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Unit3 Topic1重点短语1.in ones spare time=in ones free time._2喜欢看连环画。_3.一个电影迷_4.do some outdoor activities_ 5.sounds good_ 6.对感兴趣_7.dance to music_8.朗诵诗_9.be fond of acting_ 10.遛狗_11.特殊事件_12.制作飞机模型_13.Pleased to see you!=Glad/Nice to see you!_ 14.多精美的邮票!_15.集邮一定很有趣!_16.It certainly is._ 17. collect stamps/toys_ 18.很值钱的,很贵重的_19.对油画几乎也不了解/了解很多。_20.和某人分享某物_21.在池塘里_22在暑假_23.在前面(外部前面)_24.在的前面(内部前部)_25.教我的/我们的英语_26.教某人做某事_27.listen to pop music_28.养宠物_29.in our daily life_30.chat on the Internet_.。31.take a bath=have a bath._ 32.爱好能给人们带来快乐、友谊和知识_33.a little friend_ 34.take care of=care for=look after_ 35.他不介意他们是否好_重点语法一、情态动词(must)的用法1、表示有把握的推测,意为“肯定” must be一定 cant be不可能 may be 可能 我的手表一定出问题了。There _ _something wrong with my watch. 他不可能如此老。He _ _so old.2、must和have to的区别:1)must通常表示责任、义务等主观原因必须做某事。Have to 表示客观原因必须做某事。我们必须遵守交通规则。We_ _ the traffic rules.我的父母不在家,我必须在家照看妹妹。My parents arent in,I _ _stay at home to look after my sister.Unit3 topic2重点短语1.go to a concert_give/hold a concert_ 2.How exciting!_ 3.it sounds beautiful!_!4.在音乐厅_5. 上课_=_。give sb.a lesson/lessons_。6.lend sth.to sb._ borrow sth from sth_7.度过一个美好的夜晚_10.Its hard to say_8.一节钢琴课要花多少钱?_?11.classical music_9.in your free time=in your spare time_ 12.rock music_13.piano music_ 14.folk music_ 15.pop music_16.流行音乐经常是很快流行起来,然后又很快地过时。_17.受的欢迎_18.be famous for _19.be famous as _20.世界上最著名的摇滚音乐队之一_21. 978年秋天_22.一个17岁的中学生_23.组建乐队_24.把乐队命名为U2。_25.close friends_26.make music_7.多可爱的狗啊_28.How wonderful!_29.多糟糕的天气啊!_30.How carefully he studies!_!重点语法1、感叹句用来表达说话时的惊异、喜悦、气愤等情绪。感叹句一般有两种结构:1)What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+动词+其他!What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+动词+其他!2)How+形容词/副词+主语+动词+其他!_good idea(it is)! _intersting story(it is)! _sweet music_terrible mistakes they are! _ nice weather it is today!_ brave the boy is! _hard he works!_ cold (it is)today!2、If you want to have a guitar lesson and a disco lesson,you will pay 150 yuan.如果你想上吉他课和迪斯科课,你将付150元。Pay的用法:1)pay v.“付款,付酬”pay+sb.+money+for sth.为了某物付款给某人=pay+money+to sy.+for sth. pay n.薪水,工资2)Take“花费钱,时间” 花费”It takes/took sb. time to do sth.做某事花去某人钱。3)sb.+spend+money/time on sth.Sb.+spend+money/time(in)doing sth.take“He _her100yuan for the radio.=He_ 100 yuan to her for the radio.I _100 yuan on the radio.= I _100 yuan in buying the radio.It _ 100 000 people over 20 years _the Great pyramid.Unit3 topic3重点短语1.练习拉小提琴 _ 2. Jane answers the phone_3.hold the line=hold on=wait a moment/just a moment_4.昨天这个时候_ 5.take a shower=have a shower_6.wash some clothes=do some clothes_ 7.打扫卫生_8.在昨天七点到九点_ 9.我不同意_10.我认为不是这样_11.没什么严重的事_12.make faces/a face_ 13.使得全班同学都笑了_14.give sb.a lesson_ 15.一段有关“周末”的短史_16. 19世纪早期_ 17.solve the problem_18.“blue Monday”“_ 19.太累而不去上班_20.这一想法的开始_ 21一个双休日周末_22.表示停止正在做的事_ 23.停下来去做另一件事_重点语法:一过去进行时态的用法:1)过去进行时的主要用法是描述一件事发生的背景;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。常用的时间状语this morning,the whole morning,all day yesterday,from nine to ten,last evening,when,while例如:昨天晚上七点到九点的时候我们在看电视。we _from seven to nine last night. 上周日他一整天都在学习什么?What _he _all day last Sunday?我哥哥骑自行车的时候从车上摔下来,受伤了。My brother fell while he _his bicycle and hurt himself.(ride) 他们离开车站的时候天正在下雨。It_ when they left the station.(rain)当我到达山顶的时候,阳光灿烂。When I got to the top of the mountain,the sun _.( shine)2)过去进行时可以表示在过去某个时间点发生的事情。时间点可以用介词短语、副词或从句来表示。如:昨天晚上九点她在做什么?What _she _at nine oclock yesterday?(介词短语表示时间点)When I saw him, he _his room.当我看见他的时候他正在打扫房间。(when从句表示时间点)3)在复合句中,如果主要动作和背景动作都是延续的或同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用过去进行时。例如:他边等车边看报。(两个动作都是延续的)While he _ (wait)for the bus,he _(read)a newspaper. 他擦车时我在做饭(两个动作同时进行)He_(clean)his car while I_(cook)二、And the they felt too tired to work on Monday mornings.到了星期一上午他们感到太累就不去工作了。1)tooto太而不能活到老,学到老。 Its never_他太矮了而不能摘到苹果。He is _the apples on the tree.2)相关同义句:He is too young to go to school.=He isnt old enough to go to school.=He is so young that he cant go to chool.Unit 4 Topic1重点短语1.思考、考虑_ 2.在乡村_ 3.在农场里_.4. 空气更新鲜,天更蓝the air is_,the sky is_ 5.Its_,too.也更安静。6.enjoy the beauties of nature_7.那一定很有趣_ 9.keep a pet dog=raise a pet dog._8.there are also greener trees and clearer rivers.树更绿,河流更清澈。10.give us joy_ 11.玫瑰是所有花中最漂亮的。_12.sing to us _13.对某人很重要_14和它们共同拥有这个世界_15.更喜欢_16.最喜欢_17.表示“以为食”_18.许多不同种类的生物_19.save every drop of water_20.thousands and thousands of_ 21.变得越来越小 _22.没有水,它们根本不能生存_23.in fact,water makes up the largest part of the human body._ 24.没有水,地球上就不能有生命。_Topic2 Unit4 Tolpic2重点短语1.can you tell me something about robots?_2. 代替,顶替_3.in some situations_ 4.lots of dangerous work_5.faster and better_ 6.救人于危难之中_7.repair machines_ 8.修路_9.在20年以后_10.使人类失去工作_11.fly over_ 12.醒来_13.on other planets_ 14.mistake+名词+for+名词,_15.make a mistake_ by mistake_16. walk toward(s) _17要求,提倡, _18.在网上_19不出家门就能购物。_20. makes our life nicer,easier and more interesting_ 21.use the Internet to find jobs=use the Internet for finding jobs _22.欣赏许多有趣的歌曲_23.download useful information _24. 近来一切可好?_25.in alphabetical order_ 26.look up a word in the dictionary_ 27.pay attention to sth/doing sth _28.begin with=start with_29.give it a try_ 30 plug in_31.please write to me soon_ 32.ask sb.how to do sth._ 33.ask sb.for sth._ 36.Its useless to cry_重难点精讲1、Kangkang,could you tell me something about robost?康康,请给我讲一讲关于机器人的情况好吗?Could you?Could you please?请您好吗?Could I please?我可以吗?本句型用于请求允许做某事,语气较婉转、客气。其中句中含有some,something,不必变为any,anything.我可以问你一些问题吗?_ask you some questins?你想要一些吃的东西吗?_ something to eat?你可以给我一杯水吗?_ give me a glass of water?2、Im quite sure there are UFOs.我深信有不明飞行物存在。(1)be sure of (about) 对有把握 你对此有把握吗?Are you sure _it? 我对自己有把握Im sure _myself.(2)be sure to do一定会干他一定会赢得比赛。He is sure _(win)the game.他们一定会早来的。They are sure _(come)early.(3)be sure that引导从句,其中that 可省略。相信我相信他们会赢得这场比赛。Im sure _我相信他会来。Im sure_(4)be(not)sure+whether/if引导从句(不)确信是否我不能肯定他们是否会来。Im not sure _or not.我不能肯定是否有不明飞行物。Im not sure_Robots may take the place of humans in some work situation.在某些工作中机器人可以代替人。They can also do lots of dangerous work instead of humans.他平还能代替人类做许多危险的工作。1)take the place of=take ones place“代替”“取代” Instead of复合介词,“代替”“替”“而不” TV set can never_ cinema.电视机永远不能取代电影院。 Ill go to Beijing_ Shanghai.我要去北京而不去上海。 The teacher asked Lily to play basketball_ me.老师喊莉莉代替我去打篮球。Do you think you will have a robot in 20 years?你认为你在20年后会拥有一个机器人吗? In 20 years 20年后。表示将来的时间。 In+一段时间表示将来的时间,一般与一般将来时态连用。After+一段时间 表示过去的时间,常与一般过去时态连用。 He will come back_ a month. My uncle left Beijing _5 weeks.。Unit4 Topic 3重点短语1.一些古城墙_2.more than 500 years old _3.pull down_4.changes in he old city walls_5.世界上最伟大的奇迹之一_6.lots of treasures_7.the Summer Palace_8.the West Lake_9.的象征_10.build them as their tombs_ 11.古代_12.由构成_13. 从那时起_14.the Chinese nation_15.把连接起来_26.find great pleasure in doing sth. =have great fun in doing sth._27.r把看作_ 重点语法:反意问句通常的形式是:肯定的陈述句+否定的附加疑问,或否定的陈述句+肯定的附加疑问。He studies English,_? He doesnt study English,_?They are from America,_?They are not from America,_?We are late,_? He can drive a car,_?They used to have difficulty in just making ends meet,_?We never go to the cinema,_? Please open the window,_?Dont forget,_? Dont make so much noise,_?Lets go back to our seats,_ Let us watch the news on TV,_?I dont think that you are right,_? There is something wrong,_?I.完成下列反意疑问句。1.There is a dog under the tree, ?2.They are laughing at me, ?3.We havent visited that college, ?4.She wants to be a nurse, ?5.Girls dont smoke, ?6.We shall not have classes on Sunday, ?7.You watch English videos, ?8.Wait outside, ?9.Dont move, ?10.She is not here, ?11.There was no time for the twins to go shopping, ?12.She had nothing for breakfast, ?13.You will meet your friends at the railway station, ?14.She has hardly had anything this morning, ?15.There is something important about to happen, ?16.This is your book, ?17.Those apples are yours, ?18.I am your best friend, ?19.I suppose that you have a good time in this summer holiday, ?20.I dont think that you are right, ?II选择填空。( )1.This book was very popular . A.in 1980s B.in the 1980s C.in 1980s D.in the 1980s( )2.My sister and I English. A.am interested in B.are interesting C.are interest in D.are interested in( )3.-What were you doing at 9:00 pm yesterday? - A.I was in he museum. B.I watched TV. C.I was taking a bath. D.I stayed with my friends( )4.There is going a football match this Friday.A.to have B.have C.to be D.be( )5.-Would you mind me English?- Of course nog.A.to teach B.teaching C.teach( )6.Must we keep the windows open all the time? No,you .A.dont have to B.mustnt C.must not( )7.There isnt in this newspaper.A.something interesting B.anything interesting C.interesting something D.interesting anything( )8.My father TV in the morning.A.used to watching B.used to watchC.be used to watching D.is used to watch( )9.He has a ruler in his hand.A.two-meters-long B.two-meter-longC.two meters long D.two-meters long( )10. pleased they were to see us!A.What B.How C.What a D.How a( )11.I am going to this weekend with my parents.A.spending B.take C.do D.spend( )12.Mr.Smith asked me him Chinese.A.to teach,learn B.teach,to learnC.to teach,to learn D.teching,learning( )13. Can you continue piano?A.playing a B.to play C.playing the D.playing( )14.Song Zuying is famous folk songs.A.for B.as C.at D.with( )15.Can you your dictionary me?A.borrow,to B.lend,from C.borrow,from D.lend,to( )16.I met an old friend of when I was walking down the street yesterday.A.my B.I C.mine D.me( )17.Kangkang.The window is broken.Please who did it.A.find B.look for C.look up D.find out( )18.I spent time writing the novel.A.a great deal B.a great deal of C.many D.a great many( )19. Maria,please pay attention what the teacher says in class.A.to B.at C.for D.about( )20.I think cows grass.A.live B.feeding on C.living on D.feed on( )21.I dont think TV sets can cinemas.A.take the place of B.take place C.take the place D.take place of( )22. is very important for us English well.A.That,to learn B.It,to learn C.It,learning D.What,learning( )23.It me two and a half hours my homework yesterday.A.took,to do B.takes,to do C.spent,doing D.cost,to do( )24.I am not sure the old woman mistook me her daughter.A.of,for B.whether,for C.if,of D.that,for( )25.The film is interesting than that one.A.many more B.a lot of more C.much more D.even more much( )26.Lets begin with an English song, ?A.will you B.wont you C.dont we D.shall we( )27.Mother asked Tom the room now.A.clean B.cleaning C.to clean D.be cleaning( )28.I share a room two other people.A.at B.of C.with D.aboutYOZOSOFT


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