of time fishing and collecting fruit from the 6 . Every week one person has to _7 . At the end, there are only two people on the island and one them is chose 8 the winter. I really like Survivor because its very 9 and the people have to do things like hunting for food. I really 10 myself when I watch it. I dont want to be on the show,


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